Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 962

Chapter 962

This year, Xiang Yuwen and Zhang Xiaohe also went to college. Although they are not in the same school, they are also in Kyoto.

They used to be in the same class with Gu qiaoyue, but because Gu qiaoyue jumped the grade, she was one higher than them, and Gu Qiaowan kept up with her sister. When she was in senior one, she jumped directly to senior two, so she happened to be in the same class with Xiang Yurou and Zhang Xiaohe.

Gu Qiaowan was sent to school. Gu qiaoyue received a call from Xiang Yuwen and Zhang Xiaohe, and learned that they had also arrived in Kyoto.

"Qiao Yue, I miss you so much."

I haven't seen you for a long time. Xiang Yu is gentle. As soon as Zhang Xiaohe sees Gu qiaoyue, he hugs her.

"I heard you were injured during the summer vacation. What's the matter? Is there anything wrong?"

The two men took Gu qiaoyue and asked for a while. If they weren't still outside at the moment, according to Xiang Yurou's temperament, they all wanted to take off her clothes to see if the injury on her back was cured.

"Do you think those people have any laws? The railway station dares to do it. It's really lawless."

Xiang Yurou pulled Gu qiaoyue and said ruthlessly. Thinking of the moment when she just learned that she was seriously injured, her eyes almost turned red. She looked at Gu qiaoyue painfully: "are you better now? Is there anything wrong with your waist? Can you bend down and have any sequelae?"

Zhang Xiaohe also looked at her nervously, afraid that her body was still wrong.

Looking at their worry, Gu qiaoyue pulled them around twice and said with a smile, "I'm fine. You see, I can run and jump."

"That's good. You don't know you almost scared us to death. Fortunately, it's all right, otherwise the one in your family is estimated to be crazy." after determining that Gu qiaoyue is all right, Xiang Yurou's face is much better and joked about her.

Gu qiaoyue said hello to Zhang Xiao and Zhang Jianguo standing behind them and said, "let's go and invite you to dinner."

"By the way, what about Jiang Hao and Wu Xiangyang? Why didn't they come?"

Zhang Xiao shrugged and said with a smile, "no way. They are both members of the student union. They are busy receiving new students at the moment. Let's go and get together first. They said they would get together with us after a while."

"All right."

I haven't seen Zhang Xiao and Zhang Jianguo for two months, but I haven't seen Xiang Yurou and Zhang Xiaohe for a long time.

However, this does not affect their friendship. The few people I haven't seen for a long time are still the same as when I was in high school.

However, there was not much time to get together with Xiang Yurou and Zhang Xiaohe. After having a meal together, they had to go back to school to participate in their military training.

When the freshmen started school, Gu qiaoyue almost arrived at the time of school. He still took Bai Li to school.

As soon as he went to school, Gu qiaoyue directly applied to the school for no residence.

At the end of the new year, Xiangyue real estate built a community outside Kyoto University. Now the house has been built. Gu qiaoyue left two sets for himself. They had been decorated before the summer vacation and just went to live after school.

Originally, I wanted to live when Gu Qiaowan came. After all, Kyoto film and Television Academy is still some distance away from them. However, Zhang Peipei has bought Gu Qiaowan a house without a pit. It is the former family building outside the film and Television Academy. After decoration, people can live. Gu qiaoyue didn't say anything. Anyway, it's really too far away.

It's only a ten minute walk from here to the school. It's very close to the teaching building. It's closer than living on campus.

When Gu qiaoyue started school, Si Moyan naturally moved here.

The house next to the house is directly occupied by Bai Hu and Bai Li. Bai Li follows Gu qiaoyue to school every day.

When Gu qiaoyue was at school, she was protected by Bai Li. After school, Bai Hu would wait at the school gate. Occasionally, Si Moyan personally came to pick up Gu qiaoyue from school, and then the two went to buy vegetables. After returning home, Gu qiaoyue handled her work, and Si Moyan went to the kitchen to cook.

For Si Moyan and others, the X organization has not really ended. In addition, there are the Song family in Europe. Now they are dead enemies and may make a comeback at any time.

Therefore, whether Gu qiaoyue's safety, Gu Qiaowan or Zhang Peipei, Wu Honglian and others who are far away in Daqing are within the scope of protection.

Even friends close to Gu qiaoyue are in the scope of protection, just to prevent the residual forces of organization x from reappearing, or the European Song family from doing something more crazy.

"Hello, classmate. How can I get to the library?"

At the end of the day's course, Gu qiaoyue and Gu Qiaowan were ready to go back with a book. They were stopped by a blonde boy.

He smiled gently and spoke Chinese with a slight tilt of his feet.

Gu qiaoyue was a little stunned when she saw his appearance. Now it is not often seen by later blonde foreigners, especially in some scenic spots. But now, blonde foreigners are rarely seen in China, and this is Kyoto University.

Bai Li explained in a low voice: "he is an exchange student from country y. there are three people, two men and one woman."

Gu qiaoyue nodded, smiled faintly, held out his hand to him, shook hands friendly, and told him the location of the library in fluent English.

"Can you speak English?" josei

The blonde man was surprised and talked with Gu qiaoyue in English. He asked about things in the University.

Gu qiaoyue also answered one by one.

"My name is Chris. I'm a new exchange student at Kyoto University. Thank you for helping me. What's your name? Can I find you later? You know, my Chinese is not very good and needs to be strengthened, but there are not many people here who have good English. I really hope you can help me make progress and we can become friends."

When leaving, Chris said his name and expressed his intention to make friends with Gu qiaoyue.

Gu qiaoyue said with a smile, "nice to meet you, Chris. My name is Gu qiaoyue. I'm a student in the Department of economics and management of Kyoto University. This is my phone. You can call me if necessary."

"Thank you. Thank you very much. With your help, my Chinese will make rapid progress. I like Chinese and Chinese culture, but my Chinese is not good and many of them can't understand. However, with your help, I'm not afraid."

Chris scratched his head embarrassed and said that he looked like a cheerful big boy, which made Gu qiaoyue less vigilant.

Maybe she thinks too much.

At this time, there are still many foreigners, just not as many as after the development of tourism in future generations.

She smiled and said, "I hope I can help you."

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