Celestial Peak

Chapter 533

Chapter 533: Awakening

"Those are the First Four Deities… The Four Guardian Deities… they betrayed me after the Red Fox's materialization… I told you, the Deities are splintered."

"Is that so… you said you won't be helping me, right? Does that mean your previous incarnation will attack me or will the Four Deities be the one to do the job?" Wang Ling cracked his neck as Bai Xue hopped off his shoulders.

Seating on empty space, Bai Xue yawned, "The latter, but that's only if you exude killing intent. Question, what do you plan upon seeing my previous incarnation like this?"

"Is she keen on talking?"

"She wants to kill me until a millennia ago. But for she remains asleep ever since. Wake her up if you want to talk to her, but to do that, you'll have to get through the four Deities."

"Then I'm planning on fighting them." Wang Ling smiled as he cracked his knuckles. With a flicker of his wrist, he brought out every single weapon he had in his storage ring and threw it at the open space in front.

The Deities did not react so, he continued throwing spears, bows, and swords all over the place, "Oh yeah, I also need some World Treasures, I can't quite remember, but didn't the previous incarnations buried some in each world to temporarily become the holder of equilibrium?"

"Here, catch." Bai Xue nonchalantly threw two swords and a storage ring at Wang Ling. One of the swords was long, the other similar to a dagger, "The ring has a variety of World Treasures for you to use. As for the two swords, that's the two that has the most of your essence, though to Mortals or our creations, it's a strong treasure, to you, it's something long past its prime. I don't know how many slashes it could take."

Wang Ling held the two swords. He circulated his qi in them, only using the pure qi, and then inserted the Chaos Qi at the next second. The sword devoured his Chaos Qi and then, it howled in joy…


The swords answered his call, their inner-self, the swords' soul-awakening with the slightest touch of Wang Ling's qi. A green and yellow aura oozed out of Wang Ling's body, something that had not happened before. 

The entire cavern shook, the earth rumbled and from all corners of the cavern there appeared vines and branches, "The Nature and Earth Element, something I'm not used to, but, something very useable… what are your names, my swords?"


"Razor Vine and Mountain Heart… I see, those are good names… will you let me borrow your strengths?"


"I see—you'll go as far as to break for my sake, huh, then, if that is your wish, I will use you two to the best of my ability." To his right was the longer green sword, Razor Vine, and to his left was shorter Mountain Heart.

"So that's one of your abilities—" Bai Xue looked at the swords, incapable of hearing anything, "—you reek of life so much that you don't seem like yourself, Ling."

Wang Ling laughed at Bai Xue's words, "Ironic, isn't it? I can suffocate the world with my killing intent, yet I am also the one who brings life. If this isn't irony, then I don't know what is. Either way, that doesn't change the fact, I'm going to fight some nasty creatures—Xue, any last tips before fighting against the Deities?"

"Hmm, I don't know about tips, but I can tell you something no one else knows."

"Go, shoot." Wang Ling said as he released more of the World Treasures he received.

"The first four Deities are my original creation. From the pieces of my Egg's Shell, and the droplets of my blood. From what you created, I manipulated the elements and stole life from you. With what little essence of life remained in the Universe, I only managed to bring four of them to life. Thus, I gave these four the collective gifts of all the Beast in this Universe. They have their specialties, like the Azure Dragon's lightning that is far stronger than a Tribulation, but they are not limited to this. The First-Generation Deities, are my magnum opus, and other than time, death, and some more special laws, they can practically use everything that exists in this Universe." Bai Xue explained.

"If I am not the embodiment of life and creation, I'll be worried." Wang Ling stated as he threw seven more World Treasures in what would become a battlefield soon enough, "From what I heard, it seems like these four should have been dealt with as soon as possible. And considering my Race's devotion to me, shouldn't you have a tight hold on their leashes?"

"Well, my first three thousand years as a Mother Beast, I led them without a problem. But the Previous Incarnation appeared, and with four Deities' link to her somehow being stronger, I lost control. Their will is more tied to wanting to protect her so they'll risk everything they have in order to keep her life. Currently, they are not in their right minds, it seems like they are affected by the decay that's going around the previous incarnation's body." Bai Xue explained her side. 

"Sounds rough, Xue." Wang Ling finally finished his preparations, he stepped forward. He crossed the line and was now under inside the dome-like cavern. The Eggs shook and cracked in response to his approach, "It's been bothering me, but, why didn't you kill them the moment they went rogue? For you to erase their existence, it is easy, right? It is not like they are as strong as the Gray Figure."

"…Hah, I wonder about that too—" Bai Xue laughed as lifted her front paws, "…I don't know why, but I can't seem to exude enough force to kill them. It is like when I'm scolding Qinyang, I'll shout, but no matter what she does, I'm still soft when it comes to her… Ling, you see, I am not the same as before, when I awakened, I gained every single bloodline in the Universe, even those that do not exist. To me, to some degree, they are my children."

Stopping his steps, Wang Ling looked back at Bai Xue, "Is that so, then how about the other Mortal Races? The Humans, Beastmen, and the Elves? Do you feel the same?"

"Similar." Xue answered with a yawn.

"That so… well, you are known as a mother for a reason. It seems like this doesn't come to a price, I see… but—"

Wang Ling's words stopped as he raised his head. The Eggs that had opened from within came walking out five humanoid figures oozing with killing intent. 


The entire cavern was filled with killing intent, the walls made of indestructible black stones shook, and the ground crumbled from their appearance. Their eyes glowed blood red and insanity oozed from their aura.

The tight they were in was filled with suffocating killing intent… but, Wang Ling just laughed while holding two swords, "—we're different it seems, Xue… I don't feel the hesitation you speak of."josei

With weapons around him, Wang Ling summoned his qi and mixed with the Chaos Qi, the blood-red killing intent transformed to the murky Gray until it turned to black, as though it had become tar. 

The entire cavern was filled with Wang Ling's rage and insanity, rendering the four Deities unknowingly taking a step back—

Life and Creation was always nearest to Death… and Wang Ling was not afraid to embrace this truth.

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