Chaos' Heir

Chapter 441 Awkward

Chapter 441 Awkward

Surprise spread through the synthetic mana and fused with the faint tension that had fallen into the hall. The entire meeting area froze, and even Headmistress Holwen halted her steps.

Khan didn't know where to look, but Jack's eyes were great candidates. Still, his attention was on the entirety of the hall, and answers became clear in seconds as he listened to the symphony while adding what he had heard before.

It didn't take a genius to understand who Princess Edna was. Her title, the Headmistress' prompt reaction, and the silence that had fallen on the hall said enough. Khan couldn't even hear the usual whispers. The representatives and members of wealthy families didn't dare to utter a word. Princess Edna had to belong to a noble family.

Still, Khan's understanding went past that obvious conclusion. Jack's evaluation had made many eyes fall on him. Even the Headmistress and the Colonel had stopped focusing on Princess Edna, which didn't make sense considering her status. Something was up. Jack had to be famous, and Khan found no surprise in that.

"Preposterous," The man on Princess Edna's left scoffed. "You gave ten years to fourth-level warriors. He'd be lucky to get there in five years."

Jack ignored the comment and lost interest in Khan. His gaze went to an empty spot in the room and remained there for no apparent reason. Khan even checked the area, but his search didn't reveal anything.

"Ron, you are smarter than Jack in almost everything," Princess Edna exclaimed while glancing at the man to her left, "But he is better than you in evaluating soldiers."

Khan couldn't help but inspect the second fourth-level warrior at that point. Ron was as tall as Jack and only slightly less muscular. Still, he wore his suit with far more grace, and his presence almost replicated the general atmosphere of the hall.

Ron's features were also gentler. He had long grey hair tied into a ponytail that fell on his left shoulder, and small glasses covered his black eyes. His skin was smooth and brown, and his face was slightly sharp near the chin and cheeks.

"Princess!" Ron gasped as he adjusted his glasses. "You shouldn't reveal these details in public. Your enemies might find a way to exploit them."

"That's why you two are here," Princess Edna pointed out.

"Being careful is a duty for you," Ron declared. "You represent-."

"So, you are Captain Khan," Princess Edna stated, completely ignoring Ron. "Jack praised you, so you must be as good as the network says."

Khan still felt like a stranger in that situation, but the question made him snap out of his inspection. The Princess was talking to him, and he only knew one gesture that wouldn't cause problems.

"It's an honor to meet you, Princess Edna," Khan uttered while performing a military salute.

"I heard you fixed Rick's wimpy attitude," Princess Edna continued as if she didn't see the military salute.

Hearing about Rick forced Khan out of his stern expression. Princess Edna had basically confirmed Khan's initial guess by mentioning that name. After all, Rick came from a noble family.

'Is she from the Rassec family too?' Khan wondered while his honesty took over. "Princess, do you know Rick? How is he?"

"It's Esteemed Princess Edna for yo-," Ron warned, but Princess Edna interrupted him again.

"I only heard rumors," Princess Edna revealed. "We used to be playmates. It's hard to believe he grew a spine."

"Princess!" Ron called. "You shouldn't speak about another-!"

Ron interrupted his line when he realized that he was about to misspeak. Khan didn't miss that, but Princess Edna kept talking as if Ron didn't say anything.

"The reports were true," Princess Edna switched topics. "You are quite a looker."

"Thank you," Khan muttered. "You are quite charming yourself."

Khan realized that he had said something wrong when gasps resounded in the hall. Many eyes also fell on him, and he couldn't miss the surge of jealousy from behind. However, Princess Edna ignored the compliment to look at Ron.

"I want to go shopping," Princess Edna revealed.

"Princess, you should at least-," Ron began to say, but Princess Edna interrupted him again.

"Call the car," Princess Edna requested.

"No, Princess, you can't-," Ron almost begged.

"Jack, can you get me something to drink?" Princess Edna asked while turning toward the man on her right.

"No," Jack stated. "I can't leave your side."

"I will take care of that!" Headmistress Holwen used that chance to join the awkward conversation.

"Leticia, right?" Princess Edna asked while looking at the Headmistress. "If you would be so kind."

"It would be my pleasure," Headmistress Holwen performed a bow as she hurried toward the table, and one of the representatives close to the booze didn't hesitate to help with the task.

Princess Edna didn't bother to follow the Headmistress. She stopped looking at her after her request, and her gaze began wandering through the hall. She wasn't searching for anything specific. That seemed her way of killing time.

Khan found himself in an awkward position. He was the closest to the Princess, but Colonel Norrett's silence told him that it was better to shut up. The general reaction to his compliment had also given him similar signals, but he didn't take Monica into account.

"Miss Virrai," Monica stepped forward while performing one of her elegant bows. "It's so nice to see you again."

"Oh, Monica!" Princess Edna's eyes lit up. "I almost didn't see you. Though, I told you to call me Edna many times."

The name Virrai resounded in Khan's mind and confirmed his initial guess. Princess Edna did come from a noble family, and Monica sounded quite close to her.

"That would be improper," Monica smiled.

"Miss Solodrey's manners are impeccable as always," Ron praised. "Princess, you should learn from her."

"Where did you get that dress?" Princess Edna questioned, ignoring Ron once again. "I need it."

"You can try it on if you wish," Monica giggled, "But I'm afraid you can't have it."

"Why don't we go on a shopping spree together then?" Princess Edna requested as she stepped forward to take Monica's hands. "Ron always complains when I get something sexy, and Jack isn't much into fashion. I need a girlfriend's opinion."

"Decorum is a critical aspect of your status," Ron announced while stepping forward to reach Princess Edna's left side. Jack moved even before him, forcing Khan to retreat.

"You know I never refuse the chance to go shopping," Monica reassured. "I'll be glad to help you, but only if you do the same for me."

"Of course!" Princess Edna beamed with joy. "Still, you are making me jealous. You have always been beautiful, but you are glowing now. Any dress will look better on you."

"Thank you," Monica uttered, "But we both know who is the most beautiful woman in the Global Army. Half of the descendants fall for you with a single glance."

"Don't change the topic," Princess Edna pouted. "You did something. Tell me your secret."

"I might be inclined to reveal something after securing a few cute dresses," Monica teased.

"Let's not waste time then," Princess Edna eagerly stated. "Let's hit the shopping area right away. Ron?"

"I'm afraid I can't now, Miss Virrai," Monica refused before Ron could say anything. She even retracted her hands and took a step back to reach for Khan's left elbow.

Khan had kept track of the casual conversation without really paying attention to the words the two women exchanged. He was mostly glad that Monica had saved him from that strange situation, but her actions brought new tension.

"We are celebrating Captain Khan's promotion tonight," Monica said while bringing another hand to Khan's left elbow. "I want to be here for him."

Khan's eyes tried to widen in surprise and panic, but he retained a calm expression. Yet, the entire hall focused on him again, including Princess Edna and Ron.

"Oh," Princess Edna voiced. "Do you prefer this boring event over going shopping with me?"

"Princess!" Ron scolded.

"I'm sorry, Miss Virrai," Monica remained set on her decision. "It's not about you or the event."

Princess Edna couldn't help but focus on Khan at that point. Her beautiful green eyes went over his stern face before falling on the spot where Monica was holding him. Monica wasn't doing anything too intimate, but her stance was clear.

As for Khan, he lacked the experience to know how to behave. He could only let Monica take the lead. Of course, he appreciated her decision to remain. He almost felt the need to hold her like a true lover, but he held back and hoped she would do the same.

"Jack," Princess Edna eventually called. "Is he really stronger than me?"

"Yes," Jack replied while his gaze remained on an empty spot in the hall. "You wouldn't survive a single exchange."

Khan frowned. He couldn't understand why the Princess would try to compare herself to him. The flow of her mana was extremely smooth, but she was only a second-level warrior.

"Jack, don't insult the Princess!" Ron scolded.

"I guess you are not just stars and good looks," Princess Edna sighed. "Fine, I'll stick around, but I want that date, and you need to tell me your secret."

"Thank you for understanding, Miss Virrai," Monica performed a half-bow while squeezing Khan's elbow.

Khan understood the silent message and also lowered his head while voicing polite words. "I'm honored to have you here, Princess Edna."

"Princess Edna," Headmistress Holwen approached the group now that the Princess had expressed her desire to stay. "Your drink."

"Thank you, Leticia," Princess Edna stated but didn't reach for the drink. Instead, Ron carefully took it from Headmistress Holwen's hands and released an invisible spell to inspect it.

Khan used that distraction to glance at Colonel Norrett, and the latter glared at him while nodding a few times. His silent reply was clear. Khan had to go along with that development.

Ron soon handed the drink to Princess Edna, and she promptly stepped forward to reach Monica. The latter turned, forcing Khan to follow along since she didn't leave his elbow, and Princess Edna's guards could only adapt to the new situation.

Jack took Princess Edna's left side and followed her while his gaze remained lost in the hall. Instead, Ron felt forced to stand on Khan's right due to a lack of free spots, and his glare rarely left him.

'What the fuck is even happening?' Khan cursed as that awkward group approached the table with the various representatives.

Khan was truly lost. Nothing in his life had prepared him for that development. Yet, he managed to exchange a glance with Monica, which revealed her hidden shy side. She was also doing her best, and he found new strength in the desire to be worthy of her efforts.

The representatives around the table had long since gotten near the entrance. They had hoped for a chance to talk with Princess Edna, but the recent development forced them to wait for the awkward group to get to them.

"Princess Edna," Robert Bizelli called since he was the closest to the awkward group. "Your presence here is a most-welcomed surprise. It's an honor to meet you."

Princess Edna glanced at Ron, and he didn't hesitate to explain. "Robert Bizelli of the Bizelli family. He is a renowned surgeon."

"Oh, Bizelli," Princess Edna exclaimed while facing Robert. "I had a meeting with your matriarch two months ago. Your hospitality was impeccable."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Princess," Robert thanked. "Your funds won't go to waste."

"The Bizelli family never disappointed the Global Army," Princess Edna stated. "I'm sure this time won't be any different."

Robert performed a polite bow as the awkward group walked past him, but he lifted his head in time to exchange a glance with Khan. The man managed to nod in approval, and an honest smile even broadened on his face.

Mister Dunac came afterward, and all the arrogance shown before vanished before Princess Edna. He even began to sweat as he muttered the best greetings he could think of. "Princess Edna, I'm humbled by your presence."

"Mister Murray Dunac from the Dunac family," Ron explained when Princess Edna looked at him for answers.

"Dunac," Princess Edna repeated. "You are the same age as Captain Khan. Jack, how is he?"

Jack only took a look at Murray before voicing a single word. "Worthless."

"What?!" Murray Dunac gasped. "How can you-?"

Murray didn't get the chance to finish his line since Princess Edna walked past him. The young man was mad, but he didn't dare to say anything and even stepped aside when his presence threatened to hinder Jack's way.

Khan remained silent and let Monica lead him alongside the Princess. Needless to say, most representatives completely ignored him due to the presence of a descendant of a noble family. However, some looks fell on him, and very few of them shared Robert's genuine happiness.

Many representatives appeared interested in the relationship between Khan and Monica. They never asked anything specific, but their faces and eyes revealed the truth.

Instead, a few showed some envy toward Khan, which wasn't exactly surprising. He was almost walking hand in hand with Monica, and Princess Edna had even silently accepted his presence. Most representatives would kill to be in his position.

Luckily for Khan, no one dared to insult or crack jokes aimed at putting him in a bad light. Princess Edna's presence forced everyone to be respectful, but Khan knew that the event would have profound consequences, and he wouldn't be able to study them until everything ended.

Slowly but surely, Princess Edna exchanged a few lines with all the representatives in the hall. Those interactions had rarely given Khan a chance to speak, but that was for the best. Everyone would think highly of him after that night, and he didn't have to utter any word to achieve that.

"We are done, right?" Princess Edna asked once the round of greetings ended.

"Princess, it would still be proper to remain-," Ron responded, but his lines never had the chance to last until their end.

"So, we are done," Princess Edna announced. "Monica, let's hit the shops now."

"Miss Virrai, the dinner has barely begun," Monica pointed out. "Leaving already would be-."

"If it's because of Captain Khan," Princess Edna interrupted, "He should come with us."

"What?" Monica gasped, and Ron echoed her question.

"Princess," Ron continued. "A promotion is an important event deserving of celebrations. It would be disrespectful to everyone in this room to take away the main guest."

"We should let Captain Khan decide," Princess Edna suggested, and the entire hall turned toward Khan.

'The universe must have something against me,' Khan cursed. Princess Edna had put him in a pickle, but the matter had a positive side. No one would blame him if he decided to leave. Spending a night with a noble family's descendant would actually deepen his fame.

"How could I refuse Princess Edna's request?" Khan said as an honest smile made its way onto his face. He didn't enjoy those formal meetings, so his true feelings came out.

"Wait," Monica called before the situation could evolve. "It wouldn't be fair for Captain Khan to leave because of me. I'll come on my own."

Khan and Monica couldn't help but exchange a meaningful glance. The two had inspected the matter from different perspectives and had reached opposite conclusions.

Monica wanted Khan to establish connections with the wealthy representatives. Her previous actions had shown her support, and Princess Edna had even played along. Yet, he didn't get the chance to show his value, which went against the event's purpose.

Instead, Khan mainly considered his potential political shields. Spending a night with Princess Edna would create an aura of mystery that would prolong his untouchable state, giving him more time to amass value and power.

Both paths were viable. There wasn't any clear mistake in either of them. Khan and Monica had simply opted for the approach that matched their personality and knowledge.

However, Khan had to admit that Monica was above him in the political field. He would gladly comply if she thought that remaining in the dinner would benefit him the most.

Monica only needed to look at the changes in Khan's expression to understand that he had accepted her approach. He even nodded to reassure her, so she let go of his elbow to prepare for her departure.

Yet, Colonel Norrett approached the group before that decision could become final, and his laugh marked the beginning of his speech. "Please, don't let us hold any of you back. Captain Khan, go ahead and accompany the Princess. After all, keeping her happy is part of your duties."

"Indeed," Headmistress Holwen promptly played along. "Duties come before pleasure. Besides, I'm sure no one here would complain."

A series of "of course!", "have fun", and "safe travels" resounded among the hall. All the representatives showed their gentlest and happiest faces while wishing the best to the group. They only wanted to avoid getting in the Princess' way, but their actions solved the silent conflict between Khan and Monica.

"It's set," Princess Edna announced. "Ron, is the car ready?"

"I still advise against it," Ron sighed.

"We'll be off then," Princess Edna exclaimed before turning without adding else.

Monica and Khan couldn't act like that. Monica made sure to perform an elegant bow to the crowd while Khan showed his military salute. He even took the chance to glance at Colonel Norrett during the gesture, and the latter's nods couldn't be more explicit. He was telling Khan not to waste that opportunity.

Khan and Monica couldn't linger too long in their goodbyes. They quickly turned to follow the Princess and her two guards. No doors remained closed on their path, and the group soon exited the embassy.

"It's here," Ron stated as a beautiful ship hovered toward the ceiling occupied by the group.

'I thought that model had to come out next year,' Khan gasped at the sight of the spaceship.

The vehicle had a half-circular shape, with its curved surface made of black glass-like material. Three engines whooshed on the opposite flat side, and dark metal covered everything else.

The ship wasn't too long, and its insides also looked relatively narrow. Yet, it was tall, and Khan knew it was meant to be one of the fastest vehicles on the market.

The vehicle showed its dark side while approaching the ceiling, and Princess Edna didn't hesitate to walk toward it. A door soon opened on the ship, and a metal platform came out to create a path.

Princess Edna, Jack, and Ron got on the metal path immediately, while Khan and Monica exchanged a hesitant glance before following along. The group soon reunited inside the ship, and Khan couldn't help but commit its insides to memory.

The ship's insides were relatively small, but Khan didn't feel cramped. Moreover, its height allowed the existence of three different floors connected by staircases dug into the metal walls.

The control desk was on the central floor, but the seats there were empty. The ship was flying through an auto-pilot system. The Princess had basically brought only Jack and Ron with her.

"To the shopping district," Princess Edna shouted, and the mechanical voice of a woman repeated the order to confirm it. A map of the Harbor appeared on the control desk, and the auto-pilot even drew the intended route before setting off.

"Don't forget about that secret," Princess Edna teased as she reached one of the seats on the central floor and took out her phone. "I will learn it, no matter of many clothes we have to buy."

"You are forgetting the bags," Monica giggled, reaching for a spot next to Princess Edna. "I have yet to check the shops here, but I've seen some interesting items along the way."

Monica and Princess Edna began to chat, leaving Khan, Jack, and Ron on their own. Jack seemed lost in his thoughts as always, while Ron remained wary. Khan couldn't hope to get a conversation out of either of them, so he let his curiosity take over.

'We are going fast,' Khan thought as he kept track of the ship's movements on the map on the control desk, 'But I'm not feeling anything. I wonder how it would be at its top speed.'

Khan's attention quickly moved to the other commands. The steering wheel was pretty standard, and the same went for the other keys. Actually, that ship had fewer of them, which made it easier to pilot.

The inspection filled Khan with random thoughts and fantasies, but all of that crumbled when a chilling sensation appeared and spread throughout the ship. He instantly turned, but a hand had already landed on his neck by then.

Ron glared coldly at Khan. His hand had taken the shape of a blade while it remained on his neck. Khan felt the danger it radiated even without relying on his sensitivity. If he moved, his head would fall.

"Why are you interested in the control desk?" Ron asked, making everyone aware of what was happening.

"What is this?" Monica questioned while standing up.

Princess Edna looked at Ron before focusing on Khan. He appeared strangely calm under that threat, but that didn't change his situation. He had no chance to escape Ron.

"Miss Virrai?" Monica called since Princess Edna was letting that stalemate continue.

"Ron is never wrong about these things," Princess Edna exclaimed. "Captain Khan, why are you interested in the control desk?"

"Permission to avoid hearing his lies," Ron requested.

"Denied," Princess Edna replied. "Let him speak."

The sudden development would leave anyone confused, but Khan was different. His thoughts worked faster than ever. He could understand that security had to be top-notch around the descendant of a noble family. Ron was probably a monster, so lying wasn't an option.

"I was wondering whether I could fly this ship," Khan admitted.

"Lies," Ron snorted.

"And?" Princess Edna wondered. "Can you?"

"The control desk is pretty simple," Khan revealed, "Simpler than other ships. I can fly this ship."

Ron's glare intensified, but he didn't say anything. His mana stretched from his hand and tried to enter Khan's neck, but nothing survived more than a few seconds. His scanning spell couldn't overcome the chaos element.

"I didn't know you had a license," Princess Edna stated.

"I don't," Khan explained. "I just gained access to the flying courses. They came with my promotion."

"But you said you could fly this ship already," Princess Edna pointed out.

"I learnt through unofficial methods," Khan revealed. "Someone helped me."

"I want to see it," Princess Edna said while leaving her seat.

"No, Princess-," Ron tried to warn.

"He is telling the truth, isn't he?" Princess Edna asked.

"So it seems," Ron replied. "I can confirm it if you give me a moment."

"You are not putting your mana inside me," Khan declared, entering a battle of glares with Ron.

"Ron, let him take the pilot's seat," Princess Edna ordered. "Change of plans. Let's go in orbit."

"New destination confirmed," The female robotic voice of the ship responded, and a new route appeared on the control desk.

Khan continued glaring at Ron. He understood Ron's wariness, but there was a limit to how much he would accept, and being the target of an unknown spell wasn't it. As for Ron, he eventually retracted his hand, but his pressure remained on Khan.

"Are you sure, Princess Edna?" Khan asked once Ron set him free. "I have minimal experience with actual vehicles."

"There's nothing to crash into in space," Princess Edna casually uttered. "Still, I must warn you. Ron will kill you if he feels that something is off."

Khan nodded and showed a slight smile to Monica before heading to the pilot's seat. Ron followed him to stand at his side once he took his place, and both men waited for the ship to leave the Harbor.

The long glass didn't hide anything from its insides, and Monica and Princess Edna soon approached it to admire the scene. The ship flew through the passages among the districts before reaching one of the hangars and exiting the Harbor.

The blackness of space soon filled the glass, and the ship continued to fly until the entirety of the moon became visible. From that spot, Khan could also see the orange planet that kept the Harbor inside its gravitational field. He knew the place had some valuable resources, but his thoughts mostly radiated wonder.

"Deactivate auto-pilot," Princess Edna ordered once the ship put enough distance from the Harbor.

"Genetic signature required to confirm command," The ship requested, and Princess Edna didn't hesitate to place her hand on one of the screens.

"The steering wheel is yours, Captain Khan," Princess Edna announced once her command went through.

Khan felt excited. Flying always put him in a good mood. He only wished that the situation was different, but he didn't let Ron's threatening attitude generate anxiety.

The steering wheel soon fell in Khan's grasp, and he confidently pressed a few keys on the control desk to take complete control of the ship. He even pushed ahead, and an abrupt acceleration unfolded.

"Sorry!" Khan exclaimed as he hit the brakes to slow down the ship. "I knew this model was fast, but I didn't expect it to be so sensitive."

Khan kept the ship on a steady course toward a dark patch of space and avoided performing any turn. He didn't know how much he could do in that situation, so he even held back from accelerating.

"Captain Khan," Princess Edna yawned. "I hope you can do more than flying in a straight line."

'You aren't the one with two fourth-level warriors at your throat,' Khan cursed while wild feelings scratched the back of his head. He wanted to push that ship to its limits but couldn't be sudden about it.

"Princess, Monica," Khan called. "Please, take your seats and fasten your belts."

Princess Edna's eyes lit up in excitement. She immediately reached for a seat and moved it right behind Khan. Monica did the same, while Ron took his place next to Khan. Only Jack remained on his feet, but he had no interest in the matter. He only cared about being near Princess Edna.

Once everyone had taken their place, Khan pushed the steering wheel forward, causing a violent acceleration that made everyone slam on the back of their seats. Even Jack had to hold himself to a handhold to remain on his feet.

'Let's see how it turns,' Khan thought as he began playing with the ship to test its features.

The ship turned out to be extremely nimble. It even surpassed Snow in terms of agility. It could go upside down and more in mere fractions of a second, and its speed only continued to increase.

When the acceleration reached levels that second-level warriors might find hard to withstand, Ron's threatening aura returned, but Khan acted before he could speak. The ship slowed down to make the trip comfortable for Monica and Princess Edna, and Ron didn't hide his surprise.

"What do you think?" Princess Edna asked during that deceleration.

"It's a beauty," Khan admitted. "I've never driven something like this."

"Did you grow comfortable with its commands?" Princess Edna questioned.

"I think I did," Khan confirmed.

"Show me what you can do then," Princess Edna ordered while stretching a hand past Khan's seat to point at a cloud of asteroids in the distance. "Fly through that."josei

"Princess!" Ron scolded.

"Ron, learn to live a little," Princess Edna giggled.

"That's a C-class danger zone!" Ron explained. "It takes a proper pilot to cross it."

"This ship has incredible shields," Princess Edna pointed out. "Jack, do you think Captain Khan can fly through that cloud?"

"There is no death on the path ahead," Jack stated.

"See?" Princess Edna laughed. "What about you, Monica? Do you think Captain Khan can fly through it?"

"I don't have any doubt," Monica declared.

"It's decided," Princess Edna announced. "Captain Khan, cross that cloud."

"Aye aye, ma'am," Khan agreed before Ron could say anything. He was actually curious about his flying skills, and those asteroids were bound to be an exciting challenge.

Khan accelerated as he pointed the ship toward the asteroids. Meanwhile, he pressed on the control desk to activate holograms that would help him in the crossing. A 3D map of the cloud materialized next to him, and his mana boiled under the imminent threat.

'Faster!' Khan thought as he accelerated again and dived directly into the cloud.

The cloud was far from chaotic. The asteroids inside it followed a specific direction. Only their speed was different, and Khan could handle that.

Khan's eyes darted between the holograms and the scenery on the glass. He couldn't sense the symphony of space, but his eyes saw it. That cloud had a faint layer of mana, and Khan's sensitivity could use it to its benefit.

'Flow,' Khan thought as his body relaxed and his hands became one with the ship. The steering wheel became an extension of his arms, and he moved it according to his sensitivity.

The cloud was no different than a battlefield. Khan limited himself to following the stabler and fainter patches of mana. That approach allowed him to slip among the many asteroids without ever hitting any of them, and the ship's nimbleness only helped in the process.

The trip ended up being way too short. Khan barely realized when he arrived on the other side of the cloud, and it took Princess Edna's excited cry to wake him up.

"You are good!" Princess Edna laughed. "This is far better than those boring meetings."

Ron felt the need to scold Princess Edna again, but the sight of her honest smile made him remain silent. It was rare for the Princess to enjoy herself, so he let that statement go.

"Ron, how does my schedule look?" Princess Edna asked as she closed her eyes to enjoy the ship's deceleration.

"Packed as always, Princess," Ron revealed.

"Cancel everything," Princess Edna ordered. "I've decided. I'm going to stay in the Harbor for a while."

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