Becoming the Luna

Chapter 338

Chapter 338

Virgil skids to a halt, his heart doing the same. "W-What?..." The sound of retching cuts off the call again and that spurs him into action, his powerful legs swiftly carrying him down the hallway.

"M-mom!" Hayden gasps, "...don't bother about… " a gag cuts him off.

"Why not?" Renee responds, near tears.

Hayden gulps, this would be a bit of a pinch. "I-I don't have a stomach flu or anything, I m-might need to go to the clinic but not for what you think."

Renee slowly walks over slowly, her panic state calmed slightly by Hayden's words. "What's wrong then?"

"I'm pregnant…I think? I don't know…" Hayden hurries on to say when all the color washes out of his mother's face, his panic intensifying when she starts weaving on her feet.

Virgil pauses outside the door for the briefest moment, he was having a hard time coming to terms with the broken information that his mate had given him.

It wasn't that he wasn't excited or happy but that dread shared an equal space in his heart with that emotion… he could lose Hayden.

His hands grow cold and clammy with sweat and he weaves on his feat a bit with the shock of it but the terrifying sounds of Hayden retching so harshly jolts him into action, the knob slippery in his sweaty palms.

He bursts into the bedroom at the same time that Hayden is reaching for his mom who looks like she's really about to go over.

Virgil hurried over to catch her in time, gently dropping her on the bed, her hand felt cold in his and he glanced at Hayden questioningly.

Hayden winces. "I told her." 

Virgil hurries over to his mate, worry visibly written over him, he almost looked like he was beating himself up over Hayden's current state.

Hayden threw himself on his mate, his damp hair sticking to his face, skin slightly pale, the nausea waves had taken a break for a while or was it Virgil's scent, either way having Virgil close was doing a lot to suit him.

Virgil watches Hayden snuggle into him, taking in gulps of his scent like he couldn't breathe with Virgil away then it hits him.

He frowns when it does, he could barely tell from Hayden's scent that he was pregnant, it was there but it was so faint and it was because he was this close to him and already well acquainted to his scent that he could tell the subtle difference - was it as a result of him being a part Werewolf?

"What's wrong?" Hayden asks, voice weary when he immediately notices how Virgil stiffens.

"Your scent…" Virgil trails off, tucking Hayden in closer, glancing at Renee from time to time as well, she looked like she was coming to.

Hayden panics slightly, already terrified for the tiny spark of life he can swear he feels growing. "W-what? What happened to it?"

"Calm down." Virgil is quick to say in a soothing voice, pressiya gentle kiss to Hayden's damp curls, a hand soothingly rubbing over the Omega's back. "I'm just surprised that your scent is so subtle, usually it would be painfully obvious…" Virgil trails off in his explanation in favour of nosing at Hayden's neck, scenting him.

Because it didn't sit right with him that Hayden smelled as usual, no difference to show he was possibly pregnant, or… he panics internally, carefully to not show it to Hayden.

What if, his mate was not pregnant and it was just something he ate that wasn't sitting right with him…

'That would be disastrous', he panics, unconsciously pulling Hayden even closer.

It would devastate his mate, he couldn't let that happen.

"V?" Hayden says softly. "Is it bad that my scent is going wonky, it won't affect the baby will it?" He asks earnestly, his soft grey eyes wide in expectancy.

'Shit!' Virgil curses mentally unable to tear his gaze away from Hayden's, he glances over at Renee who is still taking her precious time waking up - like she didn't want to come back to reality only to find out that her son was pregnant.

'He needed to call Shana, hell! Mae, the witch could fix things if anything was wrong, he didn't even want Hayden to know that'

It could affect him if so early in his hopeful pregnancy, he was already going through so much trauma, it made Virgil upset again and low-key pissed - he couldn't punch anything to make things better for Hayden.

He literally had no control over what was going on right now and he hated it, it was terrifying but he couldn't let that show.

"I don't think so baby." He leans down to smother Hayden with kisses, trying to distract him. "You're a special kind of Werewolf, remember, I'll call Shana to come check you up okay, just breathe for me so you don't get stressed…" 

Virgil was fucking stressed… and his mate hadn't even been pregnant for a day…


Dream wakes up earlier than he had expected for a weekend day, feeling out of sorts.

His middle felt weird and he found himself twisting on the bed to try and get the feeling to ease off, maybe he slept wrong…

When the feeling persists, he rolls out of bed with a groan, twisting his waist from this side to the other but he still doesn't find relief. josei

Sighing, he trudges to the bathroom, his sleep ruined, maybe he should try taking a walk this morning or going on a run with his wolf, heaven knows he has been cooped up in the cottage for long enough, it was probably starting to tell on him.

He brushes his teeth and washes his face, the discomfort in his middle fading away as he walks around a bit - he decides to water his plants before going out on what would be a simple scenic walk or a fun run.

In the first days that he was here, the possibility of being pregnant was all he thought about, keeping careful watch over the change in his scent and anything odd happening but now it was easier to not be worried all the time,, thoughts of his future flitting across his mind - maybe he should leave Pine Creek.

He hums a song under his breath - all thoughts of Dale managing to remain in that dark unvisited part of his mind - as he prepared the cutesy watering can.

The queasy feeling comes again when he gets close enough to catch a whiff of the plants scent and all blocks slid into place even as he slapped a hand over his mouth, the watering can dropping to the ground, managing to not spill…

No! No! No… this couldn't be happening...

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