Celestial Peak

Chapter 536

Chapter 536: Purgatory

Holding two sword-shaped World Treasures, Wang Ling stood against the four Deities with shaky control of his qi. Far from his usual masterful maneuver and smooth transitions to meridians. He was a bottomless source of power, the only thing that separates him from Bai Xue was the degree of control to use said power.

Bai Xue had all of the millennia before Wang Ling's return to control the All-Mother's Qi, and Wang Ling now stands before the Deities attempting to reel in the Chaos—


The crackling of lightning echoed; the room now covered with Wang Ling's killing intent. The crimson turned dark, and the azure lightning wrapped around Wang Ling's arms and then both the swords. His earlier jumpy nature is now nowhere to be seen.josei

He no longer smiled, but he's much more confident now facing the four Deities in their Primeval Forms. His unique eyes reflected several paths… Wang Ling ignored them knowing they would change the moment the fight begins.

The billowing smoke was pierced through by the roars and the claws of the White Tiger. Frost revolved around its claws. It headed over to Wang Ling as a distraction as the other three Deities prepared themselves.

The claw warped space, a fold formed, and at the tip of the Tiger's claw was a drop of frost's true essence. A minuscule reality in its claws, a tiny speck from the great universe, space itself froze in its presence.

Primeval Wind — White Claw

Primeval Wind, the Cosmic Qi, the Supreme Spirit Qi, the purple qi of the eastern breeze, its name varies from every world. The start of the flames, the wailing cries of the cosmos that bring forth the freezing of reality.

At the tip of the Tiger's Claws it appeared, Wang Ling freezing space, folding it to its desire and so, with its wails it appeared before Wang Ling—not a split second, not a quarter or shorter, but instantaneous… flawless.

'It… bypassed the distance by folding space?'

Wang Ling's eyes contracted, a white path appeared before him, the path for his sword to take. The Mountain's Heart followed the path, and the body of the blade blocked the tip of the claw before a centimeter away from Wang Ling.

The Mountain's Heart glowed a beautiful gold, it wailed in pain as it protected itself from the Tiger's Claws. But the frost took over the blade to its base, it showed cracks right before Wang Ling could raise the earth into striking the claw upwards.


The claw was sent back and Wang Ling flying backward. His body was buried on the walls, and as he raised his head, he saw the Vermillion Bird opening its wings, encompassing the entirety of the cavern.

Its feather blazing with vermillion flames, its light illuminated the darkness of the cavern and its flames incinerated the weapons on the ground. Useless, Wang Ling's preparation became, the majority of the flames, remained unused yet destroyed beyond repair.

Primeval Flames — Vermillion Rain


The Vermillion Bird flapped its mighty and magnificent wings, embers fluttered across the wind, and transformed to a volley of feathers crafted from flames. The Primeval Flames, incinerated the wind, and further its strength, devouring everything in its path growing with every power it destroyed.

The speck Primeval Flames of Chaos, the flames used to craft worlds. 

Wang Ling called upon Razor's Vine. From the cracks of the walls came about layer upon layer of roots and wrapped Wang Ling. The Flames obviously devoured the roots as fuel!

Wang Ling knew this but just before the Primeval Flames could break through the final layer of his so-called protection, he pulled out black and white flames from within to counter the Vermillion Hell's approach!

The Vermillion Flame devoured the Black and White Flames of Heaven and Hell, it roared with the screeches of the Vermillion Bird, but even when his body was scorched by the flames of the beginning, Wang Ling clawed at it and controlled its very existence.

Its flames may harm him, but… he can control it to his linking!


The flames dissipated with a spiral motion of his hands. And as he was freed from the cell of flames, came about chains crafted from the darkness, latching around his limbs and neck. The Darkness overpowered him and pinned him on the cavern's walls.

Primeval Cosmic Darkness — Snake Binds


He groaned as he watched the Black Turtle, with the Snake Tail leering over him as it controlled the darkness and the Turtle Head gathering the flow of qi in its mouth.

Primeval Flow — Cosmic Blast

From the strongest of the Four Deities, the only being holding two minds and soul in one body, the Black Turtle's frontal head gathered the light of the Cosmic Road.

Like the ocean, the Cosmic Road was the cultivation of all forms of qi. The Cosmic Road, like the Ocean that connects every continent, recreated in the Turtle's mouth while the darkness surrounding the roads held the target at bay.


The blast… could very well erase Wang Ling and send him to another cycle of reincarnation, 'I'll die again?'

Wang Ling questioned, his hands, incapable of movement, his lightning wasn't even completed. 

'Again… I'll die… this sensation… like space, like the tribulation… it is familiar.'

His flames were too weak to fight off the force before him.

Wang Ling… was about to die.

"He fails, I see…" Bai Xue, thought as she got ready to intervene before the blast makes contact. However, she paused, sensing a change, "He's releasing his intent? Oh… so that's why he dies so often."

The Cavern shook… not only from the blast, but also from Wang Ling. The air changed… from the sensation of the creeping death that remained with him for three lifetimes… Wang Ling's intent instantly changed.

Wang Ling's killing intent ran rampant… and the dark red light that enveloped his body shot up to face the light of the Black Turtle.


The Blood Red Light of the killing intent collided with the Cosmic Light.

A myriad of light cascaded inside the Cavern. The Cosmic Blast was pushed back, and the other three did not just sit idly by and watched.

They unleashed their own elements, frost, lightning, flame, earth, wind, everything they had inside to fight back. The intent was pushed back for a split second, yet in that span, Wang Ling grabbed hold of something within.

Wang Ling's eyes changed once again, a revolving purple light together with the blue of life… death took hold of life—

The crimson red of blood devoured by the tendrils of life and then—Wang Ling spoke a simple command, "Devour—"


The light of death devoured the four Deities and when death enveloped all… the living carcass of the previous All-Mother finally, opened its eyes.

"Ling—you've come back." She rejoiced.

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