Celestial Peak

Chapter 532

Chapter 532: Life

Down on the ground, Naor waited for his body to regain its strength. Remaining seated, he observed the woman before him, his breathing, subtly troubled, "What brings the Empress to my desolated world?"

"This is the last world that has a Frost Elemental World Treasure." Wang Yue motioned at the floating bow, "This is what I found, I call it the Divine Frost Bow."

"The Empress did not absorb its essence? I thought you were searching for the World Treasures to reach Godhood? Could it be that you have reached the Realm of the GodKings?"

"I do not know. The borders of my grasp on the Holy Qi are beginning to increase. It is growing at a rapid rate, but I do not know for how long it would continue." Wang Yue stopped next to the Floating Black Furnace, "Once the growth stops, I will be able to know. But, if you and your GodKing knows, then, I am all ears to listen."

Naor quietly shook his head, "I apologize, Empress, but even I could not find anything. As we thought, the information you seek is only recorded in the mind. And even if there was once something, the fact he perfected the Abyssal Demons means he most likely destroyed any of the evidence fearing it might be used against him. Despite his immense strength, he was created to be the nearest to the All-Father, his wisdom and foresight is something we cannot match."

"So, until the very end, we know nothing of the truth. Either way, it no longer matters, my brother reincarnated anyway." Wang Yue walked up the Black Furnace, she was smiling, but, just as she was about to touch its surface, a powerful force was sent to kill her.

Chains made of darkness shot up to take her life. Wang Yue conjured an ice wall but was easily pierced like butter, "This is not just the GodKing's doing."josei

She creased her brows and sprouted five pairs of wings made of black ice, once again, she conjured at ice wall, "Holy Devil's Wall!"



The walls of dark ice stopped the chains' advance and upon making contact, the chains retreated into the furnace. As her feet touch the ground, Wang Yue, titled her head to the side, "It would appear that I cannot make contact with the Furnace."

"It… can only be touched by a Pure Blood Devil Emperor and the GodKing himself."

"Well, considering how I am more attuned to the Holy Race, I don't think I'll be able to approach it anyway." She laughed.

Wang Yue, before she became the Bow God was known as Absolute Frost Empress. Soon after Wang Ling's death, she awakened her lineage, and disregarding the Origin Race's customs, she decided to cultivate her very own Dantian. But, she was not just a Heretic, she was something much worst.

Being a cultivator despite being a Holy Race member she received a look of derisions from the Holy and Devil Races. However, due to being the All-Father's sister, and rising to become a Holy Empress, Wang Yue's position improved.

When everyone was losing their cultivation, Wang Yue gained hers. In a hundred years' time, she reached the peak and protected the Universe and her family becoming the most well-known of all the Five Gods.

She established none of the Seven Towers, joined none of the Three Immortal Sect and just wandered the Cosmos for thousands of years fighting in a losing war. A hundred years ago from the present, she disappeared, not even the Wang Family, and the Origin Race knew where she went, and her name had cooled off since then.

She was one of the main reasons why the Origin Races were allies with the rest of the Cosmos. She's an ambassador of sorts. However, despite being idolized by trillions, and known to be a descendent from the Holy Race, the other of her kind did not accept her. After all, she was born and found in the Celestial Spirit Realm… a place none of the Origin Races knew until the revival of the Emperor of Death.

The Celestial Spirit Realm was a place that shouldn't exist. It was a world filled to the brim with remnants of pocket dimensions, corroded and destroyed through time. Though the Mortals did not know, the Origin Races who fought them, knew who she truly was… a horrifying creation meant to match the All-Father's children—a Homunculus.

Or so they called them. Approximately 30 million years ago, there were many of them. Devils Kings with the ability to wield the Earth and even Fire, Holy Lords who can manifest the God's Mark. Many of them died, however, in the first war against the Demons. 

Wang Yue possesses the bloodline of both the Holy Race and the Devil Race. She's an anomaly created in the dark ages of the Universe. It is unknown how she was born or how she even appeared in the Celestial Spirit Realm, but, that does not bother her other than the fact she could not grasp how to fully manifest her powers.

Turning around from the Black Furnace and facing Naor, Yue asked him, "Do you know where my older brother is? The All-Father, where is he? I want to meet him and tell him about something. I lost the signature of his qi… I cannot seem to pinpoint it anymore."

"I apologize, Empress, but I left the All-Father's side weeks ago. Kareem had been the one by his side since then. Please, go and find the All-Father through him…"

"I see, then I shall take my leave. My Family needs me to inform them of the situation. None of them have the Origin lineage, after all. Are you going to be all right? Or do you need any help. Devil Emperor Naor?"

Naor shook his head, "No, I am all right, thank you… I would rather right now, actually."

"If that is your wish. Then I will respect it." 

"Thank you, Empress."

Wang Yue and the Origin Races do not mesh well, however, they do not fight…as often as others may think.

They try to steer clear of each other most of the time.

Wang Yue tore open the space of the world and then left through it. 

Alone, Naor finally got the chance to release a deep sigh and approached the furnace. Touching its black surface, the furnace reacted and shot up towards him. He did not move and allowed the chains to pierce his chest.

His heart was touched ever so gently, and then, from inside the sound of clinking echoed. The Chains of the furnace retreated now carrying a Gray chain's link.

The link's color melded with the black chains and then, even the furnace changed in color. 


It shot up to the skies and enlarged until it was ten meters large. 


From within, a gray flame surfaced, and right below the furnace, Naor took a deep breath… waiting for the Demons of his family to appear.

He stood there with a spear at hand—yet no one came to greet him with tendrils and killing intent, "Did they perish inside the Furnace?"

Naor thought to himself and quickly, he floated up to get an overview of the situation.

With a crimson light, his eyes glowed, piercing the gray flames… Naor's body trembled at what he saw, "It can't be…"

With a warp expression, he slowly lowered himself inside the furnace. The Gray Flames' touch was welcoming and parted as he went deeper. He touched the warm bottom and, on his knees, he broke down in tears as he picked up his family's body… alive… and breathing.

Naor's family had been brought back to life.

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