Celestial Peak

Chapter 133

Chapter 133: Improvement and a Guest II

Walking around with the Young Miss of the Yan Clan attracted the eyes of many. This included the servants and guards who was curiously looking at the strange pair who was calmly speaking with one another.

"Senior Sister Yan Renhuo I wish to speak with you about something of importance." Wang Ling spoke after a bunch of pleasantries had been said.

"Just call me Sister Renhuo, no need to call me senior sister. Also, what is this important thing you want to talk about?" Yan Renhuo casually corrected him and answered.

"Then, I will not stand on ceremony and explain what I want. Sister Renhuo, I want for us to create a trade."

"A trade?" Yan Renhuo stopped his steps and looked at Wang Ling doubtfully. She had thought she would be spending time with Wang Ling to get to know one another.

Although both of them had only met a total of three times, Yan Renhuo had increasingly become more and more interested in Wang Ling the more she learned of his endeavors.

Yan Renhuo's view of Wang Ling was favorable. Having already done a full background check on Wang Ling's life and family he was associated with, it could be said she was too familiar with him.

He was strong for someone who had a past, he was persevering, have a good background, handsome, elegant, talented (for those who know the truth) and many more good points she could list.

She had thought she was going to spend time with Wang Ling today, but it seems like it was business. Not that she was complaining that she was going to do business with the Wang Family, it was just a bit of disappointment.

Shaking the bad emotions that shrouded her heart, Yan Renhuo cleared her mind and began thinking more objective.

"If you wanted to conduct business with us, you could have asked an Elder to speak with you. I am but a junior, I don't have the right to speak up for the future of the Clan." Yan Renhuo argued.

But Wang Ling raised a finger as he argued, "But Sister Renhuo, you do have the right to say. Are you not the number one genius of your clan? Your Clan's future shall rest upon your shoulders, and they should be preparing you for the near future are they not?"

Yan Renhuo didn't say anything but and only kept her silence. Wang Ling continued.

"With that in mind, I just want to point out, what we are going to make a deal with is not some simple one-time transaction. It is a trade with something that can change the Frost Domain and even the entire Celestial Spirit Realm as a whole. Also, I want this to be a partnership."

"Partnership? Change the whole Domain?"

Now, Yan Renhuo became confused. The Wang Family was a family that focuses on its might and sometimes agriculture.

Despite the numerous rogue forces that reside in the previous Wang Family territory.

The only faction that has sustaining capability was known as the Emperor's Garden. It was a force that grows spirit plants and sells it to other clans and sects.

No Alchemist can be found around this area. The Emperor's Garden was still an independent force and even though it owes Wang Ling's family a great deal of favor. They don't own it.

Yan Renhuo was well aware that the only thing keeping the Wang Family afloat was the tribute they receive all over their territory.

The Wang Family also deals with the underworld and as to what they are doing there, it was mostly a job for assassination. The Shadow Pavilion was once known as one of the top three assassination organizations of the continent.

Now, they are known as the strongest spear of the Sun and the Deadliest dagger of the night. Even though they were known as such, the Shadow Pavilion had become much more tamed than before, but Wand Shu Qing does not limit their activities.

The difference of the Shadow Pavilion then and was that the Shadow Pavilion of the past was like they were daggers hidden in the shadows, but now, they were both hidden daggers and the spear tip of the War God. However, no one dares to look down upon the Shadow Pavilion.

After all, the Shadow Pavilion was not a beast that had lost its fangs. It had only transcended its past and became a beast that fears no one. It was a beast with a head in the limelight and another in the shadows.

Wang Ling knew of these facts and so did the other clans and families of the whole Frost Domain. One of the reasons why his Wang Family was so feared was because of these facts.

They were also one of the few powers that train more in their mastery of weapons and focuses more on tempering their talents. The Wang Family was a growing beast that no one could touch,

Most of the forces in the Frost Domain can only watch as the Wang Family grows. Try anything and the beast will try and take their heads.

Getting back on track, the Wang Family was a family with a lot of influence but has more dealings with the underworld rather than the above world. But now, Wang Ling was trying something with Yan Renhuo.

If he wanted to get his family on top. Having heads roll on the ground was insufficient.

He also needed to create a business they can thrive on while also expanding their connections.

Smiling as he did not answer Yan Renhuo, Wang Ling urged her to follow him, "Follow me for a bit. Once we get there, we can talk with one another without a care for the world and only care for the futures of our family and clans."

Wang Ling spoke in a very straightforward manner. They walked into the Alchemy Pavilion which still looked as dilapidated on the outside. This gave Yan Renhuo a bad first impression on the building they were about to enter.

But she didn't care about its external appearance. What's more is that Wang Ling's next words saved her the time of making any internal complaints, "This is my current personal workplace. You will be my first guest after all this time."josei

Also, upon entering the Alchemy Pavilion, what was shown to her was the complete opposite of the sight outside. If the outside was dilapidated and unpleasant to the eyes.

The interior of the current Alchemy Pavilion was fully furnished and clean without any speck of dust. The design was still the same simplistic aesthetic but it gave a calming feel to it.

In the middle of the Alchemy Hall's first floor was a brand new set of comfy looking chairs and tables. Offering for Yan Renhuo to take a seat, Wang Ling went and took out a tea set and began brewing tea.

The calming and therapeutic aroma of the tea danced around the room giving the entire first floor a harmonious atmosphere. Giving Yan Renhuo tea, Wang Ling opened up the conversation.

"Getting back on the previous topic. I want our families to create a partnership with one another." Wang Ling placed the teacup on top of the table in front of him and stretched his arms out, "I want to raise my family's business towards the light."

Wang Ling chose to be straightforward and not hide anything. If he chooses to be vague now, it will only cause future problems.

Yan Renhuo placed the teacup down and said, "So, what is this brilliant trade of yours that will bring your family to light and change the whole domain in the process?"

Wang Ling smiled and took out three pieces of paper from his storage ring. Yan Renhuo accepted the pieces of paper and began to read.

As she continued reading, Yan Renhuo's face change as she looked at Wang Ling with an urgent look on her face.

"T-this is!"

Wang Ling smiled as he answered, "That's right, those are Ancient Pill Recipes that had been lost for countless years. I want your family to produce those, your cooperation for those recipes. It's a pretty good trade isn't it?"

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