Becoming the Luna

Chapter 337

Chapter 337

"Virgil, where are you going?" Hayden murmurs sleepily when his mate tries to leave the bed. "It's the weekend, sleep in for once, hmm, baby?" He hums, cuddling tighter around him, his head buried in Virgil's chest.

A smile breaks out on Virgil's face at this, tucking Hayden closer. "We already slept in, you said that a couple hours ago."

Hayden shoots up to a sitting position in surprise. "I did?" He blinks in surprise. " That wasn't a dream?"

Virgil tugs him back down to rest his fluff covered head on his chest. Humming low in his throat. "You dream of me huh?"

Hayden curls up, flustered. "Maybe."

Virgil's next words are cut off by the sound of the door bell which makes them perk up and share a confused glance.

As odd as it was for anyone to come looking for them so early in the morning on a weekend, no one ever used the doorbell.

It rings again and Virgil sits up. "Stay, I'll go check who it is."

Hayden just nods, already unbothered about it, Virgil would handle it. He tucks himself in and lets his eyes slip close briefly while Virgil pads out of the room, shirtless.

He didn't look like he was interested in covering up, the person on the other side needed to know that showing up unannounced wasn't… He flings open the door, his jaw dropping when he takes in who is on the other side.


"V!!! Hi, baby…"

Hayden blinks open his eyes when a familiar voice filters into his ears, making him roll off the bed and tiptoe out of the room… was that…

He freezes up when he steps into the living room, Renee trying to climb up Virgil with how vigorously she was hugging him, Leon and Darian standing behind her, looking traumatized with loads of bags dwarving them.

"Mom?" He calls out in confusion, suddenly self conscious when everyone turns their attention to him, maybe he should have thrown on a bathrobe because Virgil's t-shirt that barely whispered against his thighs wasn't exactly modest.

"Baby!" Renee is the first to break out of the spell that Hayden's appearance seemed to cast on them, dashing across the room to engulf Hayden in a similar hug as the one she had given Virgil.

"I'm sorry about this." Virgil mutters sheepishly to Leon and Darian who look done with their entire morning.

They wave it off, quickly taking off before Renee sighted them again.

Virgil glances over his shoulder to see Renee fussing over her only son, what was Hayden saying about lazing around in bed some more.

"Hay, darling! I've missed you so much!" Renee squishes her son's cheeks, pulling him in for the umpteenth hug.

Hayden is still stunned. "Mom, I-I didn't know you were coming back."

"I know, nice surprise right?" She spread out her arms.

"Renee why are there so many bags full of jam?" Virgil asks after bringing the bags in, slightly scared that Renee had decided to come live with them, he wouldn't put it past her.

But there were also tons of shopping bags so he quickly scrapped that idea, it was more believable that she had gone and bought out an entire store as a gift to her son,

"Oh yes! Because I ran out of things to buy and I thought, 'wouldn't it be nice if you both never ran out of jam?'"

Hayden and Virgil give her weird looks. 

"What are we going to do when it expires or start to go bad?" Hayden asks seriously, staring up at his mom who still had her hands on his shoulders.

"W-what?" Renee splutters like she hadn't calculated this in. "Jam goes bad?"

"Yes?" Virgil says calmly, watching the identical panic flutter through mother and son's faces. "It's fine though, we'll just put it in the Kitchens downstairs, I'm pretty sure we can run through all of the jam in time."

"I hope there aren't any more perishable and way too much stuff in the rest of the bag?" Hayden asks suspiciously.

"Of course not." Renee waves away self assuredly, leading Hayden to a couch. "Come on, tell me what's going on with you, what have I missed?"

Virgil flinches at this, his eyes already eyeing the exit, this was one conversation he didn't want to be a part of, now how to excuse himself without coming off like he was literally running away.

His eyes fall on the bags of jam and he sighs inaudibly. "I'll just take these bags of jam down." He mutters vaguely, excusing himself as he moves all the bags out so he wouldn't have to come in for a while.

There was an advantage to Renee coming back though because although Hayden tried to hide it from him, he could tell that his mate was nervous about his possible pregnancy but he wouldn't open up to Virgil, maybe he would to Renee.

Absently, he makes his way down the stairs, bags in hand, hopefully the kitchen would be empty and he could take his precious time arranging the glass jars in one of the endless shelves, he should also make sure to keep some in the pantry so they didn't fill up all the space,

As he takes out the first jar, something feels out of place, something feels wrong…

A shriek momentarily distracts him and he glances behind him to see a Pack member - a young girl - with her hands over her face, cheeks red like they were scalded and it's not till she turned around and dashed out did Virgil's brain go into gear…

He was half naked!

Well, that wasn't ideal… he just shrugs it off and goes back to his jam stacking.josei


"How's little Pixie?" Hayden asks with enthusiasm, eager to hear more about his baby cousin.

Renee launches into a detailed explanation of Pixie's daily activities, which wasn't hard as she spent everyday with that dramatic child.

Hayden listens intently with a soft smile on his face which falls off when he feels his throat closing up, an overwhelming feeling of nausea suddenly overwhelming him.

It distracts him, making him swallow often, visibly uncomfortable.

But Renee is too far gone in her description to notice that Hayden is slightly pale, goosebumps breaking across his skin, not till he jumps to his feet in a hurry, retching a bit as he dashes to the bathroom in his bedroom.

Renee hops to her feet as well, consternation on her face as she watches confused. 

She follows carefully after Hayden, retching sounds getting to her as she steps in the bedroom which makes her panic and hurry up to check up on him.

"Hay? Baby? Dear God…" She panics as she comes into the bathroom to find him bent over the toilet seat, she helps him lift his hair up, rubbing her other palm over his back comfortingly and she murmurs soft words of encouragement to him.

"I'm so sorry, darling." She murmurs to him when the retching dies down, leading him to the sink to wash his face with worry etched on hers.

"Are you better now?" Renee asks, pulling Hayden who is still slightly shivering from the force of his nauseous episode. 

Hayden nods softly, something bubbling up in his middle as well as the nausea that seems to be gearing up for round two… he was… was he pregnant?

"Thank goodness." Renee sighs, keeping him in her arms. "Did you eat something bad? Stomach flu? Should we go down to the clinic?"

Hayden shakes his head negatively to each of his mom's questions, his voice hidden underneath all the tumultuous emotions running through him.

He was pregnant, there was a little life growing inside of him. Absently, he lifts a hand to his flat tummy, tearing up a little.


A retch cut off Renee's concerned questioning, Hayden flying over to the toilet seat again, this piques Renee's horror, bringing out her phone to call Virgil.

Hopefully, her son's husband had his phone on him because they needed to get Hayden down to the clinic as fast as possible.

She pulls out her phone from her pocket, hurrying over to lift up Hayden's long hair again.

"Hi, Ren…" Virgil picks up casually, he is now in the pantry, taking his time putting out the jam.

"Virgil!" Renee cuts him off, making Virgil perk up immediately, already making his way out of the pantry.

"What's wrong?" He asks with his heart in his throat, heartbeat slowing down with dread.

"It's Hay…" Renee's voice fades a bit, her voice too muffled for Virgil to pick out and in the background he hears curious sounds. "I don't know… he's…"

That's enough to make Virgil break out into a flat out run, panic turning his blood to ice.

"Mo-mom!" Hayden coughs, reaching for the phone while his mom was intent on wiping him down with a wet napkin and picking out a pair of sweatpants for him so that they could make it downstairs.

"Let me talk to Virgil." He asks for the phone when she settles him gently on the bed, watching him with hawk eyes for the slightest sign of another throwing up fit.

"Okay, let me grab you something to wear."

"V?" He says into the phone, Virgil immediately picking up, sounding a little bit out of breath as he makes his way to the top floor.

"Baby? Oh my… fuck! Are you okay? What's going on?"

"V… I-I think...I think, I'm pregnant."

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