Celestial Peak

Chapter 352

Chapter 352: Truth II

Thousands of Abyssal Demons came out of the rifts all had the power of Immortals. There were some at the Celestial Realm, but they were inconsequential and their pretty matters as much as a rock.

An army, that was this was. It was an army of invaders from beyond their realms that spread all throughout the entire universe.

According to Xiao Yu, these Abyssal Demons have existed long before the previous era of Wang Wudi came to existence. They merely appeared after the unsealing of the world because of matters Xiao Yu find hard to explain.

These beings are born fighters, killers that only respond to life that must be liberated from their fleshy body. They are reapers, akin to the lord of the underworld. These beings are the scum of the universe and they are the target of eradication.

Wang Ling stood before the army with fortitude and seriousness. The enemy before him cannot match him if it was an individual fight, but against an army of such a scale, Wang Ling will eventually be overwhelmed from all sides.

He has inexhaustible qi, but that is just in comparison to others. He has yet to reach a truly infinite amount of qi so he will still get tired if a battle where he pushes his everything drags on to a long battle. He still has limits, he is still human, he has yet to become someone beyond everything.

However, Wang Ling stood tall. He had faced many obstacles before this and he knew he cannot run away for this area was near the Forst Domain. He can tell, this is a familiar place, the Desolate Domain he conquered using the power of his family.

This is supposed to be the territory of his family, none shall desecrate it with their presence of death. Besides, beyond this Domain is the Frost Domain, he can't let these guys out of his sight and let them run rampant.

And so, he held his sword as tightly as he could and got ready to fight. He cannot win like this, so, he called upon the one who has the ability to turn the tides, "XUE! Let's do this, just like old times!"

He said with a smile. But no one answered back. He found this truly weird, but when he turned to the three women he left behind and saw the bawled up Bai Xue trembling, Wang Ling's face twisted.

If this was normally the normal Bai Xue she would have already killed dozen of these demons in a manner of seconds. But, Bai Xue was trembling, like a calf in front of a tiger. It was a pitiful sight, a long way from the usual warmongering Bai Xue. This sight made Wang Ling instinctively feel pained.josei

"What the..."


He couldn't finish his sentence as a cold hand grabbed his face and dragged him down to the ground. He had been momentarily distracted and the battle oriented demons would not let that go.

The brittle ground of the Celestial Spirit Realm crumbled a giant crater formed with Wang Ling and a Demon in the center. Wang Ling felt his body crumbling from the corruption of the death aura.

He had witnessed it before and experienced it first hand, but death aura could truly pierce his body and hurt him badly. It was not something he can deal with easily. It was like Chaos Qi but brought to the extremes of death rather than life.

It was a mix of an improved hellish qi and a mutated Angelic qi, it was painful and it was rather powerful as well. The one holding him down was a ninth meridian demon, if it was a human or a beastman it would be easier to deal with, but this is a demon.

Wang Ling's face was slowly getting crushed by the demon. It was at this time that Wang Ling was suppressed by a demon. Right now he no longer has any God might in his veins or his sword. But he still has with him the strongest weapons of nature.

"Suzhen! Fer! Devour them!"

Wang Ling ordered and the two moved and came out of Wang Ling's body from his back. The emerged near his shoulder blades granting a sight as if he bore wings with the shape of a lion and snake.

Suzhen and Fer roared and mauled the demon without regard to their image. They burned and devoured it in order to free Wang Ling from its grasp. But it was then that the demon's tenacity was seen.

Its body bathed in the wrath of the two Flames of Chaos but it didn't even flinch. An unfeeling monster, that is what it was. Wang Ling could still feel the tight grasp of the demon even after it disintegrated and turned to ashes.

He was just about to get up, but before he could even do so, three more demons shot out to try and kill him. But this time, Wang Ling was ready for them, with both swords in hand, Wang Ling focused.

He gathered his sword intent and roared, "Blood Seeking Sword (revise): Double Rupture."

His swords move and the instant the edge of his blade touched the demons, Wang Ling's severed their body into different parts granting them a swift death, or so he thought.

[The upper body is still alive, as expected.]

Just like before, the demons were still alive and moving when it should have been a swift death. The upper half that remained still had a single chance to move and with its dark body a spear appeared in its grasp and it threw it to Wang Ling before it dissipated into dust and returned to the cycle of the Abyss.

The force of the throw was strong and it traveled to Wang Ling in the blink of an eye. But with a fierce glare and forceful twist, Wang Ling dodged it. He was prepared and expected their resilience to be so high.

Wang Ling's body began to burn, the Flames of Destruction coursed through his veins and granted his body immense strength led to explosive strength.

[If they can move when I sever their body, I will just take your head.]

Wang Ling thought and moved, his bloodlines were activated and he drew out power from his haloes and his wings. He moved like lightning and appeared before the remaining demon in a flash.

With a fierce glare, he swung his sword to sever its neck. His bloodlust exploded in its full horrific and gory glory. This had always been his go-to tactic, anyone he comes across would leave an opening or two when they come face to face against the horror that is his killing intent.

But, the demon did not even flinch and simply roared. But it didn't matter. Wang Ling expected it, and he already poured so much in this slash, he will not fail to take its head.


Wang Ling succeeded as expected. But with the death of the three demons, another six came from behind.

Suzhen and Fer fought with Wang Ling and fended off the six but with their death, a dozen replaced them. This time, Wang Ling's back was left open, and a demon was about to stab him from behind.

Like always, Wang Ling was several steps ahead and slashed out targetting the neck of the demon who attempted a sneak attack.

"Your kind loves doing that." He commented and started killing demons once again. Suzhen and Fer were fighting valiantly, fending off the demons with relative ease.

But at some point, the numbers of the demons got to over seventy and Wang Ling failed to see just how many more will come for him. Slowly, his qi was being depleted and he had received several wounds.

And despite what seemed to be a long struggle, the fight had yet to even pass a single minute.

The fight Wang Ling was on has been instantaneous with his movements being as minimalistic as possible.

But then, as seven jumped at him, he managed to kill three, and his two children managed to slay two, The remaining two managed to get away by exchanging a limb.

The two grabbed his body and the next scene was dozens of demons preparing to flood Wang Ling and killing him with stabs.

They were willing to stab their fellow demons in order to exterminate him.

"Fer, do it!"

Wang Ling didn't have any choice and he issued Fer a command. Fer listened with a nod and gathered its qi on its mouth and when the flames reached its optimal temperature, it fired at Wang Ling and then the flames devoured Wang Ling and the demons.

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