
Chapter 490 The Deimons

Chapter 490 The Deimons

The Deimonsjosei

Eleven was bored the whole day. The classes taught useless things. The only exciting thing was the Specialization class at the end of the day, but he couldn't even let loose. Liz and her friend kept a close eye on him because "Lee Seng still wasn't fully recovered and they didn't want him to push himself too hard." Eleven found the meeting of the Deimons to be a godsend over this "jail" of a place.

He had arrived at an unassuming building in the heart of the city. He hit the elevator button and waited for the elevator to come. The empty halls were quiet as he listened to the elevator rumble.

"Hello." A quiet voice spoke up. Eleven turned and noticed a tall, scrawny man standing next to him. He looked like a dead man. His pale skin, sunken brown eyes and messy brunette hair didn't help him one bit either. He slouched a bit and had his hands in his pockets. He looked like he went through a tornado.

"Hello." Eleven hesitantly greeted him.

"Are you here for the meeting? I heard we were having a last minute meeting because of some important thing." The dead man asked. "We just had a meeting literally a couple days ago and now they want to do something, again. It's so tiring. I really hope it doesn't last long. I want more sleep." The guy seemed to ramble on and on, but Eleven's mind was more concerned with something he almost overlooked – he didn't hear the guy come up on him.

The elevator dinged and opened. The two stepped in and the dead man hit the button, turning to look at Eleven.

"Which floor are you going to?" The dead man asked.

"The underground floor as well." Eleven pointed at the lit up button.

"Oh, you're going there too? Interesting." The doors closed and the elevator started down. "What business do you have down there? I don't think I've seen you before."

"I'm going to the meeting. They've summoned me." Eleven told him. He looked over at the dead man. The dead man nodded.

"They? Who's they?"

"Mmm, important people I guess?" Eleven shrugged. The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened. The dead man walked out first, Eleven following after him. The underground floor was lit with bright fluorescent lights. It smelled dusty and Eleven's nose itched. He rubbed it, feeling a sneeze come on when the noise of a door opening drew his attention.

"Michael, you're here." A man in a neat suit greeted the dead man. His eyes went over to Eleven, immediately growing serious. "And it seems you've met our new addition."

"Our new addition?" Michael asked, looking at the kid. "I thought he'd be a bit more… Mischievous like they say on the news." Eleven looked at both of them as Michael pushed past the man in the suit. "Are they already here?"

"Yes." The suit guy answered. "Make yourself comfortable, we'll be here for a while." He turned his attention onto Eleven. "You made it." Eleven didn't say anything. The suit man turned around and entered, not even telling him to follow. Eleven sighed and followed in after him.

Eleven entered a fairly large conference room. There weren't many people in the room. He thought there would be all ten people, but there were only five of them.

"Alright let's get down to business, shall we?" A woman spoke. The others seemed to stop talking when she said something and all sat down. Michael, the dead looking guy, leaned in his chair while the suit man sat prim and proper. A butler stood next to the woman in the flowery dress.

"It looks like everyone's here." Queen spoke. "Let's get down to business." She motioned at Eleven. "Welcome to the Plant. This is where the Deimons stay when they aren't doing anything for the Master. I'm sure you remember me, but I am Queen and these are the Deimons I rule over."

Queen may have had the name of a high position title, but didn't look anything like it. Eleven assumed she took a liking to flowers

"This is Neo." Queen motioned at the butler next to her. "The little girl over there is Connie. She may look cute but she's deadly."

"Hiya!" Connie waved.

"That security looking gentleman is Cesar. And it seems you've come with Michael here." The group of Deimons turned to look at him. Michael gave a nod while Neo and Cesar simply looked at him.

"And you may introduce yourself, troublemaker." Queen motioned. The whole group turned their attention onto him.

"I don't have a name. They call me Eleven after–" Eleven began to introduce himself.

"After your experiment number. Yeah, we know that." Connie interrupted.

"This one's the troublemaker?" Michael asked, turning. "He does look like a school bully or something. Where does he go? The Numbers Academy? Why would he go there? Isn't he already like us?"

"No." Cesar shook his head. "He hasn't successfully taken over, yet."

"It's as good as mine already!" Eleven blurted out. There was something about Cesar that made him ticked off. Cesar spun around in his chair and in an instant Eleven felt rough hands wrapped around his neck. Cesar lifted the young man, squeezing Eleven's neck.

"You know nothing of what your potential even is. You're barely half-baked." Eleven grasped at Cesar's arm. The other Deimons seemed unimpressed by the sudden display of violence. Cesar squeezed the air out of Eleven's body, watching him grow pale. Cesar's strength was immense. It seemed to surpass his own strength. Just when Eleven thought he might fall, again, a voice saved him.

"Enough, Cesar." Queen spoke. Cesar immediately released Eleven, dropping him onto the ground. Eleven erupted in coughs as Cesar turned to look at Queen. "There's only five of us who are fully capable of using our powers. The others still stir within their hosts. This one is a special exception. We should be trying to get him to advance to the next state as soon as possible, understand?"

"Yes, Queen." The group answered.

"And you, Eleven." Queen motioned at him. Eleven raised his head, letting the last bouts of coughs out. "Master has told me to watch over you. Since your little stunt, the city has been worried about the deaths of those people you've taken. You'll have to make up for it, yourself, do you understand?"

"H-how?" Eleven asked.

"How?" Queen chuckled. "You'll be put to work, of course. There's much to do for us… And I think getting to understand each other might be the best thing for both of us, yes? Well, that's all we need to discuss. Memorize your fellow Deimon's names. They may have experiment numbers associated with them, but it doesn't mean they choose to go by it. We're not like the Numbers. Cesar will be in charge of you."

"Yes, ma'am." Cesar nodded.

"Michael, have you figured out anything else about our little experiment?" Queen looked over at the dead man.

"I'm still working on it, my Queen. I think the experiment is quite interesting. I'm glad you've given me a chance to work on this project for you, m'lady. I will alert you once I have results." Michael answered.

"Good. Connie." Queen looked over at the little girl. She was spinning in her chair like she was in her own little world.

"Yes, Queen?" Connie looked over at her.

"Don't make too much noise above, okay? I'll let you play soon."

"That's a promise, m'lady!" Connie pointed. Queen nodded and looked over at Neo.

"Make a space for Eleven. He'll have to stay here sometimes." Queen ordered.

"Yes, m'lady." Neo bowed.

"Eleven, continue to live your day to day life. Once the Master has okayed you for missions, I'll expect you to participate. We'll schedule a time for you to come back once that's done." Queen spoke. "If there's nothing else, we may all leave." The deimons all began to stand and leave. Cesar turned around and looked at Eleven as he stood up.

"Give me your phone." Cesar stuck his hand out.

"Why do you need it?" Eleven asked. Cesar didn't answer. He just waited for the phone.

'Argh, this guy's a pain in the ass.' Eleven rubbed his neck, sticking his other hand in his pocket and pulling out the phone he was issued by the Master.

"While you are living as Lee Seng, you'll use the phone he uses. When you eventually do Deimon business, you'll use this phone." The Master's voice echoed in his head. He gave the phone over to the security guard and watched him punch in his contact information.

"I'll call you tomorrow to conduct some personal training. Clear whatever you're doing. We need to know what you're capable of." Cesar handed the phone back to him.

"Lucky for you, I can't do anything for a while with the host's life." Eleven replied.

"I'll call you and I expect you to pick up when I do." Cesar continued, ignoring Eleven's reply.

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