
Chapter 74

Chapter 74: ~A usual day.~

“The egg split and red, menacing eyes glared at me. Upon taking a second glance though, I found out that his eyes are beautiful to behold. My child is horribly disfigured and for a moment I thought about relieving him from his misery. But I can't do it, I simply can't. Maybe he'll find a purpose in life if he joins a circus.”

-Diary of a whore.

***Free City States of Nict, Capital***


“And you really aren't being oppressed?” I ask the merchant for the second time while we finalize our trade agreement with him. I and my brother decided that it would be best to forge a few relationships with the locals while we are here. Though that wasn't very successful. We already visited eight merchants today and six of them kicked us out when we mentioned the magicians. Obviously we said something offensive, though I don't know what it was.

The fat merchant in front of us shakes his head. The movement makes his oily hair wobble left and right. “You folk from Quinn are strange. Why should we feel oppressed? The magicians don't interact much with common people. They keep the economy running and their services aren't too expensive.” He takes a few contracts from his folder and hands them to us. “They offer stability and leadership. If I think about the southern nations and the nomads, then I am glad that they are governing our country. Though they are certainly not any better than us.”

He points out where Leon has to sign and leans onto his counter, looking bored. This is the ninth merchant we are trying to speak to and he hasn't thrown us out yet. That's good. Some of the others didn't even accept our clothing. This country is way to rigid in terms dress codes!

Leon looks up. “So you don't believe in this strange religion of your country?”

The merchant shrugs his shoulders. “Rather than a religion, I would call it pragmatism. The magicians are humans like anyone else. They fight between themselves and quite violently at times. I wouldn't want to stand between them when they decide to go for it. But from what I know they don't involve commoners, that has to be held in their favour. I doubt that normal people are any better when it comes to things like these. At least the magicians' little games for power are quite hilarious at times.

Can you imagine that they didn't allow the second princess's relationship with the male heir of the Zait? The two of them had to disguise themselves as commoners to go on dates. They were in the top of the gossip factory.”

I frown and inquire further. “You mean Azir and Stella?” The beast and the beauty? He killed the nomads' chief in front of our eyes and stole one of the Empire's artefacts. Nict having one of those accursed artefacts was already bad enough, but then they incinerated the nomad army like nothing. Such a foe can't be underestimated.

We have to play this right and playing it right means to make sure that Nict looks another way. As long as they don't set their eyes on Quinn, everything is okay.

The merchant smiles. “That's right! They look so nice together. It was a saying amongst the commoners that you would have luck for the rest of the day if you came across them. I am glad that it worked out for them in the end.”

Leon gestures for the merchant to wait. “One moment. They went incognito on dates, but all the commoners knew about it? Why didn't their clans find out?”

The merchant sighs. “Oh, please. Do you really think that the townsfolk would say anything if the objects of their worship are walking right among them. The two of them were so obvious, even the greatest idiot kept his mouth shut. It would be rude to ignore the wishes of your idols.” He tilts his head in thought. “They are a little naive to believe that nobody would recognize a member of one of the head families. Stella was a little harder since the Gejene keep their offspring well hidden from the public, but a girl can't stalk through the city for years without someone noticing her destinations. It's a little boring since they aren't doing this regularly any more. Actually Azir is one of my best clients. He visits in commoner's clothes to buy chocolate from me, that's why I make sure to have always the best stock in my store.”

The merchant's eyes wander out of the window. “Oh, if it isn't him. If you talk about someone he'll show up right away.”

Leon throws himself behind the merchant's counter and pulls me with him. A sack of gold is pressed into the merchant's hands. “You haven't seen us!” A moment later we hear the door opening.

“The usual, please.” A familiar voice comes from above us.

The merchant bows. “Of course, Riz. I already anticipated that you would run low on your little addiction.”

The voice answers embarrassed. “It's not really an addiction, Draf. Call it a vice.”

Draf smiles and kneels under the counter where the two of us are hiding. He winks at me and retrieves a big, wooden box from beside us. “Here you go, Riz. How is the family doing?”

“Ah, no problems. My girl is pregnant with twins, the healer confirmed it. Now she is moody all day and I've to entertain her.” The voice above the counter sighs.

Draf reaches out and we hear him patting someone's shoulder. “Well done! So that's the reason why you ordered twice as much as normal. Make sure to congratulate her from me. Maybe you visit me and show me the offspring when it's time?”

“I'll tell my wife. Have a nice day.” The door to the merchant's store opens and closes again.

Leon and I let out a deep sigh. We weren't caught running around the town. That was too close.

Then the merchant's face appears from above. “See? Like I said. They are just normal people like you and me.”

You didn't see them turn someone to dust and scorch an army in a blazing sea of light and fire!

***Free City States of Nict, Capital***


“Really!? You'll marry officially? When? Oh, I am so excited!” I grab Stella's hand and shake it. She is sitting on the sofa in her living room with a strange book in her hands. Since I am going to become an aunt I decided to visit her more often from now on. Especially to keep her company. Azir seems to be good at sneaking away.

Stella nods. “Actually it'll be a double marriage. Sola delayed her wedding, so that we could go for it at the same time. I intended to announce it once I am done with this.” Stella points at her impressive belly.

I wince in sympathy. “Yeah, you are right. Showing up at such an event, looking like this.”

Stella immediately starts to pout. “It's a perfectly natural condition for a woman! It's not like looking like this is my fault.”

“Yes, you are right, but still. It's better to wait if you want to enjoy the day. It's a once in a lifetime event after all.” Then I edge a little closer. “I know it's an intimate question, but could I listen to them? I am going to be their aunt after all.”

“Oh, no problem.” Stella allows me to and I edge closer to place my ear on her belly. And indeed there are some strange noises coming from inside her belly. Though they are somehow very comfortable to listen to.

“I hope they turn out to be adorable! Where is Azir by the way.” I voice my opinion to Stella, who answers with a motherly smile.

“He decided to retreat, saying that there is stuff to do. I wasn't able to catch him before he left.”

My eyes wander to her belly. I doubt that she could catch him right now, even if she used all the spells at her disposal. It doesn't matter that he is without magic right now.

***Dwem, Capital***


I am sitting in Chuck's private apartment at the top floor of his tower. After my stroll through the city I decided to waste some time with my friend and our little game. I eye the tabletop game very carefully and finally decide on a move, placing one of my cards on the right field to bring him a little trouble.

Our game has been going on for quite a while now, so we simply let it lie around while I am not here. The last time we played was a week ago and we only managed three turns.

Suddenly the door opens and the Great Shaman dances into the room with a strange twirling motion. He is wet from a shower and completely naked, except for his pants and a clean, white mask made out of porcelain.

He is whistling a strange tune and then he freezes upon seeing me. His whistling fades into silence and he slowly lets his arms drop, trying to take a dignified pose. “Ahem. What are you doing here?” josei

I point at the tabletop game. “I decided on my next move.” Then I pat the wooden box on my lap. “And I brought some of the good stuff.”

He walks in a very Great-Shaman-like manner to his wardrobe and retrieves a bathrobe from it. “I thought you had no magic for a month at least?”

I smirk. “Don't worry. I have my ways. So how about your move? And what about that mask? Did you really have it on while bathing!?”

“The mask is an important part of my identity.” Chuck walks over to take a look at the board and grimaces, he immediately saw what I am intending to do. With a long sigh he drops into his seat across from me and stares at the playing field.


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