
Chapter 805 Four Vs One

Chapter 805 Four Vs One

The infused Lee Seng landed on the starry landscape and conjured Hydrosphere and the Sun Blade. The twin foxes were merged as one and Captain Baro didn't flinch as the Fox Spirit appeared in front of him. They swung at Captain Baro's neck only to be blocked with Baro's arm.

A gray flame shot at Lee Seng, rocketing him backwards as chains grew from his chest. Baro pulled the chains and slammed Lee Seng onto the ground behind him

"Lee!" Manny shouted. He sprinted without hesitation. Baro threw his right hand out and shot at Manny with gray flames. Manny threw his arms up, taking on the hits. The demonic flames soaked into Manny, giving him more energy as he took hits. Olivia swept the ground, pulling the environmental aura energy towards her. She quickly molded it into something and fired it out at Captain Baro.

A shield appeared, blocking Olivia's attack as she sprinted forward. Lee Seng stood up and yanked on the chain, pulling Baro backwards as Manny continued with Olivia behind him.

"Maximum gravity!" Lee Seng and Keng shouted. The chains shook, falling in an instant as Captain Baro's body felt all of the gravity push down onto him. He grunted before his body could release a wave of flames outwards. Olivia swiped in front of her, expunging the flames into its base form: bone and dust. Manny jumped, pulling his fist backwards as he punched Baro in the face.

"One." Baro spoke. A blast of fire and gravity rocketed out of Baro, releasing himself from Lee Seng and Keng's maximum gravity. He pushed Manny into the air as he conjured large flames in his hands and disappeared.

'His energy's gone!' Keng's voice came into Lee Seng, Manny, and Olivia's head. 'I can't detect him!'

"Two!" Baro reappeared behind Olivia and slammed his fist into her back. Olivia screamed as Baro had directly hit one of her energy points.

"Olivia!" Lee Seng shouted. He released the chains and threw his hand outwards. Gravity flew out of his hand meeting Baro, who deflected it and threw Olivia into Manny, moving Lee Seng and Keng's allies behind Baro. "GRAH!" A black wisp appeared in the sky behind Baro. Lee Seng rushed forward as Keng weaved runes in the air.

"Runeweaver: Angelic Light!" A bright light exploded from the heavens onto Baro. Baro's entire eyesight went white as he screeched in pain. The light had no effect on the Demon Captain but bought enough time for Lee Seng to jump to the black wisp.

"Are you guys okay?" Lee Seng asked, landing onto the ground. Olivia was in pain and Manny was scrambling over to her.

"Heal." Manny whispered. The green light wrapped around Olivia. He watched as she continued to scream in pain. "These flames are different from the ones he used before… I-I can't heal her." Lee Seng stepped forward and raised his hand out.

"Cure: Heal." Lee Seng spoke. A gold and silver light washed over, expunging the flames in an instant.

'It's exactly what we think it is.' Keng's voice spoke.

"We're dealing with demonic flames." Lee Seng whispered.

"Argh!" Baro swiped the light away, clutching his eyes as he turned. "Three of my soldiers are dead and you managed to kill two of them! Unlike you, I don't have time to waste! I can collect Voraizen's soul at anytime! Come to me, Voraizen!" Gray energy rippled out of Baro, whipping like a wind. The Alter Space quickly ripped apart, revealing the cave. Lee Seng and the others were standing in their original spots while Baro stood on the water.

Gray energy flew outwards whipping and hitting everything. Lee Seng and Keng threw up barriers, watching it shatter in an instant. The two continued to create barriers while a icy white soul flew down from the hole.

"Come to me, Voraizen! You shall be of use within me!" Baro shouted. The icy soul slowly flew over to Baro.

'No!' Keng shouted. 'If he eats that then—'

"Absolute Control: Kineticism." Evan's voice spoke. All motion froze as Evan entered the area with the Cup in his hand. He looked worse for wear but sprinted across the waters as he threw the Cup to Manny and the others. "Reverse!" Evan threw his hand out, touching the icy soul and yanking it out of motion. He shuddered as he squeezed the soul.

He pulled the soul backwards with him towards Lee Seng and shoved it into Lee Seng. Absolute Control: Kineticism unfroze as Lee Seng screamed in pain. The pure cold soul seeped into his body. The Cup soared towards Manny for a moment before pivoting towards Baro. Evan pulled his icy hand away and rushed for the Cup, stopping it in mid-air.

"My soul!" Baro shouted. The winds stopped and the waters began to smoke around Baro. "You've slain all of my men and now take one for your own? What good will a Demon soul do for you, Fox?" Lee Seng chuckled as he fought through the intense cold pain.josei

[Voraizen's Soul has been absorbed… You've learned Ice Spells!]

[The Souls of Agatha and Silva have been attained through your allies! Three Demon Souls with a value of B-rank has been inputted into your system. You've gained a total of 450,000 souls!]

[450,000/250,000 souls have been consumed! Evolution is available!]

'Three B-rank Demon souls did that much with our increased Twin Pact?' Lee Seng thought.

[A Couple new forms have been added to your Shapeshift list!]

[Your strength grows…]

What once was a skinny muscular Lee Seng, was now replaced with a more muscular Lee Seng. His features had grown sharper and there was a more obvious definition to him that resembled Ritsuka's beefy look. Lee Seng let out a cold breath.

"Buff Team." Lee Seng spoke.

[100,000 souls shall be consumed to permanently buff the team. Are you okay with this?]

"Do it." Lee Seng answered.

[Sending Souls to Team Zephyr.]

A golden energy washed over the group. Baro watched as the air changed around the Fox Spirit and his companions. Something strange was occurring.

[Perfect Singular VII's 'Growth' ability has triggered! Soul value of 100K has been increased to 250K! I have distributed all of this successfully to the entire team!]

"Good." Lee Seng's distorted voice spoke. He disappeared from his spot and reappeared in front of Captain Baro.

"Let's try these new Ice spells from that Demon!" Keng's distorted voice spoke. "Frigid Cold!" A blast of ice flew outwards, freezing everything in front of Lee Seng. Baro exploded out of the ice, blasting Lee Seng backwards with gravity and flames. Lee Seng patted the flames out and coughed.

"That wasn't fun." Lee Seng spoke. "You were supposed to stay frozen."

"Voraizen's ice was no match for me. Who are you to think that it would work in this scenario?" Baro asked.

"Cocky much?" Keng asked.

"I think we're better off splitting." Lee Seng told Keng. Lee Seng's body shimmered and Lee Seng and Keng stood next to each other. Keng landed on the water, freezing it and molding it to be less slippery.

'We'll do what we do best.' Keng telepathically told Team Zephyr. 'All at once!'

'It seemed like Evan's kineticism move had a strong effect on the Captain.' Lee Seng pointed out. 'Can you do that without freezing everyone?'

'I haven't tried before.' Evan answered. 'But, I'm willing to try.'

'I'll paralyze his systems from here.' Liz told the group. 'That'll give you enough time to do it.'

'I'll take the hits.' Manny stood up.

'And we'll go for the kill!' Keng threw his arm up.

'What're they planning now?' Baro wondered. 'They seem coordinated. They must've fought together many times before… The only one who seems to be out of sync is that golden Fox… Maybe I should exploit that?'

Evan rushed onto the ice, picking up speed. Baro turned his attention onto Evan, firing blasts of flames at him. Ice flew out, smothering the flames in an instant as Evan bobbed and weaved.

"Absolute Control: Kineticism!" Evan shouted.

"Enough! Reflection!" Baro began to raise his hand to flick the spell away when he froze. Manny sprinted and Lee Seng and Keng flew for Baro, giving Olivia enough view to paralyze Baro. Olivia touched her fingertips together and pulled the energy around her into her next attack.

"Complete Paralyzation!" Olivia shouted. Olivia felt her vision rush forward. It flew past Manny and Evan, slamming into Baro. Baro grunted in pain as his spell appeared. It reflected Evan's move back into everyone in front of him. Lee Seng and Keng blinked out of the way as Evan and Manny jumped in front of Olivia.

"Argh!" Evan shouted before freezing in place.

'Why can't I move my body?!?' Baro wondered. Lee Seng and Keng split from each other and readied their blades.

"Crescent Moon Stance: Devouring Cross!" Lee Seng shouted.

"Resonance Art: Luminous Fury Wave!" Keng shouted. Keng lit up in pure white as he slashed Hydrosphere in the air in tandem with Lee Seng. The two strikes flew from opposite sides, slamming into Baro, lighting him up in fire and smoke.

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