Chaos' Heir

Chapter 595 Invitation

Chapter 595 Invitation

Khan's senses had long since gone beyond what anyone could consider human. That didn't only apply to his sensitivity. His ears, touch, nose, tongue, and eyes had also evolved, developing a connection to mana.

That had expanded the range of what Khan could feel, and not only in terms of depth. He could also sense things far away, which was exactly what happened now.

The mechanical noises and red lights were distant, but Khan knew what they meant. He had actually predicted a similar outcome. It was one of the possible consequences of his call.

However, the timing wasn't ideal. Khan was in a troublesome situation, and retreating would leave him empty-handed. He could still call the Tainted animals on a different night, but people might become suspicious, so it was better to get something now that he had the chance.

Khan fixed his eyes on the purple-red waves that separated him from the surface. That bright mana tried to blind him, but his focus was already past it. The pack's arrangements filled his mind, removing any useless thought and turning him into a weapon of the symphony.

The goal was simple. Khan didn't know if he had stepped outside the human territory, so subjugating the special wolf there might get him nowhere. He needed to bring it closer to the trench to increase his chances of keeping it.

Since the matter involved the Nak, Khan's brain worked overtime, reaching unprecedented levels of thinking speed. It highlighted all the Tainted animals that could cast the Wave spell and studied the humanoid wolf. Khan would only get one chance, so he had to succeed.

Khan exhaled slowly before letting himself fall into the blinding waves. He turned upside down, and the flares shone on his face, sending warmth that warned him about their danger.

Nevertheless, the bright surface wasn't equally dense everywhere. Its wild nature created thinner and safer areas, and the symphony led Khan toward them. He only had to stomp the air to send himself in that direction.

The pack was howling at the sky, seemingly angry at the bright patch that illuminated the area. Those waves of mana were so brilliant that the monsters didn't notice the two spears that fell through them until it was too late.

The howls transformed into painful cries and yelps as the two spears exploded in the middle of the pack. Scorching pillars surged, killing some specimens and forcing many to retreat. Chaos spread, creating the perfect hunting ground.

Khan used the confusion to dive through the bright surface and toward the pack. Smoke surrounded his figure due to his burning pants and flesh, but no pain reached his mind. Only the symphony filled his silent thoughts, warning him about a possible problem.

The pack had fallen prey to its most basic instincts, but the humanoid wolf didn't let the spears distract it. The creature had its eyes fixed on the bright patch in the sky and didn't miss the appearance of a fuming figure. It was actually waiting for it.

The humanoid wolf's eyes lit up, shooting beams that rose into the sky to intercept the fuming figure. The monster was sure an evasive maneuver would follow. Yet, to its surprise, Khan continued to descend in a straight line.

Khan had only needed a few exchanges to understand how strong the humanoid wolf was. The power of that specimen's spells was off the charts, but its body didn't share that feature.

However, the wolf remained as strong as a third-level warrior, stronger actually. It wasn't Wayne, but its flesh had still partially survived the Divine Reaper. That wasn't a feat many could accomplish.

It would take something special to make the wolf faint, and Khan could only think about a concussion. Still, he needed to go past his peak speed to deliver it, which involved exploiting the gravitational pull without changing direction. 

Khan experienced no particular emotion at the sight of the beams. He felt no fear, worry, or resolve. His mind existed for a sole purpose, and his body moved to fulfill it.

The blood vessels in Khan's right forearm clotted as he stretched it forward. The beams hit it and began to dig into his flesh, but the alien technique held strong.


Sadly, Khan's speed worked against him. The [Blood Shield] endured as long as possible, but the beams eventually pierced the technique, digging into Khan's flesh and aiming for his bones.

Still, that moment didn't last long. After all, Khan was descending as fast as possible. It only took a second for the wolf to enter his range.

While the beams were still firing, Khan abruptly spun, channeling all the accumulated momentum on his stretched left leg. Pain spread from his back, but he ignored it as the tip of his heel became the home of immense power.

Everything went silent for a fraction of a second when Khan's heel hit the wolf's head. The impact was so violent that winds blew from its position. The monster's limbs also dug deeper into the ground, immobilizing it.

'Something cracked,' Khan thought, worried about the humanoid wolf's condition, but the situation prevented him from delaying his next move.

Khan landed before the humanoid wolf but didn't bother to look at it. The symphony had already told him that the creature had fainted, and the limbs stabbed into the ground also kept it straight.

However, the situation was different around Khan. The pillars were still distracting many Tainted animals, but a few had noticed Khan's arrival, and his landing only brought more attention to him.

Those Tainted animals had simple minds, so they hurried toward Khan as soon as they saw him. Yet, Khan suddenly lifted his right leg before delivering a powerful stomp that spread his mana through the surface.

The monsters only cared about their hunger, so the stomp didn't scare them away. However, cracks quickly opened under their paws, and their weight did the rest. The many underground tunnels collapsed, destroying the new surface and removing their footholds.

The destruction spread all around Khan. Half of the pack fell, buried under dust and soil. That already messy environment changed once again, but two figures remained unaffected by the event.

The humanoid wolf also began to fall as the ground under it collapsed. However, Khan's back was ready to receive it, and the kick that followed sent both of them into the sky.

A burning sensation spread from Khan's back as the wolf's fur rubbed on it, but he disregarded the pain and flew forward. The monster was heavy, which affected his speed, but nothing stopped him from returning to the edge of the illuminated area.

Khan could push himself until the human trench but opted to land there. Caspar and the other soldiers would be a hindrance in the imminent meeting. It was better if he dealt with it on his own.

The pillars eventually dispersed, and the dust lifted by Khan's stomp vanished, allowing the pack to make a point of the situation. Those monsters noticed Khan in the distance and planned to go after him. However, the mechanical noises got closer, claiming their attention.

A team of forty Thilku riding bikes and jeeps rushed through the plain to intercept the pack busy climbing out of the new hole. Their arrival rekindled the monsters' hunger, and a battle unfolded.

Khan watched the battle from his position while keeping track of the humanoid wolf's mana. The creature lay fainted at his side, but its breathing was irregular and faint. The kick had got it good, and Khan could only hope its resilience triumphed.

Surprisingly enough, the Thilku fought with their bare hands. They didn't rely on rifles or similar weapons to deal with the pack, but their performance was overwhelming anyway.

The Thilku team wasn't only more numerous. It also only had third-level warriors, which gave the pack no chance to win. Most monsters died in the following minutes, while a few ended up in chains and loaded on some cars.

Khan wasn't exactly hiding himself, especially with the headlights shining so close. The Thilku had noticed him, but nothing came in his direction during the battle. The aliens kept ignoring him even while preparing the prisoners, but something changed once that process was over.

A group of four Thilku hopped on their circular bikes and pointed their red headlights at Khan. He showed no fear as the team approached him and even performed a traditional bow when the rides stopped a few meters away.

The four Thilku dropped out of the bikes and walked among the red lights before stopping in front of Khan. They didn't say anything, but Khan felt their gazes even with his head lowered.

The Thilku inspected the fainted wolf before moving to Khan's injuries. He had burns everywhere, and his right arm featured two deep, bleeding cuts that almost reached his bones. His back also had similar wounds, even if far lighter.

Still, the Thilku's attention eventually moved to Khan's blue hair. They had been briefed about Khan, so they instantly recognized him.

"[Thank you for the help]," Khan announced at that point, breaking his bow and straightening his position. "[Our team would have found it hard to deal with the pack]."

The scar became visible, and the Thilku's eyes fell on it, but their duties eventually took over. One stepped forward and pointed at the fainted wolf before uttering predictable words. "[The Thilku need that specimen]."

"[Regulations state that humans can take anything in their territory]," Khan declared. "[This specimen belongs to me]."

"[Cegnore belongs to the Empire]!" The Thilku grunted, raising his voice.

"[I respect the Empire]," Khan said, "[That's why I'm honoring the agreements it signed]."

The Thilku opened its mouth, but nothing came out of it. Khan had cornered him with a single reply. He had put himself on the side of the Empire while also preserving his interests.

"[However]," Khan continued, leaning toward the fainted wolf to lift it, "[I must repay you. Your whole team is invited to a feast in the human building]."

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