Chaos' Heir

Chapter 654  Tickets

Chapter 654  Tickets

Chapter 654  Tickets

The room's attitude toward Khan had drastically changed. Even Monica had been shocked when he showed her what he could do, and the guests were no different. Actually, their superior knowledge intensified their reaction.

Moreover, it was clear Khan had only shown a small part of the technique. His demonstration had been a planned and successful attempt to add value to his figure, but revealing the full extent of his capabilities was a different matter. He didn't want the Global Army to know all his cards, and the guests understood that intention.

Truth be told, Khan couldn't do much with the Thilku runes. He had continued studying them in the last period, but the project had yet to reach the application phase.

Theoretically, the field was boundless. Even Mister Zeckai had acknowledged its potential. Khan had the entirety of the Thilku's technology in the palm of his hand. Deciding what to do with it was the only issue.

The sky was the limit. Khan only had to imagine it, and a path would appear. However, he couldn't just jump at anything that piqued his interest. He first wanted to be methodical about the issue, meaning mastering the Thilku runes.

Those thoughts ran through Khan's mind, but the guests only saw his confident smile. He was the embodiment of chilling potential, and no one could take that away from him. Yet, that didn't stop them from trying to monopolize it.

"I'll tell you what," Clarissa announced, breaking the silence. "Why don't we have a chat once this is over? Your time is precious, so I'll compensate generously for the favor."

"Wait a moment," Mister Zeckai intervened, eyeing Khan. "Captain, you must take a look at my labs. I won't ask for your knowledge, but I'm sure we can reach an agreement."

"You got them fighting for you already," Major General Arngan laughed. "How amusing."

"Forgive my rudeness," Garret spoke too, "But I must add myself to the list of invitations. My father has wanted to take Captain Khan for a tour of the family's estates for quite some time already."

Major General Arngan was right. That attention was indeed amusing, but Khan didn't take it lightly. He wasn't alone anymore. When choosing how to behave politically, he had to think about the Solodrey family, but his chance never arrived.

The metal door on the other side of the room suddenly opened, and Robert Bizelli hurried out of it. His arrival distracted everyone, including Khan, but he didn't mind the loss of the spotlight. Learning about Colonel Norrett's condition was more important.

The guests shared Khan's opinion and focused on Robert, who understood the reason behind that attention and showed a smile. He also nodded, reassuring the audience.

"Mark is still in surgery," Robert explained, "But his life isn't in danger. He should also make a full recovery."

"He has always been tough," Major General Arngan cheered, lifting his cup.

Most guests imitated the General, including Khan, and more cheers resounded. Everyone was genuinely happy for Colonel Norrett, but the development changed the topic and moved the event to the next phase.

"He won't be able to leave the medical bay for a while," Robert continued once the cheers quieted down, "And soldiers will start dismantling the building soon."

"Yes," Major General Arngan exclaimed, standing up. "I'll get going. No point remaining here without Mark."

"It's a pity it ended like this," Headmistress Holwen announced. "Anyway, Captain Khan and I have a ride to catch."

That sudden statement left everyone surprised. It wasn't odd for the Headmistress to say something like that, but the timing and the prompt mentioning of Khan added deeper meanings to her words.

"Are you worried we'll steal the Captain away?" Clarissa teased, looking at Khan. "Captain, you can ride back to the Harbor with me if you wish."

"I offer the same service," Mister Zeckai stated. "A long ride can give us time to talk about your new scientific field."

Those guests wouldn't give up without a fight, even if that meant putting Khan in an awkward spot. He now had to declare his intentions and possibly make the Headmistress look bad. Still, he didn't let those opportunities trick him. josei

"I'm sorry," Khan said, also standing up. "I must refuse today. However, if you are interested in meeting up, you can contact me in the following weeks. I'm sure we can plan something."

The guests were all smiles, but everyone knew what Khan had done. Forcing those important figures to come to him conveyed the full extent of his fame. If they actually contacted him, he would have all the leverage in the world.

Moreover, stating allegiance with the Headmistress was always a good move. Most of Khan's current life depended on his benefits in the Harbor, and they couldn't exist without Headmistress Holwen. She was an excellent ally to keep.

"We'll be on our way then," Headmistress Holwen announced, performing a military salute. "It was a pleasure meeting all of you."

Khan imitated the Headmistress but didn't speak. That friendly environment was a priceless opportunity, but he had already said his piece. It would be up to the guests to look for him now.

A series of nods and smiles unfolded in Khan's vision while he departed with the Headmistress. The two walked silently, and a few soldiers joined them to act as escorts. The event had ended, and the rides were already moving to bring them back.

Khan and the Headmistress hopped inside a car before switching to a ship. They ended up in the same isolated passenger area, and Khan didn't hold back from fixing himself a drink there. The event didn't last long, but the density of important information kept him pensive.

The Headmistress was in a similar situation, but some of her thoughts regarded Khan. She had been as shocked as the other guests when Khan revealed his new technique, and her curiosity eventually won in that temporary privacy.

"Why didn't you tell anyone about your technique?" Headmistress Holwen wondered. "You could have earned many points."

"It's better to keep a few things secret," Khan stated, his gaze lost in a random spot in the area. "I can't have the Global Army knowing everything about me."

Headmistress Holwen agreed with Khan, but another issue popped into her mind. Khan's talents clearly stretched far past battle-related fields, but he wasn't cultivating them.

"Mister Zeckai and Madam Lamalot are right," Headmistress Holwen declared. "You could strive for higher forms of education. I'd support it."

Khan glanced at the Headmistress before diverting his gaze again. He had thought about that and had even asked for Monica's opinion, but his idea didn't change.

"I prefer to be on the field," Khan explained. "I don't need higher education for now anyway. Ambassador Abores can confirm that."

"It's more than that," Headmistress Holwen uttered. "You are missing the chance to excel in human fields."

Khan was nothing short of a genius, but his achievements would remain limited to his figure if he pursued alien methods. His talent couldn't benefit humankind if only he could use his discoveries.

"Why should I?" Khan sighed. "I'm still excelling."

"You are," Headmistress Holwen confirmed, "But the Global Army can't understand you."

"I haven't done anything special," Khan revealed. "The Global Army should just be more open to alien methods."

"Captain," Headmistress Holwen called. "The differences among species are no easy barrier to overcome. On both sides."

Khan brought his drink to his mouth while those words resounded in his mind. The Headmistress was right, but he still couldn't believe her. After all, even the most xenophobic species had learned to respect him.

"Besides," Headmistress Holwen continued. "You can't expect such different cultures to blend well. There is a reason interspecies treaties are so hard to achieve."

Khan knew that well. He didn't only study the subject in the Harbor. He had also witnessed diverse environments that still retained a stark division among species. Milia 222 was a perfect example of that.

"I don't get it," Khan stated. "I can't see these differences."

Khan's openness to aliens was no secret. The entire network was aware his first girlfriend had been a Niqols, and his current skillset only confirmed that profile. His statement didn't come as a surprise to the Headmistress, but she remained worried.

The lack of loyalty toward the Global Army played an important role in Khan's openness toward alien arts. He could learn from the entire universe, reaching levels of strength otherwise unattainable. Yet, that also made him dangerous.

The differences among species were often unsurmountable, but Khan had already proven himself capable of ignoring them. He was also strong, which was a requirement for any leader. In theory, he could apply his view and create a diverse force. Khan was actually the perfect candidate for that.

Still, Headmistress Holwen didn't want the Global Army to lose Khan. His potential was too great, and she would grant him any advantage to keep him inside humankind.

Of course, the Headmistress didn't voice her thoughts, but Khan glanced at her anyway. His intense eyes carried something far different than before. They flashed with an understanding that made the Headmistress' expression sterner. Her silence wasn't a good defense mechanism against Khan's senses.

Nevertheless, Khan quickly diverted his eyes. He had sensed the Headmistress' dark resolve and worries, but they were nothing new, and he couldn't address them. His future was still uncertain, and his only priority was getting strong enough to shape it.

Headmistress Holwen and Khan didn't speak anymore, and the long flight eventually brought them to a teleport area. The machine activated, and the two reappeared in the Harbor, ready to return home.

Khan and the Headmistress split, heading for different rides. The whole event had been shrouded in secrecy, so no crowds or bystanders got in their way while approaching vehicles already appointed with their destinations.

Reaching the second district didn't change anything. Khan was still full of random thoughts that continued to shout even when the elevator opened into his flat. It took a familiar voice to calm them down.

"Khan!" Monica called, hurrying into the elevator room. Khan instinctively smiled, but his expression froze when he noticed her clothes.

Monica was wearing a pink blouson dress that highlighted her exposed neck. She had even tied her hair for that exact reason. It wasn't the sexiest attire in her wardrobe, but its elegance was unquestionable.

"To what do we owe the occasion?" Khan asked, his eyes darting between Monica's neck and the dress' belt.

"I was testing dresses for the wedding," Monica explained, loving how captivated Khan was. "What do you think?"

Khan didn't need words to answer. He reached Monica, and she welcomed the arm on her waist. She also lifted her head, and a kiss immediately fell on her lips.

"How did it go?" Monica whispered, caressing Khan's cheek.

"I'll tell you later," Khan replied, his voice gaining a teasing tone. "You are hiding something, aren't you?"

Monica wore a playful smile and slipped out of the hug to take Khan's hand. She led him into the main hall, where multiple dresses and a huge holographic screen awaited him.

The screen rose from the array of couches to show a vast hall filled with well-dressed people. They were split into couples, performing elegant and customary dances amidst a sea of smiling bystanders.

Khan had already seen similar scenes. Actually, he had studied them in his classes, and it didn't take a genius to understand why Monica was watching them.

"Monica, I'm not sure-," Khan said, but a finger landed at the center of his chest, forcing him to look at the stern face before him.

"Khan, you can master all kinds of techniques and spells," Monica declared. "You will learn how to dance."

"Can't we just drink and make out when no one is looking?" Khan wondered.

"Dancing with your partner is a message to all the guests," Monica snorted, stepping back and crossing her arms. "Unless you don't want to tell everyone that I'm yours."

Monica was only pretending. Her pout was so fake anyone could understand her intentions, and Khan could only shake his head at that obvious defeat.

"Am I even allowed to dance?" Khan sighed, reaching Monica to lift her by her waist.

"You are the best man," Monica giggled, taking Khan's neck into her arms while he lay her on top of a couch's back, "And I would drag you to the dance floor anyway. I need to tell everyone that you are only mine."

"My girlfriend is so possessive," Khan teased, leaning toward Monica's neck. "She is finding new ways to mark her territory every day."

Monica grabbed Khan's hair and closed her eyes when a kiss landed on her neck. She wanted to tease back, but Khan made her forget her thoughts.

"Also," Khan continued, reaching for Monica's ear to whisper more words. "That's not everything you are hiding."

A tremor ran through Monica, and she pushed Khan away to show her pissed expression. She wanted to surprise Khan, but that wasn't an option with his senses.

"You could at least pretend not to notice," Monica whined, sparking Khan's laugh.

"I can't get enough of teasing you," Khan chuckled, reaching for Monica's face. "That will never change."

"Stupid," Monica cursed, slamming her face on Khan's abdomen. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

Khan could only laugh while Monica squeezed his torso and kept her face there. Her mood swings were always amusing to witness, especially now that they had gotten rarer.

"Dear," Monica eventually called, wrapping her legs around Khan's waist and peeking past his uniform. "Carry me to that table."

Khan didn't hesitate to comply. He reached for Monica's butt and lifted her while she abandoned herself to his warmth. She was ready to fall asleep on his chest, but he eventually dropped her on the table.

"Here," Monica said, leaning backward to grab two metal cards. She quickly brought them to Khan's face, and her legs tightened around his waist in the process.

"What are these?" Khan wondered, seizing the cards. They were black, with a few blue symbols reflecting the artificial light, but he couldn't read anything that made sense.

"Tickets for one of Lord Vegner's estates," Monica explained. "I also took the liberty of informing him about our arrival."

Khan's eyes went wide as he pointed them at Monica. She had seized the initiative and booked a trip that could bring Khan closer to the Nak. She had also chosen the right period since the two were relatively free now.

"Still," Monica joked, stealing the tickets from Khan's hand, "These are only mine for now. I might give you one if you show me how much you love me."

Monica didn't stop at words. She slipped the two cards into her dress' cleavage before planting her palms on the table. She pretended to distance herself from Khan, but her legs around his waist were tighter than ever. That was a sensual invitation, and Khan didn't even consider refusing it.


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