
Chapter 75

Chapter 75: ~The Traveller.~

“To the king and queen of Quinn!

Mom, Dad! We are doing fine here in Nict. The people are a little strange in the head and of course they are all heretics, but it is very important that you don't do anything rash! The current Nict may be even more dangerous than the Empire, but it looks like they'll ignore us for now and remain neutral. We think it's in our best interest if it stays that way.

To reach this goal we'll stay here for a while in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong. One of Nict's teleportation discs will arrive with the returning expedition force. We'll be brought back by one of their magicians then. Don't worry, the disc is heavily guarded day and night.

Sincerely yours, Giana and Leon.”


***Eastern Plains, Doi-Village***


It's good to be here once in a while. The nomads are simple people and being among them feels relaxing. I walk through the village which consists of huts and tents, but something is different this time. The nomads whom I know to be proud and upright people look like beaten dogs.

There are many men in their best age in the village, which is strange since they should be normally with their caravan to gather resources. I halt in front of the biggest tent which belongs to the chief of this tribe. There is a single guardsman who is in my way. He has a mean looking expression and attempts to block me as I step closer, but when he gets to take a look under my hood, he recoils and steps aside.

I smile and enter the tent while removing my hood. Inside I find only a bunch of old men, silently whispering with each other. They look up in surprise and finally the oldest of them rises to greet me. “Revered elder! You returned!” He steps closer and hugs me like a child would hug a loved father.

Patting his shoulders, I remove him from me and try to smile. “It has been a long time since I paid you a visit. How is my son doing? Is he out on a hunt, playing the chief again?”

The assembled group's expressions turn troubled and all of them fall silent. Finally the old man in front of me decides to speak. “The honoured chief of our tribe... died a week ago.” He casts his eyes downwards with a sad expression.

I feel my left eye starting to twitch, then I grab his collar and lift him above the ground before I can restrain myself. “How? His magic was powerful and strong! He could have lived many hundreds of years. I was gone for a mere twelve years!” josei

The old man starts to stutter something about a fortress appearing on their land and the tribes assembling to chase two groups of foreigners away. I set him back onto the ground and he calms down a little, continuing his story of my son. The fool wanted to take the chance to unify his people. It's a rare event that all the tribes come together to fight a foe. Hundreds of years could have passed before another chance presented itself.

Apparently he had to fight over the leadership with another powerful chief, but in the end the assembled chiefs decided that the one who would represent them in front of the enemy would be in charge of the following raiding party. The other chief backed off and my son went to meet Nict's representatives, where he died and lost the dagger.

Afterwards the chief who fought with him for the leadership took control and the assembled tribesmen attacked the enemy fortress, which suddenly started to float. Then it incinerated the warriors with a single attack.

The remaining survivors were so shocked that many simply ran back home. Those who hadn't lost their heads were gathered by the opposing chief, then they took off with an unknown destination.

I reach for the shoulder of the old man and smile at him. “Show me where my son died.”

***Free City States of Nict, Capital***


There are screams coming out of the room where Stella is giving birth... laying eggs. She went into labour about an hour ago and I immediately called for the healers, which was promptly answered by the last person whom I wanted to see.

My mother practically broke into my house, together with my family and my most dreaded enemy. Our clan's personal healer, Laney.

My aversion for Laney is probably irrational, since she stopped her experiments on me a long time ago. But the way she looks at me simply gives me the creeps. It's because I know that expression very well. It's the same way I look when I find something particularly interesting to study.

Soon after my own family, Helen let herself in with a bunch of royal healers in tow. That's the reason why my house is suddenly full of people, despite the fact that it's in the middle of the night.

Of course Lucas, Sola and Xander had to join the party too.

Another scream comes from beyond the door to my bedroom. Thankfully I don't have to be with her, it sounds like it hurts a great deal. At least Helen and Valda are at her side. It seems like men aren't wished to be present when a woman has a moment of complete weakness.

My father pats my shoulder. “Don't worry son. The best healers are with her, there won't be a problem.”

Lucas nods and wipes a pearl of sweat from his forehead. “It reminds me of Stella's birth. Big egg, the healer said that it was like catching a projectile when it finally came out.”

I kick his shin without holding back. “Thank you for the horrible image! How can I get that out of my head now?”

Lucas kneels down in pain, holding his legs. “It's okay. It was a joke! Who knew that you would be so edgy.”

Valeria hugs me from the side. “I am so eager to see them!”

Ivy appears from the kitchen, perfectly balancing two big plates in her hands. One is filled with snacks and the other with different drinks. “Please suit yourself, if any of the masters are hungry.” She passes through the group of people until she arrives at Sola and Xander, who has the misfortune of being distracted by her deep cut maid outfit.

His eyes stick to the wrong place for a few seconds too long and Sola's hand shoots out with two fingers pointed at his eyes. It's over before anyone can react.

Her husband is wriggling to Sola's feet and crying in agony. She grabs the towel on Ivy's shoulder and cleans her two bloody fingers.

Ivy is just standing there, stunned, looking down at the pile of misery who is rolling around in front of her. “He was just looking. Was such an action really required?”

Sola snorts and inspects Ivy with great care. “Servant, listen carefully. I won't repeat myself. It's very easy for a woman to catch a man, the problem lies in keeping the guy away from other vultures and training him properly. Once you allow him to ogle other women right next to you, you may as well let him mount them. He should have at least the decency to ogle with a certain amount of secrecy.”

She places the towel back on Ivy's shoulder. “Once a man undresses other women with his eyes in such an obvious manner, while standing right next to his wife, a certain amount of punishment is needed. And Xander is an Eddin, this is just a scratch to him.”

Ivy nods in admiration like a big secret was revealed to her.

Xander crawls to his knees with tears in his eyes. They look swollen and are bloodshot, but otherwise he seems to be fine. He edges closer to Sola and hugs her around her waist. “I am sorry, dear! I have failed you. Don't be angry, I didn't have any second thoughts, it just happened.”

Sola sighs and pats his head. “Don't worry. I am not mad. Just don't undress other women with your eyes okay? It feels like I am not enough.”

Gods, I hope that I'll never fall this deep... though it's his own fault in a twisted kind of way.

Just in that moment the door to my bedroom opens and Stella exits with two big eggs pressed to each of her cheeks. She is still wearing the wide gown which fits around her formerly pregnant belly. Now it looks more like a bag. “Look, Azir! Aren't they beautiful?” She rushes to my side and holds the eggs out like they are a perfect creation. One of them is light brown with violet spots on it. The other has a darker tone and is spotted with the golden colour of dry corn.

I smile and take one of the eggs from her. “They really are wonderful.” Just imagine how much scrambled egg one could make from one of these! The embryo inside the egg starts frantically knocking onto the shell, probably the creepy thing read my mind! “Am I holding it wrong?”

Stella sighs and takes the egg back. “You just thought something morally wrong!”

Vehemently shaking my head, I deny the accusation. “Totally not! Let me try the other one.” I take the other egg from Stella and nothing happens. “See? The other one is just a coward, that's all.”

“Let me hold it too!” Valeria takes the egg from me, which causes frantic knocking from the inside. Defeated she hands it back and grumbles. “They are way too perceptive at that age.”

Helen and Valda join us while the healers leave immediately. Only Laney stays and edges closer to me. “You know. Having your two bloodlines crossed is a historical event, looking back in history. It didn't happen often and never between two such strong individuals. Can I take some samples once they are old enough?”

“No.” I instinctively shield the egg from her. “My children aren't your toys. You aren't allowed to poke them with your instruments!”

Laney turns to Stella, but doesn't get any support from her. “Ask again when they are older.”

We transport the eggs to the table in the living room, where I already prepared two incubation chambers. This time they are the updated versions and are camouflaged as neat baskets with a glass dome on top. Nonetheless the eggs have to endure the inspection of everyone until the house is finally clean of visitors. It's late at night after all and everyone is tired.

Only Ivy remains for a while longer at the table to inspect the eggs. “Maybe I'll try that too... but just for scientific purposes...” She bows to us and retreats to her own quarters.

“Did... did she just...” I point at the door where she disappeared and turn to Stella. “Can she even do that?”

Stella shrugs her shoulders. “According to my judgement she is fully functional. Don't worry, she'll do a wonderful job as a parent. She started studying psychology and social systems at the university.”

It hits me that I didn't even ask how Stella is feeling. “And you? Everything alright?”

Stella smiles and links arms with me. “Of course. The Eddin fixed me up perfectly. I am back in my top form!” Then she pulls me in front of the two eggs and starts fiddling with the settings. “Now the only thing that's left to do is to decide what we want. Two boys, two girls or one of each?”

“We can choose?” I raise an eyebrow and look at her with a conflicted expression. “I thought that's up to mother nature?”

Stella speechlessly looks at me for some moments. “I thought you studied the book 'How to take care of an egg'? Didn't you read the first chapter 'Laying and deciding'?”

I start fiddling with my fingers and avert my eyes from her gaze. “When I had to take care of the egg it was already laid, so I kind of... skipped that chapter. And when you were pregnant I looked up only the stuff which is important during pregnancy.”

Stella smacks her forehead and sighs. “Okay. An embryo's gender inside the egg isn't decided. The first three weeks are important. During that time they develop the fastest. Forty point three degrees encourage the embryo to develop into a female, thirty eight point nine degrees favour the male gender. Normally women choose their offspring to become female, since girls have a higher chance to inherit the magical bloodline. Though that's only if the father isn't a strong magician.”

She pulls at my cheek. “But since we are both very strong magicians it should be okay to have boys. They'll surely be as strong as you.”

“Okay? Then how about a boy and a girl? If they are identical twins, then we avoid any possibility of confusion.” I gesture at the two eggs in front of us.

Stella sighs. “You are the only one in the world who would think of something like that.” She bends forward to program the chambers.

“Wait one moment!” I gesture for her to wait. “That one is the girl!” I point at the egg which is spotted golden.

Stella frowns. “Why that one? Is there any difference between the two? They are both cute.”

I nod. “There is a huge difference. That's the one which didn't like me. The girl is your responsibility!” I kind of like this development.

She sighs again and inputs the correct values into the devices. “I have no problem with it since I decided to leave the choice to you, but I think you are making a mistake.”

“How so?” Is my logic faulty? I can't see where I went wrong.

Stella shakes her head and smirks. “Call it motherly instinct. It just feels like the golden one has more temperament.”

I try to think about the implications, but Stella distracts me by unbuttoning her gown while licking her lips and looking at me full of desire. It drops to the ground reveals her in all her naked glory.

“I love you.” She grabs my robe at my chest and pulls me down to kiss me. Her left leg wanders around me and she pulls herself upwards, followed by the right leg.

My hands automatically support her behind while she is folding her arms around my head. Her tongue in my mouth drives me almost crazy and stops me from breathing. Finally she retreats it to take a breath and I use the chance to ask her a question. “And the reason for this sudden proposal is?”

She purses her lips. “Seventy four days! Doesn't that ring any bells? Don't tell me that you didn't mind it at all!”

Oooh... To be honest her temper didn't even allow the thought bedding her. If she broke me while I am without healing magic the outcome could've been bad.

Stella starts grinding her hips against mine and whispers into my ear. “I would like to try a few things from the memory mirror.”

“That's a good idea!” I turn and wobble with her in my arms out of the room.


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