Blood Titan System

Chapter 62 Ten Times Intensified Ability

Chapter 62 Ten Times Intensified Ability


The sudden buzz jolted Erian from his slumber, making him yawn as he stretched. Suddenly remembering the painful dream he just had, Erian shivered slightly. "It felt so real."

Just as his gaze wandered towards his surroundings, his expression froze. It actually wasn't a dream. He was still within the pod but the robotic arms holding him down had moved aside, forming a pair of fearsome mechanical spider claws. But the world seems to have changed entirely as different spectrums of light filled his line of sight. The world seem to have turned vivid and he could even see clearly the single strand of wool floating a few hundred meters away from him. It was as though he was seeing the world in a crystal clear manner compared to the previous blurry vision he usually had.

Even his hearing had drastically improved as almost nothing within the thousand-meter radius could avoid his sight or his hearing. Was this what it was to become a Titan? Erian was completely fascinated.

He could see the other students exiting the pod as they stood up, feeling their newly found strength with massive smiled on their faces. Compared to other universities, they were a month early in their evolution. As expected of the War god University, they gave little regards to the federation rules and only follow their own rules. It could be said that except for the military academies, no other academy dared be this arrogant.

But like they said, there is usually a price for everything. In this case, the death of serval hundred youths was used as a sacrifice and there's no telling that this was the only price needed to be paid considering the War God status around the world, it is popular known by the other institute as the Dark Academy.

Tap! Tap!! Tap!!!

Three tapping sounds softly echoed but they strangely penetrated the eardrums of the newly formed titans, garnering the attention of the entire students.

"Let me congratulate you on becoming a legitimate student of this university. You are now officially a Titan and have evolved from the realm of a normal person. Your emotions, sight and hearing should have been heightened by a few times your previous limit, depending on your nuclear pulse talent. Do not panic, you will get used to it in no time. If you think this is overwhelming, transforming to a Titan will increase everything by ten times the amount." Xavion's soothing voice calmed the panicking students and he chuckled at the sight of his stunned fellow students. (1)

Hearing this information, Erian's eyebrows furrowed. If what the third-year senior had said was true, considering his previous sight and hearing range was about a hundred meters, his ability should have increased by three times meaning his range of sight should have been three hundred meters. But why was he able to see and hear so clearly within a thousand-meter radius? Erian wasn't able to ponder much on this subject as Xavion resumed his speech.

"Given your strength now, you have surpassed the bodily limit of regular humans and have transcended, I do hope you adjust your characters accordingly." Xavion's tone strangely turned indifferent as he said this. It was as though this was some sort of warning, but it was so vague the students could barely make it out as it was. Moreover, they were quite busy inspecting the changes in their body.

"As of now, your body needs time to familiarize itself with the changes and also heal which would take about a week. Within this period, you are free to do as you please, but it is in your best interest to stay indoors until you are fully healed."

"While the newbie student protection will provide you safety for about a month, it will not guarantee absolute protection against your fellow students. I urge you to be careful during this period of time and extra careful after."

"When you are free, head over to the Management Office to receive your rewards as well as your student identification cards and your badge. For now, my fellow student Darion will lead you to your dorms but before that, I will answer only one question if there are any, raise your hands." The moment his soothing stopped, more than half of the 400 recruits raised their hands.

Xavion's gaze swept past the students and he picked one at random.

The female student was at first stunned seeing the senior point at her raised hands, but people who passed the entrance examination of this university aren't simple in the slightest therefore in just a second, she forcefully calmed her nerves and asked her question.

"Given that we only just transitioned, when do you think is the best time to test our strength and shift to our titan form and is it also forbidden to recklessly shift within the university grounds like other universities?" She hit the nail right on the head as this was the question most students wanted to ask.

Xavion's lips tilted upwards and his eyes flashed with a glow as he replied. "It's advisable to wait a week or two to shift into your titan form and Yes, it's also forbidden to recklessly shift within this institute. We are not entirely unruly to the federation's rules, There are some regulations we must also follow."josei

Then he smirked. "But there's an anomaly to this rule. Every student gets a quota of how many times you can shift within a month."

"Alright, that is enough for now. If you have further questions, an Envoy will orientate you within the week so make sure to check your E-box for such messages."

Xavion swept his gaze at the students, his eyes lingering briefly on pod 367 before he waved his hands and proceeded to leave.

p Of course, even though Erian's comprehensive ability had increased by ten times he was still unable to feel the young man's quick gaze.

(1) 6-star nuclear pulse= 6 x previous overall ability

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