Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 769

Chapter 769

The chilly on the thighs is the feeling of applying ointment.

Si Moyan's movements were neither light nor heavy. He pressed them up once. Gu qiaoyue only felt very comfortable, which was a little more comfortable than the crus he had just been massaged.


When the comfortable whining sound sounded, Gu qiaoyue's face turned red like cooked shrimp.

She buried her face and dared not look at people.

What a shame.

It's just to help with the medicine. It can make such a shameful sound. It's... It's too dangerous.

This guy is clearly a wolf, and he still makes such a sound in front of him.

Although he just said that this is a military region and he has to train in the afternoon, he can't do anything.

But who doesn't know that he is the Secretary's family. It's not impossible to ask for a leave with his identity. In that case, he must be unable to walk in the afternoon.

Gu qiaoyue buried her face on the pillow on the hospital bed, and her thoughts drifted away for a moment.

It's still such an important position to apply medicine to Gu qiaoyue. Si Moyan, a big man, was already patient when she was just angry. As a result, she made a voice that was almost crying.

His mind suddenly became hot, and what came to mind was what they looked like when they were in bed.

The action of applying medicine on the hand becomes soft, no longer massage, but touching

But then he recovered his Qingming.

But he looked between his legs with a bitter smile.

I'm really guilty and can't live.

Okay, isn't it good to be in the company?

I have to come and deliver her medicine. That's good.

This goblin!


Si Moyan sighed silently and said sorry to his little brother.

This really can only be seen but not eaten. There will be an accident here.

He took a deep breath, increased his strength again, massaged her, but his eyes looked at the way she buried herself under the pillow, and he couldn't help teasing her.

"Qiao Yue, why don't I ask for leave for you."

Gu qiaoyue had been thinking about it. Now he heard him say it. He was surprised. Regardless of others, he sat up and said, "no!"

Gu qiaoyue, who was about to argue for her due military training rights and interests, suddenly found that Si Moyan's ears were red and his eyes were looking down at a part of her body.

Gu qiaoyue was surprised. As soon as she looked down, she saw that she was sitting on the bed wearing only her underwear.

In summer, the military training pants are very loose, and the belt is just right.

Just now I had to untie my belt and lay down to apply medicine to my thigh.

At the moment, she made it fiercely, and the loose pants fell directly to the bend of her legs.

"Don't look!"

Gu qiaoyue blushed and drank, so she hurried to pick up her pants.

Sima Yan grabbed her hand and said solemnly, "don't look, but you have to apply medicine in front."

"Well, lie down. I've just left you with a joke. I'm out of the army. I don't has the final say in military training. They don't recognize me."

Gu qiaoyue was skeptical and refused to lie down.

It was OK just now. Give him a back,

But now she will lie on her back and only wear

It's really embarrassing.

She held out her hand and said, "give it to me. I'll do it myself."

"It's inconvenient for you." Si Moyan frowned.

Gu qiaoyue glared at him fiercely: "what's inconvenient? You can finish your thigh."

As she spoke, she grabbed the medicine from Si Moyan's hand, smeared the medicine on her leg in front of him, and then she had to put on her pants.

Si Moyan grabbed her hand again: "you said it all. Do you have to massage this medicine to work?"

"Well, darling, if you don't want to lie down, just sit down and I'll rub it for you."

He reached out and massaged her.

His technique is really good. It's very comfortable to press on his body.

Gu qiaoyue thought that he was sitting anyway. He should be fine. He was allowed to massage himself.

Si Moyan was very regular this time. After the massage, he said, "well, lie down and have a rest. Let the white beaver watch for you outside. When it's time to train, I'll go back first."

"Are you going back?"

Gu qiaoyue felt reluctant to give up.

In fact, the two people haven't seen each other for two days, but they just can't bear to separate.

Si Moyan looked at her and said with a smile, "I can't bear it? I'll accompany you here to have a rest."

Gu qiaoyue glanced at him, but did not refute, but said:

"If you can hold it, lie down. Anyway, I have military training in the afternoon. You'd better not move your hands."

Si Moyan took a smoke from the corner of his mouth. He is... He has done evil and can't live.

But don't say yet, Wenxiang nephrite is willing to hold him even if he doesn't do anything.

He was supposed to come and see her, give her a massage and go back to work, but in the face of her warm invitation, he couldn't refuse at all.

Just take off your shoes and lie down.

The hospital bed in the infirmary is really small, only one meter wide. It's really crowded for two people, especially in this summer.

However, people in love never dislike the heat when they hug each other.

Si Moyan lived in Gu qiaoyue's natural building, which made her lie in her arms, "well, sleep, I'll accompany you."

Gu qiaoyue let out an "um" sound. He really drooped his eyelids and soon fell asleep.

She went to bed late last night. She got up before six o'clock in the morning. She trained in the sun all morning. She was also tired.

Listening to Gu qiaoyue's even breathing sound, Si Moyan, who has never had the habit of taking a nap, was sleepy and fell asleep with his eyelids.

His vigilance was very good. Before two o'clock, when the footsteps of the white beaver sounded outside, he opened his eyes and gently shook Gu qiaoyue.

"Qiao Yue, wake up. It's time."


Gu qiaoyue gave a whining, vaguely opened her eyes, felt something poked twice on her waist, and was stunned. She looked at Si Moyan suspiciously.

This guy can't hold this thing all the time. How hard it is. josei

Si Moyan was also stunned.

With a bitter smile in his heart, the little guy really had no resistance to her, but he was summoned and woke up immediately with a gentle 'um'.


To Gu qiaoyue's suspicious eyes, Gu qiaoyue coughed awkwardly and said, "well, get up quickly. It's time, and I should go back to work."

Gu qiaoyue quickly got up with a grunt, arranged her clothes, and was about to leave when she heard Si Moyan say:

"Wipe the frost before you go."

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