Chaos' Heir

Chapter 463 Infusion

Chapter 463 Infusion


"Man, I'm telling you," George cursed. "That woman is evil incarnate!"

"Not getting laid sure is driving you crazy," Khan commented, keeping his eyes on his phone.

"It's been weeks already!" George shouted.

"Two at most," Khan pointed out.

"Two and five days!" George corrected. "More than three if you count the occasional hookups!"

"Are we keeping track of the hours too?" Khan wondered.

"You talk like this," George scoffed, "But you would be more desperate than me in my situation."

Khan lowered the phone to show a mocking expression. He wanted the best for George, but he only had himself to blame for his predicament.

"How did you even fuck up after Nippe 2?" Khan questioned.

"A lot can happen in two weeks," George muttered.

"You just had to remain serious for a few hours," Khan scolded.

"It was more than a few," George clarified. "The next day, we fought again, and somehow we kept arguing whenever we were about to go all the way."

"Then, don't fight," Khan casually said.

"You should see her," George snorted. "She seems to sense when we are about to do it. Damned woman. Her timing is the worst."

"Oh, shut up," Khan chuckled. "You love it."

"I can't love it when I'm not getting any," George complained.

"Just drop the tactics and be serious," Khan sighed. "You are into her anyway. Stop acting so scared."

"That's big coming from you," George rebuked. "Did you even tell Monica how you feel about her? Did she?"

"If I tell her," Khan announced, laying his head on the couch's back, "I go crazy. If she tells me, she goes crazy. We know. We simply aren't saying it."

"Sounds really brave," George mocked.

"What do you want me to say?" Khan wondered as his eyes wandered among his flat's ceiling. "Things have calmed down for once. I'm not in a hurry to get back into the drama."

"Oh, shut up," George laughed. "You love it."

"I don't love getting called all kinds of things by those reporters," Khan cursed while waving his phone. "I've read absurd articles. Some even think I'm the Princess' sex toy."

"She did go public saying she rewarded you on her ship," George pointed out.

"She answered one question about the Nak!" Khan almost shouted. "One! How can people jump to completely different conclusions?"

"You don't exactly have a bad record with women," George coughed. "If I didn't know you, I'd be the one spreading those rumors."

"She is a fucking noble," Khan declared.

"And you went fucking all around the universe," George teased.

"Says the bane of wealthy women," Khan fought back.

"It's not about how many booties you tap," George explained. "It's their quality."

"I've never seen you with an ugly woman," Khan uttered.

"You still get the best," George smirked. "Am I wrong?"

"Leave my booties alone," Khan responded before throwing his phone on the couch's corner and grabbing the almost-empty glass on his right. His injuries had healed, so he could move his hand and shoulder freely.

"Khan," Monica's voice resounded from the bottom of a corridor. "Cuddles."

"Come on the couch," Khan shouted. "George is here."

"How is she doing?" George wondered.

"She should be fine next week," Khan revealed as steps resounded through the corridor.

A sleepy Monica with a blanket hanging from her shoulders hurried through the flat to lay on Khan's couch. His lap became a pillow for her, and he didn't hesitate to start caressing her hair.

The symphony in Khan's eyes revealed a messy scene. Monica had gotten her infusion two days after the auction, and a full week had passed since then, but her body was still struggling to absorb that synthetic mana.

That struggle had led to fever, shivers, and a series of other symptoms, forcing Monica to skip the past lessons. Yet, she was getting better, and her attunement with mana was bound to get close to seventy percent once the absorption ended.

"What were you talking about?" Monica asked while adjusting the blanket around her and getting closer to Khan's waist.

"George was complaining about not having sex," Khan explained shortly.

"Really?" Monica questioned while her eyes remained closed. "How did he fuck up after Nippe 2?"

"That's what I asked him," Khan revealed.

"Don't start working together," George warned. "I know all your secrets."

"Khan, George is threatening us," Monica whined.

"He is just desperate," Khan played along, patting Monica's head to pretend to reassure her.

"Are you sure you don't need to be in the medical bay?" George wondered. "Mana rejection can be dangerous."

"The infusion was simply big," Monica muttered from the blanket's cover. "The doctor already checked me, and Khan is always at my side."

"The medical bay gave her a special bracelet," Khan added another detail. "They keep track of her condition all the time, so it's fine."

"What if something happens and they find her here?" George asked. "What's your excuse?"

"Homework," Khan and Monica said at the same time, and that complicity made them laugh. Still, a tremor turned that cute cry into a groan.

"Shh," Khan warmly scolded when Monica tried to turn. "Meditate. I'll watch over you."

"Do one of your alien massages," Monica ordered.

"You know I don't know any," Khan chuckled. "I might be able to do something with plants, but you would refuse that."

"Why?" Monica questioned.

"Because Jenna taught me that," Khan revealed.

"Don't say that witch's name," Monica complained. "Hold me!"

"Sure, sure," Khan let Monica turn and abandoned his glass to hug her. Her condition had made her quite demanding, but he didn't mind fulfilling those wishes. He found them cute anyway.

"Right," Monica recalled. "I finished the list. It's on my phone. Right pocket."

Khan broke the hug to send a hand under the blanket. He quickly found Monica's phone but retrieving it didn't give him access to the list.

"Can you unlock it?" Khan requested.

"Kiss first," Monica pouted.

Khan smirked and complied, leaving a loving kiss on Monica's lips before taking her back into his hug. Monica seemed satisfied, so she unlocked her phone while it was still in Khan's hands.

"It's in my notes," Monica voiced before returning to the warmth of her blanket and cuddling on Khan.

Khan reached Monica's notes and found the list. The time to handle his many invitations to dinner had come, so Monica had graded all the families or important figures she could think of. Still, the name on the top added a sour feeling to her selfless effort.

"Lucian," Khan sighed.

"He has money," Monica explained, "And everyone holds him in high regard. No one will complain if you choose him as your first."

"I don't know what to expect from him," Khan said things Monica already knew. "He might turn the dinner into a trap."

"That's why you have to contact him," Monica showed her political expertise. "Take him by surprise. I'll come with you, so he won't have time to prepare."

"You don't have to get involved with this," Khan uttered, "And you are still unwell."

"I'll get better," Monica promised. "With me there, he'll have to drop any ploy."

"Monica," Khan called, but Monica groaned and rubbed her face on his waist. That marked the end of the conversation since Khan couldn't argue while she was in that state.

Of course, Khan appreciated Monica's resolve, and his cuddles conveyed his feelings. Monica began to relax and get drowsy under that affection, but a notification hit the flat's walls and disturbed her rest.

"It's Anita," Khan put down Monica before she could peek at the walls, "And she has a package?"

The elevator didn't take long to open, and Anita soon reached the living room while carrying a chest-sized metal box. The container initially confused Khan, but clarity arrived when he recalled his purchases.

"Hi," Monica called while Khan's waist hid her face.

"How is she?" Anita asked, making her way inside the room to hand the box to Khan.

"She is getting better," Khan took the box and placed it on the armrest. "The fever is down, and her appetite is returning."

"Khan is taking care of me," Monica added. "I should get ill more often."

"Shh," Khan caressed Monica's curls. "I told you to meditate."

"Kiss first!" Monica complained.

"Sure, sure," Khan complied, and the cuddles that followed the kiss made Monica relax again.

Anita felt slightly embarrassed to be so close to that intimate scene, but the evident affection made her smile. Seeing Khan being so protective added a layer of romance that Anita couldn't help but like.

"A soldier left this for you," Anita whispered while eyeing the box to avoid disturbing Monica. "I offered to take it up since I was there."

"Thank you," Khan used the same faint voice and decided to ignore the glare that Anita shot at George. She appeared angry at something, but George looked completely clueless.

Khan moved his attention to the box and lifting the metal lid revealed an item he had been eager to receive. A long knife rested among luxurious sheets together with a matching sheath, a screen, and a small bottle.

The screen lit up as soon as Khan took it, revealing a series of lines and a symbol with a signature on it. The device was a mark of authenticity, confirming that the weapon had been the work of a master.

Khan stored the device and seized the bottle, which turned out to be a maintenance product. The instructions on its label wanted him to apply the liquid on the edges after every battle to preserve the knife's sharpness.

The sheath was simple but beautiful. Its dark leather had white designs that wrote "Captain Khan", and its shape allowed a quick draw. That wasn't an item meant to hang on a wall. The battlefield was its place.

The light weight was the first thing Khan noticed when he lifted the knife. The weapon had no strange patterns or design choices. Its grey handle was thick, simple, and incredibly comfortable. It fit perfectly in Khan's hand no matter how he held it.

As for the black blade, it was thinner than Khan's previous knife, but a single touch told him about its sturdiness. Its two edges also felt sharp enough to cut the very air, and its tip radiated a menacing aura he couldn't ignore.

Khan didn't know much about magic weapons, but his senses had evolved, and they told him to fear that third-grade knife. That dark metal carried a level of perfection he couldn't explain. It clearly was the work of a master.

"That's a nice blade," George whistled. "I would have to go into my family's armory to find something so fine."

"Keep your head down," Khan whispered to Monica while placing the knife on his glass. The sharp edge began to pierce it without meeting any resistance, and Khan could notice the cut only after retrieving his weapon.

Khan placed his free hand on Monica's head to make sure she remained down and sent mana to the other. A purple-red glow enveloped the knife, which perfectly withstood the weight of the chaos element. He even tested it on the glass, splitting it in half without any effort.

'There is almost no hindrance in the metal,' Khan realized while retracting and summoning his mana again. 'This thing seems to welcome mana.'

Anita had joined George on his couch during Khan's inspection, so he had enough room to wave his knife a few times. The light weight was simply unbelievable, and Khan couldn't wait to test it in an actual fight.

"Should I apply this liquid already?" Khan wondered since he had cut the glass.

"No," George replied, "But you should do it after a long session in a training hall. That blade isn't as frail as it looks, but better safe than sorry."

Khan nodded while storing the knife in the sheath. He would trust the blade expert on that point.

"Did you get all of that for one hundred?" George questioned.

"Ninety-five," Khan corrected.

"That's a good deal," George exclaimed. "The price could have easily touched two hundred due to the chaos-resistant materials."

"I guess being famous is saving me money," Khan laughed.

"No shit," George snickered before glancing at the mess of curly hair sleeping on Khan. "By the way, I've also contacted my family for the infusion. If I'm lucky, I should get it in a couple of weeks."

"Isn't it too early for you?" Anita expressed her worries.

"My control over mana isn't so shallow," George reassured. "I was just being lazy about it."

Anita instinctively looked at Khan to confirm George's story, and he nodded. George could definitely get the infusion.

"Besides," George continued, "Everyone will try to get one once Monica shows up with a third star. That's how these things work."

"Most people in our class aren't that close to the third level," Khan pointed out before resuming his cuddles. "Even Monica might need an entire month to complete that breakthrough."

"They'll mostly do it to save face," George explained. "In my case, I'll take a small one. I can handle the rest by myself."

"Aren't you just afraid to suffer mana rejection?" Anita snorted.

"Afraid isn't a word I'd associate with myself," George rebuked. "You should know that."

"Maybe I was talking about a different type of fear," Anita pressed on.

"Hey," Khan scolded. "No fighting while Monica is resting."

"So protective," Anita giggled. "That's how a man should be."

George spread his arms in annoyance. He had literally guarded Anita on Nippe 2, but she pretended not to see his gesture now.

"Khan," Monica called in a sleepy voice. "I'm cold."

"You should go to bed and sleep," Khan stated while putting the sheathed knife back in the box.

"Carry me," Monica whined, and Khan didn't hesitate to comply. He put both arms under her before standing up, lifting her with him.

"We'll take our leave," Khan announced, nodding at the couple before disappearing inside a bedroom.

"Captain Khan is so romantic," Anita sighed as her dreamy eyes remained on the corridor where the couple had disappeared.

"Romantic? Khan?" George gasped.

"Unbelievable," Anita shook her head.

"I call that intense," George argued.

"Maybe I want a bit of intense," Anita replied.

"How was Nippe 2 not intense?" George wondered.

"In the Harbor," Anita explained, "Not among sand and doctors."

"It would be easier if you didn't shut me out every time," George complained.

"Is this my fault now?" Anita raised her voice.

"We both know you are the one running away," George uttered.

"As if you aren't relieved whenever I do," Anita responded.

"You know I'm that kind of idiot," George cursed. "It's not like I want you to do it."

"Then, what do you want?" Anita asked.

"I think you have a pretty good idea of what I want," George stated.

"And that's all you can think of," Anita sighed.

"I don't care about sex," George snorted. "I just wish we stopped hiding behind fights."

Anita froze for a few seconds. George's words had taken her by surprise, but something about them felt off, and she made sure to tell him. "I don't believe you."

"Okay, I care about sex," George admitted, "But can we at least talk openly? I thought I proved myself already."

"Maybe I'm not sure yet," Anita revealed, diverting her gaze to hide her faint blush. "Maybe I need more time. Is it too much to ask?"

George was no stranger to women or relationships. In a way, he had more experience than Khan. When George looked at Anita's blonde hair, he knew he was in front of a crossroads. One path led to a seriousness he had avoided in the past, while the other would make him lose Anita.

"I knew you were evil," George heaved a helpless sigh.

Sadness invaded Anita. She knew she wasn't as bold as Monica, but she had still hoped George would see past her grumpy character. Yet, it seemed that his patience had reached its limit.

Anita stood up, ready to leave the flat while she could still hold back her sadness, but a hand seized her waist and pulled her. She fell at George's side, and he even pushed her toward the elevator.

"What are you doing?!" Anita complained.

"We are going to my flat," George calmly explained. "You don't like to make out here."

"Make out what?" Anita shouted.

"Right," George chuckled. "You call it staying late."

"Wha-?" Anita began to ask before changing her line. "Are you serious? Even after what I said?"

"Yeah, yeah," George sighed. "You want to be spoiled, reassured, and everything. I blame me and my stupidly good tastes."

Anita frowned. She had to replay those words to understand that George had praised her.

"I'm warning you," George continued once the couple entered the elevator. "I expect it at least three times a day once I earn that troublesome trust."

"Unbelievable!" Anita gasped as the elevator's doors began to close. "Don't say such things!"

"I said my piece," George cleared his throat, and Anita took a deep breath to begin her next rebuke. Still, a smile had appeared on her face by then.

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