Becoming the Luna

Chapter 336

Chapter 336

"Ren? I can't find Pixie's favourite pacifier." Candy calls from the living room, sounding harried.

"What? Favourite? She chews through them faster than anything, I always end up ordering a new batch every week." Renee replies.

"What?" Candy sputters in shock, glancing down at Pixie who was peacefully sleeping in the baby carrier she had strapped to her front. 

After weeks upon weeks of stalling and getting held back by both her parents, Candy finally decided to move back home.

Cole had already gone back to their house to get it ready for Pixie's presence and to also get back to work.

Renee came to the living room, bags of toys in hand which servants were taking to the cars outside. "You didn't even notice?" She stares at her older sister in disbelief.

Candy blinks, "Of course not, how could I? They all looked the same." She whispers furiously, throwing her hands up.

Renee makes a face at this. "Yet somehow you always find one when you're looking for it and although Pixie has dangerously sharp bunny teeth, you never wonder how the pacifier still looks brand new."

"Okay, you've made your point, can I get one of the pacifiers, I need her to keep sleeping like this so I don't get a migraine when I finally make it home."

"Or you could have just left all the moving to me." Renee complains pettishly.

"You went to buy diapers for Pixie and somehow came back with bags full of mannequin heads." Candy reminds with a wince, she had been the one to find out about the heads, it hadn't been a pretty discovery. 

"Oops." Renee chuckles nervously, zipping open the bags to pick out a disinfected pacifier that was encased in plastic to keep it germ free, handing it over to her sister.

"I think that's all of it." Candy was talking about the luggages after Pixie had dutifully started suckling on the soft toy.

"I have no idea why you're worried about her waking up when we literally all stayed up all night just to keep her awake, she'll be out like a light for a couple hours more." Renee says to her sister when she notices her check up on her baby for the umpteenth time.

"Yeah, you're right." Candy sighs wearily.

Renee is quick to strut over and give her a gentle side hug. "You'll be fine, okay, now let's get going before mom and dad come back from whatever function they went to and manage to convince you to stay another day.

Candy is quick to perk up at this, already an old prey to their parents devious scheming, it helped that now that their father was back to stay after a long while of endless business trips, the elites were taking advantage of his presence to throw parties and functions, mostly charity functions.

"So when will you be heading back to Pine Creek?"Candy asks when they were settled in the car less down an hour later.

"Tomorrow." Renee says easily, she had already thought it through. "I didn't tell Hayden, I plan to surprise him."

"Sure." Candy says with a benign smile, unsurprised that she would be leaving so soon, she had expected exactly just that, Renee really had an unexplainable love for Pine Creek.

Maybe it was because the small, picturesque town was her safe place at a very fragile point in her life, Candy would never know but she was happy enough that her sister was happy.

The next couple hours is a flurry of luggages and a few maids moving things around, Cole wasn't going to be back till late in the afternoon so Renee hung around, ready to give them privacy as soon as Andy's husband would come home.

"Ren! Pixie has woken up and I'm tied up in her bedroom could you help me attend to her for a while? I'll be there soon." Candy called after a while of them slowly but surely putting the house in order, Candy had wanted to do it all by herself to make it feel more special and Renee hadn't questioned this, doing whatever Candy asked of to make her work easier.

Renee had just finished organizing Pixie's array of bottles when her sister's voice called over.

"Sure!" She replies, making her way over to Candy's room where Pixie had been put to sleep on her parents' bed.

She had been stunned that a baby of a mere six weeks, already had her four front teeth, it made her look like an adorable bunny whenever she smiled and something terrifying when she was screaming her head off… like right now.

Renee walks inside the lavish bedroom to go pick up her niece who is boxed in by the fluffiest pillows, her small fists waving around in a rage as she kicks and cries.

Candy had said it was absolutely normal for Werewolf babies to grow out their teeth so early as an influence on their human bodies from their wolves.

It was a defensive measure so teeth it was, although that meant it usually took them longer than usual to walk even though they were pros at crawling.

She walks in and picks up her wailing niece who quietens substantially when she recognizes the scent of her aunt, it's sufficient enough to calm her down totally so Renee paces around with her a bit, Pixie's small form cradled gently in her arms.

She tries to remember how it was with Hayden, he was a quiet baby, barely stressing her that she didn't even feel much of the strain of being a single parent.

Knowing him, he would probably adopt really soon, it would be weird being a grandmother, she was barely forty.

She glances down at the baby that was staring up at her with puffed cheeks, her face red, she had her mother's honey blonde hair and the soft brown eyes of her father.

"How's that, huh Pixie?" Renee coos down to her, voice soft. "You'd be a fun cousin I'm sure…" She monologues, Pixie falling silent like she was listening to the words her aunt was saying.

"Or maybe Hay will adopt someone just like your mom…" Renee shivers slightly at this. "I just might take my vacation around the world if that happened."

Candy made her way over to her bedroom when she was done with arranging Pixie's clothes to find Renee seated on a rocking chair, casually talking to her baby like she was a grown up.

Renee smiles up at her sister when she notices her, "Look who it is Pixie!" She introduces grandly as Candy walks in closer. "Can you guess huh? It's mommy!" She rounds off with theatrics as she hands a giggling Pixie over to Candy.

"You should get going, Ren." Candy says kindly while she replaces her in the rocking chair, lifting her loose top to breastfeed Pixie. "Cole called to say he's almost home."josei

Renee beams at this. "Well, that's my cue to leave." She agrees getting to her feet from where she had perched on the bed to come give Pixie a kiss on her forehead.

"Byebye, Pixie." She says in a soft voice , her tone sad - she would miss the little spitfire. "When are you coming to pay us a visit? Hmm?" she directed at her gurgling niece who beams up at her with her tiny, milky teeth flashing.

"As soon as Hay sends the wedding invitation, we'll all come spend some time among the others, it'll be good for Pixie to get to know her kind."

Goodbyes are shared quickly, Pixie already getting upset that her meal was interrupted and Renee hurries out in soft laughter when she hears the soft yelp of Candy, Pixie had probably kicked her in the face in a mini tantrum.

Making her way out of the house, she got into one of the cars that had been left behind for her, she basically had the rest of the day to kill, it wasn't very much, just a couple of hours till sundown.

She didn't want to go home yet though, it would mean spending time with her parents who after all these years felt she was still heartbroken over Alex - she scoffed to herself in her car - ridiculous.

She perked up after this, changing her direction to the shopping complex, she could buy gifts for her baby and Dream, yes Dream, he was adorable too so he would get gifts.

And what was that she heard about Shana and Mae adopting a little girl?

Look at her moping that there wasn't anything to be done when she could be out buying things for the people she loved, she could probably squeeze in a gift or two for her son-in-law.

She just had to be careful to not swap the bags with something upsetting like mannequin heads or worse.

She would call Hayden when she was done with shopping just to impress on him that she wouldn't be coming back anytime soon, she had to make her surprise entrance grand.

Even better, she would be coming in on a Saturday, the weekend which meant everyone would be there… It was perfect timing.

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