Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 103

Chapter 103: Captain

Even after Yamamoto laid bare his killing intent, Muyang just stood still without the slightest hint of doing anything.

“How naive!” Yamamoto said when he saw Muyang didn’t even take a stance even though he was ready to take him down at any moment.josei

With a swing of Yamamoto’s Zanpakuto, a flame rushed towards Muyang like a dragon. He could feel its heat even before it touched his skin, as expected of the strongest Shinigami in Soul Society for thousands of years.

Muyang neither drew his Zanpakuto, nor did he use Shunpo to dodge it. Instead, he decided to block Yamamoto’s attack bare-handed! He took a stance and punched the flame with his left fist.


Even though Muyang was shocked by the force generated from the impact, he managed to repel Yamamoto’s flame.

“Oh, are you planning to fight me without even drawing your Zanpakuto?”

Yamamoto wasn’t really surprised when he saw his flame was repelled so easily by Muyang as he roughly knew what Muyang was capable of.

“I did it out of respect for you, Captain-Commander.” Muyang said to Yamamoto, standing tall before him.

“Preposterous! Do you think I will lend an ear to your reasoning at this point?” Yamamoto glared, followed by the flame from his Zanpakuto surging through the sky as if trying to dye the sky red.


Muyang only saw a silhouette flashing in front of him and felt a scorching heat from his side before a sword almost grazed his face. It was so close that he could feel the wind from the swinging impact.

He reflectively bent his back to dodge the attack, then planted his left foot on the ground as a pivot and drove his right foot at Yamamoto as fast as he could.

However, Muyang’s kick didn’t land as Yamamoto immediately used Shunpo and appeared behind Muyang the moment his attack missed. Feeling an ominous wind behind him, Muyang shuddered. As expected of the Captain Commander, his Shunpo was so fast.

Then again, even though Muyang was amazed by Yamamoto’s Shunpo, he didn’t plan on losing either. He immediately used Shunpo as well and disappeared before Yamamoto’s eyes.

Even though Muyang managed to avoid Yamamoto’s attack once again, Yamamoto was already beside him, swinging his Zanpakuto at Muyang’s waist. Nothing less than someone a Shunpo expert who had honed his Shunpo for thousands of years. An average person couldn’t even hope to achieve the same level as him. That was Muyang’s thought when Yamamoto’s Zanpakuto slashed him.


Muyang seemed dazed as he couldn’t believe that he’d be taken down so easily as the flame of Yamamoto’s Zanpakuto burned him to cinders.


Seeing Muyang was engulfed in Ryujin Jakka’s flame, Kusu couldn’t help but cry out in surprise, but she immediately calmed down as if sensing something.

“Way of Onmitsu, 3rd of the Shihō, Utsusemi.”

Muyang suddenly appeared behind Yamamoto, looking at Yamamoto in an imposing manner without a single scratch on his body.

“Interesting.” Yamamoto turned around and glanced at Muyang. “However, it’s nothing but a little trick. Are you not going to draw your Zanpakuto at all? I already gave you a chance to do so, so don’t blame me if you die before even drawing your Zanpakuto.”

Seeing Yamamoto’s calm eyes, Muyang found himself terrified. Yamamoto was frightening enough when he was angry, but Muyang knew deep down that he was even scarier when he was calm and collected.

Knowing he was in danger, Muyang immediately drew his Zanpakuto and held it in his left hand. Usually Muyang would use both hands to hold his Zanpakuto, but since his right hand couldn’t move properly yet, he had no choice but to use his left hand. Indeed, it was better than fighting bare-handed, but Yamamoto noticed something odd about the way Muyang drew and held his Zanpakuto. Even Kyoraku and Kusu frowned when he saw it.

“So that’s how it is! You can’t hold your Zanpakuto with your right hand, that explains why you’re insisting on fighting me bare-handed.” Yamamoto squinted for a few seconds before his eyes widened all of a sudden again, “but no matter what kind of circumstances you’re in, I’ll still beat the answer out of you.”

“Play your melody, Kaze no Sora!”

Intense lightning crept up from Muyang’s Zanpakuto into his body, shrouding him like a lightning armor that gave off a crackling sound.

“Kaze no Sora, the Strongest Wind-Type Zanpakuto in Soul Society. It’s wind element is so strong that it came with additional lightning-attribute power, and even that secondary power is stronger than most Lightning-Type Zanpakuto.” Yamamoto sounded a little regretful as he glanced at Muyang, “I thought you would be one of my loyal men who will enforce Soul Society’s justice, but you turn out to be…’

“Forget it! There’s no point in exchanging words any further. Since you have used Shikai, I will no longer hold back.” Yamamoto said solemnly.

Hearing Yamamoto’s words, Muyang gasped. He couldn’t help but wonder just how strong Yamamoto truly was if he still held back just now.

“Ryūjin Jakka, Hitotsume: Nadegiri.”

Sensing the formidable power from Yamamoto’s Zanpakuto, Muyang couldn’t help but palpitate. However, he made sure to grasp the situation. Immediately after, Muyang counterattacked with 3 consecutive slashes, and each of them formed a compressed air blade, the three compressed air blades combined into one, enhancing its power before coming into contact with Yamamoto’s attack!


The collision of their attack caused a catastrophic aftereffect, followed by a rumbling sound. It was so intense that Kyōraku and Kusu were forced to retreat further.

Before the aftermath of their attack subsided, both Yamamoto and Muyang already rushed forward. Yamamoto’s Zanpakuto was covered by scorching hot flame, while Muyang’s Zanpakuto was enveloped in azure light. However, that Azure light was not to be underestimated as the Reiatsu it contained was clearly on a whole different level

dang~ dang~ dang~ dang~

Muyang exchanged blows with Yamamoto so many times, and each of them would cause catastrophic aftermath, making it seem as if Sōkyoku Hill was just hit by a fallen meteor.

“I never expect Kimura is already at the point where he can stand his own against Old man Yama.” Kyōraku was in awe when he witnessed Muyang’s power. There was a chance that Muyang might be even stronger than himself.

The two kept fighting, and at some point, Muyang was forced on the defensive. He didn’t seem to be in such a good state, with his clothes being kindled and burned as the battle went on. He had to endure the extreme heat before he could do anything, and that alone held cut down his capability in battle quite considerably. However, if he didn’t protect himself from the heat with his Reiatsu, he wouldn’t be able to withstand the heat, so he was in a dilemma.

Muyang readjusted his breathing. Although it was true that his clothes were constantly burned, he didn’t sustain any major injury.

Muyang didn’t know what to say at this point. Although his right hand couldn’t hold his Zanpakuto because of the skeletal reconstruction process, and he was forced to fend off Yamamoto’s attack with only his left hand, he didn’t feel like he was at a disadvantage at all as his speed and power have skyrocketed. His reiatsu and reaction speed had risen as well. Hadn’t he gained this advantage, he wouldn’t be able to fend off Yamamoto’s attack even if he could use his right hand.

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