Celestial Peak

Chapter 537

Chapter 537: Enough

'This is… similar to the Abyss?' Wang Ling thought as he touched the ungraspable purple energy.

A power that violently tries to rip apart anything that gets in the way. Wang Ling stood in its middle, unable to control. His qi, or rather, his existence's essence was still very well rooted with life. 

In a single place, Life and Death flowed, his qi became one, blue and purple, living yet not. From his body, it subconsciously leaked out of his body. His thoughts far away, something from within clawed its way out… 

[Is she still her?] Wang Ling thought to himself… not expecting an answer, or at least one that comes in the form of words. Nothing echoed, nothing responded, but Wang Ling could feel it begging from the depths of the Void, [I see… but, not yet…] Wang Ling said as his sight now rooted on a single existence.

A purple fox, decomposing from the inside and out. Her body, tainted, by the decay of her mind. Spots, all over her ethereal body, and kept to exist inside a bubble that separates her from the laws of life and death, to contain her anomalous existence from corrupting the remainder of the Cosmos.

PoP~ that same bubble burst upon her awakening and Wang Ling stood inside the darkness allowing it to approach him without care. Within the enveloping reality that was death was life existing within, trapped inside, allowing death to ran rampant on the outside.

"Ling! You have returned to me~" From a red-furred fox to that of serpent that wrapped itself around Wang Ling's body. She moved around, slithering, rubbing her face on Wang Ling's flesh, overjoyed to see him return, "I have missed you, my love, this time, I will not let you leave me again."

She moved to and fro, smiling, as she does. The serpentine body bore red scales illuminated by the light of the darkness. Her flesh, though rotting did not smell anything other than pleasant aroma of flowers.

She was the being of life, even in death, she's a graceful creature. Her visage may not be fitting to the eye, but her entire being was the exact opposite. The loving Mother of every being… loving, and caring it caressed Wang Ling with her scales.

"Ling, why are you not smiling? Are you not happy to finally be reunited?" The predecessor spoke, her voice sultry and deep, tempting, and even devilish, "It had been so long since we last met, millions, of years? After you casted me out of our Kingdom, I had been trapped in my own world, writhing in pain, as I die in a folded world—"

With her words, the darkness of death changed. Flashes of images, memories took over death… as if the manifestation of the previous predecessor transmitted her memories through it for Wang Ling to see.

The darkness warped changing to show Wang Ling the image of a red fox trembling, anxious and afraid, but more importantly, grieving. 

"I died, waiting for you… wanting to destroy everything… but I stopped myself as I lost my lifeblood…"

She was in tears as her blood became her shell and eventually, as her life faded away with her tears drying, the predecessor got ready to be reborn.

"I was defeated, but I could have lived… but without you, life would have been nothing for me. I would return to rule over the others, but without your presence, with your existence trapped in that world to keep him at bay, I had nothing but the grief of death.

"Seeing our children die, little by little, one by one… it was something I could not stomach, Ling—we left in search of peace, and I couldn't have returned with it. I didn't want to return without it in tow. Ling, I was lonely, I was lost… but not anymore… finally, I have you with me, once more…our dream can finally come true—"

From a serpent, she transformed into a humanoid form to match Wang Ling's. Her hair was red, as well as her clothes. Her slender and pure skin stood out all the more with the crack going all around, showing the degradation of her existence.

Reaching out to touch her cheeks, Wang Ling experienced her cold, body. Upon touch, she leaned close to feel him, her body trembling, from the joy that he was not afraid, "I am not the one you have been waiting for—?


She returned to her previous form of a serpent. Her eyes glowing a dangerous red as she wrapped herself around Wang Ling, he did not fight back, thus bringing her to smile, "As always, your humor is something I cannot grasp, my love. Who would you really be if you are not him, then, why are you not afraid of my visage? My hideousness terrifies the beings of this world, my successor tried to erase me from existence, and my children attempted to kill me… if not for me taking control of them, I would have long disappeared, Ling. Why are you not fighting back if you are not the one who pulled me from my tiny world?"

Wang Ling shook his head, "It is because "he" is holding me back from beyond the void. Even when he already accepted his fate, he's still trying to protect you. If it was up to me, I would have killed you already—"

"Nonononononononono—don't talk like that, Ling… you're the only one I have now, please, don't do this to me— remember, Ling, remember—REMEMBER!"


Inside the dome of darkness echoed the sound of something breaking. And from above, the light came down as a slight opening appeared and came descending cute little white fox with nine tails, "Okay, that's enough—"

Without any more of the Deities getting in her way, Bai Xue finally got the chance to step up, "My turn to play." She said with a devilish grin.

All Mothers have a grim and dangerous side.


Edge of the Western Area of the Cosmos… a Giant Portal opens and from the other side, came walking out Wang Ling with purple hair adorned in a gray armor.

He looked at the vast purple aura of his half of the Universe, a despondent smile showed as he finally sighed, "Now, let's end this before the fools come crawling back to their hole."josei

With those words, thousands of Revenants came walking out from the Giant Portal. The armored man smiled, "Kill."


The Gray Figure, or rather, the Emperor of Death decided to not wait any longer.

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