
Chapter 803 The Cat Boy

Chapter 803 The Cat Boy

Liz and Ritsuka's entire perception warped as the cat boy pulled them into the vortex. In a blink of an eye, they were somewhere completely different. The cat boy disappeared while Liz and Ritsuka collected themselves. They were taken to a different part of the cave.

"Are you okay?" Ritsuka asked Liz. He stepped over as Liz nodded.

"I'm fine." Liz turned her head to the left and noticed the cat boy sitting on the broom. He smiled at Liz, crossing his legs together.

"I wish I got more of you." The cat boy sighed. He sounded like he wasn't really into this whole thing. The cat boy let out a sigh as he tilted his head. Ice grew in the air around him as he straightened his back out. "I guess I'll have to deal with you two… The others can't complain once you're dead."

Icicles fired at Liz and Ritsuka, forcing them to split up right away. Liz's body instantly lit up, blasting icicles while she lifted off the ground and darted away. Ritsuka bobbed and weaved, flicking his hand up. Void spikes flew out, shattering the icicles while the cat boy rose into the air.

"Environmental Tundra." The cat boy groaned as he weaved his hands together. Ice billowed outwards, covering the cavern room in ice and snow. The cat boy continued to weave, eyes glowing yellow as he pointed at Ritsuka. "Summon: Abominable Snowmen." Large snowmen with jagged icicles grew around Ritsuka.

Ritsuka jumped backwards, throwing void spikes at the snowmen. Large holes grew in the snowmen, only to be filled with snow and ice. The snowmen screamed as they rushed for Ritsuka.

Liz slid backwards and pulled the lightning to her side. She thrusted the air, blasting the lightning straight for the cat boy. The cat boy threw himself off his broom, barely dodging the lightning as it slammed into the wall behind him. The cat boy flew downwards as more lightning strikes flew at him.

"Ice Mirror." The cat boy swept in front of him, creating a large ice mirror that absorbed the energy. He slammed his palm against the mirror, firing the lightning back. Liz dodged to the side, shooting a beam of lightning out. The cat boy poofed into snow, reappearing twenty feet closer to Liz.

'Electric Overdrive.' Liz threw her hands together in front of her and released the electricity around her.

"Oh." The cat boy's eyes raised in amusement. "I've never seen someone so capable of environmental aura manipulation. This ought to be interesting when you lose." Liz smiled as her energy started to eat away at the snowy field.

"Psionic Beam!" Liz threw one of her hands out to the cat boy. The aura field around her charged Liz's move even more. A huge beam flew out at the cat boy, who poofed away. The beam destroyed four snowmen in a single hit.

"Cold Gaze." Ice grew around Liz, who immediately pulled the psionic energy around her before she froze. The cat boy reappeared standing on his broom. He crossed his arms as he watched the ice continue to grow.

'Liz!' Ritsuka called out to her. He jumped backwards and held Obsidian Glass in his hand. 'These damn snowmen are in the way! Argh, let's practice!' Ritsuka moved his weapon from the side of him to in front of him. He pointed the blade into the air. Void billowed around him as a dark blue energy grew. The cat boy's attention immediately pulled to Ritsuka. He had never felt such a foreign energy before.

'What is he doing?' The cat boy asked.

"Soul Resonance Art…" Ritsuka whispered. A large black and blue magical circle flew outwards. The abominable snowmen exploded as the magical circle grew out to be about thirty feet in diameter. The energy grew around Ritsuka and the cat boy scoffed. He raised his hand to Ritsuka and muttered something.

A blast of ice flew out at Ritsuka, covering Ritsuka and the magical circle field in snow powder. The frozen sculpture of Liz exploded behind the cat boy, catching him off guard as he turned and watched the Biohuman young woman appear in front of him. Liz and the cat boy blew up in smoke. Snow powder covered the sky while purple psionic lightning billowed within the snow cloud.


Ritsuka swiped the cloud away, revealing the donned armor of Angerfang and the shield. The armor was trimmed with red and gold, following suit with its owners primary colors of blue and black. Obsidian Glass was larger than before. A large eye jewel sat in the hilt of the sword while the white shield took on more of a darker appearance.

Ritsuka ran forward, armor clinking as a purple beam of light flashed outwards. The cat boy flew out of the electric snow cloud, slamming into the wall. Liz's Electric Overdrive grew around the field, instantly taking over most of the field.

"Soul Art: Void Bite." Ritsuka turned and dashed towards the cat boy, making the first slashing down his chest. The cat boy barely managed to conjure a thin shield of ice which shattered as the next swing went through. Angerfang's eye glowed as it tore at the cat boy after the swing. Ritsuka slashed four more times before plunging the sword straight for the cat boy.

The cat boy poofed into a cloud of snow. Obsidian Glass piercing itself into the frozen wall. Ritsuka pulled the sword out without hesitation and turned to see a blast of ice fly at him.

"Ritsuka!" Liz shouted. She moved straight for Ritsuka, charging herself with more electricity as she fired it at the cat boy.

"Voraizen…" The cat boy whispered. Icicles rippled out of the cat boy, flying straight for Liz. Liz threw a psionic shield up and watched as the shield broke and icicle spikes pierced her. Red blood spilled onto the icicles as the cat boy's entire body glowed a bright yellow. "The first to make me say my own name out loud… You will die for that."

Voraizen lifted into the air. The cat boy's appearance faded and was replaced with demon horns. His skin grew into the color of cold ice. Voraizen let out a breath and snowflakes materialized. A white demon tail appeared with a jagged end. It looked like part of it was torn. He spun into the air as he lifted his hand up. The ice in the room all seemed to move and breathe with him. A large icicle spike grew and Voraizen smiled.

"I don't like how I feel when my name is said…" Voraizen told the humans. "But… I guess It's worth it if I can eat you… Well, time to die." Voraizen threw the large spike at Liz.  Liz watched as the icicle came straight for her. Time began to slow as a spark of psionic electricity flew out.


Liz was excited for the Biohuman serum shot. She would have a chance of potentially manifesting powers that were like her parents. Her mother, Rosa, was a psychic and her father, John, had lightning-based powers. The two didn't do anything with their powers. Those years were behind them and the Biohuman serum was only a 'necessity' during their time because it was 'a fight for their lives.'

Liz didn't understand why her parents acted the way they did. They saw the Biohuman serum as 'the devil's work.' "God wouldn't have intended for humans to be altered by some sort of serum that ruined all life on Earth." Liz heard this day in and day out. Her parents declined every opportunity for Liz to get the serum. They didn't sign her up for them. When her school asked Liz, she told them her parents didn't want her to get it.

The school called and time after time, again, Liz's parents declined it. They didn't want their daughter to fall into the "devil's hold" like them. They wanted their daughter to live a completely normal life, free from the pain their own powers gave them.

Liz managed to get her father to sign paperwork for her. She lied and said it was a school extracurricular trip. The school would take them to see some fauna and flora at the large greenhouse to the North of the city. Father was busy, so he signed it and brushed his daughter off to her studies.

The next day when Liz's classmates were going on a trip, she managed to dip out of there and head to one of the serum sights. She was old enough to get a serum short even though she was still in her Eighth Year of primary school. She entered the building and handed the necessary paperwork.

"Elizabeth Walt?" The nurse called out. Liz stood up and walked over. The nurse looked at the sheet and then looked around. "Where's your guardian?"

"Oh… They couldn't come." Liz lied.

"You know we can't give you the shot unless your guardian comes. We'll have to —"

"Oh, no! I have permission to be here! They even left this note." Liz pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to the nurse. The nurse suspiciously read it and looked at Liz.

"It's great they did this, but we still need someone here. If your guardian isn't here then —" The door bell rang and a older woman stepped through.

"Oh, dear, I'm sorry I'm late!" An old woman spoke. Liz turned and noticed it was Mrs. Johnson, the neighborhood grandma. She pulled off her hat and shuffled over to Liz. She squeezed Liz and winked at her.

"Who are you? Are you Miss Elizabeth's guardian?" The nurse asked.

pàпdá-ňᴏνêι.сóМ "Oh yes!" Mrs. Johnson nodded. "Her parents couldn't come because they were busy, so they asked me to come. I nearly forgot the time! Why didn't you call me and tell me you were here, dear?" Mrs. Johnson looked at Liz and raised an eyebrow.

'Play along, dear.' Mrs. Johnson's voice appeared in Liz's mind.

"Oh! Y-yes. I-I totally forgot!" Liz stammered. She looked at the nurse and then to Mrs. Johnson. "I forgot Mom said something about Mrs. Johnson coming in place of them!"

"Mrs. Johnson, can you fill out some paperwork since you are the adult watching over the procedure for Miss Walt? I just need you to document that Mister and Mrs. Walt okayed this." The nurse motioned.

"Sure thing, dear." Mrs. Johnson nodded. She looked over at Liz and smiled.

"I'll take Elizabeth to the back and prepare her. You can sign paperwork in there if you'd like, Mrs. Johnson." The nurse informed her. Mrs. Johnson nodded and motioned. "This way, then, Elizabeth and Mrs. Johnson."

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