Back to 1985: Spicy Pretty Wife

Chapter 963

Chapter 963

After they talked for a while, Chris looked at the library, and Gu qiaoyue took ink wine out of the campus.

Leaving Chris's sight, Bai Li said, "he is an exchange student from country y this time. There are three people in total. There are two others, Hannah and John. They have been in school for several days. However, it is said that Hannah and John are a couple, and Chris has always been alone. It seems that they were not in the same school before they came."

Gu qiaoyue nodded and asked, "no problem?"

"I haven't found any problems yet."

Not that they were cautious, but that Kyoto University welcomed exchange students for the first time. Suddenly, several foreign faces appeared, and Bai Li and others had to be cautious.

After all, there is an X organization and a Nordic Song family eyeing behind it.

Since this meeting, Chris has liked to find Gu qiaoyue. According to him, he has never seen anyone fluent in English and more convenient to communicate with her in school.

Chris asked her for Chinese and some other questions.

In the campus, you can see a blonde foreign boy walking along the campus with a tall ponytail.

Gu qiaoyue is a man of the moment in the school, and Chris's external image is eye-catching enough. Every time they pass by, they are a scenic spot, and many people watch each time.

Fortunately, this situation lasted about a week, and everyone was used to it.

And Gu qiaoyue and Chris have a good chat these days.

Originally, Gu qiaoyue was still a little wary of Chris, but after getting along this week, she found that the other party was completely a big boy and couldn't get along with the so-called killer at all. Gu qiaoyue put down her heart and treated him as an ordinary friend.

"Gu, let me treat you to dinner."

This is the second time Chris invited Gu qiaoyue to dinner. He said, "don't you Chinese say that feelings are established at the dinner table? Since we are friends, of course I'll invite you to dinner."

Gu qiaoyue felt funny and said, "listen to who said, nothing."

Chris insisted: "Gu, in fact, I just want to invite you to dinner. You have helped me so much. I think my Chinese has made rapid progress. Yesterday, I met Hannah and John. They also said that my Chinese has been graduated. It's very good. I'm glad to invite you to dinner."

Gu qiaoyue shook her head and smiled: "sorry, I want to go home with my husband. I can't have dinner with you. Sorry."

Gu qiaoyue said as she sorted out her book.

"Husband? Gu, you're married?" Chris said strangely, and then he looked hurt.

"Why did you get married? You're only a sophomore."

Gu qiaoyue stopped her hand, looked at him and said with a smile:

"Yes, I've been married for more than a year. My husband loves me very much. He waits for me to go home for dinner every day, so I'm really sorry that I can't go to dinner with you."

"Oh, my God, you're really married. I'm really curious about what kind of person your knight is and why I can marry a perfect lady like you. Oh, my God, I think I missed you."

Gu qiaoyue shook her head funny, picked up the sorted book, said hello to him and left with Bai Li.

Chris was surprised for a while. When he recovered, he saw that Gu qiaoyue had left the classroom with a book in her arms and hurried to catch up:

"Take the liberty to ask my friend if you can take me to meet your knight. I really want to see what kind of person your knight is and why he can marry a perfect lady like you. Please, can you take me to meet him?"

It was after class that many people in the corridor looked at Chris curiously. josei

Another joked, "Chris, we Gu Xueshen are really married. You don't have a chance."

"Hahaha, Chris, there are many excellent women like Gu Xueshen in our country. You can chase them."

"No, no, no, you don't understand. She's really excellent. She speaks English well, Chinese well, she looks good, and she's excellent."

Chris couldn't hear everyone joking with him. His serious argument attracted a burst of friendly laughter.

Someone smiled and said, "unfortunately, she has her own knight."

"So I want to see her knight."

Chris said solemnly. Looking back, he saw that Gu qiaoyue had gone out for a long time, and hurriedly caught up with him: "Gu, wait for me."

Gu qiaoyue stopped, a little helpless.

Chris quickly ran over and said, "Gu, we are friends. Let me see you."

Gu qiaoyue was also helpless about his behavior of having to see Si Moyan, so he had to say, "I'm going back to ask my husband's opinion. He's busy, so I'll inform you when the appointment is due."

"Really, I'll wait for your notice," Chris said happily.

Si Moyan waited for Gu qiaoyue at the school gate. When he saw someone, he took the book in her arms and asked casually, "why did you come out late today?"

Gu qiaoyue's afternoon classes are basically fixed. Today is more than 20 minutes later than usual.

Gu qiaoyue shrugged and said, "Chris doesn't understand an idiom. I told him for a while. By the way, he wants to see you."

"See me?" Si Moyan frowned.

"Well, when he heard that I had a husband, he wanted to see me."

Gu qiaoyue naturally took Si Moyan's arm and looked at him with her head tilted, teasing him: "you said Chris was so surprised when he knew I had a husband. Do you like me?"

Sure enough, seeing Si Moyan's slightly changed face, Gu qiaoyue was in a good mood and teased him: "you have to be nice to me, otherwise I will..."

Before Gu qiaoyue finished, he saw Si Moyan suddenly stop and looked at him suspiciously: "what's the matter?"

But her words just came out, and she saw Si Moyan suddenly bow his head to kiss her.

Gu qiaoyue widened her eyes and hurriedly pushed him away: "what are you doing? It's still at the school gate. People come and go."

"Well, when there is no one at home, I will let you know how good I am to you." Si Moyan smiled and took Gu qiaoyue's hand: "what are you going to eat today? Let's go shopping first."

Gu qiaoyue blushed and bowed her head. She murmured, "whatever, you decide."

They went to the vegetable market and bought vegetables. When they got home, Gu qiaoyue went to deal with today's work. Si Moyan put on his apron and went to the kitchen to cook.

Both of them forgot about Chris.

Of course, Si Moyan didn't forget Gu qiaoyue's words to make him treat her better. He couldn't avoid a big fight at night and treat her well.

As a result, early the next morning, Chris stopped Gu qiaoyue and asked excitedly:

"Gu, did your knight promise to see me?"

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