Chaos' Heir

Chapter 528 Bomb

Chapter 528 Bomb

As much as Khan hated the idea, Monica was right. Using her birthday as a cover-up story wouldn't only provide the perfect justification for the sudden trip. It would also force the Headmistress to grant more support, which took the form of a surprisingly nice ship.

Once the weekly lessons ended, the unlikely team returned to their habitations to retrieve useful gear before making their way to the appointed hangar. The place was empty due to the Headmistress' help, and only one shining vehicle stood at its center.

"Oh," George gasped, stopping in his tracks when the entirety of the ship entered his view. His loose backpack even slid through his right arm, falling on the floor.

"You don't have to be so dramatic," Monica giggled. "It's nice, but the Harbor should have better models."

"It's not the model," George explained, glancing at Khan's back. "It's the paint."

Monica, George, Andrew, and Francis stopped to inspect the ship. The vehicle had a triangular shape due to its pair of wings, but its body was quite thick, having enough room for a spacious cabin and cargo area.

Still, the color was the ship's flashiest detail. That pure-white shade was unusual for those vehicles, and Khan wouldn't have it any other way.

"[Always a romantic]," George commented in the Niqols' language.

"[It's not like you didn't know about it]," Khan snorted, approaching the ship without deigning his companions with a single glance.

"[I didn't think it was so accurate]," George admitted. "[You took your time choosing it]."

"Hey, no alien languages," Monica complained before hurrying to Khan's side. She held back from taking his hand, but a question still left her mouth. "Was it really that white?"

"Just like snow," Khan muttered, finally breaking his firm stance to glance at Monica. He still didn't like the current arrangement, but her loving expression made him feel helpless.

Monica continued to hold back even when the group entered the ship. Khan let them in through the side door connected to the cargo area, which contained seats and special protective suits perfect for Honides' bad weather.

"I briefed you on the suits," Khan announced, pointing at the gear hanging from the ship's walls. "If I ever clear you to land, wear them and wait for their menus' approval. Don't forget to activate the lights either."

Honides' winds were dangerous, so the red suits had hermetic locks to block debris and metallic dust. Various lights also covered their surface to enhance their visibility, and filters occupied their backs to allow the passage of safe air.

"You might have to help me wear it," Monica attempted a tease.

"If I ever clear you to land," Khan repeated, avoiding looking at Monica to head for the cabin.

Khan had inspected the ship in the previous days, so the arrival in that spacious area didn't bring any surprise. He had already studied that half-circular control desk and spherical canopy. He knew his way around that environment, so he headed for the pilot's seat as soon as he stored his backpack.

The knife hanging from Khan's belt didn't get in the way of the ample and comfortable seat. He could immediately activate the control desk and start the check-ups for the set-off. Numbers and words soon appeared on a window to his left, but the symphony eventually distracted him.

The sound of steps echoing through the cabin forced another sigh out of Khan. He knew who had gotten inside, so he mustered a cold voice for his warning. "According to the regulations, you can't be here."

"Why?" Monica asked.

"Because you are a distraction to the pilot," Khan explained, forcing himself to focus on the control desk.

Monica felt a bit guilty for the happiness she experienced. Differently from her companions and their tracksuits, she had dressed properly, wearing a skirt she knew Khan liked. Those clothes didn't suit the incoming mission, but her backpack carried a change she planned to use before the landing.

"I guess I'll test your skills today," Monica exclaimed, sealing off the cabin and reaching for a seat on Khan's right.

Khan pretended to ignore Monica. He let the ship do its check-ups and reviewed the results before establishing a connection with the cargo area.

"Andrew, talk to me," Khan requested.

"All the goods and gear secured, sir!" Andrew responded through the ship's speakers. "We are taking our seats now, sir."

"Tell me when you have fastened your seatbelts," Khan ordered. His group only had third-level warriors, but he still wanted to go slower than usual, which made saving time his priority.

A few silent seconds had to pass before Andrew spoke again and confirmed that everyone was sitting properly. Khan also wore his belt at that point, but glancing to his right revealed that Monica wasn't doing the same.

"Wear your safety belt," Khan ordered.

"I don't know how," Monica blatantly lied.

Khan wanted to curse but steered his resolve and unfastened his belt to stand up. He reached Monica and secured her on her seat, ignoring the gasp she let out when he sealed the lock on her waist.

"Thanks," Monica whispered, but Khan kept ignoring her to return to his seat. He checked with Andrew once again and started the set-off after confirming that everything was ready.

The auto-pilot handled the departure from the Harbor, and Khan accelerated once he gained control of the ship. The control desk had already planned a route, and he followed it while maintaining bearable speed levels.

The pressure vanished once the ship reached the intended speed. Khan tried to relax, but the situation inside the cabin kept him on edge, so he summoned notes to distract himself with some study.

Sadly for Khan, Monica wouldn't let things fall silent. She had loved the confidence Khan had shown with the ship, and his detached mood prevented her from conveying those feelings.

"How long are you going to be angry at me?" Monica eventually questioned.

"I'm not angry," Khan revealed, pretending to be immersed in the notes. "I'm worried."

"I've already fought at your side," Monica stated.

"We went over this," Khan responded. "I trust you, but this is an unnecessary risk."

"You could be in danger," Monica pointed out. "That makes it necessary for me."

Khan pretended not to hear those words. That argument had become the norm in the past days, and conclusions had yet to arrive. The two simply stopped talking about it when the conversation became pointless, and their feelings usually took over at those points.

Movements happened during the silence. Monica lifted her left leg to place her foot on the seat, exposing most of her tights. Khan forced his eyes to remain on the notes, but his senses told him what was happening, and resisting that temptation took the entirety of his self-restraint.

Minutes passed, and a familiar scent took control of the cabin. Khan recognized every aroma and even listed them in his mind. He could understand which beauty products Monica had used as well as identify her natural trace.

The situation was agonizing. Khan and Monica's passion didn't take any break in the past days, but they were probably flying toward danger, which enhanced any lingering feeling.

Then, a stronger and clearer scent arrived. Khan barely needed to smell it to know what was happening, and an instinctive gulp took control of his throat.

"Sorry," Monica muttered. "You looked too cool, and my mind did the rest."

Khan opened his mouth to speak but closed it right afterward. He used the entirety of his self-restraint to enter the meditative state, but his senses continued to make him aware of his surroundings. Monica never stopped looking at him, and her mana cheered seeing him resting.

An alarm eventually rang, snapping Khan out of his meditative state. He drew his phone and looked at the screen for a whole minute before saying words he knew would bring a change to the atmosphere.

"Happy birthday," Khan announced, finally looking at Monica. "I love you."

A tremor ran through Monica. She had spent hours looking at him, and that moment made everything worth it. She gave up holding back, unlocking her belt to stand up and approach Khan.

"You looked really cool," Monica whispered when she reached Khan's side. "You still do."

"Is it so hard to understand that I want to keep you safe?" Khan asked.

"Is it so hard to understand that I want to do the same?" Monica questioned, placing a hand on the arm on the armrest.

"I can't avoid this," Khan stated. "You can."

"You know I can't," Monica shook her head. "Your problems are my problems, just like mine are yours."

Khan knew Monica was right. He hated the idea of putting her in danger, but that was his life, and she had decided to be a part of it. Just like he had to deal with her family, she had to face his Nak-related issues.

It was unclear who made the first move. Monica started leaning forward, and Khan began to rotate his seat. Her hands went for his safety belt, unlocking it to pave the way toward his open arms. She sat on him, and he hugged her tightly as if worried she would disappear if he let her go.

"Use your spells even if I'm nearby," Khan ordered while Monica immersed her face in his neck. "I can survive them."

"But you'll get badly hurt," Monica uttered, "And the others-."

"I'll protect George," Khan interrupted. "I don't care about the others enough to risk losing you."

Monica pulled her head back and slightly straightened her position to face Khan. She could see the worry in his eyes and attempted to reassure him. "You know my family developed contained versions."

"Weaker contained versions," Khan pointed out. "Monica, promise me, and I'll let this matter go."

"I was growing fond of angry sex," Monica teased, but Khan's expression didn't falter.

"Promise me," Khan repeated.josei

Monica couldn't refuse Khan when he wore that face. She gave up, and a sigh followed. "I promise. I'll look out for myself out there."

Khan pulled Monica closer and placed his ear on her chest. He confirmed that she was telling the truth, and his gesture transformed into a tight hug.

"Stop it," Monica stated, caressing the head rubbing on her chest. "You are going to make me cry."

"It's your birthday," Khan said. "You can do anything you want."

"Anything?" Monica asked.

"Anything," Khan confirmed.

"Are you so scared of losing me?" Monica questioned.

"More than anything in the world," Khan revealed.

"Then," Monica voiced, pulling Khan's head away from her chest to look him in the eyes, "Hold me and never let me go."

"Monica," Khan almost begged, "If we start now, you'll be-."

Monica placed a finger on Khan's mouth to interrupt his line and take the lead in the conversation. "What would you do if these were our last hours together?"

Something clicked inside Khan's mind. His self-restraint didn't even try to show its face. The mere thought of losing Monica gave birth to a series of steamy hours that ended only when Honides appeared on the ship's canopy.

Monica wore her tracksuit while Khan got the ship ready to enter Honides' atmosphere. The grey planet was behaving that day. The scanners showed calmer winds compared to his previous visit, but he still waited for everyone to confirm that the safety belts were on before announcing his landing to the outposts below.

"Activate the shields," Khan ordered, "And show me the path to the eleventh quadrant."

The ship complied, using its fuel to create a membrane that shielded it from Honides' winds. Tremors still ran through the metal, but the vehicle remained stable, allowing Khan to fly directly toward his target.

Reaching the surface was far easier with a ship suitable for that environment, but arriving in the quadrant confirmed what Khan had seen during his study. The area didn't have anything special. It was a simple and barren plain invaded by violent winds.

"What now?" Monica asked since she kept track of the scanners.

"I need to go down there," Khan calmly accepted, leaving his seat to prepare for his task.

"Khan, if you even consider leaving us up here," Monica began to threaten, but Khan reached her seat and lifted her chin before she could finish.

"I trust you," Khan stated, warmly kissing Monica. "I'll pull you down once I figure out what's happening."

Monica could only muster a timid nod, and Khan returned to the desk to tinker with commands. He set the signal to make the ship land and established a connection with his phone to activate the remote control.

Khan unlocked the door to the cargo area, revealing his sitting companions. Andrew was calmly waiting for orders, Francis was tense, and George was bored. The latter yawned while holding his black sheath, but his eyes lit up when he noticed Khan.

"Are we going down?" George asked.

"Not yet," Khan stated, heading for the back of the cargo area.

"Boring," George groaned. "You know I had to fight with Anita to get here. The least you could do is deploy me."

"I'll just check the surface," Khan reassured. "If there is any action, you'll be part of it."

George yawned again before slamming his fist on the ship's wall. Holograms came out, creating a screen that depicted the environment below. The scanners enhanced the image, but the scene appeared empty anyway.

Khan reached the back of the ship and touched the wall. A narrow door opened, showing a cylindrical room that could barely fit one man. That mechanism allowed people to exit the ship without letting the winds inside, and he planned to use it to scout ahead.

"Hey, Khan," George called before Khan could enter the small room. "Something is happening."

Khan turned and frowned when he looked at the holograms. The scanners still didn't pick up anything, but the scene was changing. A long fissure had opened on the surface past the winds, and its two halves moved to create a deep underground passage.

'What is happening?' Khan wondered, hurrying back inside the cabin to get his hands on the controls. He was ready to leave the area at the first sign of danger, but nothing came out of that new passage.

"The scanners don't see it," Monica gasped while inspecting the images in the canopy. "Do you think-?"

"They are inviting us in," Khan completed the sentence, and wild thoughts followed.

It didn't make sense for a criminal organization to reveal its secret lair willingly. Khan couldn't help but consider an involvement from Raymond's side, which probably meant Nak.

Khan instinctively glanced at Monica before lowering his gaze. The already strange situation had become even stranger, and he didn't know what to do. He had gotten badly hurt the last time he followed his curiosity, but there was more at stake than himself now.

"Can I really put your life at risk?" Khan felt forced to ask while his eyes went to the scanners' images.

"I'm yours to use as you wish," Monica responded, "Even fight if necessary."

"George?" Khan called.

"Just go down already!" George shouted, and Khan didn't hesitate anymore. He made the ship descend through the passage but kept the speed low to be ready for any eventuality.

The passage was dark, but the ship's lights illuminated it, allowing everyone to inspect it. That rectangular metal channel went down for two hundred meters and ended in another metal layer.

The entrance above began to close once the ship completely crossed it. Khan killed the urge to get out, and artificial lamps lit up once the tunnel sealed off the outside world. The scanners also began to work properly, revealing a door at the end of the passage.

Khan made the ship land at the bottom of the tunnel and waited. Nothing came out of the door, and the vehicle's communication devices remained silent. No one was trying to reach out to him, leaving only one available option.

"Let's head out," Khan ordered, leaving his seat to march toward the cargo area. Monica promptly followed him, and the same went for Andrew and George. Only Francis hesitated, but seeing his companions waiting before the metal wall made him stand up.

Khan pressed on the wall to open the ship's side doors, and a metal staircase stretched from them, stopping when it touched the tunnel's floor. He was the first to peek out of the vehicle, but the symphony showed nothing dangerous.

"Stay close," Khan ordered, drawing his knife while descending the staircase.

The gesture changed the group's mood. Tension spread as everyone became alert. Monica remained behind Khan, ready to intervene. Andrew and Francis followed a few meters away, and George took care of the end of the line, wielding his sheath with his left hand while his right was on the black handle.

Khan showed no surprise when the door opened as soon as he approached it. That clearly was an invitation, and he studied the symphony for a few seconds before diving into the new corridor.

Artificial lamps lit up as the group advanced into the relatively narrow corridor. Synthetic mana filled the area, but Khan couldn't find any clue in it. He could only march forward, and a new door eventually appeared.

Khan slowed down his advance without losing a tinge of seriousness. The door opened when he approached it, revealing a vast hangar immersed in yellow light. He had to cross the entrance to see it in its entirety, and confusion arrived when he felt the absence of living beings.

'What is even happening?' Khan wondered as the entirety of the hangar filled his view. 'What is this place?'

The oval area had tens of consoles growing from its walls, and large dark tubes stretched from them to converge into a huge central structure. The item was eight meters tall, large, and deep, giving it a spherical shape disrupted only by its many flat faces.

'What is that thing?' Khan thought, carefully advancing into the hangar and jumping past any tube on the way. His group imitated his every step, even if their movements generated far more noise.

Khan ignored the faint ruckus to get closer to the central structure. His experience told him that the place was no hangar. It resembled a lab, but that oval shape added details that tingled the back of his mind.

The slow advance eventually put Khan before the central structure, revealing more details. The machine was standing on a circular platform connected to the various tubes, and strange symbols made of squares and circles occupied its faces.

"I can't feel anything coming from it," George was the first to break the silence. "Khan?"

"It must be stealth tech," Khan guessed. "Even I can't feel anything."

"I've seen these symbols somewhere," Monica cursed, frowning while scouring her memory.

"This is the Thilku's alphabet," Khan revealed. "I can't read it, but I'm sure of it."

"The Thilku Empire?" Monica gasped. "What's alien tech doing here? And why is it hidden?"

"Because it's a bomb," Francis declared, making the group turn toward him. "This weapon can blow up the Harbor and half its moon."

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