Chapter 734 Resolve (1)

Chapter 734 Resolve (1)

Chapter 734  Resolve (1)


Erik pocketed his phone, his face a mask of controlled calm. He turned to face June in his dog form. There was a question in his mind. His curious eyes showed that.

<What did Noah say? > June asked.

Erik sighed, running a hand through his hair. <We're in trouble, June. The Blackguards have placed a bounty on my head. They've accused me of killing civilians and asked the Mercenary Guild to hunt us. >

June's ears perked up at this, his tail momentarily stilling. <That's a serious accusation. >

<Yes, it is. > Erik nodded. <They've even canceled many of our contracts. But Noah is moving our money to safe accounts under aliases. >

<What do we do then? >

<We need money, June. > Erik said, his voice hardened with determination. <Our assets are safe for now, but we can't access them without revealing our location. >

Understanding dawned in June's eyes. <You want to use your biological supercomputer system to rob ATMs? >

Erik nodded, a grim smile playing on his lips. <Exactly. I don't like stealing, but we don't have many options right now. >

June wagged his tail, a sign of agreement and readiness to follow Erik's plan. Together, they moved through the shadowy alleyways towards the nearest ATM, of course, using the Chameleon Veil when necessary.

As they got there, Erik started his magic. He asked the system to take money from the device, and it dutifully did.

Now Erik got enough cash to eat, and maybe sleep somewhere, but going into hotels was as risky as using the ATM. To be honest, going everywhere was a risk.

Not because of the security systems, but because of the people. If they recognized him, he was bound to be in huge troubles. N♡vεlB¡n: Transforming Moments into Memories.

<We'll need a place to stay next, > Erik said as he pocketed the money. <But that won't be easy, considering everyone is searching for me. >

<The guild has my photo, > he said. <The one without the mask. They'll be on the lookout for me. >

<So we can't just walk into a hotel and rent a room, > June said.

That was all June could do, obey his creator, but he didn't really like the idea. Erik let out a deep sigh, his mind a whirlpool of thoughts and considerations.

He stood there, contemplating, his gaze distant as he mulled over the intricacies of their situation. The weight of decision-making hung on him, each thought branching into countless others.

<I want to sort this situation out, June. Everytime I finally get something that makes me happy, there is someone else that comes and tries to take it away from me. >

June looked at his master with a sorrowful gaze. <I'm sick of this, > Erik said.

The young man looked down at his clone, a determined glint in his eyes. <I need new powers, > he said.

June's ears perked up at this. <New powers? >

<Yes. If I can get another power that allows me to shapeshift, that would be ideal. >

June wagged his tail, a sign of agreement. <That would certainly help us stay hidden. >

<Yeah. But that is not the only reason. I need to see what the mercenary guild knows about the situation, and I guess that only their more trusted members know something. I doubt there will be information inside the guild's computers. >

June looked up at him, his canine eyes filled with admiration and loyalty. <Are you thinking of…>

Erik smiled at him, reaching down to ruffle his fur. <I'm Exactly thinking about that…> he said smiling.

<Are you sure? It won't be easy with only me and you. >

<I know, but doing that in the wilderness is too complicated. >

June nodded, standing up and shaking off the dust from his fur. <We can do this, Master. We will find a way then, Master. >

Erik nodded. <We will. >

They had a plan now, a course of action. It was risky, but it was their best chance of survival. But the first thing to do was to search for a suitable place to stay, and Erik already had some ideas about where and how to search.

As they moved out of the alley, Erik couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation. The Blackguards had made their move, and now it was his turn. He was going to fight back, and he was going to win. He had to.

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