Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

The songs and songs became cheerful.

Listen to the beautiful rhythmic melody, everyone is crazy.

They have also heard this song, but they don't know why. It seems that the original version doesn't have the flavor of Gu qiaoyue's singing.

Jiang Ning looked at Gu qiaoyue. She just felt that this girl was born to shine. She could always attract others' attention silently.

Just like him, Mingming has decided not to fight and decided to give up, but he looks back again because of a song.

After a song, Gu qiaoyue smiled on her lips and didn't speak for a long time.

As long as her mother is alive and her sister is intact, her childhood will continue.

She doesn't have to remember.

Now she is in it.

"Pa pa pa..."

Applause broke out all around.

Gu qiaoyue smiled back.

That smile is beautiful.

Xiang Yurou said excitedly:

"Qiao Yue, don't say yet. This song sung from your childhood is different. Why didn't you find you singing so well before."

Zhang Xiaohe also clapped his hands and said excitedly:

"Qiao Yue, you sing so well. Why didn't you sing before."

"Yes, sing another song." Zhang Xiao also clapped his hands.

"Yes, yes," Zhang Jianguo said.

Among the boys present, the most simple mind is listening to songs, only Zhang Xiao and Zhang Jianguo.

Gu Qiao had many songs at the monthly meeting, but she was not sure whether those songs were available now or later, so she said:

"I'll sing to you what you want to hear."

Go to Yurou:

"Then the romance of a rainy night."

Xiang Yurou's family is relatively rich. There is no shortage of TV recorders at home, and he knows all the popular songs recently.

Romance on a rainy night is a new song this year. It sounds good.

Gu qiaoyue thought for a moment and remembered that this was the song. Although it was a long time ago, she still remembered it anyway.

She recalled that her fingers moved and a beautiful song sounded.

Her lips flicked:

"Nostalgia for a corner in the rain at night, continuation of the road I want to send you home, in the quiet street at night, singing..."

Xiang Yurou was worried that Gu qiaoyue didn't know the song. While listening to her singing, she deeply felt that Gu qiaoyue sang well. josei

There is a beautiful song in my ears.

Everyone ate barbecue, sang songs and drank beer.

As if forgetting the passage of time, joy spread in the field.

Gu qiaoyue stopped singing after singing two songs in a row.

Xiang Yurou was happy, took the guitar and continued to sing popular songs one by one.

Wu Xiangyang drank a little too much. On a whim, he danced on the campfire in the middle with Xiang Yurou's song.

He didn't jump well. Sometimes he was on the same foot, and sometimes his waist twisted so that he could flash at any time.

It made everyone laugh.

Zhang Xiao was also a little drunk and shouted:

"Come down, what are you jumping? Let me jump!"

But he twisted his foot. Just two steps, his foot hurt.

Xiang Yurou sang and played the guitar, turned to stare at him, and shouted with the accompaniment of the guitar:

"Zhang Xiao, you don't want your feet, do you? Sit down!"

Zhang Xiao immediately wilted, sat down obediently in the laughter of the crowd, and smiled pleasantly:

"I want it, I want it. I don't want to dance for you."

He turned his eyes to Yurou and continued to play, and the song rang out again.

Wu Xiangyang laughed happily:

"Hahaha, you're still dancing like that. Listen to Miss Xiang, have a good rest, drink your wine and eat your meat..."

Wu Xiangyang, who drank too much, was excited. He didn't care whether he danced well or not.

Wu Xiangyang jumped and saw Gu qiaoyue smiling and happy over there.

He stopped at once.

Unconsciously walked towards Gu qiaoyue.

"Qiao Yue, let's dance together."

Wu Xiangyang looks forward to Gu qiaoyue.

Jiang Ning and Jiang Hao also looked at Gu qiaoyue and didn't know what they were thinking.

"I can't dance." Gu qiaoyue shook her head with a smile.

She can't dance and has never learned to dance.

Wu Xiangyang was disappointed, but he didn't force her. He turned and pulled Zhang Jianguo again.

As a result, Zhang Jianguo was stunned and asked him to pull him and dance with him in the middle.

The two big men danced awkwardly. Either you stepped on my foot or I stepped on your foot, but they didn't care. They danced happily and vigorously.

It made everyone laugh again.

Zhang Jianguo also drank too much, otherwise he wouldn't talk much and was shy. At the moment, he must be eager to find a way to get in.

It's impossible to dance this ambiguous duet with Wu Xiangyang.

But if he woke up and knew he had done it, he might have to fight with Wu Xiangyang.

Everyone was playing and unknowingly everyone drank a little too much.

Gu qiaoyue was in a good mood today and drank a lot. She blushed and sang loudly.

I have never been happy and relaxed.

Xiang Yurou, drunk, got up and shouted:

"If you don't drink or sing, you'll be trapped in the palace. The palace will go back to bed."

Seeing Xiang Yurou staggering up, Zhang Xiao got up and helped her with a drunken hiccup:

"To the Buddha, Xiao Zhangzi will help you rest."

He reached out to Yurou and let Zhang Xiao hold him. With a smile, he touched Zhang Xiao's face:

"OK, Xiao Zhangzi helps AI's family to bed,... Xiao Zhangzi, why is your face so slippery... Xiao Zhangzi, are you really castrated? Xiao Zhangzi, why are you a eunuch..."

"Old Buddha, Zhang Zi is a fake eunuch..."


Their voices are getting farther and farther away. Unexpectedly, they play role-playing and play like a model.

The crowd listened and laughed again.

Xu was drunk. Someone went back to the house, and someone went straight to sleep in the living room.

The villa gradually quieted down, and only half of the boys snored with the smell of wine.

Some people yelled for more drinks, dancing, eating and singing.

But after all, I couldn't resist the sleepiness late at night and fell asleep.


When Gu qiaoyue woke up, it was still dark.

She drank too much last night. She came in vaguely and fell asleep when she fell into bed.

I was awakened by urine.

As soon as I woke up, I smelled a smell of wine. I just felt that I had a particularly bad smell of wine, so I was a little annoyed.

I shouldn't have been so drunk.

However, Gu qiaoyue, who had just turned over and wanted to get up to solve his physiological problems, stayed in a comfortable bath.

Because she found out she was sleeping in someone else's arms.

More importantly, this man is still a man.

Gu qiaoyue didn't dare to move. In consternation, she raised her eyes to see who the man was.

She saw the good-looking chin of the sleeping man above her head, with long eyelashes covering her eyes.

It's beautiful, but it shouldn't.

Gu qiaoyue looked at it for a while and annoyed herself for a while.

Wine and color spoil people, wine and color spoil people

After a meal of wine, he even slept with such an excellent and promising 'father Jiang'.

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