
Chapter 59

Chapter 59

In the bag, the scent molecules emanating from the stem of the dried flower petals were similar to those I had seen from the jasmine during the morning olfactory test.

‘Antranilic acid methyl is exactly the same.’

While skimming through the list of nine endangered wild plants in the Audrey Project proposal, he recalled the name of a plant with a similar composition of ingredients.

As the analysis was roughly finished, Jeong-woo quickly retorted.

“We are chemists, not fragrance experts. Oh, or should I say perfumers? If you only speak from that perspective, we have nothing to say.”

Michèle stared at Jeong-woo as if asking him why he was saying that again. The uneasy gazes of the fragrance design team members were focused on Jeong-woo’s defiance towards the CEO.

“The first sample, the cottonseed oil scent. Do you know that this fragrance is similar to jasmine?”

“We don’t need anything similar.”

“I understand. However, I need to explain how the research will proceed from now on. Mr. Shin Ki-joon.”

In response to Jeong-woo’s call, Shin Ki-joon, who was sitting in a dazed manner, turned his head and said, “Yes?”

“Please bring a sample of jasmine.”

With an intense look that seemed to say please do as I say, Shin Ki-joon immediately got up and fetched a vial from the cabinet-shaped fragrance storage.

“Thank you.”

Jeong-woo accepted the vial containing the extract and looked at Michèle.

“First, we will start the work with the jasmine extract as a base, which has a molecular structure about 87% similar to the cottonseed extract. You would say that the 13% difference represents a significant gap. However, antranilic acid methyl exists in both cottonseed and jasmine. It’s exactly the same.”

The fragrance design team nodded in agreement with Jeong-woo’s words, but Michèle showed no sign of reaction.

“Can I use a small amount of the unfinished sample? After all, you called me here to evaluate it.”

As Jeong-woo spoke, he put on thin rubber gloves. When Michèle nodded in approval, he used the dropper to add a small amount of the unfinished sample liquid labeled ‘A’ to a test tube.

“The ratio for the cottonseed mixture is 40 to 1, right? The fragrance in the finished product earlier was like that…”

“The perfume manufacturing formula is not included in the contract.”

“Alright, then.”

Michèle didn’t mention anything about this part. Her gaze just became heavier.

Jeong-woo turned his head to look at Jang Nayeon.

“Please pass me the distilled water.”

She sent him a pleading look and mimicked tidying up before taking out a flask and handing him the distilled water.

“We’ll dilute it for the convenience of the experiment. It will be about 1/100, but you should be able to appreciate the scent sufficiently.”

“That’s fine. What about you?”

“Of course, we too. This is what these people do every day. They can detect the scent of even one element mixed in at a ratio of 1/100,000. That’s who they are.”

After giving them a compliment, Jeong-woo looked at Jang Taeseon, who had been standing there discreetly.

“That’s right. Director Jang Taeseon is…”

“Consider me nonexistent. My nose is the same as the team leader.”

He replied evasively. Sighing, Jeong-woo mixed the jasmine extract with the cottonseed extract in the A test tube.

He handed it to Michèle.

“How is it?”

“It’s similar, but the note is different. It has only improved slightly from the worst.”

“That’s expected. We haven’t added the ingredients of styrallyl acetate and geosmin from the cottonseed yet. Shin Ki-joon, Mr. Shin Ki-joon.”

When called again, Shin Ki-joon hesitated and looked at Jeong-woo.

“Regarding the two ingredients I just mentioned, which fragrance should we look for?”

“If it’s steryl acetate, it’s also included in the fabric softener microcapsules, and it has been spread in the adjacent refrigeration facility.”

“May I ask for your help?”

“Sure, I’ll go and get it.”

With Shin Ki-joon’s gesture, a team member who was organizing the cabinet went out.

“And for geosmin, we don’t have it here. It might be in the warehouse for organic compounds… Hmm, wait a moment.”

Shin Ki-joon went out to the corridor and returned with something in his hand.

“We can extract it from here.”

He said as he placed a handful of dirt on a glass dish. Jeong-woo’s eyes widened as he looked at Shin Ki-joon.

“From where?”

“From the potted plant in the corridor.”

“Ah, I see.”

Jeong-woo poured some of the ethyl alcohol he received from Jang Nayeon into the beaker containing the soil.

“The earthy odor from tap water is unpleasant, but the smell of the soil after rain is pleasant. It’s all about the ratio. The scent is created when all the elements from leaves, soil, and grass are dissolved little by little in the water droplets covering them.”

As he stirred the solution with a glass rod in the beaker, Jeong-woo finally poured a portion of the solution into the A test tube using a dropper. At that moment, a team member came in carrying a bottle containing styrallyl acetate capsules.

Jeong-woo placed a pill-sized capsule into the beaker and, just before pouring the distilled water, he told Michèle.

“Close your eyes.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The reaction from the protective capsule ingredients can be a bit intense.”

Other team members had already turned their heads. Jeong-woo placed his left palm in front of Michèle’s eyes and poured the distilled water with his right hand.

With a crackling flash, the capsule dissolved in the distilled water.

Michèle flinched and let out a surprised “Ahh.” Her upper body leaned back, but Jeong-woo casually held her to support her and smiled.

“It feels even more refreshing when it cools down.”


Feeling embarrassed about being the only one startled, Michèle turned her head toward the operatives, but seeing Jeong-woo standing calmly, she furrowed her eyebrows slightly.

Jeong-woo collected the liquid that had melted into a diluted solution and put it into a dropper, then added it to the A test tube. He spoke again.

“Earlier, it was 87% identical, and now, with the addition of two more ingredients, it’s 93% identical. Of course, you would say that this 7% represents a significant difference, right?”

He brought the A test tube closer to Michèle’s nose. Michèle sniffed and looked at Jeong-woo with a puzzled expression.

“How much better is it from a tiny difference?”

Michèle couldn’t give an easy answer. It was a task to distinguish the scent from among the nine elements that she had immersed in earlier, and one of them was even a synthetic fragrance. However, it emitted a much more complete fragrance, one that was much closer to the finished product than before.


Michèle, who had been observing Jeong-woo while he tidied up, finally spoke with some hesitation.

“I can’t fully trust the lab’s fragrances, but the experimental process is impressive.”

At this response, Jang Taeseon, who had been watching with bated breath, let out a sigh of relief first.

After finishing the sample delivery and laboratory inspection, Michèle stood up from her seat.

“Mr. Han Jeong-woo, I will provide new samples each time a finished product is ready. Plan the production process accordingly to match that speed.”

“I’ll be prepared.”

From 93% to 100%. In fact, this was the biggest challenge. Dealing with hundreds of different molecules was a daunting task.

That’s why Jeong-woo didn’t give a definite answer on when it would be finished.

As Michèle left for the corridor, Jang Taeseon waved his hand to Jeong-woo and said.

“I’ll accompany her. Well done, team leader. Rest well today.”

After Jang Taeseon left to accompany Michèle on her task, Jeong-woo finally let out a relieved sigh.

‘That’s right. Advertisement for team members.’

Turning his body, Jeong-woo opened his mouth to thank the fragrance design team members who had assisted him.

“Thank you for your help.”

Two researchers named Lee Seokhan and Kim Myungho approached Jeong-woo.

“Wow, the CEO’s personality is no joke.”

“How do Audrey’s employees even manage to work with such pressure?”

Jeong-woo chuckled gracefully and replied, “That’s true.” He bowed once again to the departing two people to express his gratitude.

“Jeong-woo, there was something I was curious about when you were mixing the fragrances earlier. You don’t have precise measuring equipment, so how do you adjust the ratios with a dropper?”

He couldn’t answer that he measured even the molecules, so Jeong-woo simply said it was just a matter of familiarity.

“Huh, you’re like someone who has spent decades in the lab. Your skills are impressive. Now that I saw it, you really are talented.”

Jang Nayeon also came closer and brought up a topic about sample analysis.

“You’ve already finished analyzing the cottonseed components, right? The composition ratios of aromatic compounds separately. It seems you weren’t assigned to this project for nothing.”

Both of them were in awe. They were the strongest personalities in the fragrance design team.

At that moment, Jeong-woo skillfully changed the topic, feeling that this was the perfect moment to slip away.

“The collaborative research project with Audrey will progress successfully. With the help of the experienced members in the fragrance center, we can achieve even more positive results.”

He thought everything had gone well.

He smoothly handled the positive reactions from the two people and boosted the chemist’s pride with his response.

However, what came from Shin Ki-joon was completely different from what Jeong-woo had expected.

“…I don’t see any room for my abilities to contribute to this project.”


“It’s like spoon-feeding on a project that already has its basic design completed. I can’t do it; it’s embarrassing. And compared to the CEO earlier, I find Mr. Han Jeong-woo scarier.”


Shin Ki-joon’s gaze towards him was anything but light.

“You can tell at a glance. The perfection in sample analysis, combination, and measuring techniques. Even the top-class olfactory ability I saw this morning. Genius chemists like you are hard to catch up with for people like us. It might be called pride, but I won’t waste my time on a project where I can’t make a meaningful contribution. I can’t just say I researched what the team leader told me to do. Anyway, thanks for the opportunity. Junsoo, let’s go put away the capsules.”

After greeting Jeong-woo, Shin Ki-joon left the room with another researcher named Sung Junsoo.

Jang Nayeon, the team’s standout and always kind-hearted, gently spoke to Jeong-woo.

“It seems like Ki-joon was quite shocked. He considers himself the ace of the fragrance team, but he can’t keep up with a young talent like you in all aspects.”


“And, maybe it will be difficult to find project team members here at the center. They have their regular tasks, and the new product launch period is coming up soon, so everyone will be extremely busy.”

Jang Nayeon subtly expressed her intention to decline and left the room.


It was a deflating sound.

He wouldn’t participate just because he was doing too well, because he was too well-prepared, and because he didn’t want to be dragged in.

Being a successful team leader meant more than just being able to excel in everything.

Research was not a solitary endeavor.

When he had been arbitrarily interfering in others’ research, he hadn’t realized the weight of it.

「Day 5」 – Fragrance Room

With an anxious expression, Jeong-woo opened his laptop.

He typed in his ID and password for the company email and pressed Enter.

He closed his eyes tightly, then slowly opened them to check if there were any new applicants.


It was Friday, the final day of the public recruitment, and there were still zero applicants.josei

The contract had been finalized yesterday, and the payment was already completed. Jang Taeseon had even given him a corporate card with the name of the basic material to use freely, but there was no team member to use it.

Beep beep.

The door opened, and a staff member from the Fragrance Center walked into the closet-like storage room. Spotting Jeong-woo sitting in the corner, the staff member gave a slight bow.

“You came early today.”

“My transit time lined up perfectly.”

“There are days like that. Well, then.”


The staff member picked up one fragrance bottle and left the room. Jeong-woo had exchanged greetings with many people while going back and forth to the Fragrance Center for three days, but there was still a certain distance between them.

‘Doing research alone is just…’

He had clearly drawn the line with Jang Taeseon as well. He threatened to resign as the team leader if he forced the affiliated researchers to participate using his authority. This was a matter of his reputation in the research institute for the future.

He had also refused Jang Taeseon’s personal participation. It would be futile, as Jang Taeseon was only aggressive in spirit and wouldn’t be of any help.

“What am I going to do now?”

It was a morning filled with worries and sighs.


A message arrived, and Jeong-woo picked up his phone.

[I have a free schedule tomorrow. How about you, Jeong-woo? Are you going to the clinic? It would be nice if you come. It’s quite boring wandering around alone for the therapy course. I feel restless.]

Her message felt like that of a close friend all of a sudden.

Despite feeling a sense of comfort, Jeong-woo couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Yoon Yi-seol’s refreshing face, which added even more freshness.

[I’m fine too. I can’t miss the rare sight of Yi-seol getting a neck massage. Just don’t get a cramp in your foot this time.]

[That wasn’t me. I’ll be receiving that therapy for the first time tomorrow.]

Until evening, Jeong-woo worked on filling the remaining 7% of the Somdari fragrance molecules. It wasn’t too difficult, except for two issues.

There were only two test tubes that he could shake in his hands, and no matter how much he tried to minimize his movements from the fragrance warehouse to the material library, he still had to make the trip approximately every 30 minutes.

To construct the approximately 150 synthetic molecules required to fill the 7%, the tasks in his mind kept oscillating with no clear focus. Time and routes constantly tangled.

Though his body was one, in his mind, he had the potential for at least ten different tasks at any given moment.

If only there were just one more person with abilities like his own, he could achieve not twice but four or even eight times the efficiency. But such individuals were exceedingly rare in this world. He wondered where that person was and what they were doing.

“Ugh, I’m thirsty.”

Looking at the clock, it was already 7 PM.

‘Forget about enjoying the good life and skipping dinner for overtime. Let’s go home.’

Jeong-woo organized the test tubes and flasks he had laid out, turned off the switch of the reflux cooling device he had set up for the esterification reaction, and placed the unfinished sample in the cabinet, locking it securely.

Finally, as he was about to close the laptop, he noticed the number “1” on his work email inbox.

‘No way?’

Feeling a flutter of excitement, he clicked on it.

‘A, an applicant!’

He immediately picked up his phone and dialed the number.

Jeong-woo waited eagerly in front of the elevator on the 11th floor, looking all cheerful.

As the doors opened, Cho Seong-hwan, with his distinctive cabbage-like hairstyle, walked out. He was one of the six new recruits and had often given Jeong-woo friendly advice.


Seeing Jeong-woo approach with such enthusiasm, Cho Seong-hwan seemed taken aback.

“Did you wait long?”

“Just a bit. Shall we go to the break room?”

With a slight sense of guilt, Cho Seong-hwan followed Jeong-woo, who was leading the way.

“You were surprised by the message, right? I’m a bit embarrassed that I applied right after joining the company through the open recruitment.”

“Oh, not at all.”

As they stood in front of the vending machine, Jeong-woo smiled and asked, “Do you want milk?”

Cho Seong-hwan nodded in agreement.

After sitting across from each other at the table, Cho Seong-hwan cautiously opened up.

“To be honest, I received a transfer to the Pharmaceutical Bio Center. My mentor is… Senior Moon Chae-eun.”

“Dr. Moon?”

Jeong-woo felt like bursting into laughter and had to bite his lips to hold it in. Cho Seong-hwan let out a deep sigh.

“From the first day, she says that people are full of vitality. When they ask if I don’t sleep much, they say it like a joke, so I thought it was just a jest.”

“Oh, it’s not a joke. She doesn’t understand the concept of going home.”

“Yeah, exactly. Even though there’s a mountain of things to understand, she keeps asking if I want to go home. And she never leaves the office, so how can I go home?”

Having spent three weeks under the guidance of Dr. Moon, Cho Seong-hwan marveled at her remarkable consideration for her juniors as she taught them while being mindful of their well-being.

“Dr. Moon used to be a doctor, so she treats us like interns. It’s standard practice there, apparently. Come to think of it, doctors are really amazing, aren’t they?”

Jeong-woo tried to console him, but Cho Seong-hwan just hunched his shoulders even more.

“…Jeong-woo, can I apply for your project here? When I asked her, she immediately allowed me to. She told me to go there, learn well, and come back.”

“Of course…”

For her to readily give away one of her team members just showed how much she desired success in his work. Jeong-woo was grateful for everything she did.

“Starting from Monday, I’ll be coming to work here. I’ll talk to Manager Yoon about it.”


“By the way, Sung-hwan will be the first team member. Haha.”

“As expected. They didn’t apply at all, just as the rumors said. Maybe it’s because of jealousy.”

Jeong-woo expressed his gratitude to Cho Seong-hwan, who was providing comfort in a reverse manner. When their conversation came to an end, Cho Seong-hwan stood up.

“I’ll participate with a learning attitude. Jeong-woo… I mean, Team Leader Han Jeong-woo, you’re really skilled.”

“Welcome aboard.”

Their first handshake as team members.

It was the fifth day since Jeong-woo took on the role of team leader.

「Day 6」 – Cheongdam Sleep Clinic

“Ah… Ah…”

“Are you trying to make me laugh?”

Yoon Yi-seol, sitting on the vibration-intense autonomic nerve stimulation machine, opened her sleepy eyes and glared at Jeong-woo.

Jeong-woo pushed her foot back playfully, and as the Director Seong, who had left the seat, was currently busy, he took over his duties.

“I’ve been feeling down all week, but because of you, Yi-seol, I’m laughing a lot.”

“Yo… You’re… down…?”

“It’s not something serious. Working with someone else is not as easy as I thought.”

As the timer on the machine turned off, Yoon Yi-seol, who was fidgeting with her toes without knowing what to do, quickly escaped from Jeong-woo’s grip and covered her reddened cheek.

“I really hate this treatment.”


“After laughing so much, you keep laughing at me?”

“I’m being serious. If Yi-seol goes on a real variety show, she’d be a big hit. You’re naturally humorous in your daily life.”

“I won’t do it.”

Yoon Yi-seol, who had turned her body quickly, only glanced back slightly, and then her laughter stopped as she saw Jeong-woo looking gloomy again.

She asked carefully, “Do the people you work with dislike you?”

“Well, that’s great then. No one dislikes me.”

“How… How is that… an outcast?”

“Why are you jumping to such conclusions? It’s just that trying to do everything on my own makes it burdensome to work with me.”

Yoon Yi-seol’s expression turned serious as she heard Jeong-woo’s concerns for the first time. She said, “I was talking about finding someone to help you. When you enjoy doing something, people naturally join in and participate.”

“Are you talking about music?”

Nodding, Yoon Yi-seol said, “To enjoy it… Even doing chemistry with a team leader like you can be enjoyable.”

Whispering to Jeong-woo, she continued, “What does it matter? If you enjoy it, that’s all that matters. For me, anything related to music is great no matter who I’m with. Even my younger brother, who used to secretly listen to me play the guitar in our room and tease me. Back then, he was my only audience.”

Yoon Yi-seol, a singer-songwriter with a super-positive mindset that sweeps away any complicated worries and thoughts, beamed at Jeong-woo.

With such advice, Jeong-woo couldn’t help but respond.

“I’ll give it a try. If I fail…”

“If you fail?”

“I’ll make you laugh again. It’ll be hilarious.”

“You can’t do that! Forget it then.”

「Day 7」 – AN Hospital Pharmacy Support Center

Doctor Moon sat in front of Jeong-woo, holding a document with the test results.

“How many days do I have left, doctor?”

He tried to joke, but as there was no response at all, Jeong-woo had to force a wry smile.

A joke that isn’t received feels like an empty echo. These days, Jeong-woo’s mood was somewhat similar.

On a Sunday afternoon, Doctor Moon was still working at the hospital to check his condition.

“About the ‘special ability’ you mentioned, it’s hard to believe, but when you use that ability, your neurohormone levels fluctuate. We need to continue monitoring the sleep-related symptoms caused by the shocks and see if they can be overcome through training.”



Putting down the document, Doctor Moon stared intently at Jeong-woo’s face. With a face that any man would be nervous about when it comes that close, Jeong-woo felt slightly flustered.

“You’re going to examine me? Or use that as a pretext to tease me or tempt me…”

As Doctor Moon reached out and lifted the area under Jeong-woo’s eyes, he abandoned any unnecessary expectations.

“It’s an examination.”

“You said you slept for 8 hours, right? I can see symptoms of fatigue. Your eyes are congested. Are you under a lot of stress? Let’s give you an intravenous drip.”

“Isn’t it supposed to find the cause of the tiredness and recommend treatment? Nowadays, even sleeping is interrupted by the CEO of the client company… Ah. I said I slept for 8 hours, right, right.”

As Jeong-woo trembled with nervousness, Doctor Moon finally smirked ever so slightly.

“For goodness’ sake, you’re not going to quit your job. This level of stress is like a common cold for modern office workers.”

“A common cold? No wonder Seonghwan wanted to run away… Ugh! It seems like you just pinched and flipped my other eye on the opposite side?”

“If you don’t want to meet a doctor who can’t find a vein to administer an IV, then shut up now.”

Despite Doctor Moon’s threat, Jeong-woo didn’t give in. He had to make a request.

“Starting from next week, I’ll have to work overtime tightly, so please give me the top-of-the-line intravenous drip. Seonghwan might come back to see Doctor Moon again. All because of this team leader who only knows this job.”

“You’re going to work overtime under this much stress?”

“I’ll try to enjoy it as much as possible.”

Doctor Moon raised an eyebrow. Her gaze seemed to ask where on earth there could be enjoyable overtime in the world, and Jeong-woo’s expression turned resigned.

“In one way or another, it’s hell, but I have to keep a calm mind. That’s how it is.”

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