Celestial Peak

Chapter 351

Chapter 351: Truth

The travels of Wang Ling and his group took no longer than seven days. Their journey was quick and didn't meet any hiccups along the way.

But even though they didn't meet any trouble, Wang Ling still found something odd. Three days ago, he could again feel the thick and powerful chaos that exist everywhere. With the qi of Chaos was Angelic Qi and Hellish qi.

The thickness of qi was going down; it was not alarming or anything as he found it something as useless to him. But, it began alarming him when he realized that something might be causing the flow of chaos to scatter.

But he shook his head. If there were one such being capable of controlling a massive power such as that one, the balance of the universe would be tipped and the worlds would be endangered.

The power to affect the entire universe, oh how grand of a vision it was that it made him shudder. The pressure of having such a being exist felt like his life could be reaped any time. He threw it to the back of his mind before his worries turn into fear. But the idea was still looming over him like the dark clouds of a storm.

But for a brief moment, his worries were washed away when he caught sight of empty space. In front of them, there was nothing, but this was the end of the invisible path.

Wang Ling felt that it was strange, but when he took a step forward, he felt an attraction from both his body and blood. His body jerked forward as he felt like it was violently sucking him inside whilst making him feel like he was being welcomed back with rough enthusiasm.

Bai Xue, who was adjacent to him, showed a brilliant smile. Much brilliant than what she had shown all this while.

"Ling, finally, we are home. Hurry, we can go back again!"josei

Bai Xue pulled Wang Ling by the hand and then they disappeared from the Cosmic Road. A bright white light devoured the two of them whole. Inside the light, Wang Ling could feel a pulse of life; it embraced him with gentle warmth and a familiar feeling emerged from his mind.

It was nostalgic, and bliss emerged from within his mind. He held the hands of Bai Xue, and she held his, such an action reverberated within him as if it had been done before, and with this nostalgia, a surge of emotion four pair of wings and seven haloes appeared from within his body.

The mark and the lines appeared, glowing like the sun and melding with his body. His heart began to thrum, and flashes appeared. An image of a beautiful woman emerged from his memories and her words emerged from his mind.

"Let us create a paradise."

Wang Ling's mind echoed with the words of the lady. But it felt ethereal and unreal that he failed to grasp if this was actually the reality or a hallucination.

The lady extended her hands, Wang Ling was about to extend his hands and take it, but someone from behind emerged and stopped him from doing so. The voice he always from the darkness and light emerged from behind.

"Do not take her hand; she is mine, your woman is not here. We are the same, but I cannot let you take her from me."

Wang Ling turned around to see who it was, but he failed to catch his face, and he escaped that blissful world of light and came back to reality. The qi of this world once more flowed into his veins, and for some odd reason, it was a mix of nostalgia and not.

From the flow of qi, he can make out that this is the Celestial Spirit Realm. But the thickness of the qi is so much more than it was before. From behind, managed to enter the Celestial Spirit Realm as well.

Also, when he looked around, Wang Ling saw nothing but a deserted field filled with dark patches of land here and there. The aura of death was ever-present and is clinging to the world, and it was not a pretty sight.

"What happened here?"

"Have you felt it? The qi of our realm have changed, the depths of Origin World has been opened, I wish to take you to the Origin World as fast as possible but, fist, I shall take you to the Origin World, but I must first — get back!": She was in the middle of talking when the space around them began to warp.

A black rift appeared a thousand meters away and from the rift came an Abyssal Demon.

"Wang Ling, go and kill it! I can't use my strength here! Do it!"

Wang Ling didn't question her words as he was already planning to kill the Demon before him. Its kin tried to kill him before, so he now holds a grudge against its people. Besides, it was the Demon that is categorized as the public enemy of the universe.

Taking out the Reaper, Wang Ling raised its sharpness to its highest possible and then called forth the quintessence of a killing sword and slashed out without any concern for the consequences.

His sword contained the power of an Immortal. When he let out his sword roar, the undeveloped world of the Celestial Spirit Realm trembled and the body of the Abyssal Demon was separated into two parts before the ground it was stepping on was uprooted. The hills on the distance get split apart and became collateral.

But, the upper body of the Abyssal Demon remained, and it still had its head. It was an unfeeling being, having its body separated from its other half is nothing as long as it still has a breathe it will do its job.

With its white skull-like head and its dark body, it let out a horrible screech that further warped the space and opened seven more rifts.

If the first rift was around three meters tall and four meters wide, the other rifts that had just opened were much bigger in comparison.

The world trembled as Abyssal Demons began stepping out of these rifts. Before long, there were already more than a thousand Abyssal Demons before Wang Ling.

The danger of the Abyssal Demons does not lie in their strength. It lies in their overwhelming number. An Abyssal Demon is the personification of death and these demons will be born in the Abyss as long as death remains.

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