Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 767

Chapter 767

The students seemed to be frightened by the sound and immediately stood at attention. Even if they complained again, they didn't dare not disobey the honor order. The two girls who said they were going to be sent back to school have never appeared until now. Needless to say, they must have been sent back.

They just came to school. Although it was only a few days, the next step was military training. Well-informed of them had already made clear the situation of military training in the past.

I knew before that during military training, they may be sent back halfway, and these people will lose military training points.

There are still several senior students. Because they have lost military training points, they are still desperately grasping credits, hoping to make up for them from other places.

However, military training accounts for a large proportion, and it can't be made up so easily.

They thought it was alarmist before, but when they saw that someone was sent away, they knew they were afraid.

Anyway, no matter how hard it is, you must stay here until the end of military training and get the military training. You can't start lower than others at the beginning of school.

Military training points are easy to take. As long as you persist until the end of military training, your points will not be deducted.

On the contrary, as long as you quit halfway, you can't get a score, whether you are persuaded to quit by the instructor or you can't stand it.

This is why so many people dare not resist when they see someone forced to quit.

It's not easy to get into college. They don't want to go wrong halfway.

Graduating from college is an iron rice bowl, and it is possible to work in government organs. No one will joke about such things.

One by one, try to stand straight. With the instructor's voice, "turn right and walk in unison." even if their legs are sour and their bodies are tired, they can only bite their teeth and walk in unison.

Gu Qiao has been menstruating for a lifetime. She knows the importance of her body. All the time, she hasn't stopped exercising except when she is very busy. Si Moyan also gives personal guidance from time to time.

Her physical quality is very good. During military training in high school, she can fight with instructors without losing. Over the past few years, her body is only better than before. This degree is really nothing to her.

I was ready to start at 6:00 in the morning. I came here at more than 7:00. After I got off the bus, I began to train for two and a half hours. Then I walked in unison, ran and so on. After standing in the middle, I rested for more than 10 minutes and never rested again.

At noon, when everyone had a meal and sat in the canteen, there were girls crying.

The boys rubbed their legs and complained that the instructor was cruel and treated them as human beings.

"It was so strict at the beginning. It really didn't mean to force us to withdraw from military training?"

"Yes, I wasn't so strict in high school military training. If it weren't for those credits, I wouldn't suffer here."




The girls sobbed, and the boys talked loudly, saying they were going to find a teacher.

At the moment, several leading teachers were surrounded by the students. The girls were crying and complaining. The boys also asked the teachers why the military training was so strict at the beginning and didn't give them a chance to breathe.

Several leading teachers also smiled bitterly. They could only appease the students and let them take part in military training. They said that all previous sessions had come like this.

But in fact, they all know what the previous sessions are like.

Military training is not hard, but it is not as hard as this time.

If one or two classes are cruel, it can also be said that the instructor is strict, but this time all classes are cruel, which is somewhat unusual.

But they are just teachers leading the team, only responsible for the students' life problems, and they can't manage the other rounds.

After dinner, they began to distribute military training uniforms, and then assigned dormitories to rest.

Gu qiaoyue and Bai Li were assigned to one dormitory. When the others were assigned to the dormitory, they were all tired and paralyzed. They didn't want to move in bed.

It was hot and had just eaten enough. I fell asleep after lying in bed for a while.

Gu qiaoyue and Bai Li are not very sleepy.

Bai Li came up to Gu qiaoyue and told her what she heard.

"This military training is more rigorous than every previous one. It seems that it is necessary to carry out separate training."

The white beaver lowered his voice and said.

Gu qiaoyue picked her eyebrows and went out to train alone. She didn't plan to be a soldier, nor did she want to train herself. To participate in military training, she just wanted to experience college life.

Take it out alone for training. Forget it.

At present, I just keep up with the level of training. If I am carried out alone, I must increase the amount of training. Needless to say. josei

Gu qiaoyue thought secretly that when she started training in the afternoon, her performance began to synchronize with the students in the class.

Not too prominent, but not particularly bad.

It was like hiding in the crowd.

Bai Li knows Gu qiaoyue's plan. Naturally, all her performances are synchronized with her.

The instructor who observed Gu qiaoyue and Bai Li in the morning had planned to observe them in the afternoon, but he couldn't see any prominent place on them.

It's like what I observed in the morning is what I imagined out of thin air.

When other girls sob tired, although they don't cry with the sob, they also have a bitter look on their face. When they rest, they can't help beating their calves. They look tired and cruel.

The instructor observed carefully several times and finally found something wrong.

But what's wrong is not Gu qiaoyue, but Bai Li.

Although Bai Li is so tired that she can't do it wrongly, there is no sweat on her face.

Even Gu qiaoyue's forehead was covered with sweat, but there was no sweat on Bai Li's face.

Look at others, men and women, all sweating.

This level of training is really nothing for the white beaver. Let alone sweating, even the breath is very stable.

However, the instructor paid frequent attention to her, which she still found.

However, there's no way. Sweating is not something she can control.

So, when the instructor walked in front of her, she deliberately breathed fast and heavier, showing that she was very tired.

The instructor was even more surprised. When the afternoon training was almost over, he stood in front of Bai Li and asked:

"Aren't you tired?"

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