Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 1014

Chapter 1014


Si Moyan nodded faintly and sat down. He naturally took Gu qiaoyue's hand and shook his fingers.

Jin Tian felt so enthusiastic that the other party could always give some responses, such as introducing himself, but he didn't expect the other party to be so cold and embarrassed.

She doesn't have other thoughts, but when the president develops the habit of selling herself first when talking to others. She always feels that winning the favor of others is the first step in her work.

Although she doesn't have to work with Si Moyan, she has the obligation and responsibility to take good care of Gu qiaoyue and the other two students in the coming semester.

So, of course, Si Moyan, who goes to country y with Gu qiaoyue, should also have a certain understanding. At least let the other party rest assured that she can take good care of Gu qiaoyue.

However, she didn't expect the other party to be so cold, but it didn't affect her enthusiasm. She smiled and said:

"Mr. Si, don't worry. Gu qiaoyue will take care of us in state y. there will be no problem."

"Thank you."

Si Moyan nodded faintly and said, "then my wife bothered Mr. Jin to take care of her while she was at school."

"Yes, Mr. Si. You're welcome."

Jin Tian said that he wanted to say something more. He saw that Si Moyan had turned his head and talked to Gu qiaoyue: "do you want to sleep for a while? Lean on my shoulder and squint for a while. You didn't have much rest last night."

Compared with talking to her, the voice of the other party and Gu qiaoyue should not be too gentle.

What else does Jin Tian want to say? He also thinks it's not good to disturb others at this time. He simply shut up and took a book out of his bag to look at it.

Where they couldn't see, Gu qiaoyue's hand had reached Si Moyan's waist and twisted it hard.

Hehe, I didn't have a good rest last night. Who's to blame? I know I'm going to take a plane today and I'm still fooling around.

But she's really tired.

After listening to Si Moyan's words, she put on her blindfold and slept on his shoulder.

We set out in the morning and arrived at country y in the evening. We took a night off and went to Tina university the next day.

Jintian's ability to deal with such things is really great. She hardly needs others to worry. She will help people find a good hotel.

Just according to the original plan, Jintian will have a room with Gu qiaoyue and the other two boys.

But now that Si Moyan is here, it's obvious that he can't be divided like this. Jin Tiantian can't help but tangle. He wants to open three rooms or let Si Moyan squeeze with two other boys. When he comes, although the school gives funds, it's only the funds of the four of them. If he opens another room for this, he will face the problem of insufficient funds.

However, it didn't bother her for long. As soon as she got off the plane, Gu qiaoyue said, "the hotel has been arranged. Let's go there now."

Jin Tian: "..." what does that mean?

When did Gu qiaoyue arrange the hotel? Didn't the school let her arrange and give her all the funds?

But before she could speak, two cars had stopped in front of them. A very handsome man came down from the car in front and walked towards them:

"Brother and sister-in-law, haven't you been waiting long?"

The visitor is Zhang Lingyue.

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile, "we've just got off the plane. Let's go to the hotel first."

Then he said to the three people of Jintian: "you get on the back car. The hotel should not be far. Let's stay for one night and report tomorrow, OK?"

When he finished, his eyes fell on Jin Tian.

Jin Tian nodded hurriedly: "well, OK, OK, no problem, please take care of your classmates."

"You're welcome."

Gu qiaoyue smiled and got on the bus with Si Moyan.

The front car was driven by Zhang Lingyue himself, while the back one was Bai Li and Bai Hu who came a day earlier than Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan.

After Jintian got on the bus, he felt that the girl in the passenger seat looked familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere.

Before she came, she knew about the three people. In order to get along better in the future, she went to see them in person.

When I saw Gu qiaoyue, I saw this girl with Gu qiaoyue.

But isn't she a student at Kyoto University? It's school time now. She's not at school. Why is she here?

Jintian was full of questions and felt that he should have thought more. How could a college student come here? He didn't ask rashly.

As Gu qiaoyue said, the hotel is really close to the destination in about half an hour.

After getting off, Jin Tian, Hu Yifan and Wang Yuanrui couldn't help staring.

Hu Yifan even subconsciously exclaimed, "it's too extravagant."

"It seems only on TV." Wang Yuanrui murmured.

Jintian tried to suppress her surprise with her lips. If it were her, she would only find a place near the airport where they could rest. She would never come to such a place. Just looking from the outside, she knew that it would be valuable to stay here for one night.

All the money she brought may not be enough to stay here for one night.

Gu qiaoyue's car also stopped quickly. Jin Tiantian saw that the two girls sitting in the driver's seat and the co driver's seat brightened their eyes at the same time and looked at the stopped car. josei

After seeing Gu qiaoyue and Si Moyan get off the bus, they meet up and shout, "boss."

"White beaver, white fox." Gu qiaoyue said hello with a smile and walked towards Jintian.

Jin Tian was stunned, Bai Li.

She just heard clearly that Gu qiaoyue called the girl Bai Li. Now she can be very sure that this Bai Li is the Bai Li who has been following Gu qiaoyue at Kyoto University.

Especially as like as two peas came back, Gu Qiaoyue's natural appearance was just like that in the school.

It's just, what the hell is going on?

White beaver came to country y when he wasn't at school?

She didn't hear when she came.

"Come on, let's stay here tonight and go there tomorrow. We can give Bai Li her ID card first and let her check in." Gu qiaoyue said with a smile.

The three quickly handed over their ID cards to Bai Li.

When Bai Li went to check in, Jin Tian looked at Gu qiaoyue and asked, "is Bai Li the Bai Li of our school?"

Gu qiaoyue knew what she was going to ask, smiled and nodded, "well, yes."

Jin Tian is more confused. He doesn't know what's going on now?

And Gu qiaoyue, what on earth does she do?

When I came to country y, there was a specially assigned person to pick up and stay in such a good hotel. Jin Tian looked up at the magnificent hotel and repositioned Gu qiaoyue in his heart. Maybe the rumors in the school are true. If so

Jin Tian's eyes fell on Si Moyan behind Gu qiaoyue.

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