
Chapter 491 Moving Forward

Chapter 491 Moving Forward

The smell of food permeated the Tomb as Keng sat around with Isaac, Bright and Philip. The rest of the Wang siblings were cooking while the four made small talk.

"So you learned how to use a glaive because of Isaac?" Keng pointed at Philip and Isaac.josei

"Yup." Philip nodded. "I think I'm the most unique fighter in the entire family. There's only one specialized fighter that can fight both close and far. The rest of my brothers all fight close range because their abilities work better that way."

"And Lily is the only one who's ranged. That's cool." Keng nodded.

"Since we're on this topic," Isaac spoke up. "What's your partner like? They say you two are very blessed."

"Well, we can both fight close or far. We can heal. We have a limited amount of defensive abilities thanks to his Biohuman ability, too." Keng replied.

"All rounder." Bright pointed at Keng.

"Exactly. You don't see that all the time." Philip added.

"Is it rare to have an all rounder?" Keng asked.

"Food's ready!" Lily shouted. She shuffled out of the room, setting one of the dishes on the dining room table.

"Come eat." Jacob added. He and Winn followed behind their sister, setting more food on the table.

"People usually only specialize in one or two things. Granted, Fox Spirit's always specialize in at least two things. If they're really lucky, the Evolution tree gives them more specializations." Isaac replied, standing.

'I cover all four general specializations, thus I'm an all rounder.' Keng thought, following everyone over to the dining room table. They had found a table that would fit them and brought it out to use. Keng sat at the end next to Philip and Jacob.

"Well, since we're leaving tomorrow, I wanted to have a big dinner with everyone." Lily spoke up. She looked around at her brothers and Keng, smiling. "I won't be gone for too long. Keng and I just need to help the Merfolk with their problem and I'll be back. Uhh, Keng, you wanna say anything?" She looked at him and all of the eyes landed on him.

"Uh." Keng cleared his throat. "Thanks for trusting your sister with me… Umm, I'll make sure she comes back soon. Uhhh…" Keng glanced off to the side. "I really hope we can work together in the future. Establish better relationships and hopefully you can see Lee Seng and I together at once. Maybe then you won't be skeptical of there being one of us acting like both people." Keng. He lifted the cup up and looked at everyone. "Cheers."

"Cheers!" Everyone grabbed their cups and clinked it, taking a sip of the water.

"Well, let's dig in." Keng motioned.

The night was young and everyone chatted away while enjoying good food with each other. At some point in the night, Keng found himself thinking about Lee Seng.

'Is he alright?' He thought to himself. 'I hope he's fine…. I wonder why he's in Limbo… Let's meet soon, 'kay?' The night eventually grew late and everyone was stuffed from the food.

"I guess I'll hit the hay." Keng stood up. "Night everyone. Make use of the rooms. There should be enough beds for everyone."


Sword and dagger sparked as Lee Seng dashed around the room. Crow kept her distance, throwing daggers and creating feather storms to block the Fox from venturing too close to her. Lee Seng dodged to the side, watching daggers fly past him.

'There's a lot of daggers behind me. I need to be careful.' Lee Seng reminded himself. He dashed forward, Echoes appearing beside him. The three Lee Sengs weaved in and out of each other, causing some confusion on their enemy. Crow had grown used to the display of the Echoes. They were simple illusions of Light. They didn't do much from what she learned. She had asked him about it and he told her he couldn't make them too complicated, yet. Crow summoned three daggers and tossed them straight for Lee Seng and his Echoes. Three daggers quickly became six, piercing straight through Lee Seng and the Echoes. The Echoes exploded in light, blinding Crow.

[Displacement Mark 2 has been used.]

Lee Seng appeared behind Crow, swinging his sword down at her.

"Feather Storm!" Crow shouted.

'How did she know?' Lee Seng wondered. The sword collided with the storms of feathers all around here, slicing Lee Seng. With a flick of hand, the Feather Storm exploded outwards, sending Lee Seng flying backwards. He bounced on the ground, groaning as the feathers pulled out of him and back into Crow.

"How did you know?" Lee Seng asked, sitting up. He ignored the fact he was sitting in his own blood as Crow turned around. She rubbed her eyes, blinking furiously.

"You suddenly disappeared. What did you think I was going to do?" Crow asked. "You know I can use Feather Storm defensively. Why did you risk it?"

"You didn't give me time to use my next strike." Lee Seng told her. "It would've taken you by surprise."

"Your delayed Echo Hits won't work on me."

"Of course it won't work on you. You and I've trained for so long!"

[Notice: Class Restriction has been lifted. You can now gain experience in your class.]

Lee Seng got up onto his feet and flicked the blood off of him. His white shirt always got too red. He spent too much time cleaning them and didn't look forward to it.

"Well, too bad we don't have more time." Crow looked at her wrist. A moving set of numbers appeared. "Get some sleep and our time will be up. Our four days are up." Crow told him. She made a beeline for her empty mug on the coffee table.

"Just like that? Time moves fast when you're constantly on the go." Lee Seng sighed.

'My new life starts tomorrow. I'll have to fight all sorts of creatures… I hope time flies. I want to see Keng again… And get my body back!'

The Next Day

Lee Seng had gotten up early to clean his bloodied clothes. He spent a lot of time, when he wasn't training, outside scrubbing blood out of his clothes. The place they were in simulated days and nights. The weather was always 'just right' and he eventually took up a routine of warming up outside. Lee Seng scrubbed the last of his clothes and threw it in the pile of "cleaned" clothes. He moved his hand over the clothes and lifted it up. He squeezed the water out and started to whip his clothes around, quickly.

It was an odd way of doing laundry but he was pressed for time.

He moved the clothes into the duffle bag he was given and stepped inside to gather the rest of his things. Crow was sitting in the sun room, reading like always when he entered the home. When he was done gathering his things, Crow closed the book and stuck it in her cloak. He had looked at the books and they were diverse topics. Music, philosophy, fiction, smut, you name it. There was something there. He even found books he wanted to read on that shelf.

"Ready to go?" Crow asked.

"Yup. Got everything I need." Lee Seng patted his duffle bag. He held his sword in his hand as Crow moved over to open the front door.

"Let's return then." Crow motioned. She stepped outside. The grassy area had turned white when she stepped out. A gray and black trail formed in front of her as Lee Seng stepped out. The path would show them the way back to Lord Cain's mansion.

They followed the trail for quite some time before a large ornate door appeared at the end of the trail. Crow grabbed the door and pushed it open, not waiting for Lee Seng as she stepped through the door.

"Alright, Lee Seng." Lee Seng started to give himself a pep talk as he stopped at the door. "Stepping through those doors, you'll be put to work. Do your best, gather souls, level up your skills. You need to be prepared for the fight with that fake demon." With a nod and a pat on the cheek, Lee Seng stepped through the door.

"Welcome back!" Cain jollily greeted him as the ornate door closed behind him. "Welcome, welcome! I can see you're radiating with so much… Energy!" Crow was standing off to the side as Cain extended his arms out like he was getting ready for a hug. "How are you? You seem stronger. I can feel it!"

"I'm doing well, Lord Cain." Lee Seng replied. He frowned when Lee Seng called him 'Lord.'

"Oh, come on, Lee Seng!" Cain pointed at him. "You don't have to call me Lord Cain."

"But Crow told me I should when we're in the view of others."

"It's just you, me, and Crow. She won't mind it. She doesn't care much for me anyways!" Cain frowned at her. Crow shook her head and looked off to the side. "See? She acts so cold! She used to be so warm!" Lee Seng pointed up at the stairs.

"Who's that shadowy figure? Is it one of the Lords 'I've met' but haven't met?" Lee Seng asked.

"Oho, you've noticed?" Varjo materialized. He was a tall and lanky dark shadow. He moved down the steps as Cain looked over at him, unamused. "I heard your little Debt Collector was coming out of Freezer today. I wanted to see him for myself, m'lord."

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