Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 768

Chapter 768

"Report to the instructor, very tired!"

The white beaver answered loudly, but his heart was depressed.

Her body, to this extent, is just like eating and drinking water for her. She won't be tired at all.

It's easy to breathe heavily, but her physical function is there. This level of training won't sweat at all.

What can she do?

Then the instructor asked, "why don't you sweat?"

Sure enough, I asked.

Bai Li smiled bitterly in his heart, but his face was not obvious. He still answered with such a loud voice:

"Report to the instructor, I have a good physique and have been sweating less since I was a child."

The instructor seemed to believe her, looked at her, and walked away.

The white beaver breathed a sigh of relief.

But after a while, he saw the instructor stop in front of Gu qiaoyue again, stood for a while and asked:

"I have good physical strength in the morning. Why are you so tired now?"

Gu qiaoyue was depressed. What's all this called, but he hurriedly said:

"Report to the instructor. I'm over exerting myself in the morning. I'm out of strength now."

"Oh, it's good to take off. This reason is very strong."

The instructor said and walked away again.

Gu qiaoyue was relieved.

She had no interest in carrying out training alone.

I just hope the instructor can take his attention away from her and stop paying attention to her.

One afternoon, Gu qiaoyue and Bai Li pretended to be as tired as everyone else.

After the training in the afternoon, there is dinner. After dinner, I have to organize to study in the auditorium. I really don't have any free time. josei

When the study is over, it will be nine o'clock.

One hour's washing time, turn off the lights at ten o'clock on time.

These students, who were so tired, almost went to bed and fell asleep snoring.

Gu qiaoyue was also tired. He lay down and thought that according to the training on the first day, he should not suddenly whistle in the middle of the night.

After thinking about it, I still don't think it's possible. After all, it's only the first day. I'm still training so hard during the day. I shouldn't toss about it at night.

Thinking about it, the eyelids began to fight and soon fell asleep.

The next day is still boring training.

Standing in the military posture, walking in unison, walking with positive steps... Etc., Gu qiaoyue has always kept pace with the people, except that she performed well when she didn't know the situation on the first morning, and then her performance can only be regarded as medium.

After training in the morning, I will have a rest after lunch.

There is only such a short rest time in a day. Most people will choose to go back for a lunch break.

Bai Li took Gu qiaoyue to the infirmary after everyone else returned to the dormitory.

When he got to the infirmary, Bai Li was watching outside, and Gu qiaoyue went in.

Si Moyan is not standing in the infirmary.

Seeing Gu qiaoyue coming, he quickly pulled him over and asked gently, "are you tired? Take a rest and I'll wipe some medicine for you."

In Gu qiaoyue's mind, it suddenly emerged that when he was just in high school and just met Si Moyan's military training.

He also gently called himself to his dormitory and gently rubbed her medicine.

Now, it seems to be back at that time.

"Why are you here?"

Gu qiaoyue asked.

Si Moyan raised the medicine in his hand. It was obvious that he came to deliver it to her.

Si Moyan gently rolled up her trouser legs and applied some medicine to her legs. His hands were not light or heavy.

Gu qiaoyue was so comfortable that she almost hummed and bit her teeth to hold back. Then she blushed and said:

"In fact, I'm not tired. I'm not so delicate."

She has always insisted on exercising and practicing boxing with Si Moyan. Her body is much better than before. To that extent, it's a little fun for her. She won't feel tired for a month.

Sima Yan said, "that's not good either. Your legs are so beautiful. What if you stand thick? I'll give you medicine and massage, so you won't get thick."

He said, put down Gu qiaoyue's trouser legs, rolled up another trouser leg and began to seriously apply medicine and massage.

Gu qiaoyue bit her teeth and didn't let herself hum comfortably.

But he said, "you dislike me."

"Where do you want to go? My medicine has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Even if there is no injury on your body, it can make your muscles less tight. After training, it will be particularly comfortable to apply some massage."

Gu qiaoyue skimmed her lips, but she agreed in her heart.

She used this medicine during her last military training. He also said that she should cooperate with massage to achieve the best effect.

Last time, because there was no suitable person to massage her, she would go to his dormitory every time and ask him to apply medicine for herself.

But this time, Bai Li can help her apply the medicine, but she can't afford to give up the idea of someone other than him to apply the medicine to her.

Gu qiaoyue was a little nervous, so he heard Si Moyan say:

"This military training, you have a good performance. There is a special class. As long as you are selected, all indicators will enter the top ten and the academic branch will double."

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

Gu qiaoyue's comfortable closed eyes slightly opened a slit. There was some confusion in her eyes. Then she got up and asked:

"I heard that I would pull out to train alone, that's the special class?"

Double the credits, that sounds good.

When she was in college, she must have had a lot of things. She was very likely not to be present in some classes.

It is said that college is different from high school. It depends on the attendance rate. If the attendance rate of a course is not enough, even if the test score is good, you can't get the attendance score.

If you can get double credits during military training, you can deduct one or two.

Thinking so, Gu qiaoyue became interested in this special class.

Listen to Si Moyan said: "with your physical strength, it's not a big problem to enter the special class, but it doesn't matter if you don't want to go, and you don't have to worry about the credits. We'll find a way then."

Sima Yan said, but suddenly stood up and said to her:

"All right, get down."

Gu qiaoyue, who was thinking about the special class, was stunned:


"Get down and apply medicine to your thighs, otherwise you will become thick thighs."


Gu qiaoyue looked at him with a black line.

Is this guy going to give himself medicine or take advantage of it.

"Where do you want to go?"

Si Moyan scraped her nose with a helpless smile and said:

"This is a military region, and you still have training in the afternoon. How can I be willing to move you? Well, be good, climb down, I'll quickly wipe the medicine for you, and you can sleep here for a while."

Gu qiaoyue skimmed her mouth, stood up and lay on the hospital bed on the side, allowing Si Moyan to move.

Although they are both husband and wife, they are still in the infirmary, one lying on the bed and the other holding a medicine bottle

This also makes people want to enter one after another.

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