Chaos' Heir

Chapter 464 Trap

Chapter 464 Trap

The auto-pilot went off, allowing Khan to perform a manual landing in the hangar. He handled the steering wheel carefully but firmly, and the engine became silent once the ship touched the metal floor.

"Impeccable, sir," Lieutenant Shurpard praised. "You handled your eighth flight masterfully."

"It's the seventh for the Global Army," Khan corrected since his first flight didn't count toward his license.

"It still is an amazing achievement, sir," Lieutenant Shurpard did his best to praise. "I've never seen such a natural pilot in my life."

"Ships are easy," Khan sighed, tracing the keys on the control desk with his fingers. "They are meant to be as easy as possible. Once you memorize the commands, you only have to get used to the responsiveness."

"Sir, trainees take years to gain confidence on the steering wheel," Lieutenant Shurpard pressed on. "You had it since your first day."

Khan kept his eyes on the command desk as calculations happened in his mind. He had gotten his hands on the flight simulator even before reaching Milia 222, and Snow had been with him for months. In theory, he had put enough time into that training to justify his skills.

"Do I need to wait two more weeks to book ships?" Khan eventually asked.

"I'm afraid so, sir," Lieutenant Shurpard confirmed. "You should also pass an initial practical test for safety reasons. Still, the Headmistress has already reached out to handle eventual payments."

Khan held back a sigh. That was already his fifth week attending those flying lessons, but the Global Army's regulations still prevented him from going out alone.

"Sir, look at the bright side," Lieutenant Shurpard laughed, trying to change the topic. "This schedule isn't getting in the way of your studies. I heard you did well on the tests."

"Those tests were only an excuse to mark the end of the year," Khan explained, "And the middle of the class isn't what I'd call well."

A week had passed since the arrival of the third-grade knife, and the year had changed. Khan had entered his fourth academic year, which the Harbor had welcomed with a wave of tests. His scores surpassed everyone's expectations, but half of the advanced class was still above him, including Monica, who was first.

"Captain," Lieutenant Shurpard called, doing his best to find words that didn't risk offending Khan, "You surpassed many descendants. I'm sure the next tests will go even better!"

"Thank you, Lieutenant," Khan showed a fake smile. The Lieutenant couldn't possibly know how wrong he was, but Khan didn't blame him. It had taken him weeks of group studies to learn the difference in raw knowledge between Monica and himself.

"I believe in what I said, sir," Lieutenant Shurpard claimed. "Now, I should return to my post. I hope you get a good rest tonight."

"Oh, Lieutenant," Khan chuckled while leaving the pilot's seat. "My day is far from over."

The Lieutenant searched for Khan's face, but he never turned. The ship opened when Khan touched the exit, and a metal staircase brought him to the hangar's floor. A car was already waiting for him in another area, and he didn't hesitate to reach it.

'I'm coming back,' Khan sent a message before checking the time. The scheduled dinner was still a few hours away, but time was always tight when Monica had to prepare.

'Hurry!' Monica texted. 'I can't decide what to wear!'

'That's because you have too many clothes,' Khan replied.

'Shut up and move your ass,' Monica answered, and her angry tone resounded in Khan's mind, making him smile.

The hangars were quite distant from the second district, and the cab's quality couldn't affect the trip's length too much. Khan knew he was in for a long ride, so he closed his eyes to meditate to make it pass quickly.

Seeing the empty sidewalk in front of the habitation was always nice. The Headmistress was granting Khan some peace from the consequences of his fame, but chaos arrived as soon as he entered his flat.

"Khan, you are here!" Monica shouted from somewhere in the flat as soon as the walls notified her. "Come quickly!"

Khan scratched the side of his head and followed the symphony into a bedroom, where he found a pile of clothes blocking his way. He had to move them aside to enter the room, but more were waiting for him inside.

"That's why we never use this bedroom," Khan commented while making his way through the sea of dresses, shoes, and more. "This room belongs to your clothes."

"Khan," Monica called in a pleading tone. She was in front of an interactive mirror, and two skirts hung from her hands.

"Black is elegant but too tight," Monica explained. "Instead, cherry feels childlike."

Khan couldn't look at the skirts since Monica was only wearing an unbuttoned shirt and underwear. Truth be told, she had just started to recover from her infusion. The couple didn't have sex in a while, and the scene reminded Khan about that.

"Wait!" Monica shouted when she recognized Khan's expression. "Tell me which skirt first."

"Pleated red one," Khan promptly said while approaching Monica.

"You always liked pleated skirts," Monica nodded before throwing away both skirts and jumping forward. Khan caught her mid-air, and her legs immediately wrapped themselves around his waist.

Monica trapped Khan into a kiss but eventually pulled herself back and caressed his cheek to ask a sensual question. "Can we now, Doctor Khan?"

Khan didn't even try to hide his desire. He placed his ear at the center of Monica's chest and closed his eyes to listen to the entirety of her body. She had yet to absorb all the foreign synthetic mana, but stability had finally arrived.

Monica's eagerness would usually push Khan to crack a joke, but he was in the same situation. When he left her chest, he showed a meaningful smile that she rewarded with another kiss. It didn't take long before the two fell on the mess of clothes lying on the bed.

However, the walls lit up before the couple could go any further. Monica and Khan groaned at the same time, but frowns took control of their expressions when they saw no names on the notifications. Someone was ringing, but the building didn't reveal their identity.

"Did Lucian send someone so early?" Monica wondered.

"An escort would still announce themselves," Khan pointed out as he left Monica's loving hug. "It's better if you get dressed."

Monica was pissed about the interruption but still complied. The situation was strange. The couple had been pretty open about the incoming dinner, and news always spread quickly when Khan was involved. The entire Harbor knew about their plans, so no one would dare to disturb them at that hour.

Khan left the bedroom and reached the elevator to activate one of the menus. A camera on the first floor showed its images, and Khan's eyes widened in shock when he recognized the face on the screen.

"Who is it?" Monica asked from the open bedroom.

"Monica, dress up now!" Khan shouted, and a gulp followed. He granted passage to that unexpected visitor before inspecting his clothes. His military uniform was a bit of a mess, and he used those seconds to sort it out as well as possible.josei

Terror made its way into Khan's mind as the elevator started to move. He could face monsters and stronger soldiers without breaking a sweat, but that situation put genuine fear inside him. He actually had to close his eyes for a second to calm down and perform a military salute.

"Madam Solodrey!" Khan shouted as soon as the elevator opened to make sure that Monica heard him. "What a pleasant surprise!"

A beautiful but aloof face that reminded Khan of Monica crossed the elevator and glanced at him for a second before inspecting the room. Monica's mother was actually there, in Khan's flat, and she appeared far from happy.

"Captain Khan," Madam Solodrey casually spoke, "Is my daughter here?"

Khan didn't freeze but still hesitated to give Monica more time. Ideally, he would have left her mother downstairs, but that would have made everything more suspicious. Moreover, she was the main reason behind his enrollment into the Harbor.

"She is getting ready, ma'am," Khan calmly explained. "She is accompanying me to a dinner tonight, and I need her help choosing what to wear."

"You are dining with Lucian Hencus tonight," Madam Solodrey exclaimed. "Imagine my surprise when I heard that from his father."

Madam Solodrey was a fourth-level warrior, but Khan could read her mana. She was a bit pissed, but a layer of detachment enveloped her, making her emotions strange to sense.

"Ma'am, why don't I accompany you inside?" Khan ignored that dangerous topic and wore a fake smile. "I can offer you a drink while we wait for Miss Solodrey."

"You do have some manners," Madam Solodrey commented while bending toward Khan to inspect his face. "Your looks are also as good as the network says."

"Mom!" Monica called from the corridor as her hurried steps resounded in the flat. It only took her a few seconds to reach the elevator, and a question promptly left her mouth. "What are you doing here?"

"You will address me properly in public," Madam Solodrey scolded.

"Mother," Monica corrected, digging out her elegant manners to perform a perfect bow, "What are you doing here?"

Madam Solodrey kept track of the bow from start to finish, and a slight nod escaped her head. Monica had worn the pleated skirt and adjusted the shirt above, creating a picture that seemed to satisfy her mother.

"I'm pleased to see you didn't get shabby," Madam Solodrey voiced in her aloof tone, "But your hair needs work. I hope you didn't plan on meeting Mister Hencus like this."

"The dinner is still one hour away," Monica explained, "And Lucian isn't worthy of my best efforts anyway."

"But Lucian's father is," Madam Solodrey rebuked, causing a wave of shock to spread in the room. "Come, let's talk inside while Captain Khan fetches us some drinks."

Khan half-bowed and hurried inside, reaching the living room to prepare the welcome. Luckily for him, everything was in order, and he had even used the Headmistress' rewards to get good bottles.

"I was on my way to this quadrant to catch Princess Edna," Madam Solodrey explained as she slowly walked toward the living room. "I couldn't arrive in time, but I was close enough to attend this dinner."

"Will Lucian's father be at the dinner?" Monica couldn't believe her ears. "He didn't warn us."

"It seems the Hencus boy wanted to lay a trap on you," Madam Solodrey revealed. "Luckily, his father knows his place and contacted me. Apparently, he had also started traveling toward this quadrant to meet Princess Edna."

The two women reached a couch, and Monica immediately sat. Instead, Madam Solodrey gave a hesitant look at the pillows before deciding to join her daughter.

Khan arrived with two half-full glasses in the following seconds, and the look on Monica's face told him what she was about to say. The presence of those two powerful figures would shift the focus away from Khan, and she didn't like it.

"Mother, this dinner is for Captain Khan's career," Monica opposed that development while taking her glass. "You'll overshadow him with your presence."

"Did you expect me to refuse Mister Hencus' invitation?" Madam Solodrey wondered while also seizing the glass. Still, unlike Monica, she only glanced at it before putting it down.

"You didn't have to agree to this specific dinner," Monica pressed on.

"Monica, dear," Madam Solodrey sighed, "I'm a busy woman. I must seize these opportunities. Besides, it was about time I met our promising investment."

Khan had remained at the couch's side after delivering the glasses. The conversation involved him, and he also wanted to take a better look at Monica's mother. She carried a distinct elegance, but her aloofness made her feel unapproachable.

The inspection ended after Madam Solodrey's last words. Khan found two pairs of beautiful eyes on him, and his entire brain worked to generate a fitting reply. "Your interest honors me, ma'am."

"You are the youngest Captain in history," Madam Solodrey exclaimed, "And you saved Princess Edna from a kidnapping attempt. Interested is the least I can be."

"I did make sure Miss Solodrey was safe too back on Nippe 2," Khan added.

"I'm sure you did," Madam Solodrey disregarded the comment. "Please, sit. After all, this is your flat."

Khan performed a quick bow before reaching the opposite couch. He didn't have the time to fill a glass for himself, and regret began to appear now.

"Mother," Monica tried to call.

"Dear," Madam Solodrey interrupted, "I'm talking with the Captain."

Khan felt Monica's worried eyes looking for him, but his gaze remained on her mother. Madam Solodrey was inspecting him, and he couldn't risk giving anything away.

"I admit I was skeptical when Monica contacted me," Madam Solodrey announced, "But I heard your tests went well. Maybe there is a student inside you."

"Thank you, ma'am," Khan replied.

"However," Madam Solodrey continued, "The middle of the class is unbefitting of a figure related to the Solodrey family. I expect you to be in the top five by the end of the semester."

Khan held back a gulp. Meeting Madam Solodrey's expectations in a few subjects wouldn't be a problem, but the top five remained hard to reach. Still, only one answer was acceptable in that situation. "I won't disappoint, ma'am."

"Good," Madam Solodrey exclaimed. "Now, Monica, go redo your hair. Get something more elegant too. I won't lose face tonight because of you."

A wave of anger surged inside Khan, but Monica stood up before it could turn into words or actions. Moreover, something felt off and managed to distract Khan from that disrespectful statement.

Monica left, but Khan kept looking at her mother. The latter was aware of the dinner and the tests' results. She also knew that the flat belonged to Khan. Telling Monica to change implied that she had suitable products and clothes in the habitation, which could easily lead to problematic realizations.

As expected, the atmosphere changed as soon as Monica left. Faint tension filled the living room, adding a strange scent to the symphony. Madam Solodrey was dropping her façade, and Khan's face instinctively grew cold while he waited for her next words.

"The Harbor is an isolated environment," Madam Solodrey stated as her dark eyes fell on Khan, "But its rumors spread throughout the universe. I know what you are doing, and I'm telling you to stop it."

"Ma'am?" Khan feigned ignorance.

"Don't play with me, Captain," Madam Solodrey warned. "I know my daughter, and a mutt like you isn't worthy of her."

'Mutt?' Khan repeated in his mind. 'Is she talking about my mutations or something else?'

"I also know your kind," Madam Solodrey continued. "Congratulations. You gained my attention. Now, name your price and stay away from my daughter."

Khan's mana had already started to boil, but some coldness enveloped all of that. He could remain calm, but that didn't lead to appropriate behaviors. Instead, it only made his tongue sharper.

"Ma'am, I don't think I can name a price," Khan opted for an honest approach.

"I know your kind," Madam Solodrey repeated. "You used your opportunity well, but it's time to end it. What did you have in mind when you tricked my daughter?"

"You misunderstand," Khan remained polite. "I can't name something that matches your daughter's value."

"Try," Madam Solodrey ordered.

"I refuse, ma'am," Khan smiled.

"I told you not to play with me," Madam Solodrey reminded. "I'll get you to stay away one way or another."

Khan had spent more than the last month immersed in regulations and descendants. His studies and Monica's relentless teaching had deepened his knowledge of the political environment, which allowed him to notice clues in Madam Solodrey's words.

"I understand," Khan exclaimed. "You can't use your authority to force me out. I must decide on my own, or everyone will get suspicious."

"You have a wild imagination," Madam Solodrey scoffed.

"Not at all," Khan admitted. "I'm probably dumber than the average soldier, but even an idiot would understand what's happening. You can't touch me directly. Doing that would hurt your family."

The matter didn't only involve Khan's recent feats. Someone would understand something if he cut ties with Monica, which would lower her value. Madam Solodrey didn't want that outcome, especially when her daughter was so outstanding.

"Don't underestimate me, Captain Khan," Madam Solodrey threatened. "I get what I want."

"And how much of yourself did you have to compromise to get there?" Khan wondered while loudly sniffing the air. "I can smell your corruption. It makes it harder to understand whether your interest is purely toward Monica or your family."

Nothing happened to Madam Solodrey's face, but her presence suddenly disappeared. Her mana transformed into a blank spot Khan couldn't sense.

"It seems you were the one underestimating others," Khan chuckled. "Why don't we change the topic? I'm interested in that mutt thing."

"We'll change the topic when I decide," Madam Solodrey stated.

"Ma'am, I don't want us to be enemies," Khan tried to bring some peace.

"Most of the Global Army doesn't want me as their enemy," Madam Solodrey smirked.

"You misunderstand again," Khan shook his head. "I want us to go along for Monica. She would be sad otherwise."

Madam Solodrey continued to hide her reactions, but a crack had opened in her belief. Khan didn't look interested in political gains or using the Solodrey name to his benefit, and his answers sounded stupidly honest, especially those involving Monica.

"Happiness is a luxury to people in my position," Madam Solodrey commented. "You wouldn't understand."

"I hope I never do," Khan declared. "Still, shouldn't you wish for your daughter's happiness? I thought that was the job of a parent."

"Don't you dare lecture me on parenthood," Madam Solodrey snorted.

"Why?" Khan wondered. "Because one of my parents abandoned their noble status?"

A twitch finally ran through Madam Solodrey's face. Khan had voiced one of his deepest doubts, and that slight reaction didn't go unnoticed. Yet, it would take far more to make Madam Solodrey lose her composure.

"You are in no position to make my daughter happy," Madam Solodrey went back to the previous topic. "You have no idea what that would imply either."

"I'm trying to fix that," Khan stated. "So, am I a mutt due to my mutations? Or is my family to blame for that?"

"The Harbor alone can't teach such things," Madam Solodrey ignored the dangerous topic.

"Was it my mother?" Khan pressed on. "I heard she was a handful."

Madam Solodrey didn't answer, but her silence was deafening. She had come there to threaten Khan, but there he was, staring at her with his confident eyes. One single look told her that she couldn't scare him away.

"Did you think I would give you answers?" Madam Solodrey eventually sighed.

"Not at all," Khan admitted. "I only wanted you to stop talking about Monica, ma'am."

The shameless smile that followed almost made Madam Solodrey lose her composure. Khan had used such a hot matter to change the topic and succeeded.

Of course, that was what Khan wanted Madam Solodrey to believe. Part of him hoped to get answers, even if he knew the chances were slim. He managed to get a distraction and a twitch out of his questions, but that was it.

"Why are you going to such lengths?" Madam Solodrey questioned. "You can get anything you want. I'm giving you that opportunity. Is it stubbornness?"

"This might be hard to explain," Khan laughed as some sadness seeped into his smile. "I lost everything a few times. It took me a while to make peace with that, and I'm in no hurry to experience it again. I have a fighting chance, so I'm taking it."

Back on Nitis, Khan had only been able to fight. He simply had nothing else to offer to the Niqols or the Global Army. Yet, things were different now, so he made sure to use all his weapons.

"Resolve alone can't earn you the Solodrey name," Madam Solodrey stated.

"I'm working on that, ma'am," Khan promised.

"Such gall," Madam Solodrey chuckled. "I guess I'll test you."

"Ma'am?" Khan asked, but the opening of a door interrupted the conversation. Monica returned to the living room, showing far softer curls and a new turtleneck sweater. Still, she had kept the skirt chosen by Khan.

"Is this acceptable, mother?" Monica questioned, performing a bow when she reached her mother's couch.

"It will do," Madam Solodrey nodded while standing up. "Captain Khan, I hope my daughter taught you how to dress because we'll leave in ten minutes."

"Mother, the dinner isn't due for another hour," Monica reminded.

"The Hencus boy wanted to lay a trap," Madam Solodrey announced. "Arriving early should disrupt his plans."

Khan didn't hesitate to stand up and head for a bedroom, but Madam Solodrey voiced another comment before the metal doors could stop her voice. "This dinner just became interesting."

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