Child of Destiny

Chapter 459 Creating An Adventurer Team

Chapter 459 Creating An Adventurer Team


Shin and the others spent the next couple of days like normal. It was as if the attempt of abducting Cloe didn't happen at all.

The mercenaries were acting lie low because of the security upgrade that the military had set up in the whole Ace City. There were a lot of geniuses coming to this place after all. So, making sure that everything was in check was a necessary thing to do.

Due to that, Shin and the others didn't have to worry much about the mercenaries who were targeting Cloe. Moreover, they also had their own security personnel guarding the whole neighborhood, so making a move on this place would only be the same as asking for their own deaths.


Shin just finished his daily morning routine and was about to prepare their breakfast.josei

But before he could even step on the kitchen, Arthur suddenly called him out with an excited tone. "Hey, Shin! I just got the notice about the upcoming special selection exam."

Shin suddenly halted his steps when he heard that. Then he turned his head at him before asking. "So, what did it say?"

"It says that the exam will be held next week, so we still have a few days to relax," replied Arthur almost instantly.

Shin couldn't help but knit his eyebrows when he heard that before asking. "Isn't it a little late? I thought it was going to be held after a day or two?"

Hearing that, Arthur raised the piece of paper that he was holding before answering. "That is also what I know. But it says here that it was slightly delayed since the exchange students from the other country are still not here."

"Exchange students? What is their connection with the selection exam?" muttered Shin to himself while falling into a deep thought.

"I heard that they are going to be in the special courses too. Maybe that is why they are waiting for them," said Leonard as he walked down from the stairs.

Shin nodded his head after hearing that. But at the same time, he also felt that he forgot about something. Especially when he heard the words 'exchange students'.

Then all of a sudden, Lawless and Faker suddenly flashed in his mind. "Ah! Yeah! I heard that those two are selected to be in the student exchange program."

Hearing that, both Arthur and Leonard simultaneously turned their heads at Shin with a confused look on their faces.

Seeing that, Shin scratched the back of his head while explaining. "About that, Brother Lawless and Brother Faker said that they are a part of the exchange students from the Lost Soul Continent."

This time, the eyes of the suddenly turned wide before making a face as if they were asking – "Then that means they are too strong." –

Understanding those looks, Shin just shrugged his shoulders while saying. "I'm not sure. But from my sparring match against Brother Faker before, he looks like a strong Martial-Artist in the 'Ethereal Opening Stage'."

"And from what I can see, he seems to be much stronger compared to most of the Martial-Artist on the same level," he added as he remembered the final moments of that sparring match.

The explosive speed and power that Faker had shown during that time put a really deep impression on him.

After that, he left the two and immediately prepared their breakfast. Fortunately, the girls were not going to join them now since they left with Shiella earlier.


While eating, Arthur suddenly remembered something and immediately said to Shin. "Ah! I just remembered. The «Destiny's Fate» server is going to be up again later tonight. Are you also going back in the game?"

Shin thought for a moment before nodding his head. "I guess so. After all, we don't have anything productive to do for a week."

"Why? Are we finally going to do your 'Empire Quest'?" he asked nonchalantly before going back to eat.

"Nope! I just thought about something," said Arthur while grinning from ear to ear.

Seeing that look, Leonard couldn't help but chuckle a little as he already knew that this guy was planning.

Meanwhile, Shin was also having a feeling of what it was. So, he immediately rejected the idea before Arthur could even voice his thoughts. "If you are still thinking of creating a guild, then you better forget about that. You already know that none of us want to have the responsibility of managing the guild."

"But I am not thinking of creating a Guild right now," responded Arthur almost instantly.

Hearing that, Shin knitted his eyebrows a little before asking. "So, what was it?"

Arthur's grin turned even higher as he answered. "Let's create an Adventurer Team!"

Both Shin and Leonard couldn't help but look at Arthur with a blank expression on their faces as if they were saying. – "Are you nuts? What's the difference? We also need to manage its members." –

Understanding what they were thinking, Arthur waved his index finger at them before saying. "You two are wrong. What I am asking is a small elite group of players where we can help each other."

"We don't need to manage the members of this particular team. All of us can act independently. Though, we are obligated to help each other whenever one of us is in need."

Leonard fell into a deep thought after hearing that before asking. "A casual party? Something like the previous Adventurer Team like 'Dark Hero and 'Knightfall'."

Arthur repeatedly nodded his head, confirming what Leonard had said. "Such groups are already common on the expert circle of the game. Like the 'Silent Paradise', 'Divine Order', 'Ruined Sanctuary', 'Blood Oath' and many more."

He then took a brief pause before adding. "Not only that, some of the top powers within the game also have their respective elite unit like that. Such as the 'Hunting Wolves' of the Assassin Union, the 'King's Raid' of Central Order, 'Unkillable' of Undying Guild, 'Nine Heads' of Hydra Guild, and others."

In the meantime, Shin suddenly squinted his eyes as he looked at Arthur a little suspiciously. And after a brief moment of silence, he suddenly asked. "How about you get to the point and tell us your real purpose. I know you have a different reason."

Arthur smiled a little embarrassedly before answering. "You know, there is still a limit on what an individual can do. So, it is better for us to be united and work together."

Shin and Leonard couldn't help but rolled their eyes at him when they heard those words. – "As if you really are thinking that way." –

Seeing those look on their faces, Arthur could only sigh helplessly before saying. "Alright, alright. You guys got me. What I actually want is to have a team which is as strong as the 'Pandemonium Troupe'."

"Pandemonium Troupe? What's that?" asked Shin with a confused look on his face.

On the other hand, Leonard answered that question for Arthur. "It is a particular elite unit of the mysterious power within the game, the 'Pandemonium Descendants'. I also clashed with the ordinary members of that superpower, but the guys from that unit are on a whole other level."

"Each of them is at least as strong as the peak players in the 'Secret Expert List'," added Arthur noddingly.

"So, that is your real reason for creating your own team?" asked Shin, who was still suspicious of Arthur.

Hearing that, Arthur could only surrender and answered truthfully. "Hiss~! Okay! My real reason for creating an Adventurer Team like that is to become a famous group like the 'Irregulars' of 20 years ago."

"And what the heck is that?" asked Shin while wearing a weird look on his face.

This time, Arthur was currently wearing an excited expression on his face while saying with sparkling eyes. "They are my role models. They are pretty well-known in the entire gaming industry because of the impossible feats that they have achieved before."

Shin sighed helplessly when he saw that Arthur suddenly lost his own world. Then he turned his head at Leonard to inquire a few more information about the said group.

On the other hand, Leonard just shrugged his shoulders before responding. "There are lot of information regarding them on the online forums regarding the virtual games. If you want to know more about them, then it is better for you to read those articles yourself. After all, reading is one of your hobbies."

Then he paused for a couple of moments before continuing. "But one thing is worth mentioning about them. They are known as the greatest Adventurer Team of all time. Moreover, each member of that group is all Hall of Famers."

"There is also a rumor running around the peak-expert players. It says that the 'Pandemonium Troupe' is planning to achieve the same feat as the 'Irregulars'. In fact, it seems like they already considered themselves as equals with that legendary group," he added before turning his head at Arthur.

At that point, Arthur suddenly slammed his hand on the table before saying with a determined tone. "That is why I want to destroy those guys! I can't let them ruin the reputation of my idols!"

Then he looked at the two with a questioning look on his face. – "So, what do you guys think? Want to help your brother out?" –

In the meantime, both Shin and Leonard shook their heads helplessly the moment they saw that look on Arthur's face.

And when they nodded their heads, Arthur slammed the table once again while saying with an excited tone. "Alright! It is decided then! So, let's immediately start brainstorming about the name of our own team!"

On the other hand, the other two could only look at each other with a helpless look on their faces. From what they could tell, this day was going to be a long day to spend.

Though, unknown to them. This day was going to be the mark where a new legend would shake the entire virtual gaming world.


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