Chapter 735 Resolve (2)

Chapter 735 Resolve (2)

Chapter 735  Resolve (2)

Immerse Yourself in the Storyverse: N♡vεlB¡n.

Cloaked in the semi-transparency shroud of the Chameleon Veil, Erik moved like a ghost through the neon-lit streets of the city.

June padded silently at his heels in his dog form, his leash-less state unnoticed by the people they passed.

The surrounding city was a marvel of modern technology, a testament to the progress of humankind. Sleek skyscrapers, like giant shards of glass, pierced the night sky, their reflective surfaces mirroring the city's vibrant neon lights. josei

The glow from the buildings bathed the streets below in an ethereal light, casting long shadows on the cobblestone pathways.

Yet, despite its modernity, the city nestled amidst a mountainous landscape showed signs one was unable to see elsewhere. The towering peaks loomed over the cityscape, their jagged silhouettes stark against the starlit sky.

The mountains were a constant reminder of the city's roots and of the dangerous monsters that dwelled outside of the cities. Life there was not easy, as testified by the huge amount of animals roaming the streets.

People bought these animals either to eat or to help with farming. It was weird knowing people still used animals for farming purposes, but Erik guess that was the best they could afford to.

Despite the city's futuristic facade, the people of the city deeply rooted their customs in their mountain heritage.

This was clear in the many food stalls that lined the streets, their aromas wafting through the air. Erik saw people selling meats or animals he never thought of eating.

He was used to pork, chicken and cows, but here you could see ducks, horses and many other kinds of meats. It wasn't weird for them, but it was for Erik, despite him having eaten Thaids' meat for months back in the White Desert.

The food stalls were more than just places to grab a quick bite; they were social hubs where people gathered after a long day.

Laughter and chatter filled the air as people huddled around the stalls, their breaths fogging up in the chilly mountain air.

The other mercenaries closed in on the man, their hands on their weapons, ready-to-use force if necessary. But the masked man stood his ground.

Erik and June pressed forward, their footsteps echoing on the city streets. The distant cries of the masked man diminished, becoming mere echoes as they got closer to the mercenary guild.

These fading shouts were soon enveloped by the symphony of the city's nocturnal life—the distant hum of traffic, the occasional barking of a dog, and the subtle rustle of wind through the leaves.

After some time walking, the administrative offices of the Mercenary Guild loomed ahead, a towering edifice of steel and glass.

The building had a heavy fortification, with mercenaries stationed at every entrance and patrolling its perimeter. The sight was daunting, but it wasn't the first time Erik did something like that.

June and Erik paused in a nearby alleyway, taking in the sight of the fortress-like building.

The young man's gaze landed on a side entrance to the administrative offices, guarded by fewer mercenaries than the main entrance. Erik turned to June, his eyes meeting the dog's intelligent gaze.

<Wait for me here, June, > he said through his instability brain crystal power. <I need to go in and get access to their local servers. It won't take long. >

June's canine form shifted, his ears perking up as he heard Erik's words. <Try not killing anyone. >

<I'll try. But don't worry, the system will do what it has as soon as I get in range. I won't need to get that deep inside the building. I doubt I will find many people. >

With a last glance at June, Erik moved toward the building. His form shimmered under the effect of the Chameleon Veil as he moved stealthily towards the side entrance.

However, Erik faced a predicament with the guards stationed at the entrance. While he could easily neutralize them, his concern lay in the potential aftermath.

Engaging the guards risked causing a commotion that could draw unwanted attention. The noise and disturbance might prompt the guild to tighten security around the area and broadcast his whereabouts to enemies.

Such a development could escalate into a large-scale confrontation, something Erik was keen to avoid. He needed to be careful.

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