Celestial Peak

Chapter 134

Chapter 134: Yan Renhuo's genius

[Thousand Wound Pill], [Nirvana Pill], and the [Dragon Powder Pill] three recipes and three medicines from the previous era. Treasures from the previous that was never past down to those who were in most need of them.

Most of the pill recipes of the previous era had disappeared. The historians of the current era do not know but the reason for it was that one man had collected more than a third of the recipes after killing dozens of sects.

Wang Ling was in possession of knowledge that was even deeper than anyone could imagine. He may not understand the cryptic words of the Heaven Realm, but he was a sage in the Celestial Spirit Realm.

As for the reason why he had so many recipes. It all happened after destroying the God Pill Sect and collected their pill recipes after the fight broke out.

Those who envied his position went and tried to take the pill recipes for themselves, but numerous sects were destroyed by Wang Ling. Killed and massacred, Wang Ling became a mouthwatering target for sects that focused on Alchemy.

His soul and mind was even considered as a vault for treasure for many alchemist and sects. After a lot of destroying and killing off thousands of innocents and non-innocent cultivators, Wang Ling had already managed to collect a third of the world's alchemy recipes.

And because he was the only one who knew of the recipes and the method on how to concoct the said pills as he had already killed those who knew. The recipes were lost.

Only records of legendary pills remained in the world. Books of how the recipes were lost were never made, most likely to preserve the face of those who had died. But records of the lost pills were detailed in many books.

That's why, upon seeing the recipes handed to him by Wang Ling, Yan Renhuo was at a loss for words. She looked at Wang Ling with bewildered eyes, but questions inquiring how he got a hold of such pills made Wang Ling raised his hands in defeat as he answered.

"I'm researching those ancient pills. Right now, I have only recreated those three pills, they are mostly grade-1 and grade-2 pills, but these three should be enough." Wang Ling spoke leisurely.

Which made Yan Renhuo form black lines on her forehead, "You researched them, you say? Does that mean you recreated these pill recipes? Don't try and fool me Brother Wang Ling."

Yan Renhuo was in disbelief of Wang Ling's words which was given and understandable.

For someone like Wang Ling who had yet to have two years of being awake in this world, how could he have the ability to recreate such an ancient pill? The methods, the ingredients, how can Wang Ling make conjectures to present her papers detailing how she should create the said three pills.

Wang Ling laughed and said, "Alright, I kid you. I found these pills in my latest expeditions. These three came from three different places and I had to experience a lot of hard times to get these three." Wang Ling laughed as he tried clearing the misunderstanding.

Yan Renhuo gave him a momentary evil eye before sighing, "Such jokes, I do not find amusing, but I do find the idea of these pills being true as amusing and interesting."

Wang Ling saw the light that shone from Yan Renhuo's eyes and saw her mouth curve into a smile. Wang Ling slyly smiled himself as he said.

"Do you wish to concoct them?"

"Can I? But I have no ingredients with me."

"Don't worry, I have already prepared them. I wanted to see Sister Yan Renhuo's famous alchemy skills so I had hoped for a situation such as this to happen." Wang Ling explained without feeling any shame.

But Yan Renhuo did not react negatively against Wang Ling's words as she asked enthusiastically, "Do you really have them?"

Wang Ling nodded his head without any hesitation, "Follow me upwards." Wang Ling got up and headed up and Yan Renhuo closely follows behind Wang Ling.

On the second floor, the area was clear and was peaceful. A perfect place for a pill to be concocted.

"Do you have a cauldron with you or do you want me to provide you one?"

"I have my personal cauldron with me." She answered back and brought out a fully golden-colored cauldron. On its surface was clouds colored in gold, it was shining as it appeared right in front of Wang Ling.  

Wang Ling nodded his head and gave him three rings which contained different ingredients for different pills. Yan Renhuo only had to choose which pill she wanted to concoct and she would be able to proceed without a halt.josei

Yan Renhuo took some time to decide before ending up deciding on Nirvana Pill.

Wang Ling watched Yan Renhuo's eyes changed as soon as she brought out the ingredients from the storage ring.

Purple Flames elegantly came out of her palms and extended onto her shoulders.

[I don't know what those flames are. But in terms of firepower, it is weaker than True Chaos Flames. But her qi is melded perfectly with her flames… hmm, this might just have a chance of changing her flames if I intervene.] Wang Ling thought as he continued to watch.

The flames found their way towards the cauldron and lifted the cauldron a few inches up from the ground.

The ingredients that was laid out on the floor was swiftly lifted from the ground thanks to the help of Yan Renhuo's [Saint Spirit Qi]. Not only did she lifted a single spirit plant from the ground, but all thirty-two spirit plants were lifted and began rotating around Yan Renhuo.

Every single spirit plants was engulfed in flames, Yan Renhuo was not even using her cauldron to purify the spirit plants. She was holding them up with her flame as her concentration continued to rise.

Her mind was fully stretched out as she began observing thirty-two spirit plants all at the same time and began purifying them all at the same time. Yan Renhuo was greatly lowering the needed time to concoct the grade-2 pill Nirvana Pill.

With Wang Ling's eyes, he was capable of watching her do everything along the way. The flickering of her flames to the dispersing impurities. Wang Ling saw it all and he was watching it all happen with great intent.

Digesting the knowledge he was getting from watching Yan Renhuo concoct a pill. He had even forgotten to evaluate Yan Renhuo. But Wang Ling already knows that Yan Renhuo was a good candidate for his personal alchemist.

Her level of concentration was enough to garner Wang Ling's approval with flying colors. As for her talent… it was something immeasurable. Wang Ling cannot fully see through the potentials she held.

Now, he was glad to dangle those baits called Ancient Pill Recipes in front of Yan Renhuo. It seems like a future investment to fully draw her to his side will be necessary.

Wang Ling watched as Yan Renhuo continued after perfectly purifying the spirit plants she needed. She began extraction of the spirit plants and with her concentration, everything seemed so fast that she was finished everything quickly in a flash.

Then, it was time for the formation.

Yan Renhuo waved her hand and had the extracted essence enter the cauldron at the same time. The cauldron began to tremble and seems to have the ability to explode at any second.

Wang Ling stood steady and Yan Renhuo did the same.


The cauldron exploded and a single pill popped out of the cauldron's mouth. Yan Renhuo quickly moved to grab the pill from the air and landed on the gracefully.

Aromatic Mist was coming out of the pill. It was a pill that was concocted to perfection. Wang Ling walked up to Yan Renhuo and said, "Why don't you try the pill?"

Yan Renhuo nodded her head and popped the pill inside her mouth and dissolved it. The Nirvana Pill then dissolved and a warm and refreshing feeling enveloped Yan Renhuo's body.

Three hours later, when she had finally assimilated the Nirvana Pill and resulted for her skin and complexion to become even more beautiful, she commented.

"The recipes are real."

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