
Chapter 804 Spawn Of The Devil

Chapter 804 Spawn Of The Devil


'Every moment in my life felt like I was being told who I was supposed to be…' Liz thought. 'Mom and Dad always saw me as someone with a lot of potential, but I struggled to achieve even the lowest bar of that.'

Dad slammed his hand against the table. Liz didn't twitch as those painful eyes turned even more foreign. Dad was billowing with anger and all Liz could do was wonder when this would be over.

"I got a call from school saying you didn't go on the trip! When I asked if it was the trip for Biology, they asked me what I was talking about?!? Where the hell did you go?!?" Dad slammed his fist on the table again. Liz lifted her head and stared at her father with cold eyes. It was the first time her own father wouldn't understand her and it wouldn't be the last.

Liz lifted her hand up and showed her dad. Purple lightning streaked across her hands and she smiled. Dad's eyes went wide and he started yelling. HE started throwing things around.

"Monster." "Freak." "Spawn of the Devil." Liz's own parents called her that. They forbade her from even practicing her ability. Liz didn't understand any of it and wouldn't even try. She ran away from home when it was too much. She fled to Mrs. Johnson's house, who protected her from her abusive parents. Mrs. Johnson even helped Liz get an opportunity to go to the Number's Academy.

All of the memories of the past six years burned in Liz's mind. A psionic spark flew out as time slowed to a stop. The feeling came again. The rage within her came and Liz couldn't help but want to entertain it more…

'The rage won't get you.' Manny's voice spoke in her head. 'If the rage gets to you, I will be there to protect you. I'll take all of your rage and watch as you become something even your parents have to be proud of!'

Liz had spent the last two years training. The last two years pushing herself into this 'bottomless rage' of emotions. She was done running from it. Psionic lightning sparked everywhere as time continued. The icicles exploded and Liz's body wrapped with even more lightning. She knew what this form really meant. It wasn't rage… It was freedom.

A large growing barrier flew out, burning everything around it as Liz appeared in front of Voraizen. What once was a semi-covered Liz with psionic energy, was now a fully covered Liz. A lighter purple set of eyes looked at Voraizen as Liz lifted her hand up. She looked at it and then to Voraizen.

Voraizen immediately stopped and moved backwards. This human confused him. She was… actually stronger than him? 'No.' Voraizen shook his head. 'There's no way a human could be stronger than a Demon! There's no way!' Voraizen lifted his hands and weaved. Icicles flew out at Liz, who swept her hand across the air, creating a web of electricity. The icicles immediately disintegrated while Voraizen conjured all the ice from the ground. Liz watched as a huge ice pillar ate her. Voraizen smiled. He had contained the strange human.

"Let's end this…  Frigus mortem." The ice glowed bright while Voraizen weaved his hands together. "May death be ever freezing."

"Argh!" Ritsuka shouted. The ice exploded as Void energy flew out of him. Voraizen turned to look and noticed the other human had gotten out. He clicked his tongue and turned back.

"I will finish you first, girl! Die!" Voraizen threw his hands out at Liz and the ice began to crack. A single sigh escaped Ritsuka's mouth before he disappeared.

"Shield of Absolution." Ritsuka whispered. Ritsuka reappeared slamming the shield into the ice. The shield flashed, cracking the ice, spilling the black and blue energy into the ice. It reached Liz, sparking psionic energy and fueling Liz with enough energy to destroy the ice pillar.

"Tch. Summon: Abominable Snowmen! Destroy them!" Voraizen shouted. He flew further up into the sky, creating icicles in his path as he fired shots out for Liz.

"Reaping Blow." Ritsuka swung Obsidian Glass in an arc. A wave of energy flew outwards, cutting everything in front of him. The Abominable Snowmen exploded in an instant while the walls exploded in dust.

'Put him in a corner!' Ritsuka told Liz. An abominable snowman flew at Ritsuka, forcing him into a defensive stance. 'He'll be focused on you since you're in that form. I'll take him by surprise with a Void slash and we can end this!' The shield shimmered as the snowman hit it. Ritsuka pushed the attack away and slashed at the snowman, killing it in an instant.

Barriers flew out and caught the icicles, destroying them in an instant. Liz threw her hands out and fired shots at Voraizen. Voraizen bobbed and weaved, growing more impatient.

'I got just the thing for that then! Be ready to attack!' Liz answered Ritsuka. Ritsuka nodded and disappeared. Voraizen's eyes flicked to the ground. Ritsuka's energy had suddenly disappeared and the Abominable snowmen were dead.

'Is he dead?' Voraizen wondered. Lightning flew outwards, nicking his ear. Voraizen growled, turning his attention back to the Lightning Spirit in front of him.

"Frigidus spiritus." Voraizen turned and released a cloud of ice at Liz. Liz threw her barriers straight at Voraizen, disappearing. Voraizen slashed at the barriers with his bare hand, watching them instantly freeze. Liz reappeared in front of him and shot her energy hand straight through Voraizen's chest.

Voraizen gasped as the psionic lightning tore at him. He grasped the energy and poured all of his energy into it. The pure psionic lightning quickly turned to ice. Voraizen smiled as he watched Liz's eyes grow into a panic.

"You will die with me!" Voraizen shrieked. "Exploding—"


Voraizen's view suddenly went sideways. An explosion of lightning flew outwards, completely destroying the ice. Voraizen's view continued to fall until it hit the ground. He bounced and noticed his body was no more.

"H-how…?" Voraizen gasped. The pale Demon's eyes started to turn snow dust. Ritsuka let out a sigh as he turned to look at the head. Liz flashed into existence next to Ritsuka, full of energy.

"Was that enough?" Liz's distorted voice asked.

"It went all according to plan, no?" Ritsuka asked. Liz nodded and threw her hand up. The psionic lightning wrapped around the head and pulled it closer. They watched as the head sped up its disintegration.

"To think a Demon would be this weak." Liz commented. "I expected more." Voraizen smiled.

"Mors cum bang!" All of Voraizen's left over energy exploded in front of Liz and Ritsuka. The energy pushed them backwards, freezing the entire room. Ritsuka and Liz were stuck in a frozen expression of surprise. The both of them trapped in Voraizen's explosive finale.

Olivia, Keng, Manny and Lee Seng huffed. The body of water was making it tough for any of them to move against the Demon Captain. The Demon Captain hadn't moved from his spot. Gray energy glimmered as he kept a single hand out. It was all he needed to fight four people at once.

'What do we do?' Olivia gasped. She clutched her shoulder which was burning cuts. 'He has the advantage. We can't even freeze the water long enough for us to do a thing.' Manny  healed himself and pushed another healing wave over the group. The Captain didn't budge. He simply watched. A small demonic flame formed. It cackled and Baro finally turned his head away.

Keng and Lee Seng rushed forward, flying over the water as they blasted attacks at Baro. Baro threw his hand up, completely holding the twins in place as the demonic flame spoke.

"This just in! This just in!" The flame spoke in a high pitched voice. "Agatha and Silva have been slain! Their souls were vanquished and weren't returned to Hell!" Baro's eyes hardened. It was the first time the group saw a serious expression. He grunted and the twins plunged into the waters.

Baro held it as the twins fought to break out of the water. Lee Seng thrashed, trying to force himself to shift while Keng tried to conjure a bubble of air around him. Baro held them there while the flame cackled.

"Anything else you want to tell me?" Baro asked. The flame cackled and then nodded.

"Sorcerer Voraizen has been slain! Soul is still available for the taking! All of your warriors were able to harm most of the humans! The only human missing is the one with the Merman!"

'Evan's not with Calis?' Olivia thought.

'The rest of the group are hurt?' Manny thought. 'That's not good.'

"Argh!" Lee Seng shot through the air, drawing Baro's attention. His form shimmered a silver wisp flew into him. "If we just have to kill the captain now… I don't have to hold back! Gravitum: Alter Space!" The entire space around Lee Seng, Olivia, Keng and the Demon Captain shook. A large space of stars appeared around them as the demonic flame fizzled.

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