Child of Destiny

Chapter 257 The Emperor Of The Night

Chapter 257 The Emperor Of The Night


Two more days had passed inside the game.

And these past two days had caused some great changes inside the game. Not just for the major populace of the Holy City but also for the Powerhouses residing in it.

First, the average level of the players in the City had gone up by a great margin due to the continuous supply of 'EXP'. This news even made most of the players and major powers of the neighboring Cities panic.

Having heard the news, most of these players regretted not going to Holy City in an earlier time to join the event. But as the saying said, regret always came too late. So, there was no point dwelling too much on it.

At least now, these players still had two days to join the fun. Even if they couldn't get any special rewards from this event due to being unregistered, they still could leech some EXP from the waves of monsters. Though they couldn't get points from them, it was worth it.

Because of these newly arrived 'invaders', the competition in the ongoing event had gotten even more intense and chaotic. Skirmishes and fights occasionally took place on different sides of the entire battlefield.

Speaking of conflicts, the leading figures of the Holy City were also having more and more conflicts with each other as the event progressed. Adding on the new powers that were trying to join the 'fun' with the intention of drawing out some benefits, it was natural to have small scale wars in different places outside the City walls.

Most of the First-Rate Guilds even joined forces for the time being so that they could go against the major Powerhouses of the Holy City. Though, the latter group didn't pay much attention to them since they didn't have much free time to deal with these small fries; their real targets were the last wave bosses after all.

For them, their real competitors were the powers of their same level and other invading groups with similar strength, especially the new groups that wanted to join the contest of getting the loots of the last-wave bosses of each day.

They needed to focus on dealing with them so that they could secure the kill and loots of the last-wave bosses, especially since they failed to get the first last-wave boss.

Or that was what they all believed.

Only recently had they realized that this wasn't really the case.

There was just a single group of players that they really needed to look out for.

A small group that consisted of only three members but possessed some battle prowess that could rival the leading groups of the City and the main teams of these Powerhouses.

And that group was naturally the trio of Shin, Cloe and Simba. After securing the first last-wave boss, Shin and Simba planned to monopolize all the remaining bosses themselves.

That might sound a little crazy and hard to achieve since they were going to face the Powerhouses of the Holy City. But since their only targets were the last-wave bosses, all that they needed to do was to steal the last hit on the bosses before sweeping all of the loots with Shin's super-fast hand speed in his werewolf form.

Plus, the chaos that was caused by the arrival of the new players and super powers from neighboring Cities, let Shin and the other to two take advantage of the current situation. They could easily dodge the sights of the scouts observing them from a distance, then make their way to the locations of their targets.

Given that, their 'Operation Kill Stealing' became even much easier than they had expected.

After the intense first day, all of the leading parties became even more eager to secure the kills of the remaining last-wave bosses. But who would have thought that something that they didn't expect would happen once again?

On the second day, while every Powerhouse was too busy warding off the other Powerhouses, the trio suddenly appeared at the last moment. They not only stole the kill of the second day's last-wave boss, but also took all the loots that were dropped at that very moment.

Witnessing that sight, the Powerhouses present on that place went mad and simultaneously tried to prevent the trio from getting away. But all of their attempts were fruitless as the three were not their average players but a group of monsters.

Simba was like an unstoppable killing machine that was going to slaughter anyone that was going to block his path. Each swing of his battle-axe would either send a group of players flying, or dead. His actions of cutting all of the players in front of him didn't halt, hence clearing a path for him and Cloe to take.

Cloe, on the other hand, was an untouchable priest since she was not only being led by Simba but also being protected by her golden bear and Blackie. Whenever someone tried to get near her, they were being killed by the combined forces of the two pets beside her.

Meanwhile, our man with the most action here was doing his best to steal most of the limelight away from the two, which was quite effective as most of the opposing players were too focused on him.

They targeted him first, he was the one carrying all of the loots from the monster boss drops after all. But too bad for them, Shin was akin to an unkillable ghost that they couldn't even touch. Aside from his super-fast speed that was hard to even catch a sight of, he also resembled a real ghost in the battlefield, with the help of his 'Phantom Dance' skill. josei

Since the last-wave boss always appeared at night, Shin's werewolf form was always in its strongest form whenever the last-wave boss battle arrived. Moreover, the full moon time of the game would last until the fifth wave, so this form of Shin would always be at its peak whenever he activated it.

Even if he was quite weak in terms of in-game technique against some Peak-Titled Rankers that he had encountered, he was still able to hold himself against them without having much problems. He could close the gap with them given the stats granted by this werewolf form.

He even managed to kill some of those rankers in this form, which could be considered as an amazing feat. Shin became even more famous to the players of the Holy City, especially when they did yet another kill steal on the third day of the event.

The Powerhouses were too enraged. Taking down the first last-wave boss was already getting on their nerves, much less kill-stealing the second one. But if you added the third one, that was already too much.

With those reasons alone, the Powerhouses decided to send their best men to hunt the three down before the fourth day could start. Not only did they deploy their Godlike Players to lead the hunt, but they also sent the best teams of their armies to make sure that everything would go well.

But yet another surprise greeted these Powerhouses for another time.

The God Slayer: Tora, better known by the name Lawless now, together with his team appeared in the eyes of the public once again and helped the trio to ward off the opposing teams.

Of course, they couldn't face the combined forces of the other side with just them alone. But what if the Eternal Hope Adventurer Team, the remnants of the Butcher Team, together with a from Wing's Alliance and Titan Guild joined the battle?

The first group was there with an intention of paying off some debt while the second team was just there to join the fun since they failed to find Immortal's apostles.

The two Powerhouse Guild, on the other hand, were quite clever.

Since the Wing's Alliance was quite aware of the identity of Simba, they decided to help him instead of joining hands with the other side.

Getting some rare items might be really tempting, especially that those might give their guilds a great progress. But in Amanda's eyes, currying some favor from a Peak-Godlike Player like Simba was a much better choice.

She also didn't believe that Shin would carry all of the items on himself the entire time. It was more believable for him to hide those items in his personal safe inside the City, where no one could touch it, much less steal it from.

Meanwhile, the Titan Guild was just a special case. The strategist of the guild noticed something unusual when he saw that Lawless' group, the Eternal Hope and Wing's Alliance chose the other side.

So, with his gut feeling, he chose to gamble on the trio. Thus, they joined the fight against the other Powerhouses while hiding in the pretext of siding with the justice.

The battle might be a little brief but it was super intense to the point that it could already be claimed as an epic fight.

In the midst of all of these, a certain guy became too famous in the forums and other social online platforms with the help of 'Bunny Magic' once again.

Though it was just Shin's other identity, or rather, his real identity, the attention that he got this time was no joke. A lot of other players were talking about him now, especially since his battle was posted by 'VJ Miss Bunny'.

Given her overall fanbase, there were naturally a lot of players that watched Shin's battle video. And with how amazing it was, a lot of the viewers gave Shin a title even though he was still not a Titled Ranker.

As a lot of players had voted for that title, the system decided to put Shin in the special ranks of Maverick Rankers and gave him a personal title of 'Emperor of the Night'. The title was majorly influenced by Shin's werewolf form during night.

Just like any other titled ones, the system also gave him a phrase that was specially made for him.

"When the darkness arrives, the Emperor of the Night reigns."

And to this day, yet another legend was about be born.


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