Beneficial Union: Chasing A Rogue Wife

Chapter 474

Chapter 474: It’s alright

Gao Lan Mei yelled in alarm after feeling the intense energy that was coming their way fast. 

Sung Zhi Ruo tried to do something as it was directed at her. 


However, it was too late. Sung Zhi Ruo was thrown away by the strong force that she had suddenly received. She was thrown far with the Soul Eater that has initially been stabbed by Concubine Li. 

Meanwhile, Gao Lan Mei hurriedly turned her head to look, from where the energy came from. Just as she suspected, it was from one of the YinYing that she had not seen since earlier. 

The YinYing stood next to Concubine Li's body lying on the ground. His eyes were initially fixed on Sung Zhi Ruo before looking at the small orb he was holding on his hand. 

"Be careful! Hold on a little bit" Blessed Juni exclaimed as she sensed that the new arrival was not someone Gao Lan Mei could defeat. They could only run until the Boundary spell got officially destroyed. 

Blessed Juni continued feeding the energy to the flames for protection, while Gao Lan Mei slowly stepped backward towards Sung Zhi Ruo's position. She was cautious on every step, her defence completely up, ready to fight despite her lacking strength. 

The YinYing did not notice her moving, or else, he was ignoring her deliberately. 

"Why are you  not moving?" He asked suddenly, still looking at his orb. 

Gao Lan Mei stiffened. 'Who is he talking to?' Then her eyes shifted to Concubine Li with dread. 'Was she faking it all along?'

Just like what Gao Lan Mei had thought, the woman that was supposed to be dead suddenly spoke, "Fa Liwei, it took you a while as always." Concubine Li said with a snort. "All done?" 

Not only did Concubine Li spoke like she had not been on the verge of dying earlier, but she also started to move first on her legs as she slowly got up stiffly like her bones were realigning. 

Gao Lan Mei could hear the cracking of her bones despite the noise of the attacks from Blessed Juni and the others. 

"They killed some of my cultivated babies. You need to compensate." Concubine Li demanded. Her eyes still looked lifeless. Her chest had an open wound from the Soul Eater, the place where her heart was supposed to be. 

"Preparations are complete. You can now eat on your heart's content." He replied before glancing at Gao Lan Mei and speaking under his breath, "We will take care of the remaining sacrifice." 

With that, Concubine Li looked at Gao Lan Mei with a smirk and started inhaling the Impure Energy through her mouth.  

"Blessed Jun-" Gao Lan Mei was supposed to alarm the others, but she was not able to because Fa Liwei suddenly appeared in front of her and covered her mouth with his hand. At the same time, she felt a stinging pain on her side. 

Gao Lan Mei was unable to fight back, as her body felt numb and she was starting to lose her consciousness. She could only glare at Fa Liwei with her eyes bright red. josei

Fa Liwei held her gaze with contempt, "Keepers eyes are always interesting to watch." He said just like was not a keeper himself. 

"Let her go!" Sung Zhi Ruo screamed as she attacked Fa Liwei. She saw how the snake from his sleeves had bit Gao Lan Mei, making her unable to fight back. 

However, Sung Zhi Ruo was not able to get close as the Yin Yings suddenly surrounded her. 

"Noisy." Fa Liwei commented at Sung Zhi Ruo, not moving his eyes away from Gao Lan Mei. "Sleep. Can't let you get away now, tainted spirit." He added with indifference. 

Fa Liwei grabbed Gao Lan Mei by the waist and jumped high, almost like flying towards Mount Hua. 

And then, the chilling red ray shot out from the blazing flame towards him. 


The beam slammed into Fa Liwei's back, causing him to lose hold of Gao Lan Mei in the air. 

"Oh, my heavens…." Sung Zhi Ruo wanted to run, to catch Gao Lan Mei. 

However, with the YinYings surrounding her, there was no way she could step forward. 

Sung Zhi Ruo needed to take care of herself though. As someone already jumped to save Gao Lan Mei before she could crash on the ground. 

'My other food,' Concubine Li's eyes brightened and smiled wide when she realized who had saved Gao Lan Mei. 'Just wait.' She thought to herself with glee. 

Wei Jiayi held Gao Lan Mei close as he checked on her breathing. He released a sigh of relief, realizing that her body was only numb, but she was still alive. 

Her eyes were moving, trying to tell him something that he could not understand. "It's alright." He said before kissing her lips. 

Wei Jiayi thought that Gao Lan Mei was looking at him weirdly as he had let his scales covered his entire body to protect him temporarily. It was the least he could do but not break the rules of his beast transformation. 

He did not care about the impurities around him despite knowing he could be eaten anytime. 

That moment, he felt burning hate and contempt that he had hidden for his clan, resurfaced. Wei Jiayi blamed his clan's wrong actions causing him to bear the responsibility and consequences of it alone. 

If not, it would have been easier to fight with all his strength. It would have been easier to save Gao Lan Mei from danger. 

Feeling the enemy coming closer, Wei Jiayi jumped towards the flame wall. 



Before he could do so, Fa Liwei sent a blast of energy on his way, making him unable to move forward and fight back. 


Author's Note: Hi guys. Thank you so much for still commenting and reading despite my recent hiatus. Your comments confirm that people are still reading the novel so please continue doing so.

I am aiming for daily update, but I cannot say yet how many chapters per day. Let's hope for the best. Don't forget to vote and rate the chapters as well. 

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