
Chapter 802 Energy Release

Chapter 802 Energy Release

Calis watched as Silva's form turned from smooth gray skin and bat wings to a more rotten form. Her skin turned blue like she had been asphyxiated. She looked at Calis with a crooked smile.

"This form shall do… After all," Silva flashed from her location and appeared in front of Calis. "I just need to kill you in it." A pistol materialized in her hand. She pointed it up at Calis and shot. Shadows ate the bullet, swallowing the energy. Silva's eyes hardened. It was a blank point shot and the Merman in front of her still managed to react to it.

Calis swung the Shadow fin straight for Silva's gun arm. He needed to get rid of it before he succumbed to his wounds. Silva pulled he gun back and swung her other hand at Calis. A knife materialized, going straight for his neck. Calis threw his other arm up, meeting the blade with his Shadow fin.

Silva pulled back as  she fired three more bullets. Calis deflected the first two, tilting his head to the right as a energy bullet grazed him. Calis lunged forward, slashing both of his Shadow fin blades at Silva, cutting into her bloated form. Rotten blood spilled, filling the space. Calis moved back, swiping at the water.

'The blood is bad.' Calis came to a stop. Silva moved backwards, ignoring the rotten blood spilling. The pistol and knife switched to an assault rifle. Silva readied it and took aim. 'These bullets aren't like the bullets I've seen used before…'

"I feel bad for you, Merman." Silva smirked. She lowered the assault rifle a bit. She clearly thought she had the advantage in Calis's advantage space. "I bet you're confused as to what's happening right now. I'll let you in on a secret… These bullets aren't like those puny human bullets. These bullets aren't bullets at all. They're made of energy and hurt more than an actual bullet… but I think you already know that since you have a few holes in you already."

Silva smiled and raised the assault rifle. She pulled the trigger and watched the energy bullets swim through the water without fail. Calis pushed the shadows and water forward, slowing the energy bullets as they passed. He dove deeper, dodging the bullets as he shot himself straight for Silva.

'Cross Strike.' Calis burst forward, slashing in an X-formation across Silva's chest and gun. The gun exploded into dust while she exploded with blood. Silva screamed in pain as Calis raised his right hand up to the sky. 'I call upon you, again, old friend. Glaive of a Thousand Cuts!'

A large glaive appeared in his hand as Calis twirled it. He swung it to the side and swam forward. The glaive shimmered with dark gray energy. Calis swung the glaive, releasing three strikes at Silva. Silva screamed as more blood spilled.

'The blood is souring everything…' Calis pinched his nose. Silva raised her hand and pointed it straight for Calis. The rotten blood glimmered before it started to squeal. Calis backed off, watching as the blood exploded. The dark waters shook as Calis pulled the water around him.

"So this is what that power is capable of!" Silva chuckled. She pulled her hand back to her side and watched the blood permeate around her. "Changing your form does have its perks… I wonder… If I eat you, will it be much better than this bloated mess?" A large sniper rifle appeared in Silva's hands. She cocked it and aimed her shot. She fired the gun and a large energy bullet flew out.

Calis fired a blast of darkness and immediately expunged itself as soon as it made contact with the large energy bullet. The bullet flew through, hitting Calis straight in the chest, spinning him around. Silva snickered as she pulled the cock, charging another shot into the gun.

Silva readied the gun, aiming straight for the Merman as he flipped himself back upright. Calis's grip tightened on the glaive. Dark gray energy swept from Calis's body as he looked at Silva.

"Say goodbye, fish boy! I'll enjoy using your form!" Silva cackled. Her finger began to pull the trigger when Calis's energy swirled.

"Energy Release." Calis whispered. Darkness thickened around Calis as his tail scales grew pitch black with white accents. The glaive grew black and sea green.

Silva pulled the rigger, releasing another energy bullet. Calis disappeared as the bullet slammed into the back wall, crumbling it within seconds. Silva cocked the gun and readied another energy bullet. She whipped her head to the right as Calis reappeared to her side.

"Vicious Beheading." Calis swung the glaive straight for her head as Silva raised the gun to block it. The blade flew straight through the gun like butter, cutting her neck. Silva screamed in pain as the blade managed to go a couple inches deep . She could feel her body rupturing and splurting out blood. She threw her hand forward in a frenzy, exploding the blood around her as she desperately tried to flee.

"Crown of the Mad God…" Calis whispered. The dark waters grew pitch black. Silva's screams were the only thing she heard as she gasped. She swam, noticing the darkness all around her. She wondered what was happening as her bloated body tried to piece itself back together.

"Do you really think you're enough for him?" Agatha's voice asked.

"Hmph. Wake up from your delusions, Silva. That'll never happen." The cat-looking man spoke. "The quicker you wake up and realize this is our duty, the better it'll be."

"No!" Silva shouted. Blood blurted out of her neck wound as she whipped around trying to find them. "You're liars! He loves me!"

"Did I ever say such a thing?" Baro materialized in front of her. He looked at her with his cold eyes. Silva moved forward, clutching onto Baro with her bloody hands. Baro looked down and pulled away.

"S-sir…! Please…!" Silva muttered. Baro looked away and shook his head.

"Do you really follow my orders, Silva?" Baro asked. "Have you ever followed my orders?"

"Everything I do is for you, sir!"

"Is it?" Baro looked at Silva. "Is it for me and the others…? Or is it just for your selfish gain?" Silva gasped. She took a step back as Baro's cold words stabbed her like a dagger. He scoffed and started to walk away.

"Captain!" Silva rushed forward only to feel the cold sting in her heart. She spurted out blood as she looked down. A large glaive appeared as the darkness pulled away revealing Calis in front of her. He pushed the glaive deeper as Silva spurted out blood. "Captain…"

What once was Captain Baro was now her enemy - the Merman. Calis pulled the glaive away and swung it straight for Silva's head. Silva's head split from her body and the bloated body exploded. Calis slammed into the wall as earth and water ripped apart. The body's last mechanism had activated - one which even Silva didn't know of.


Water rushed out in every direction, leaving a badly burnt Calis buried under earth. He gasped as dirty air flooded his system. His body struggled to switch from water breathing to air breathing. He coughed out blood as his vision blurred.

'Help…' Calis weakly called out as he passed out.

Calis woke in the endless Sea. Kelp, glowing sea lights and the Edge visible from where he was. He sat up and noticed he was completely fine. He had been sleeping in the camp site. He got up and made his way out of the camp. Glowing sea lights moved to the quiet waves while water bells played their evening song.

"The camp? Why am I here?" Calis asked. He reached the outer area of the camp site and noticed a familiar older Merman looking out to the Edge. Calis slowly swam forward and noticed the old Merman taking in the sight. The Edge was a scary place. It was the place where every Merfolk was told not to go. It was dangerous yet Calis's father was staring at it.

"Father?" Calis called out. Calis's father looked at him and smiled. He acknowledged his presence and continued to look at the Edge.

"Beautiful, isn't it, Calis?" Father asked. Calis looked and shrugged. He didn't think anything of the Edge. It was just an out of reach place that no one was supposed to go to. "I have gone to the Edge and enjoyed my time there. I can't wait to return."

"Y-you've gone there, Father? How?" Calis asked. The old man chuckled and turned to look at his son.

"Calis… I sensed you were on the bridge and wanted to come see you for myself, son." Father was straight to the point. Calis's memories flooded back. He had just fought the strange Demon Sniper and was on the brink of death. Father put a hand on Calis's shoulder and smiled. "You have taken up the trident, yes?"

Calis nodded.

"Good, good." Father nodded. He pulled his hand back and held them behind him like he always did.

"I—" Calis began to stutter. Father shook his head.

"Do not be sorry for what we both couldn't have controlled, Calis." Father told him. "It was my time to go. I would have given my life to protect those people over and over if I had to. I would have succumbed to the plague anyways. These old bones aren't like they were before."


Father shook his head at Calis. He wasn't done talking.

"We do not have enough time, Calis." Father put a hand on Calis's shoulder, again. He squeezed it like he always did and looked Calis dead in the eyes. Father meant business. "Do not give up. You have mourned me for years. You have searched for the Cup for many, many years. It is in your grasp. Do not let our people down, Calis. There is a long life ahead of you… the Great Mother has told me that. I am at ease because of that, son. Help the Fox Spirits and their Biohuman friends, well, Calis. You are the head of our family now. What you do is up to you at this point. You will not die here. You will live a long and wonderful life…"

Father smiled at Calis and lowered his hand on Calis's shoulder to his heart. He tapped it  a couple times and even looked at Calis's heart.

"We are Juri. We are warriors. Generations before and generations after. You've put your life for this as I have and my father before me and his father before him…" Father quieted. "There is so much waiting for you, son. We are already proud of you, son. All of the Juri's are proud of you. Maybe… after you get out of that place… You should seek from what your heart wants."

"F-father… but I—" Calis stuttered. He looked down, unsure what his father was trying to say. Father sighed and pushed his hand onto Calis's heart.

"I didn't even have time to teach you the ways of the Juri Head… so I will show you now." Father spoke in Merfolk. "Are you ready?"

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