Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 473

Chapter 473: A little bit more

"Ah!" Concubine Li yelled in pain as she looked at Sung Zhi Ruo with blood flowing out from her mouth. 

Sung Zhi Ruo smirked, feeling delighted as she knew that her sword had directly stabbed the woman's heart. 

"Stay away from her! Now!" Gao Lan Mei screamed, but it was too late. Concubine Li had already grabbed Sung Zhi Ruo throat while the Soul Eater was still stuck in her body. 

"How about this? You trap my soul in this devil's weapon, or I eat your soul?" Concubine Li asked menacingly, her evil smile taunting Sung Zhi Ruo as she tried to catch her breath from the massive and tight grip. 

Sung Zhi Ruo did not plan to give up all her hard work just like that. Instead of showing fear, she looked at Concubine Li with contempt, through clenched teeth before she pushed the Soul Eater deeper into the woman's body. 

"Cough!" Concubine Li could not help it but spit blood her grip around Sung Zhi Ruo's neck loosened friction. 

Sung Zhi Ruo made sure to not miss any action of Concubine Li. She watched the woman, with both hands on the hilt of her sword, feeling the soul of the enemy as it weakened. 

The glow in Concubine Li's eyes started to fade. Which meant that she was slowly losing her life. 

Seeing the enemy slowly dying was supposed to make Gao Lan Mei feel good. She should've felt the delight just like how it was clear on Sung Zhi Ruo's facial expressions as she continued to hold the hilt of her sword tightly. 

However, Gao Lan Mei could not help but still feel something was not right. That was the case even when she could see that the Boundary spell will be destroyed soon. 

"Do not let her live!" Blessed Juni exclaimed after going back to attack the Boundary spell and making sure that no impure energy would sip in their area of protection, by keeping the place encircled with fire. 

'A little bit more. A little bit moreā€¦' She chanted to herself, trying to hold on as the strength that Blessed Juni could use was also limited in the Mortal Domain. She gritted her teeth while glaring at the Boundary spell that had now tiny cracks, but it was still not enough to let out the energy within them. It was also not enough to get any higher beings attention to lend a hand for them. 

Blessed Juni already realized the importance of the Boundary spell, and she was planning to give all her strength to destroy it. 

The impure energy was not only condensing the dark energy within the Shizi Empire. Its primary purpose was to withhold any beings outside, from noticing that something big was happening and it was something she could not allow. However, she was feeling confused about how things were turning out. 

She could not help it but feel annoyed that moment as the organizations and beings that were supposed to support and protect the mortals were nowhere to be found. 

Where were the Justice Affairs or the being from Heavenly Domains? Were they really not aware of what was going on? 

What about the Spiritual beings that were supposed to communicate with the gods or blesseds? Did Elin did not contact them after she got back from the Beyond? 

Blessed Juni decided to place these questions at the back of her head. However, once she returned to the Beyond, she will make sure to check everything out. 

Why? A being sealed inside a massive cage that was surrounded by Golden Chain of Trest meant gods were involved in the sealing itself. It only means that they were preventing a Fallen to escape. 

That alone was a significant thing, as this was the first time that a small Universe that only consisted of four levels would hide something that she was not even aware of. 

But who is the Fallen that was sealed? Just looking at Concubine Li makes her nervous. For her, being unable to feel the core energy on the woman, makes her unable to also determine how strong she. It would also be hard to determine what type of magic or cultivation she was.

Blessed Juni could not even sense the woman's presence earlier! 

"Damn it! All of you! Give everything you have!" Blessed Juni yelled not only to Wei Jiayi who was distracted but to everyone who decided to show their help, attacking the sky. It was very little help, but better than nothing. 




'Eerkk!' josei

Continuous sounds of the attack were heard and the sound of impure smoke rising to it only meant that there was already a way for it to go out. 

"Stay alert! Do not let your guard down!" Gao Lan Mei shouted. As long as the impure energy was around, the Boundary spell will be still not entirely destroyed. She could not let it stay at peace. 

After hearing what Gao Lan Mei had said, Sung Zhi Ruo removed the smirk from her face despite feeling that Concubine Li's soul was constantly weakening. 

"Look out!" 


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. Thank you!

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