Chaos' Heir

Chapter 655  Children

Chapter 655  Children

Chapter 655  Children

A list accompanied by multiple images and descriptions shone in Khan's eyes. Holograms coming out from the phone in his hand filled his vision, showing him what the imminent trip would entail.

Khan didn't lie to himself. His knowledge of rare and exotic items was lackluster, to say the least. His senses could help with mana-related matters, but a proper collection required study.

Luckily for Khan, the network had information about Lord Vegner's estates and collections. The rumors about him were plenty, too, and that wasn't Khan's first time checking them out either. His search was actually easier now since Monica's tickets involved one building.

'House of Uncanny Pleasures,' Khan read on his phone. 'That says it all.'

Khan had already checked the estate's services. Even in the Slums' nastier places, he had never seen or heard anything like that, but the list couldn't retain his attention for long. The House of Uncanny Pleasure held part of Lord Vegner's collection, and the phone showed him precisely that.

'Vases from an extinct civilization,' Khan read, skimming through the list, 'Alien pieces of art, strange booze, weapons that survived the First Impact.'

Khan couldn't understand the value of those items, but searching them on the network told him that Lord Vegner's collection was impressive. It also involved corpses of Tainted animals or creatures with unique mutations, some connected to the Nak.

'This estate doesn't have much,' Khan eventually thought, putting down his phone, 'At least on paper. I'd need Lord Vegner to find out more.'

Truth be told, the chances that Lord Vegner would be in the estate were high. The man wasn't only Khan's fan. The tickets also bought the deluxe experience, involving special parking areas and exclusive teleports. He would be an honored guest, granting him unique benefits.

Obtaining that opportunity with such short notice wasn't easy nor cheap, and Khan had to thank the figure sleeping on his left for it. Monica never missed the chance to help him, and her cute snores warmed his heart.

'You know helping me will only make me less human,' Khan sighed, reaching for the curls to his left, 'But you never hesitate.'

Monica's snoring quieted down when Khan began caressing her, and her mana changed. She turned, and her eyes opened to peek past her hair.

"It's still early," Khan reassured, patting Monica's head. "Sleep."

Khan could immediately sense that words were pointless. Monica pressed on the mattress to straighten her back and reach for Khan's shoulder. She kissed it, and her hands soon searched for his skin.

"You are a handful," Khan teased, welcoming Monica into his arms. He was half-sitting on the bed, so she had to curl onto his lap to fit comfortably.

"It's your fault for leaving me once I fall asleep," Monica complained in a sleepy tone.

"Having two free hands helps," Khan pointed out.

"One must always be on me," Monica pouted, nestling on Khan's chest while he continued caressing her. "Were you checking the estate's collection?"

"I was," Khan confirmed. "Without Lord Vegner, there isn't much to work with."

"He will welcome you," Monica reassured. "He won't miss the chance to meet the best man in the Global Army."

"You just want to take me out on a date," Khan chuckled, leaving a kiss on Monica's head.

"A brothel isn't exactly my idea of a date," Monica commented, "But it gives me the chance to tease you. I can't miss it."

"And be with me in public," Khan added.

"Lord Vegner met us before our relationship went public," Monica giggled, snuggling closer. "I can't wait to go all girlfriend on you in front of him."

Khan smiled, his caresses transforming into a tight hug. Monica was getting him used to happiness, and he wanted to repay her by any means possible.

Monica's stomach suddenly growled, interrupting that romantic mood. Khan couldn't help but laugh, and Monica complained through a groan.

"Did we eat today?" Monica wondered.

"You mean yesterday," Khan corrected.

"Yesterday," Monica repeated.

"We were busy," Khan revealed.

"We were," Monica whispered. "I love when we have time just for us."

"We'll get more," Khan promised, kissing Monica's head again. "I'll get it for us."

Monica didn't like it when Khan shouldered too many responsibilities. Still, the resolve in his voice and the love in his hug were a deadly pair she couldn't resist. As much as she didn't want him to fight alone, it was heartwarming seeing him so dependable when it came to their relationship.

"You'll make a great husband," Monica muttered, lowering her voice, "And father."

"Where did that come from?" Khan questioned.

Monica giggled but didn't add anything. She lifted her head, showing a meaningful smile before climbing toward Khan's mouth to leave a short kiss and return to his chest.

"I remember a certain girl panicking when I tried to take off her bra," Khan teased, immersing his face in Monica's curls. "Where did she go?"

"Shut up," Monica pouted. "Remember that my mother will call you to ask about Colonel Norrett. We should deal with that before the trip."

"Changing the topic?" Khan snickered, diving deeper into the curls to search for Monica's face. "Getting shy already?"

"Shut up," Monica repeated, hiding her face.

"There she is," Khan uttered. "Did I hear it right? You were dying to marry me?"

"Stupid!" Monica snapped, pushing herself away to slam her fists on Khan's chest. "Of course! I want to marry you, but not yet, so stop teasing me!"

Monica's pissed expression filled Khan's vision. She was naked and sitting on his lap, with a few curls falling over her face. Nothing sexier existed in the world, but that burst of honesty left him shocked.

"Hey," Khan voiced, carefully reaching for Monica's cheek. "Talk to me."

Khan's senses could see many things, but exact thoughts were still outside his reach. He felt Monica's deep love and internal conflict, but that didn't translate into actual words.

"I'm," Monica whispered, diverting her gaze to play with her curls. "Is it bad if I started thinking about it more seriously?"

Khan didn't need to ask for more details. Monica was clearly talking about her previous praise, which didn't diminish Khan's shock.

Usually, a one-year-long relationship was too short to consider those topics. Khan and Monica were also young and focused on their careers. That wasn't the right time to start a family or even marry.

However, Monica's situation wasn't normal. Things moved quickly in her environment, especially once everything went public. Rick and Lucille were extreme, but Monica and Khan weren't even engaged yet.

"Children, too?" Khan asked to check how far Monica's mind had gone.

Monica opened her mouth to speak but closed it as soon as she peeked at Khan. She diverted her gaze, too, but her timid eyes slowly returned to him.

Khan didn't know what to say to that look. Part of him wanted to tease Monica, but the mood wasn't right. Besides, stronger thoughts suppressed that idea.

The idea of a family was way too distant for Khan. His situation wasn't only a mess. He also had to fix the issue concerning his mutation before even thinking about having children.

Yet, the marriage was different. Khan didn't feel ready for that either, but Monica's eyes reflected the same fear. They were both conflicted, but something else shone on their faces, too.

"Monica," Khan called, gently taking Monica's neck to pull her closer. His gaze intensified with resolve, drawing her toward his face. She didn't even realize when her palms fell on his chest.

"I can force your family to accept our engagement," Khan continued. "Your parents can't stop me."

"Would you?" Monica asked in a pleading tone.

"Of course," Khan confirmed. "I'm not playing with you. I never did."

"Not that," Monica said, her expression growing insecure while she lost herself in Khan's eyes. "Are you sure I'm the right one?"

Monica's doubts weren't entirely unfounded. She knew Khan loved her, but his feelings weren't human. Moreover, she had met him on Milia 222, where Jenna had confirmed that he had already found his one. Spending time with him had eased her internal conflict, but those issues resurged before important decisions.

"Hey," Khan called again, grabbing Monica's face with his free hand. "You know how my love works. Don't ever doubt that."

Khan wasn't applying much strength to his grip, but Monica felt it. Still, it didn't hurt. Actually, it conveyed Khan's protective stance, doing a better job than words at reassuring Monica.

"Do you really love me that much?" Monica asked.

"I do," Khan swore. "There's no battle I wouldn't fight for you."

"Really?" Monica questioned.

"Really," Khan confirmed, relaxing his grip to move a thumb on Monica's lips. "I do think about spending my life with you."

Monica's eyes grew teary, and she freed herself of Khan's hands to hug him tightly. Her face dived into his neck, leaving wet patches on his skin.

"I get so scared at times," Monica cried, her sobs echoing through Khan's flesh. "You always do the craziest shit when I'm not there, and I don't want to add pressure on you whining all day."

Khan had noticed that change. Monica was still Monica, but her complaints had diminished. Khan was also being more careful, but that wasn't enough to reassure her completely. Monica had to continue holding back at times.

"Yours is the only pressure I want," Khan reassured, caressing Monica's back. "I didn't fall for a perfect girl, but for a whiny, messy, and loud one."

Monica pulled herself out of Khan's neck to glare at him, and a question followed. "Am I not perfect?"

"No," Khan shook his head. "You are perfect for me."

Monica wasn't angry in the slightest. The previous statement had filled her with so much love that she struggled to bear it. She would give her very life to Khan at that exact moment if possible. That couldn't happen, so Monica opted for a kiss.

"Don't do anything about my family," Monica ordered, returning to Khan's chest to rest. "You are the best man humankind has ever produced, and they know it."

"Alright," Khan nodded, holding Monica tightly.

"And we need to order some food," Monica continued. "I won't let you starve just because you want me to sleep."

"Consider it done," Khan said, reaching for the phone at his side. josei

"Khan," Monica called.

"What is it?" Khan asked, his eyes browsing the food delivery options.

"I want to give you children," Monica revealed. "Eventually."

Khan froze. Monica's tone had been utterly serious, and he had no answer to give. Yet, his mana reacted, giving birth to something deeper than his usual resolve.

The time had yet to arrive, but Monica was thinking about taking steps forward. Khan only needed to consider that for a second to know he wanted to be with her on that journey. However, he had issues that his mindset alone couldn't solve.

Without fixing the issue of the mutations, Khan couldn't have a family. Without finding the Nak, Khan couldn't stay still, and he wouldn't let those problems get in Monica's way. They had to disappear to let his relationship bloom properly, and the imminent trip might give him what he needed.

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