Chaos' Heir

Chapter 596 Surgery

Chapter 596 Surgery

The Thilku would have never expected a human to invite them to a feast, especially on their own planet. However, they didn't misunderstand Khan's words, and refusing wasn't an option either.

Feasts weren't only crucial in the Thilku's customs. The alien team had effectively helped the humans in that raid. Khan was also important enough to claim some authority. Ignoring the invitation would basically be impolite on many levels.

Khan adjusted the humanoid wolf on his back before glancing at the Thilku. The aliens did their best to retain blank faces, but it was clear that the invitation had put them in a tough position. The four even exchanged looks before the Thilku in charge eventually replied.

"[We'll inform the rest of the team]," The Thilku announced before realizing that the event required better manners. He quickly grabbed his cape's edge to perform a customary bow, and polite words followed. "[Thank you for having us, Captain Khan]."

'They really know about me,' Khan thought before wearing a fake smile. "[I'll inform my team]."

Khan didn't wait for a reply. He set off while the Thilku was still immersed in his bow, and the team soon became too far to check its behavior.

The human trench quickly grew near, and every eye inside it fell on Khan as he landed behind it. Caspar didn't hesitate to jump out of the channel to greet him, but Khan didn't give him a chance to speak.

"We'll have a feast with the Thilku in a few hours," Khan announced, adjusting the wolf on his back. "Get the cafeteria ready."

"A feast?" Caspar gasped as panic invaded him. "We barely have food for ourselves. How can we-?"

"Just do it," Khan ordered, fixing his cold eyes on Caspar. "Ask the scientists to give a share, and don't be stingy. The Thilku eat a lot."

"But, Captain," Caspar tried to complain. He didn't want to refuse Khan, but bringing the Thilku to the human building was a safety hazard. He wasn't even sure the decontamination process would work on them.

"Make it happen," Khan declared. "Mention my name whenever someone complains."

Caspar didn't know what to say, and his eyes eventually fell on Khan's body. He was a mess, and the deep cuts on his right arm made Caspar wonder how he could still use that limb.

"Khan," Caspar gulped, using a far different tone. "Are you okay?"

Khan was ready to set off again, but Caspar's new tone claimed his attention. His stern mood faltered when he saw Caspar's worried expression, but helplessness soon invaded him.

"I'm always okay," Khan reassured, smiling and nodding at the fainted wolf. "I'll deliver this to the scientists. You take care of the feast."

The smile conflicted so much with Khan's appearance that Caspar couldn't find the strength to argue anymore. The scene made him sad, and that feeling remained even after Khan left.

'He is a good man,' Khan thought while flying across the dark sky. He wasn't used to genuinely good people, so the interaction made him feel guilty. Still, he was sure he would get the chance to clear the issue in the following nights.

The discomfort caused by the injuries grew stronger now that the tense part had ended. Khan had become used to burns, but his back hurt and his right arm eventually fell in his view.

'I can't move my pinky and ring finger,' Khan thought, staring at his shaking right hand. The two cuts had stopped bleeding, but the damage remained, and medical attention seemed mandatory.

'Monica will be so mad,' Khan sighed before disregarding any useless thought and hurrying back to the human building.

Khan had memorized the area's layout, so he met no problems during the flight. He even landed before the entrance connected to the scientific division, and, to his surprise, the gate opened almost immediately.

"Step forward, Captain," A robotic voice came out of the warehouse that unfolded in Khan's eyes, and he complied with the orders. He entered the area, and the gate closed to isolate him from the outside world.

White gas came out of openings across the warehouse once the place was isolated. The contamination process started, and Khan dumped the wolf on the floor while waiting for it to end.

A few minutes had to pass before the warehouse sucked back the smoke. A narrow passage on Khan's right opened at that point, and a man wearing a white coat and a gas mask emerged.

"Mister Wulfo?" Khan called, recognizing the man from his mana signature.

"Is this the specimen?" Winston spoke through the mask, hurrying toward the fainted wolf. "Is it alive?"

"It breathes," Khan commented, looking at the creature. "I had to rough it up a bit."

"It is indeed different," Winston commented, crouching toward the monster to turn its belly up. He was wearing long gloves, so his gestures carried no hesitation.

"The Thilku sent reports describing similar features," Winston continued, lifting his head to look at Khan. "Are you sure it's intelligent?"

"It spoke," Khan revealed. "It used the Nak language to say host."

"Did it?" Winston gasped, excitement building inside him. "Wait, how can you be sure of that?"

Khan wore a blank face before pointing at the scar on his chest. Winston immediately realized how stupid his question had been, but after taking a good look at Khan, more details fell into his view.

The mask partially hid Winston's face, but Khan could sense his feelings through his mana. He didn't want to explain himself with the incoming feast, so he took the chance to say his goodbyes.

"I'll take my leave now," Khan declared. "We'll have between thirty to forty Thilku in the cafeteria tonight. I hope the scientific division can share some of its provisions."

"Oh," Winston nodded, lowering his head before lifting it right away. "What?! The Thilku here?!"

"Is that a problem?" Khan wondered. "The building should be equipped for the eventuality. We are in Empire territory in the end."

"We do have the equipment," Winston stated, standing up, "But we need time to prepare."

"Get it done," Khan ordered. "I need this meeting."

Khan didn't wait for Winston's reply. He also needed to prepare for the meeting, so he turned to approach the exit. Winston didn't know what to say, but noticing the two long cuts on Khan's back made him gulp loudly.

"Captain," Winston called. "Wait a moment."

"What?" Khan asked, peeking past his shoulder, but Winston had already stopped looking at him. The scientist had begun tinkering with the warehouse's menus, and pieces of the floor soon moved to release a cage that trapped the fainted wolf.

The cage began to move on its own, approaching one of the walls and opening another passage. It didn't take long before the wolf left the warehouse, disappearing once that surface closed.

"Come with me," Winston ordered, heading for the corridor he had used before. Khan didn't know what was happening, but Winston's mana reeked of good intentions, so he followed him.

The corridor was narrow and had multiple turns. It was hard to navigate, but the walk didn't last long. Winston soon pressed on a surface, which opened into a white lab full of machines Khan didn't recognize.

"Sit there," Winston announced, pointing at a chair in the middle of the lab. "I'll be right back."

Winston quickly walked through a door on the other side of the lab, leaving Khan alone. The place had a big window that showed a similar area, and Winston entered it to retrieve a few machines.

"Captain," Winston said once he returned inside the lab, "Remove your pants. Underwear too."

Winston dropped the new equipment on an interactive desk nearby and removed his mask. He took a deep breath, enjoying the unfiltered air that reached his nose, but a frown appeared on his face when he noticed that Khan was still seated.

"Captain?" Winston called.

"Well," Khan voiced, clearing his throat. "You are a fine-looking man, Mister Wulfo, but I have a girlfriend."

The statement removed any strength from Winston's body. His face lost any trace of life as he stared blankly at Khan.

"You aren't the playful type," Khan commented, slightly disappointed. "I guess I'll have to stick to Captain Chaunac."

"Do you want me to check your injuries or not?" Winston asked.

"Yes, yes," Khan laughed, jumping on his feet and removing the sheath. His pants were a mess, so he directly ripped them off, and he showed no shame when he moved to his underwear.

Winston carefully inspected Khan's movements to check his state before grabbing a scanner from the interactive desk. He approached Khan and moved the machine across his body, often mumbling or gasping when results appeared in his eyes.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Winston couldn't help but ask, pointing at the hideous injury on Khan's right arm.

"Of course it does," Khan replied, lifting his right hand to check how much he could move. "I think two or three fingers are dead."

Winston felt at a loss for words. Khan's voice didn't convey any sadness, fear, or pain. He looked used to getting hurt, which made Winston feel bad when he recalled his age.

"The cuts are deep," Winston eventually explained, dropping the scanner to retrieve a rectangular machine. "This will fix nerves and tendons, but you'll need a few weeks to recover full mobility."

"Weeks I have," Khan uttered while Winston brought the rectangular machine to a desk nearby and opened its lids. Many tiny mechanical arms featuring blades and other tools became visible, and Winston pointed at a long hole under them.

"Place your arm here," Winston ordered. "I'll get the painkillers."

"Are they mana-based?" Khan asked.

"Of course," Winston replied.

"Then, no," Khan sighed, crossing Winston to place his right arm in the appointed spot.

"Captain, the surgery is invasive," Winston tried to convince Khan.

"No," Khan repeated, shaking his head and closing his eyes to prepare for the procedure.

"It will leave a scar," Winston warned.

"It won't be the first," Khan chuckled.

"Very well," Winston sighed, closing the lid and activating the machine's functions.

The machine scanned Khan's arm before binding it in multiple spots. Metal restrictions trapped his elbow, wrist, and biceps, almost forcing him on his knees. 

"Here," Winston said, handing Khan a piece of cloth. "Bite on this."

Khan accepted the offer, seizing the cloth and putting it in his mouth. He bit hard on it, and the pain soon started.

Grunts escaped Khan's mouth as he felt tiny blades piercing his flesh and scouring through it to reach the injured areas. He had grown used to the pain after fighting and meditating, but that continuous suffering was different since he could escape it.

Khan's mana reached the boiling point, and he couldn't trick it. That energy knew that Khan could escape the surgery and found no reason to remain trapped under it.

Things threatened to worsen when a clicking growl resounded in the back of Khan's mind. The cry grew louder, warning about an imminent explosion. The critical point was approaching, and Khan could only think of one method to calm down. 

"Get out!" Khan shouted, the piece of cloth falling from his mouth.

"Captain," Winston called.

"Get the fuck out!" Khan shouted again.

Winston could see that Khan was in pain but didn't think much of it. Yet, people's pride worked in mysterious ways, and Winston respected it enough to head for the exit.

"Wait," Khan grunted, forcing himself to stand straight. "Hand me my pants."

Winston complied, giving the ragged pants to Khan, which he held still with his legs while retrieving his phone. He unlocked the screen, glaring at Winston to remind him about the previous order.

'Stupid mana,' Khan cursed while reaching for the familiar folder and waiting until Winston left the lab to open a specific video.

Monica's face filled the screen. Her eyes were closed, and her messy hair covered her cheeks, but a giggle soon escaped her mouth. She looked at the camera before turning to her side, using her left arm as a pillow.

"I thought we were done with the videos," Monica teased, her half-sleepy eyes moving between the camera and the face behind it.

"I couldn't help myself," Khan's voice came from the phone. "You were too beautiful."

The camera retreated, giving a better view of Monica's body. Her chest and flat belly appeared on the screen, and a hint of legs joined them.

"You are a hopeless scoundrel," Monica scolded. "I forgive you only because your head is filled with me."

"Not only my head," The Khan on the phone said. "You made sure of that."

Monica pouted, but recalling the imminent departure made her drop her pretenses. If Khan wanted to bring more of her to Cegnore, she wouldn't refuse.

"So," Monica said, lowering her voice to gain a tempting tone, "What should I do, dear?"

"I won't let you sleep if we make another video like that," The Khan on the phone laughed, and a hand moved past the camera to reach Monica's face. "Give me something for when I miss more than your butt."

"Dummy," Monica pouted but still rubbed her cheek on Khan's palm. She closed her eyes to memorize his touch but eventually opened them to look at the camera. "Remember that I love you, okay?"

"I love you too," Khan said, matching the words he spoke in the video. The camera fell on the mattress at that point, and sweet sounds resounded until the couple remembered to close it.

Khan let himself fall to his knees and brought his silent phone to his forehead. The video had successfully distracted him, calming down his mana and making him stick to the surgery. However, loneliness filled that space.

'When did I become like this?' Khan wondered.

The Slums had made Khan independent. He had gotten used to being alone, but loving Liiza had changed more than his emotional spectrum.

When Khan kept himself busy, things were still fine, but the empty moments reminded him of the absence of what he truly wanted. He had loved again with Monica, and not having her at his side created a void he couldn't fill.

'When did I unlearn how to be alone?' Khan cursed.

Truth be told, Khan was being harsh on himself. He didn't forget how to be alone. He had experienced something far better, which created an unbearable comparison. Khan had learned bliss, so misery was tougher to handle.

'The dangers of happiness,' Khan sighed. Part of him wished to be perfect, but love came with flaws, and the current loneliness was one of them. He preferred that temporary weakness over a life without Monica.

Khan's arm stopped hurting, and he lifted his gaze to inspect the machine. The latter remained silent, so he straightened his position and lay down his phone before waving at the window. Winston was on the other side, and the gesture made him move.

"Did the machine finish?" Winston asked as soon as he entered the lab before approaching Khan to get his answer. He lifted the machine's lid and freed Khan's arm before inspecting its state.

Khan could also peek at his arm from his position. Two burn-like scars had appeared on his forearm, going around half of it. Those marks were flashy, but time would probably take care of them.

Winston pressed his fingers in various spots of Khan's forearm, sometimes triggering slight pain. Everything looked fine, so new orders arrived. "Try to move it. Slowly."

Khan did as Winston had ordered. He lifted his arm and flexed his elbow. Everything went well there, but pain arrived once he tried to close his fingers. Khan could slowly make a fist, but the process hurt quite a bit.

"It will get better," Winston reassured, recognizing the pain on Khan's face. "I'll find a brace now."

"No brace," Khan refused. "I can't look weak before the Thilku."

"Your arm didn't actually heal," Winston tried to explain. "The sutures might snap if you move it too much."

"I'll be careful," Khan promised. "Just make tight bandages."

Winston wanted to argue, but defeating Khan with words was simply impossible. He had already tasted defeat once and wasn't eager to experience it again.

Moreover, Khan had stayed true to his word and had shown surprising endurance during the surgery. Winston disliked his methods and personality. Still, he couldn't help but feel some respect.

"Bandages it is," Winston sighed. "I also need to take a look at your back and burns. I would suggest you avoid showers, but you aren't exactly a good patient."

"Showers I can avoid," Khan laughed. "The Thilku usually celebrate after missions, so being dirty is fine."

"Oh," Winston exclaimed. "I didn't know that."

"I told you," Khan uttered, shooting a meaningful glance at Winston. "I am a trusted figure among the Thilku. Knowing them is my job."josei

Winston struggled to match Khan's young face with his expertise and feats. However, the many marks on his naked body helped. Khan still carried some scars from all the bullets or wounds he had suffered, which created a far different image.

"I'll get the bandages," Winston eventually said, diverting his gaze and heading for the previous interactive desk. Yet, the temperature suddenly dropped, forcing him to interrupt his search and look at Khan.

"Say," Khan voiced, inspecting the ceiling and the corners of the lab. "Does this place have cameras?"

"Of course," Winston revealed, confused about the faint fear spreading inside his mind.

"Are they active?" Khan asked.

"No," Winston replied. "We both know this isn't standard procedure."

"Are you sure?" Khan pressed on while his gaze continued to wander the ceiling.

"I know how this lab works," Winston snorted. "I happen to be the second in command of the scientific division, in case you have forgotten."

"That's for the best," Khan exclaimed, finally looking at Winston to show one of his darkest faces. "I wouldn't hesitate to destroy the entire building to prevent what happened here from leaking outside." 

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