Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 104

Chapter 104: Bankai, Hakaze no Kiru

Urahara finally arrived when Muyang and Yamamoto were busy wreaking havoc on Sōkyoku Hill.

“Kisuke, is everything ready?”

Yoruichi immediately asked Urahara when she saw the last Gigai was done.

“Well, aside from Kimura’s Gigai, I’ve finished ten Gigai.” Urahara sighed, looking completely exhausted. He has been at it for 20 straight hours, after all.

“Let’s hurry then,” Yoruichi said almost immediately.

“Mhmm.” Urahara nodded as he began putting Shinji’s spirit body into the newly completed Gigai. This Reiatsu Concealing Gigai that he just developed could completely block off the Reiatsu of anything inside it even from the most sophisticated Reiatsu detector equipment, which Urahara has specially developed to hide in Human World safely.

Seeing Urahara was consistently loading Shinji and the rest into the Gigais, Yoruichi was a bit relieved. She believed that they would be cured with Kisuke’s help. Then again, she could also feel the violent Reiatsu from Muyang and Yamamoto fighting on Sōkyoku Hill.

Even if Muyang was quite strong, his opponent this time was the strongest Shinigami in thousand years of Gotei 13’s history. Could he really make his escape with such a formidable opponent?


“Hm?” Yoruichi came back to her senses when she heard Urahara’s voice. She couldn’t even sense Urahara and Tessai’s Reiatsu now even though they were right in front of her because of the Gigai. She couldn’t help but be amazed at Urahara’s skill!

“We’re ready to go.”

“You guys go on ahead. I will contact you again.”

“Understood.” Urahara nodded and then looked towards Yoruichi with a trace of concern in his eyes, “You’ll be on your own, so be careful.”

“Tsk! Who do you think you’re talking to? You’re the one who should be careful!” Yoruichi said with a confident look in her eyes.

“Got it!” Urahara chuckled before taking Shinji and the rest together to Senkaimon that Tessai had opened before.


Urahara stopped.

“Take care.”

Urahara grinned before turning around and said, “I’m truly grateful we can experience moments like this with Yoruichi-san.”

“On that note…” Urahara returned to his poker face and stepped into the Senkaimon. “Goodbye, Yoruichi-san.”

Yoruichi’s emotion got the better of her as she watched Urahara and Tessai left through Senkaimon, Yoruichi. She couldn’t help but feel a little sad and lonely but quickly suppressed the emotions in her heart. Since Kisuke had already left, she should go as well. Right above her, Kimura was facing Captain-Commander by himself.josei

In a blink of an eye, Yoruichi had already arrived at Sōkyoku Hill using Shunpo. As the Onmitsukidō’s Commander-in-Chief, she could easily conceal her whereabouts, even from the 3 powerful Captains nearby. None of them realized that she was hiding somewhere nearby. Of course, that was partly because they were all so focused on the battle between Muyang and Yamamoto.

Kusu, however, noticed Yoruichi right after she used Shunpo, but she made sure not to let it show on her face. She was a little relieved because Urahara should’ve left without a hitch now that Yoruichi was here, and the only task at hand was making their escape.

Muyang wasn’t aware that Yoruichi was already in the vicinity, but he did anticipate that Urahara should’ve been done with his preparation and headed to the World of the Living as long as there was no unexpected situation, so he had to think about how to escape from Yamamoto, but of course that was no easy task.

Muyang’s right hand suddenly trembled. He could feel that the skeletal reconstruction on his right hand was almost over. He’d be able to go all out as long as he could buy a little more time. Once it was complete, escaping should be no problem even if he couldn’t defeat Yamamoto.


While Muyang and Yamamoto were busy fighting, several silhouettes appeared on Sōkyoku Hill.

“Kyōraku, what in the world happened that Genryūsai-sensei actually let out such a massive Reiatsu??” Ukitake immediately asked Kyōraku the moment he saw him.

Kuchiki Ginrei and Unohana Retsu, who arrived at the same time as Ukitake, also looked towards Kyōraku Shunsui with puzzled eyes, waiting for his answer.

Kyōraku then went ahead and told them the whole story, of course, without mentioning a thing about Aizen. After all, it was nothing but Muyang’s opinion. There was no easy way to explain it without raising a question among them. Besides, even if Muyang were a Captain, his words wouldn’t always mean the truth, especially when it sounded like nothing but slandering a Lieutenant

After listening to Kyōraku’s story, everyone’s eyes were focused on Muyang and Yamamoto. Even though they all knew that Muyang was a renowned prodigy, and he has constantly built his strength throughout the years, no one expected that he could stand his ground against Captain-Commander.

“Tsk~” Zaraki Kenpachi clicked his tongue after seeing who was fighting on Sōkyoku Hill. “I immediately rushed here after sensing such a tremendous a Reiatsu. So much for hoping it was a new guy that I can fight with.”

Although Zaraki Kenpachi was extremely belligerent, he was not tactless. No matter how he looked at it, there was no place for him to join the fight. Furthermore, no matter how reluctant he was to admit it, he knew that both Muyang and Yamamoto were beyond his league.

“Good grief, I didn’t expect the brat from back then has become this powerful.” Yamamoto couldn’t contain his sentiment, “Be proud that you can push me this far.”

Yamamoto then raised his Zanpakuto high with his right hand, and his left hand also gripped the Zanpakuto’s hilt. Once he held his Zanpakuto with both hands, the atmosphere around him changed!

Seeing Yamamoto’s move, all Captains watching them were startled. That posture is… Kendō!! As Yamamoto’s students, Kyōraku and Ukitake were obviously familiar with Yamamoto’s Kendō. Zaraki Kenpachi had also studied Kendō under Yamamoto for a few days, and needless to say that Unohana Retsu and Kuchiki Ginrei were aware of that too, and that was exactly why they were even more surprised.

Muyang himself was surprised. He has learned Zanjutsu under Yamamoto’s guidance for a while, and he had experienced firsthand how strong Yamamoto was when he used Kendō. He could already feel the pressure the moment Yamamoto took his stance, and he backpedaled before realizing it.

Under the current circumstances, Muyang couldn’t afford to worry about his right hand. All he knew was there was no way he could withstand Yamamoto’s Kendō with only Shikai.

Muyang’s Zanpakuto suddenly glowed and an astonishing amount of Reiatsu burst out of Muyang’s body, followed by the lighting around it. His eyes were clear yet intimidating.

“Bankai, Hakaze no Kiru.”

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