Chapter 733 The smell of roasted meat (2)

Chapter 733 The smell of roasted meat (2)

Chapter 733 The smell of roasted meat (2)

It was at that moment Noah answered the phone, but since the number wasn't saved in his contacts, he hesitated before answering, and didn't know the caller's identity.

"Hello?" Noah said.

"Noah, it's me…"

"Master?!" Noah said in surprise. "Are you ok?"

"Of course. Who do you think I am?"

"Yeah, sorry Master, but I was really worried. Where are you know?" Noah asked.

"I'm in Caelora city right now, and you can't imagine what happened."

"Did the mercenaries try to capture you?" Noah made a question, but it was clear he knew what could have happened to his creator.

"So, something happened, am I right?" Erik asked.

"Yes Master. The guild issued a huge bounty on your head. They've accused you of killing civilians in the slums."

Of course, that wasn't true, and both Noah and Erik knew it. The only people Erik had ever killed in the slums were Crystal Cross gang members.

This meant, just as Erik suspected, it was the Blackguards behind it. They must have found out Erik was the one responsible for the attack and were now retaliating.

The Blackguards wanted vengeance. This cemented the idea that the Crystal Cross Gang worked for them. However, there was a nagging doubt in Erik's mind that things weren't as simple as they appeared.

"After the raid, they must have figured out it was you behind the disappearance of the gang Testrovsc's Rest's branch," Noah said.

"It is clear the Blackguards control the Mercenary Guild, so they used their influence to turn the other mercenaries against us."

Erik cursed under his breath. He expected something similar to happen if they found out he was the one who attacked the gang; the problem was that he couldn't understand how they found out.

Indeed, Erik had ventured there openly, yet he had disguised himself behind a mask that he had never worn before.

His attire was different from his usual, and he left no witnesses to his presence.

This anonymity was his shield. In Testrovsc's Rest, masked individuals were not an uncommon sight.

Many roamed the streets, concealing their identities, blending into the crowd.

Thus, even if suspicions arose about his involvement, people couldn't confidently level direct accusations against him.

In a place where masked figures were the norm, the true identity of the assailant could have been anyone.

Falsely accusing him of slaughtering innocents was an ingenious way to get all the other mercenary guilds gunning for him.

"Have they frozen our assets?" Erik asked. If the Blackguards had leverage over the banks too, cutting off their funding could cripple the guild.

"Not yet," Noah said. "But they made a lot of problems, and the other parties cancelled some big contracts. Working for us has become complicated. For safety reasons, I also sent all your money on other accounts I made under aliases. So, our money is safe until they find out."The initial posting of this chapter occurred via noovelllbbin

Erik's mind raced, calculating options as Noah filled him in. Their position was precarious, but he had been in dire straits before.

"And Mira? Is she ok?" Erik feared for her when she stayed behind to stall the mercenaries.

"Yes, but being your woman, she got harassed a lot," Noah said.

"Someone even attacked her once, but thanks to the training technique you provided, she is much stronger than before and got out alive."

Erik let out a breath, relieved Mira was okay.

"Alright Noah, listen closely," Erik said.

"For now, proceed with operations as usual. I don't want us halted by this setback. Move the guild's assets into untraceable accounts and locations. Use any means necessary. Just get it done."

Erik's brow furrowed, his jaw clenching. "However, take this into account: The Mercenary Guild will try to pressure us into handing over the formula for our brain stimulating serum. They may also go after Jabir." Erik shook his head, his fists balling at the thought.

"Keep him safe at all costs. Purchase property under shell companies, and move our production facilities somewhere off the grid. Make sure there is no trail back to us."

Erik ran a hand through his dark hair in frustration. "Jabir doesn't know the whole formula, but he doesn't know that."

Striding over to the alley wall, Erik placed one hand against it and leaned forward, collecting himself. They would find a way through this, he was certain.

"We've been in dire straits before. As long as we keep our wits, we will overcome the Blackguards' treachery in time."

Erik's voice was firm with conviction. They had the will, the resources, and the cunning to survive this. The guild would endure.

"To be honest, I already started all of this some time ago. I'm moving the guild to Liberty Watch's village. I already contacted Samuel and the others."

Erik nodded, a faint smile touching his lips. Erik could always rely on Noah to handle any task.

"Good," Erik said. He clasped his hands behind his back and lifted his chin, a determined glint in his eyes. "I will take care of this matter myself. Don't worry, this situation won't last long."

Noah gazed in front of him. "We all trust you completely, Master."

With a deep breath, Erik straightened to his full height, shoulders back and head held high. His mind was already churning with plans and contingencies.

To deal with the Blackguards had grown from a deferred task to an urgent necessity for Erik.

His initial plan was to head to the mountain range for more training, aiming to amass sufficient strength to challenge the Blackguards with confidence.

However, the situation had transformed. The threat over his guild, friends, and comrades asked for immediate action.

The prospect of delaying any longer posed a risk too grave to contemplate.

Erik realized that the safety of those he cared about hung in the balance, and it was a gamble he was reluctant to take. The time to act against the Blackguards was now ready or not.josei

"Tell the others to stay strong and vigilant. We will emerge from this trial stronger than ever."

His eyes flashed with icy determination. The Blackguards would pay for their scheme.

He was preparing to investigate about them since he learned about Doran. However, things have become even more personal than they originally were. But first, Erik had to ensure his people's safety and survival, and to do that, he needed more information.

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