Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 127

Chapter 127

Although wine and lust misled people, Gu qiaoyue didn't care much.

She still knows her body very well. Although they are in the same bed, their clothes are still in good order, and they are not different.

Obviously, nothing happened to them. They just got drunk and slept in the same bed.

Gu qiaoyue breathed a sigh of relief and comforted herself secretly: just talk about business together all night.

Although I comforted myself, I didn't dare to stay more.

After all, how embarrassing it would be for someone else's "father Jiang" to wake up at this time.

People may still be in a place. If they know they slept with him, he will be annoyed to death.

You'd better run away as soon as possible while you haven't been found.

Carefully took away Jiang Ning's arm on his body, quietly got up and hurried away.

Fortunately, everyone was drunk. No one found that he had done such a shameful thing.

Otherwise, she really can't explain clearly in this era when it's not very open.

Out of the door, Gu qiaoyue found that she didn't sleep in her own house at all last night. She was not calm when she patted her forehead.

I'm glad I woke up early and no one found

Or you'll lose your face at Grandma's house.

Gu qiaoyue turned back to her room with red cheeks and planned to pretend to sleep in her room last night.

But as soon as I entered the door, my face turned red.

Xiang Yu is gentle and Zhang Xiao hugs together, and the door is still wide open.

Gu qiaoyue patted her forehead and sighed that the wine and color were wrong. She went out of the door and helped them close the door with light hands and feet.

Looking at the living room, Zhang Xiaohe fell asleep on the sofa.

Zhang Jianguo lay directly on the carpet next to the sofa and went up and down with Zhang Xiaohe, face to face.

I didn't see Jiang Hao and Wu Xiangyang.

At this time, Gu qiaoyue's memory of last night gradually warmed up.

Remembering that Xiang Yurou drank too much last night and shouted for a rest, Zhang Xiao played as a little eunuch and helped Xiang Yurou into the house.

Zhang Xiaohe was a good drinker. Later, he and Zhang Jianguo, who had never talked much, were fighting and drinking.

While I was drinking, it seemed that I was talking about business with Jiang Hao, and then

It seemed that he was also drunk. When he entered the house and saw Zhang Xiao in bed, he thought he had gone wrong and went directly into the next room.

Gu qiaoyue patted her forehead in chagrin and walked out with her feet raised in silence. josei

It's really embarrassing. Fortunately, nothing happened, otherwise it would be really planted.

Wine is really wrong. You can't drink too much wine in the future. It's too dangerous.

Inside, Jiang Ning opened his eyes the moment Gu qiaoyue turned around.

Watching her leave with a regretful pat on her forehead, he hooked his lips and smiled.

He raised his arm that had just been put on Gu qiaoyue and smelled a little bit along his fingers.

There is no taste except his own.

But Jiang Ning smelled the faint fragrance belonging to Gu qiaoyue and felt sweet in his heart.

In fact, he was not too drunk last night. When others were drunk and went to bed, he was busy putting out the fire and tidying up the things in the yard.

When he came into the house drunk, he actually knew that Gu qiaoyue was in his bed. At that time, he could go out to sleep or squeeze with anyone such as Jiang Hao.

But he didn't want to give up the few opportunities to get close to her, so he lay in bed uneasily, lying far away from her, and didn't dare to get close.

He's afraid he can't control himself.

Although we met for the first time, we were deeply impressed by her excellence and wit.

He thought it was just appreciation.

But when he saw that she was so gentle to clean up Jiang Hao's wound, and Jiang Hao looked at the light from the bottom of his eyes, the bitterness in his heart told him that it was more than appreciation.

He decided to let himself go once.

But even if it was laissez faire, he didn't dare to be too laissez faire. He didn't want to hurt her or take advantage of others' danger.

More afraid that she will hate herself.

Two meter big bed, two people on one side, separated by white quilt and pillow.

He thought it was safe.

But he still overestimated his self-control.

When he woke up in the morning, he found himself holding her so tightly.

He almost fell out of bed, but he didn't want to let go of her and let himself hold her uneasily.

Just a minute.

Just a minute.

When Gu qiaoyue woke up, he knew.

He knew when she looked at him.

Including her chagrin, her cautious fear of being found, her hurried away

He knows everything.

But he can only pretend to sleep.

He was afraid that the tacit understanding would be broken and he would not even be a friend in the future.


The sky is still gray.

It's a little cold.

When the wind blew, Gu qiaoyue woke up a lot.

Touched the goose bumps on his arm when the cold wind blew. Gu qiaoyue moved his arms and legs and ran.

Ran across the level road and climbed to the top of the mountain.

At this time, the gray sky had disappeared, replaced by the sunrise in the sky.

The morning glow reflected the whole East, as if it was only a blink of an eye.

Gu qiaoyue looked at it quietly, and the corners of her lips aroused a smile.

"It's beautiful."

At this time, there are not so many heavy industries in the mainland. There are blue water and blue sky everywhere, which is dazzling.

The mood is also relaxed.

Under such beautiful scenery, nothing seems to matter.

After wandering around, I saw some rotten wood on the mountain with fungus, so I picked some.

He trotted down the hill again.

Before the hangover people got up, Gu qiaoyue simply found some ingredients, burned a pot of soup with the newly picked fungus, found steamed bread, slipped out and cooked two side dishes.

Thinking that they all have a hangover, it's better to have some porridge. Just find rice to cook porridge.

Fortunately, the basic rice flour oil in the kitchen here is ready.

"Good morning."

Jiang Ning's voice sounded behind him, and Gu qiaoyue's body stiffened.

Thinking that he didn't know what happened last night, he calmed down again and turned around with a smile:

"Brother Jiang woke up. The meal will be ready soon. Brother Jiang help me call everyone else up."

Gu qiaoyue continued to be busy.

Jiang Ning was a little uncomfortable. He woke up long ago and knew that Gu qiaoyue was busy in the kitchen when he came back.

He has been standing outside for a while.

I don't know why I came to say hello to her.

But he knew that he was unhappy when he saw Gu qiaoyue's light and indifferent appearance.

It shouldn't be like this. Why doesn't she seem to care at all.

Jiang Ning is a genius in business, but God sometimes does. When he opens a door for you, he always likes to close a window for you.

Jiang Ning's door in business is a little big, and his emotional window is a little tight.

He is not good at contacting girls. There are no other women in his life except those strong women and relatives who only know how to talk about work in the business field.

At the moment, he didn't know why Gu qiaoyue didn't care at all.

#####Finally, I received a big notice from the editor. It will be on the shelves next Thursday, that is, on the 17th of this month. It's only a few days. Dear ones, just stick to it for a few more days. Mmda, love you, refill refill refill

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