Chaos' Heir

Chapter 442 Trouble

Chapter 442 Trouble

"Princess," Ron sighed, "Can I say something first?"

"No," Princess Edna exclaimed as she opened her eyes. "I'm having fun. I won't give up on it so soon."

"It wasn't about that," Ron cleared his throat. "Your stay in the Harbor requires a purpose. I can come up with a list of jobs suitable for your status."

"Monica, what are you doing in the Harbor?" Princess Edna asked.

"Attending classes, Miss Virrai," Monica revealed.

"What about Captain Khan?" Princess Edna wondered.

"I just got access to the advanced classes," Khan explained.

"I'll attend the classes too," Princess Edna declared.

"Princess, the Harbor offers far better occupations," Ron pointed out. "Besides, you are overqualified, even for the advanced classes."

"I don't want another boring task," Princess Edna complained. "I want to be like everyone else and have fun."

"I'm sorry, Princess," Ron uttered. "No place can offer that."

"Come on, Ron," Princess Edna pouted. "My parents will send me away soon enough. Give me some leeway to go shopping with Monica and Captain Khan."

"Captain Khan?" Ron repeated while glaring at Khan.

"He doesn't get too tense around me," Princess Edna explained. "Even you don't scare him. He might be the first person I met who doesn't have an agenda."

Ron's glare inevitably intensified, but Khan could only shrug his shoulders under that inspection. He had barely spoken with the Princess. Ron couldn't really blame him.

"I'll contact your parents to warn them about your decision," Ron eventually sighed but still kept his wary gaze on Khan. It was clear that he didn't like him.

"Ship, activate auto-pilot," Princess Edna happily ordered. "Let's go back to the Harbor."

"New destination confirmed," The ship replied, and Khan lost control of the steering wheel. The vehicle turned on its own and chose a path around the cloud of asteroids to reach the Harbor.

"Miss Virrai," Monica couldn't help but call in the awkward silence that fell after the Princess' decision. "Are you certain? We can go shopping without ruining your schedule."

"Oh, Monica," Princess Edna giggled as she unfastened her belt to take Monica's hand. "I'm putting myself in your hands, okay? You must show me around and bring me to all the fun events."

Monica found herself in a difficult position. Ron had spoken the truth. Princess Edna's status wasn't something Lucian and the other wealthy descendants could ignore, but refusing her wasn't an option either.

"I'll do my best, Miss Virrai," Monica could only smile as the entirety of her education crossed her mind to develop plans.

"I'll get you to drop that Miss Virrai," Princess Edna chuckled. "I know you also have duties, but I still want us to be proper friends. I feel that we are compatible."

"Our taste in clothes is definitely similar, Miss Virrai," Monica giggled.

"See?" Princess Edna announced while moving her seat closer to Monica and taking out her phone. "Let me show you something I bought recently. You'll make me go through your wardrobe in exchange."

Monica preferred that type of interaction, and the pictures on Princess Edna's phone soon captured her attention. She began having fun as the two chatted about clothes and other items, leaving Khan in an awkward situation once again.

Jack was still lost in his thoughts, while Ron didn't drop his glare for even a second. The two were so unapproachable that Khan considered joining Monica and Princess Edna. Yet, their conversation sounded like an alien language in his ears, so he remained silent and followed the ship's route.

Khan had been in control of the ship for less than an hour. Still, the auto-pilot didn't go as fast, so it took longer for the Harbor to reappear on the glass. It wasn't exactly late, but midnight was approaching, so it was safe to assume that the dinner had ended.

"Let's go directly to Leticia!" Princess Edna announced once the ship entered one of the hangars.

"Princess, it's too late for these matters," Ron scolded. "I'll plan a meeting first time in the morning, but we should prepare an accommodation now."

"The night has flown quickly," Princess Edna exclaimed. "Yes, staying here definitely is the right decision."

"You have also taken advantage of Miss Solodrey's patience for too long," Ron continued. "It would be proper to give her a ride back home."

"In which district do you two stay?" Princess Edna asked.

"Seventh, but-," Khan began to say.

"Drop us on the second," Monica continued. "We have a common friend waiting for us in his flat."

"I can't wait to meet him tomorrow," Princess Edna stated. "Second district."

"Second district," The ship repeated in its robotic voice.

'I need to warn George,' Khan thought as a faint smirk appeared on his face. 'I can't wait to see his face when he hears about all of this.'

The smirk was short-lived since Ron's glare intensified and forced Khan out of his thoughts. The guard wouldn't let any suspicious gesture go by, and Khan could only show a helpless expression at that constant inspection.

The ship didn't take long to reach the center of the Harbor, and it began to descend once it entered the second district. Monica even added directions during the flight, so the vehicle stopped right in front of George's building.

"I'll see you two in class," Princess Edna saluted while Khan and Monica walked through the metal passage to reach the sidewalk.

"It was an honor, Princess Edna," Khan performed a military salute as soon as he jumped off the metal passage, and Monica also performed a bow. However, Princess Edna lost interest in the scene right away, and the ship set off before the two could finish their goodbyes.

Khan and Monica watched the ship disappear before exchanging a careful glance. The sidewalk was empty. They were alone, but their minds were too messy to talk about what had happened in the open.

The two didn't need to say anything to decide their next move. They turned to head for George's building, and their silence continued even when they entered the elevator.

The arrival in George's flat didn't change the situation. Khan and Monica heaved a tired sigh almost simultaneously, but their silence remained. Reaching the main hall also confirmed that George had yet to return, but the two didn't find the strength to speak even then.

Khan had too much to think about. He had to talk with Colonel Norrett and check the next articles about him to understand how the dinner had gone. Still, that was only one part of his problems. He now had to worry about Princess Edna and her overprotective guards too.

Monica wasn't any better. Princess Edna had put a troublesome duty on her. She had to find a way to entertain her in a world where everyone tensed up in her presence. She also had to be a friend without forgetting her family's well-being, and her education might not be enough for that.

Those were only personal problems. The situation grew grimmer when the couple considered their secret relationship. Khan and Monica had just gained a friend they couldn't hope to predict or stop. Their free time and privacy sounded on the verge of vanishing.

Khan wanted to ask Monica's opinion, but he acknowledged that she also had things to sort out. The same went for Monica. She didn't want to waste that precious time immersed in her thoughts. Khan even needed her help, but she was pretty powerless.

"The problems never end," Khan eventually broke the silence.

"As if we had it easy before," Monica cursed.

The couple heaved a sigh, but Monica spoke before the silence could fall again. "She is not stupid, Khan. She might not care about many things, but she sees everything."

"I guessed as much," Khan admitted. "Her guards are also a problem. I've never met soldiers like them."

"They are elites among elites," Monica explained. "Jack made a name for himself on many battlefields before being recruited by the Virrai family. As for Ron, I think he was brought up for that job, but I'm not certain."

"I must be cursed or something," Khan mocked himself. "The universe doesn't even hide it anymore."

Khan and Monica would typically avoid getting into George's flat when he wasn't there, but they both knew the strange night would cover for them. They didn't even need to speak to reach that decision, and the area's privacy slowly warmed them up for the inevitable conversation.

"Did you really get flying courses for the promotion?" Monica questioned.

"Yes," Khan revealed as he approached a couch to lean on its back. "It must be Raymond's doing. Though I don't know why he would help me so much."

"Raymond?" Monica wondered.

"Colonel Norrett told me someone pushed for my promotion," Khan explained. "I can't think of anyone else with enough influence."

"Oh," Monica voiced. She only knew a little about that topic, but Khan had given her a summary, so she reached the same conclusions.

"He must want to protect you from other parties," Monica declared. "The flying license simply is additional value."

"Must be," Khan sighed before lifting his gaze and changing the topic. "What about you? Can you survive the Princess' whims?"

"She isn't too bad," Monica revealed. "Our families made us meet, but we found many common grounds right away. We would be closer if she didn't come from a noble family."

"Maybe her presence will be a good thing," Khan hoped.

"You already lost a chance to talk with the representatives because of her," Monica complained. "Tonight was your night, and she ruined it."

"I'm sure those same representatives will contact me privately," Khan reassured. "Colonel Norrett must have had his reasons for pushing me away."

"I still don't agree with him," Monica stated. "The celebration was supposed to be your political milestone, not another gossip to add to your profile."

"I've gotten used to those anyway," Khan shrugged his shoulders. "I got the flying courses and the advanced classes. It's enough for now."

Monica wanted to be happy for Khan, but she still didn't like how things had gone. Moreover, a thought bugged her, forcing her past jealousy to show its presence again.

"Are you sure you aren't happy for another reason?" Monica pouted.

"What is it?" Khan asked. He sensed Monica's rising jealousy and annoyance, but he couldn't connect the dots in the privacy of the flat.

"Princess Edna is considered the most beautiful woman in the Global Army," Monica revealed, "And she is wealthier than me. She is a better candidate for a secret girlfriend."

"Monica," Khan chuckled.

"No, no, I would understand," Monica scoffed. "It's not like you are a stranger to two-timing. I guess you couldn't help yourself after a month with a single woman."

"I didn't do anything," Khan uttered, but Monica still looked away.

"Wait," Khan recalled. "You are talking about that compliment, right?"

"I don't know what you are talking about," Monica snorted.

"What is it?" Khan teased as he approached Monica's back to take her into his arms. "Does the Princess threaten you?"

"She has more influence," Monica whispered, "And her beauty-."

"Since when was I with you because of money and beauty?" Khan interrupted as he placed his head on Monica's shoulder. "Well, there is that matter about your butt."

Khan was ready for a slap or a shout, but nothing similar arrived. Monica just peeked past her shoulder to look into his eyes, and her worry became evident.

"Princess Edna is indeed beautiful," Khan sighed while tightening the hug, "But I didn't look at her in that way even once. I don't work like that."

"Should I remind you about Jenna?" Monica sneered.

"That was before we reached this point," Khan explained. "I wouldn't be able to give her much attention with you around now."

"Really?" Monica asked.

"Really," Khan confirmed. He was speaking the truth, and Monica could see it in his eyes. After all, she was feeling the same emotions.

"You are such a scoundrel," Monica whispered as she laid her head on Khan's. The two still had countless problems to sort out, so the silence returned, but they found comfort in being in each other's arms.

"You shouldn't have said anything to that reporter," Monica eventually broke the silence. "Those people will say anything just to get a reaction from you."

"I couldn't lie about Liiza," Khan explained.

"I know, but," Monica voiced.

"I couldn't," Khan interrupted. "I would have betrayed my feelings."

"I see," Monica muttered as she began to play with her hair.

Khan's sensitivity revealed the changes inside Monica, but he would have understood them even without listening to the mana. Talking about an ex-girlfriend wasn't ideal, especially when he added feelings to the topic.

"Monica," Khan felt the need to explain himself, "My feelings are dangerous. You have seen how I acted with Lucian."

"You stopped," Monica pointed out.

Khan broke the embrace and pushed Monica toward the nearest wall. His hands went on the metal surface to block her way out. He wasn't trying to scare her. He only wanted to make sure that she realized the gravity of the situation.


"The first time someone found out about Liiza and me," Khan said as memories filled his thoughts, "My first instinct was to kill the witness, and she was a good friend."

Khan wasn't particularly proud of that event, but lying wouldn't get him anywhere. He had really thought about killing Azni, and his emotional spectrum had only broadened since then.

"Did you?" Monica asked without showing any fear. Khan's actions had been sudden, but they didn't scare or worry her. She trusted him too much for that.

"No, but that's not the point," Khan responded. "I'm not a good man. I have dark sides, and I don't plan on getting rid of them."

"Why are you telling me this?" Monica questioned. "I know about all of that already."

'Why did I tell her that?' Khan found himself thinking even if he knew the answer. It all went back to the conversation with George. Part of him was scared.

The fear wasn't rational. It didn't even come from a single source. Khan was worried he would forget about Liiza if he allowed himself to love again. Also, he feared what could happen if he really fell for Monica.

"Do you think I'd chicken out?" Monica asked as her hand reached for Khan's collar to pull him closer. "I told you already, idiot. I'm yours. I'm ready to bring as much shame to myself as possible if I become a problem for you."

"What if I become the problem?" Khan wondered. "What if I become too much to handle?"

"Did you forget how I am?" Monica sneered. "I was ready to hit that slut reporter as soon as she tried to seduce you."

Khan smirked. Seeing Monica experiencing the same intense emotions was genuinely reassuring. His broader emotional spectrum didn't seem to be a problem with her wild mood.

"Besides," Monica continued as her grip on Khan's collar grew tighter. She even began to shake in hesitation, but she continued her line anyway. "It's too late. I'm falling for you. Even I don't know what I'll start to do."

Those words left Khan speechless. He wasn't surprised about the statement. He had actually predicted that something like that was happening since he was experiencing the same emotions.

However, the fact that Monica had decided to reveal her feelings so brazenly put shame on Khan. He was supposed to be the one with the broader emotional spectrum. He was supposed to be the one trained to love like Niqols. Instead, Monica had beaten him in that field.

'I guess the last step is the hardest,' Khan mocked himself as the last barrier inside him crumbled. His love for Liiza would always remain a constant in his life, but his heart finally gained room for someone else.

"You are in a world of trouble," Khan whispered, and his expression told Monica what was happening inside his mind. Needless to say, the two got very little sleep that night.

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