Chaos' Heir

Chapter 527 Fight

Chapter 527 Fight

Khan had the chance to experience a peaceful and relatively normal life in the weeks that followed his agreement with Carla Bevet.

The first week mainly focused on studying and finding a balance with the [Blood Vortex]. Khan didn't care about his appearance, but his relationship came with obligations, so he had to make sure his face didn't carry any injury or mark of the alien technique.

Of course, the focus on those practices didn't stop Khan from attending to his other duties. The lessons, Francis, and the social gatherings still happened, especially with the approaching tests. Everyone worked overtime now that the semester had reached its last phase, and Khan obviously had it worse than his companions.

The second week featured the tests and more of the usual routine. Studying, training, and deepening the social array became the norm for Khan, interrupted only by the missions. Luckily for Khan, those tasks didn't involve anything dangerous or too time-consuming, so he could complete them without encountering problems.

Andrew dealt with multiple chores, saving Khan some time and easing the effort required by his packed schedule. He could do almost everything without risking exhaustion, and rewards arrived by the third week.

"Khan!" Monica shouted, almost ripping Khan's sleeve to make him lean toward her phone. "You are first! You are first!"

"It's just alien languages," Khan stated, happy to see his girlfriend so excited about him. "You are still first in alien customs."

"You scored second there," George snorted, browsing his phone. "You actually made Lucian third."

"And you are third in alien environments," Anita added, also looking at her phone. "Lucian beat you there, but it's still a great achievement."

The test's results were scheduled to come out on the night of the first day of the week, so the four had gathered in Khan's flat to drink and wait. Needless to say, everyone remained glued to their phones in the minutes that followed the event.

'I'm still not good enough with the mnemonic subjects,' Khan realized when Monica reached those topics.

Khan had aced the alien-related subjects, but those involving regulations were still a pain for him. He didn't perform poorly. His lowest score put him in eleventh place, but his average had yet to match Madam Solodrey's requirements.

'Eighth,' Khan read his overall score on Monica's phone. 'Dammit.'

Khan held back a helpless sigh while diving deeper into the couch. He didn't want to distract Monica, but she noticed his suppressed reaction and didn't let him remain alone. Khan's left arm was still in her grasp, and she put it on her shoulders to join him.

'Damned regulations,' Khan cursed in his mind, keeping his eyes closed while pulling Monica closer.

Memorizing hundreds of regulations was easy. It took time, even with the Guko's reading technique, but Khan had spent months studying and reviewing them with Monica.

The memorization wasn't the issue, at least not in Khan's case. His experience as a soldier got in the way when facing the tests' tricky questions. Many rules went directly against what he had seen on the battlefield, making his common sense his greatest enemy.

Familiar movements happened on Khan's lap, forcing a smile out of him and opening his eyes. Monica had stretched her tempting legs on him, and her proud gaze shone while she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I know it's good," Khan reassured, reaching for Monica's legs to adjust her position. "I just wanted more."

"I don't know what you are talking about," Monica feigned ignorance. "I was simply mad you weren't looking at me."

Khan gave in and slightly pinched Monica's leg to play with her black tights. She showed a pleased smile and put her phone before them. Still, as soon as Khan lowered his head, she leaned forward to whisper into his ear.

"And if my mother says something," Monica made sure to keep her voice down, "We can bring up my pregnancy again."

Khan couldn't help but peek at Monica when she pulled back her head. She was only teasing Khan, but some shyness forced her to lower her gaze. She tried to look at him a few times, but her mind didn't allow that eye contact.

A chuckle escaped Khan's mouth. He knew the reason behind that reaction. The recent events had made Monica consider that topic seriously, and those ideas came back whenever she mentioned the issue.

Khan had to admit that he wasn't completely immune to the idea either. His right hand moved on its own, leaving Monica's tights to reach for her phone. He obviously didn't care about the device, and Monica couldn't keep her gaze lowered anymore when he touched her ring.

The two exchanged a gaze full of meaning. Khan and Monica didn't need words to know what they were thinking. They understood each other in a few seconds and resumed looking at the phone in a far cuddlier mood.

The new advanced classes' rankings shone on the screen. Monica was still first, and Lucian and Mark occupied the spots below. Lucy was fourth, and Marcia was fifth, but the name of the sixth place saddened the couple.

The top five didn't change in the new tests, putting Anita in the sixth position once again. That achievement was far from bad. Many would even consider it exceptional, but Anita's mother was bound to have a different opinion.

"You got eleventh," Anita announced before anyone could feel pity for her. "You could have been in the top ten if you worked a bit harder."

"I can't express how boring studying is," George scoffed, storing his phone. "I don't even need most of these subjects for my family's businesses."

"Why do you even bother then?" Anita sighed, and a trace of regret appeared on her face as soon as she realized how spiteful her question had been.

"Mostly because you care about that," George revealed.

The regret on Anita's face intensified as her eyes snapped to George. She opened her mouth in surprise before her expression broke.

"I didn't mean to," Anita muttered, her voice breaking. "I'm sorry, George."

Anita jumped on her feet to leave the couch. She knew her mother would call her soon, and lashing out at her friends wasn't the way to prepare for that. She would rather go back to her flat than spread her bitterness.

However, a hand reached Anita's side before she could even attempt to leave. George had stood up with her, and his voice gained a proud tone while he waved his hand at the ceiling.

"See?" George announced. "You care too much about this stuff. Luckily, I like you enough to teach you how to solve this problem."

"What are you waving at?" Anita questioned.

"It's a metaphor," George groaned, "Or whatever it's called."

Anita showed a blank face. A helpless sigh formed in her throat, but what came out took the shape of a laugh. That reaction surprised her so much that she covered her mouth to suppress it, but George's proud face ended up winning.

"You are so stupid," Anita snickered. "Metaphor…. Why am I even laughing?"

Anita slowly calmed down, eventually heaving a sigh. She rubbed the corners of her eyes before looking at George again. Seeing his face made her smile again and reassured her enough to show some weakness.

"George, I have to call my mother," Anita revealed. "Could you be in the room with me?"

George's first instinct was to refuse, but the faint wetness under Anita's eyes delayed that reaction. Two heavy glares also reached his figure, making him give up on the matter altogether.

"We'll take a bedroom," George sighed, glancing at the glaring couple. "Be right back."

Monica and Khan nodded simultaneously and followed their friends' departure with their eyes. Still, their expressions relaxed once they remained alone, and laughs resounded when they looked at each other.

Buzzing noises eventually arrived. Khan pulled out his phone and saw that his classmates had sent him kind messages for his new score. Everyone congratulated him, and he took his time to reply to each text.

Monica put away her phone and watched Khan's different replies. Sometimes, a comment would fly, and both would laugh. That was their normality, and they welcomed it with open arms.

"Shouldn't the Headmistress brief you about your next mission?" Monica asked once Khan was done with his phone.

"Your birthday is on the weekend," Khan reminded, letting go of his phone to reclaim Monica's left hand. "The Headmistress will probably do us a favor and leave it free."

"That's not really a favor," Monica pointed out, kissing Khan's shoulder when he saw that he had started to play with her ring. "She is just trying to get even."

"At least I'll get to spend the day with you," Khan sighed. "What do you have in mind? Date, dinner, or bed?"

"All three of them," Monica whined, hiding her face in Khan's chest. "I want to cross the entire Harbor hand in hand, have a dinner just you and me, and stay between your arms all night."

"Needy as always," Khan chuckled. "Just like I love it."

"I also want everyone to see us," Monica continued, "During the walk, at dinner, and in bed."

"Did you turn into an exhibitionist?" Khan teased.

"I want everyone to accept that you are all mine," Monica groaned. "If they lose hope, I won't have to worry about the sluts anymore."

"Is the ring not enough?" Khan laughed.

"Never!" Monica exclaimed. "You need a mark too. Get tattooed my name on your forehead."

"You wouldn't like me anymore with something like that on my face," Khan commented.

"It would be worth it," Monica claimed.

Khan continued to laugh, and a few cuddles followed. Monica remained on him, deep into his chest, and he caressed her hair, following the rhythm he knew she loved.

Different thoughts arrived after a few minutes went by. Khan stopped playing with Monica's ring to wield his phone, but the network and his inbox had nothing valuable. Even checking the Harbor's jobs showed little promise.

"What is it?" Monica asked, her words making Khan's skin shake. "I'm no Jenna, but I know when you stop thinking about me."

"It's curious that you would mention her so close to your birthday," Khan joked.

Monica delivered a soft punch to Khan's torso as soon as his line ended, and his laugh inevitably followed. He couldn't get enough of teasing her.josei

"You can get all of me whenever you want and without limits," Monica stated, lifting her head to show her threatening eyes, "But let another woman touch you, and I'll go really crazy."

"That's," Khan hesitated before continuing, "Tempting."

Another punch arrived, and a third followed. Monica snorted while resuming her position on Khan's chest, and an arrogant statement left her mouth. "You won't trick me. I know you spend every second wanting me. You love me too much even to consider being with someone else."

"That's completely true," Khan casually said.

"Sound more convincing," Monica pouted, and Khan couldn't refrain from cuddling her a bit longer.

"I'll never get a chance to get back to Honides at this pace," Khan revealed once his attention returned to his phone. "I wonder if I should just go there in the middle of the week."

"Now that I think about it," Monica said. "Why don't you go this week since the Headmistress is leaving it open?"

"How would I justify leaving you alone on your birthday?" Khan questioned. "I don't want to miss it either."

"Let's just go together then," Monica suggested.

Monica was sitting sideways on Khan, and the two looked at each other after that statement. Monica was being serious. Her mana confirmed it, but that made Khan refuse even faster.

"You are not getting down there with me," Khan declared. "It's too dangerous."

"Do you think I like the idea of you going alone?" Monica asked. "What happens if it's Induna all over again? What happens if it's worse?"

"Better to me than you," Khan didn't falter.

"You know I can get there whenever I want, right?" Monica snorted. "I feel like calling my family immediately when you say that stuff."

"Monica, we are talking about Raymond Cobsend," Khan warned. "His mess on Milia 222 injured you. I'm not letting his next scheme kill you."

"I don't care," Monica declared. "I've decided. You only have to choose if you want to fly alone or with a ship tailing you."

"Monica," Khan called.

"Don't Monica me!" Monica shouted, slightly straightening her position to grab Khan's hair. "This is a constant reminder of how poorly things could have gone on Milia 222, and you want me to let you go alone."

"I'm stronger," Khan pointed out.

"Oh, Captain Khan, the unmatched genius," Monica mocked, jumping off of Khan and grabbing his collar with both hands.

A firm pulling motion tore apart Khan's jumper, exposing his chest. Monica continued to break his clothes until his entire torso was in the open before occupying his lap to keep him still.

"This!" Monica shouted, almost stabbing her finger into a visible red mark on his chest. "This is your genius."

"You know it's not a big deal," Khan pleaded.

"And this!" Monica continued, pointing at another red mark on Khan's torso. Those were the remains of the injuries caused by the [Blood Vortex]. Khan wasn't going all-out with the technique, but that allowed him to use it more often, leaving lasting signs on his skin.

"And this, this, this, and this!" Monica cried, pointing at the various marks visible from her position. "Hurting yourself is your fucking genius."

"Okay, you made your point," Khan cursed. "I'll hire a team or something, but you can't come."

"You can't hire a random team for this mission," Monica declared. "Only the people who won't share your secrets can go."

"You can't come," Khan ordered, but Monica was beyond reason. She reached for his trousers and tore them open to uncover more skin.

"And this!" Monica shouted, pointing at the first new red mark that appeared. "Did you think I wouldn't notice? I count them whenever I suck you off!"

Khan knew that Monica had noticed. He couldn't possibly miss shifts in her emotional state, especially during heated situations. She had never said anything because the marks weren't proper injuries, but holding herself back became impossible in front of Khan's stubbornness.

"You are not coming," Khan repeated.

"You can't stop me," Monica stated, grabbing Khan's hair again.

Khan had to admit that he was in a pickle. He had been unable to refuse Monica's help on Milia 222, and the two shared proper love now. Khan knew Monica wouldn't stay put unless he found a reasonable justification.

"If they link you to Raymond's businesses," Khan announced.

"I'm only going for a trip with my future fiancé," Monica stated, using calm tones to pretend to be in an interview. "I never said this to anyone, but he is irresistible behind the steering wheel."

"How would you justify the unusual location?" Khan asked.

"I was sharing the seat with him," Monica continued her pretense, "And I tilted the wheel by mistake, pushing us into the wrong quadrant."

"No one will believe you," Khan uttered.

"They will when I describe our position in great detail," Monica said, nearing Khan's ear. "After all, it's one of our favorites."

Beating Monica in that game was simply impossible. She knew no shame or limits when it came to helping Khan. She could also stay true to those threats, and her past interview proved that.

The sliding of a metal door resounded from a corridor, but Khan and Monica continued to stare at each other, and she didn't hesitate to add another threat.

"If you keep me in a cage," Monica voiced, "I'll only be a shadow of the woman you love. You must let me help you."

"I agree," George's voice resounded from the corridor before his figure appeared in the main hall. "You must let us help you. Though, what are we doing exactly?"

"Khan will fly us to Honides' eleventh quadrant this weekend," Monica explained.

"Wait, I never agreed-," Khan tried to say, but interruptions felt mandatory.

"I'll finally have a chance to bring out my sword," George laughed. "Oh, you should add Francis too. Seeing a real battlefield can only help."

"If Francis dies-!" Khan spoke, but interruptions arrived again.

"You have a hired guard," Monica reminded. "I know you want to assign Andrew to me, but not a chance."

"So, it's the five of us," George exclaimed.

Khan's eyes darted between George and Monica. He actually had to turn to look at George, but the situation didn't need that visual aid to reveal its conclusions. It seemed that a team for the weekend had formed in those minutes.

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