
Chapter 58

Chapter 58

“A young team leader?”

“He’s been with the company for 2 months, twenty-seven.”

Cha Jin-seong couldn’t help but burst into laughter at Deputy Yoon’s report.

Having witnessed spectacular personnel changes throughout his 10 years in corporate life, it was rare to see such a disregard for common sense. Because of that, he felt that it was too hasty to make judgments.

“Cooperate according to the company regulations, up to a certain extent, follow the principles. Where is that team leader?”

“He’s in the fragrance room. What should we do, manager? Should we send him back?”

“Let’s meet him first. It’s burdensome for everyone when Director Jang Tae-seon comes up.”

On the way out of the office towards SH Center, Deputy Yoon criticized on the absurd personnel arrangement in the Central Research Institute.

“Does this make any sense? They may have a close relationship as juniors and seniors among themselves, but this is a company after all, and there are positions. A new employee collaborating on research with Audrey, of all people. I don’t understand this appointment of a team leader, at all.”

Cha Jin-seong could somewhat understand Deputy Yoon’s critic. Collaborating with a high-class perfume company in Europe, which was even considered prestigious in Europe, to infuse a pleasant fragrance into their own products was like a dream come true in this place where they researched day and night.

However, from the perspective of a business manager rather than a chemistry major, this matter needed to be handled with caution. That’s why he had to correct that attitude.

“Deputy Yoon.”

“Yes, manager.”

“There’s efficiency that comes from a horizontal relationship. In a large-scale organization like Jung-yeon, it’s necessary. If we have to work by meticulously checking which researcher is from which department and background, Deputy Yoon, can you focus on the research?”


“Research that is restricted in creativity carries disadvantages from the start. Let’s respect each other even if we’re different. It’s not that difficult.”

Deputy Yoon let out a small sigh and nodded, saying, “I understand,” calming down his frustration.

The two people walking towards the fragrance room became puzzled when they saw the corridor filled with employees.

They could hear murmuring voices and conversations.

“What number is it now for that person?”josei

“Thirty-six? Thirty-seven?”

“This is insane. How can they get every single one right without a single mistake? It’s like they’re a god.”

Curious about what they were talking about, Deputy Yoon squeezed his way through them and raised his head.

“Why are you all gathered here?”

“Deputy Yoon, do you know that the Fragrance Design team has formed a group for olfactory tests?”

As Deputy Yoon turned his gaze inward, his eyes widened at the sight of the young team leader facing off against the Fragrance Design team members.

Jeong-woo counted the number of bottles he had checked for fragrance molecules so far.

A total of 37 bottles.

The task of randomly selecting and distinguishing scents and defining them from 40 bottles inside the mini refrigerator had significant implications in this place.

Even after Shin Ki-woo correctly identified 24 of them, determining the final winner, rumors spread, and researchers from all directions flocked in. They had been watching to see how many they could guess correctly.

“The Audrey Perfume Project?”

“That luxury Audrey? That person is the team leader?”

“I guess he was scouted after working as a perfumer.”

The gaze of the senior researchers dealing with exceptional successors during their military service was intense.

Thanks to them, promoting the project became much better than expected.

The problem was the greatest drawback of this test that even Jeong-woo did not know.

‘Oh, gosh, it’s exhausting.’

Despite hardly using his sense of smell, various scents had irritated his nose to the point of paralysis.

Particularly, the concentrated essence of certain flower petals had an extreme scent variation, even bringing the smells of vinegar and pickles together.

Now, even refreshing scents were becoming repulsive. Jeong-woo understood why they couldn’t guess many of them, despite receiving training.

‘Maybe limiting it to 40 is due to the limitations of olfaction. Even if I try to smell more, I can’t.’

With a strained expression, Jeong-woo opened the 38th bottle. Pretending to smell it, he examined the molecular structure.

“There are various types of fruit essential oils.”

“Essential oils have six different concentrations, so it’s called the trap of deception. The differences are subtle. There aren’t many people at the center who can distinguish all of them.”

Jung Nayeon, who shared this information, was quite kind. Since surpassing 30, she had been advising Jeong-woo and even helping him on the side.

Shin Ki-woo, who had been hostile before, didn’t shoot him such glares anymore. It didn’t seem like he had accepted Jeong-woo’s abilities, but at least he wasn’t as confrontational.

Jeong-woo spoke up.

“It seems like the limonene content is high. Around 70% concentration? It’s not as fresh as lemon, but I can sense a slightly sweet aroma.”

One visible aspect was the structure of monoterpene hydrocarbons. Jeong-woo examined the composition ratio of carbon aggregates with petroleum-like scents within the cluster of fragrance molecules.

“It feels like the base note is similar to grape, lime, or orange.”

Since everyone in the room could also smell it simultaneously, there were both agreeing nods and shaking heads.

As Jeong-woo continued to analyze the spreading fragrance molecules, he suddenly felt a twist in his stomach even though he hadn’t eaten anything. He covered his mouth and thought, ‘Ah, I can’t imitate the sense of smell any further. I’ve showcased enough.’

‘Ugh, I can’t mimic the sense of smell at all. This should be enough to win them, right?’

While he was thinking that, Shin Ki-woo suddenly handed him something.

“Take this.”

In his palm was an alcohol swab.

“What is this?”

“The scents get tangled and make your head dizzy. Just hold it near your nose for 10 seconds. It should help reset your senses to some extent.”

“Ah, I see.”

Although he spoke bluntly, it was considerate. Jeong-woo nodded his head and accepted the alcohol swab. As he held the swab to his nose, he indeed felt refreshed.

“An outsider who knows nothing about it is about to break the record. It’s frustrating and irritating.”

Jeong-woo turned his gaze towards Shin Ki-woo’s muttering.

“The record, you say?”

“39. There are only 2 left now. And think carefully about the base note. You seem to have dulled your sense of smell, so you’re not catching scents well.”

Shin Ki-woo even provided advice. Jeong-woo carefully examined the fragrance molecules floating in the air.


It was an ethylene component. He saw particles of gas emitted with a fragrant smell when the citrus peel was pressed firmly.

“It was an essential oil blend of citrus base with basil and cedarwood.”

Jung Nayeon checked the label stuck to the bottom of the brown bottle and nodded her head.

“Citrus 65%, basil 20%, cedarwood 10%, other 5%. It’s accurate.”

Although the exact composition ratio was written on the label, Jeong-woo didn’t bother matching it precisely.

“Only two left for the all-clear. If you solve just one more, you’ll tie the center’s record.”

Jung Nayeon said this and handed him the 39th brown bottle. As Jeong-woo took it in his hand, the voices of the people outside also subsided.

‘What should I do?’

He had already achieved his goal. There was only a choice left whether to challenge the record or not.

Jeong-woo contemplated it. Breaking the record could potentially damage their pride. It’s not like he had a strong ambition for the record either.

“The, the manager is here.”

Suddenly, one of the researchers in the room looked startled and glanced at the door.

The crowd split, and two men entered the fragrance room. It was Deputy Director Yoon Hyeong-seok whom he had seen earlier, and a sharp-looking middle-aged man.

Deputy Director Yoon spoke to Jeong-woo.

“Mr. Han Jeong-woo, this is Manager Cha Jin-seong. Please continue the test. We won’t disturb you. We had to come in because we couldn’t see well from outside.”

Jeong-woo turned his gaze to the man who clearly appeared to be a superior.

“Hello, Manager.”

Cha Jin-seong nodded briefly in acknowledgment and stepped aside without saying a word.

Unlike the central research institute, in the subsidiary company, they address researchers by their ranks.

Even Assistant Manager Gong at KG Industries, who had a master’s degree in chemical engineering, was referred to as an assistant manager.

If someone is referred to as a manager here, it means they are a senior doctor with many years of experience. Jeong-woo nervously raised his hand to the stopper with a slightly tense expression.

As the 39th stopper was opened, Shin Ki-woo swallowed saliva. Deputy Director Yoon turned his head towards Cha Jin-seong.

“The seemingly unbreakable record seems to be broken after three years. Who was it back then? That doctor who resigned from here.”

“Dr. Cheon Seung-guk.”

“Yes, him. Just mentioning his name set off a real uproar.”

Jeong-woo hesitated at their conversation.

‘The person who set the record was Dr. Cheon?’

Chills ran down his spine at the mention of that person. The competition for the highest record was already meaningless.

Jeong-woo made his decision here. The main culprit who had inflicted a blow to the prestigious pride of the Fragrance Center was none other than Cheon Seung-guk. He had to protect him, from the perspective of his disciple.

“…This is also a fragrance oil. The misty scent is strong. Is this the smell of cypress?”

Rather than pretending to know nothing, he meticulously examined even the insignificant components.

“It seems to contain phenylpropane in lemon, and the fragrance mistisin was extracted from nutmeg.”

As Jeong Nayeon handed over the bottle and checked the label at the bottom, she had a subtle expression on her face.

“Are you sure?”

“It’s really suspicious, but since I’ve already mentioned it.”

“Ugh. Although nutmeg is also in the miscellaneous ingredients, the predominant note is definitely anise fruit.”

“Anise fruit? It was anethole, that’s what’s bothering me.”


Jeong Nayeon felt more regretful than Jeong-woo. Shin Ki-woo smelled the failed bottle up close.

“It’s definitely confusing. Nutmeg is too stimulating.”

The 40th fragrance, aimed at the record, failed to overcome the subtle difference in components. This makes a total of 38 now. Jeong-woo quietly apologized to Cheon Seung-guk and stepped back.

“Now I understand why a record is a record. It’s really tough when your concentration is disrupted.”

It wasn’t an empty statement. Jeong-woo thought that if it weren’t for the prescription of alcohol swabs, he would have been eliminated earlier.

Shin Ki-woo, standing in front of the mini fridge for organization, glanced at Jeong-woo, this time with a quite friendly gaze.

“Jeong-woo, you were also amazing.”

“Oh… thank you.”

With unexpected praise, Jeong-woo smiled happily.

“Team Leader Han Jeong-woo.”

When the test was over, Cha Jin-seong, who had been standing aside, called Jeong-woo in a polite tone.

The aura of a real decision-maker emanated strongly from him.

Jeong-woo immediately straightened his posture.

“Please feel free to speak. We’re in the same team after all.”

“Isn’t it only kind to make the other person feel comfortable if we want to impose? I don’t know much about Team Leader Han Jeong-woo yet, so I appreciate the cooperation letter from Director Jang Taeseon.”

Cha Jin-seong kept a sharp professional distance. As soon as Jeong-woo felt the stringent atmosphere, he realized that this was someone who wouldn’t easily fall for flattery.

“You can proceed with the project here from now on. As you can see, this is a space with many accessible researchers, so please take care of the materials yourself. If you have any specific requests, you can go through Deputy Yoon Hyeong-seok.”

Cha Jin-seong was about to turn around after finishing his words.



“This was part of the bet’s conditions. I think I should mention it. In the afternoon, Audrey’s representative, Michèle, will be visiting. They are the fragrance design team consisting of five people. Can I receive their assistance for about an hour?”

Cha Jin-seong turned his head to Shin Ki-woo.

“Employee Shin Ki-woo, will it not cause any disruptions to your work?”

“Oh, it won’t be a problem for just an hour.”

Cha Jin-seong turned his head back to Jeong-woo.

“I see. That’s all.”

As the director left, the people who had gathered dispersed. Yoon Hyeong-seok gave his phone number to Jeong-woo and immediately followed Cha Jin-seong.

‘He seems like someone who is decisive in making decisions. Unlike Director Jang, there’s no need to be overly cautious.’

Jeong-woo found it reassuring to see someone who appeared composed.


Shin Ki-woo, who had finished organizing the mini fridge, spoke to Jeong-woo from the side.

“There’s something you should keep in mind. Director Cha Jin-seong just now. He doesn’t have an ordinary background figure.”

After checking the surroundings, Shin Ki-woo spoke in a low voice.

“He may not show it openly, so people don’t mention it, but he is one of the direct grandsons of the CEO. Even within the same Royal Club, if the background is a president, director, or executive, mistakes can happen. And considering that our Center Director is also someone whom Director Cha cannot take lightly…”

Cha Jin-seong, a third-generation conglomerate heir. It was an astonishing story, but one thing seemed strange to Jeong-woo, and he tilted his head.

“The same Royal Club?”

“Anyway, I will definitely assist at 3 o’clock without any hesitation.”

Jeong-woo felt perplexed as he watched Shin Ki-woo move away.

‘Are you misunderstanding how I became a team leader? A sudden promotion to department head?’

He would have to unravel things little by little, but it felt a bit unfair.

3:20 PM.

Jeong-woo waited anxiously in front of the elevator. He had just received a message that Michèle would be coming up with Director Jang.

As he straightened his white coat collar, the elevator displayed the number 11.

“They’re coming, they’re coming.”

The doors opened, and Jeong-woo found himself face to face with a blue-eyed woman dressed in a suit. Director Jang, who had greeted her first, made a facial expression that seemed to say, “I’m in trouble” from behind.

Jeong-woo respectfully bowed.

“Welcome, Representative.”

“I know it’s a hasty visit. However, we need to see the working environment in order to plan for the long term. I hope for your understanding.”

“I understand. Please come this way.”

Jeong-woo guided Michèle and entered the corridor of the Fragrance Center. The male researcher who was performing the scent task followed behind her.

‘Stay calm.’

People who were interestedly looking towards the famous CEO’s visit could be seen here and there. There was even a male researcher who discreetly took photos, captivated by Michèle’s beauty.

As Jeong-woo walked ahead, he took another deep breath. It was his first face-to-face business meeting with a client. He continuously recalled the hospitality script he had prepared in his mind, as there was no room for mistakes.

“We will be conducting the work in the fragrance room here. It has good storage facilities, and it’s easy to move the latest equipment. Director Jang has paid a lot of attention to it.”

He glanced at Jang Taeseon, giving him a warning look. Jang Taeseon responded by standing at a distance and sending a finger-heart gesture.

Michèle, who had been silently following along, stopped abruptly in front of the fragrance room. Jeong-woo swiped the card on the door.


The interior of the glass door became visible.

Shin Ki-woo was analyzing the fragrance while holding a paper tester against a wind turbine. Jung Nayeon was dividing the beakers into ethanol and distilled water in containers. People were also rearranging the boxes containing dyes and antioxidants and organizing the fragrance bottles in the cabinet.

“Everyone. This is Audrey’s representative, Michèle.”

At Jeong-woo’s voice, everyone turned their heads and greeted her lightly. So far, everything went according to the prepared plan.

After scanning them, Michèle entered the room without a word.


The cooperation of the Fragrance Design Team seemed to have achieved some results in creating the atmosphere in the laboratory. Additionally, all the members of the design team had a curious gaze, full of interest, as they saw Michèle in person.

‘Please observe carefully and spread the word. We need to recruit team members by the end of this week.’

Jeong-woo silently made a request in his mind as he arrived at the table with Michèle.

“I heard you brought the first samples.”

“Secretary Kim.”

At Michèle’s call, an assistant placed a bag on the table.

With a click sound, Michèle took out a small bottle from the opened bag.

“This is a finished product made entirely from natural ingredients. This is the first public unveiling.”

As soon as she opened the cap, a captivating fragrance filled the room.

Shin Ki-woo, who was turning the wind turbine, was momentarily captivated and looked at Michèle with wide eyes.

“An ideal perfume emits a living scent the moment you breathe it in. It creates a spontaneous euphoria and unpredictable emotions.”

Michèle closed the cap and looked at Jeong-woo.

“What did you feel?”

Jeong-woo felt that Michèle didn’t want him to analyze the fragrance’s components, so he simply shared his impression.

“That’s great. To the point where I want to keep smelling it.”


With an expression that could be interpreted as either a smile or a sigh, Michèle spoke.

“And this is the unfinished product that is missing the nine synthetic fragrances that should be composed by your team.”

As soon as she opened it, a peculiar scent reached their noses. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it also didn’t give off a typical perfume vibe.

“Perfume is a comprehensive art that embodies elegance, characteristics, and clarity. Any scent that doesn’t possess that is worthless, the worst.”

Michèle’s gaze turned toward Jang Tae-sun.

“Wow, Representative. I didn’t spray any ‘Bourne Number Nine’ today.”

Jang Tae-sun, feeling guilty, waved his hands, but Michèle pointed towards the door, not him.

“The scent that permeates the entire floor. What on earth is it?”

Michèle was asking about the reason behind this place being called the Fragrance Center. Jeong-woo turned his head towards Shin Ki-woo, indicating that he should answer.

Shin Ki-woo’s face took on a slightly proud expression as he nodded his head.

“It’s KG Life Health’s signature scent. It’s the base fragrance of the number one fabric softener, Sharprin. It combines the scents of herbs, violets, and oranges…”


Shin Ki-woo flinched as Michèle slammed the table.

“I feel sad and angry. Such a cheap and worthless fragrance.”

Jeong-woo cautiously asked Michèle, revealing a hint of politeness.

“Representative, why is this scent called ‘Wongteori’?”

Intentionally mispronouncing it to make it difficult to understand, Jeong-woo saw Michèle swiftly turn her head.

“It’s a standardized, lifeless scent that evokes no emotions. In Korea, you can find the same ‘floral’ category of scents everywhere. It’s as if the world only smells like flowers.”

The Fragrance Design team couldn’t refute the CEO’s criticism. The fragrance they first revealed was exceptional, leaving mouths agape. The woman before them had created dozens of such scents and gained worldwide fame, making her a leader in the industry.

“I’m disappointed in the level of fragrance in this research center. Jeong-woo, can proper work be done here?”

Michèle directly asked Jeong-woo.

‘…What is this question?’

Jeong-woo couldn’t easily find an answer.

If he said no, there would be no solution. But if he sided with Michèle, rumors would circulate that he disregarded the Fragrance Center.

Whose side should he take?


It seemed that the heavens had not yet finished testing him in this cursed position of team leader.

Jeong-woo hesitated, and his gaze lingered on the nameless flowers in the bag brought by Michèle.

‘For now, let’s focus on the work.’

He quickly proceeded with analyzing the molecular world, while at the same time, his mind was bursting with the search for an answer.

“Representative, we…”

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