Child of Destiny

Chapter 460 Empyrean Talons

Chapter 460 Empyrean Talons


It was already afternoon yet the trio of Shin, Arthur, and Leonard still hadn't decided to pick a good name for the Adventurer Team that they were going to start.

They actually suggested quite a lot of names already. Unfortunately, all of those were either awkward to hear. Given that, they started having a lot of trouble coming up with a good name.

"What are you three so serious about?" asked by a sudden voice that sounded beside Arthur.

On the other hand, Arthur felt like his heart suddenly jumped out of his chest the moment he heard that. And when he turned his head towards the direction of that voice, he saw Cloe looking at the three of them with her knitted eyebrows.

"Since when are you sitting over there?" asked Arthur.

"Since the time your three fell into a deep thinking," answered Cloe innocently. Shen then turned her head at Shin and Leonard before adding. "Actually, you are the only one that didn't notice my presence. These two already know that I am here since the time I entered."

After that, the expression on her face suddenly turned bright as she asked with an excited tone. "So, what are you three talking about for you to be so immersed in your own world?"

Arthur hesitated for a brief moment before saying with a little embarrassment. "Actually, we are planning to create an adventurer team and we are currently in the middle of picking up a name."

Hearing that, Cloe's face suddenly turned dark as she glared at the three. She raised her eyebrows before asking with a pretty cold tone. "And you are doing that behind my back? Didn't we promise that we are going to do it together?"

Seeing that look on her face, the three reflexively find someone to blame. And naturally, Arthur and Leonard were going to team up and let Shin deal with it. But if ever they did that, Shin would surely not be going to prepare anything for their dinner.

Given that, Arthur had no choice but to 'take responsibility'. "Of course not! We are actually planning to surprise you about it later. You just caught us red-handed."

But Cloe didn't buy his excuse and just stared at him with a frowning look on her face.

It took some time for the three to calm this girl down by explaining everything to her from the very start.

"So, you are planning to create an Adventurer Team that can rival the current 'Pandemonium Troupe' and became as famous as the legendary 'Irregulars'?" asked Cloe after hearing everything.

Then the three nodded their heads repeatedly as they were too afraid that her 'tantrums' would drag even longer.

"But do you guys already have our main members?" asked Cloe with a knitted brow.

"Aside from us, there is no one else. We are actually planning to look for more members when we get back in the game," said Shin almost instantly.

"Of course, the members that are going to be chosen by each of us, need to pass a certain test or criteria before they get the spot," added Arthur while nodding his head.

Hearing that, Cloe took a deep breath before sweeping her gaze at the three. Then she said immediately after. "A literal tank who loves to attract everyone's attention, a total bulldozer who wants to fight everything head-on, and an all-rounder who only believes in his own strength."

"Such an 'amazing' team composition you have there. You three don't have a specific role aside from being a total damage dealer," she added while shaking her head.

Arthur wanted to refute her words but he immediately rejected the idea when he saw Shin shaking his head. So, he could only agree with her while saying. "That is why we are looking for some players to fill the other spots."

"What's more, we already have a very reliable healer. So, filling up the other roles is going to be much easier," added Shin.

Hearing that, Cloe nodded her with some satisfaction before asking. "So, did you guys already have the candidates in mind?"

"I have someone in mind to fill the dedicated tank role. But I'm still not sure if he is willing to join our team," answered Shin almost instantly.

He then took a brief pause before adding. "As for the 'tracer/tracker' role, the three of us can do that job for the time being until we find a suitable person to fill that spot."

After that, he turned his head at Cloe while saying. "And you can be the magic damage dealer and team healer at the same time, right?"

"With all of those, the basic roles that need to be filled are already covered. What we need right now is to think of a good name for our Adventurer Team," said Arthur while nodding his head to support what Shin had said.

On the other hand, Cloe couldn't help but massage her temples after hearing all of that. But she couldn't do anything about it. After all, there was no stopping it when these three decided to do something.

But she was still not fully convinced, so she asked. "Then why not invite Shin's friends to join us to at least fill those missing spots?"

Hearing that, Shin could only smile bitterly and shook his head while saying. "They have their own adventurer team. Isn't it quite rude to ask them to disband their team and join ours instead?"

"Moreover, I already rejected Brother Lawless' offer to join them repeatedly – even after they helped me a lot of times. So, it will only make me quite ungrateful if I ever asked them about this matter," he added with a guilty tone.

Hearing that, Cloe could only sigh helplessly before asking. "So, who is going to be the team commander?"

But she immediately regretted saying that on the very next moment. Because when those words left her mouth, the tree simultaneously turned their heads at her.

"Why me!?" she asked, freaking out.

"You are the most sensible and rational person when we are together," answered Leonard instantly.

On the other hand, the other two nodded their heads repeatedly before Shin suddenly commented. "As you can see, the three of us are all troublemakers. Whenever one of us gets in trouble, the other two are most likely going to follow."

"So, you are the only one that can keep us in check if ever such things suddenly occurred," added Arthur who was still nodding his head.

Cloe was too stunned to say anything the moment she realized her current situation. At some point, she was even doubting if her decision to start an adventurer team with these guys was right.

Seeing the troubled look on her face, Arthur immediately said to her. "Don't worry. I can still be your Vice Commander while Shin is going to be our strategist-…"

He wanted to say some more, but Shin immediately cut his words off after seeing Cloe's worsening mood.

"Alright, how about we resume picking up a good name for our team?" said Shin to lighten up the mood.

Unfortunately, the atmosphere inside the room was still turning lower and lower which forced the three to stay silent.

That state lasted for quite some time until Cloe took a deep breath due to her helplessness. Then she swept her gaze at the three before saying. "Alright, I will take the position like what you guys want. But in one condition – I'm not going to handle the paperwork."

Hearing that, Shin immediately opened his Advance Watch and showed her a file through a virtual screen. "That is the draft of the contract that we are going to offer for our future members. If you want to add something, then just tell it to me and I will take care of it."

He drew this draft earlier since he felt bored when they couldn't think of a good name for the adventurer team.

"I will also ask the opinion of a professional lawyer about it, so you don't have much to worry," he added in a nonchalant manner.

Cloe scanned the draft of the contract for a moment before nodding her head. "Since it was you, then I'm sure that everything is going to be fine."

After that, she pursed her lips for a moment before saying at the three. "As for the team's name, I think I have a good one for us."

Hearing that, the three immediately sat up straight and waited for her to continue with full of anticipation.

On the other hand, Cloe cleared her throat for a moment before voicing out her thoughts. "Since we are going to be the rivals of the 'Pandemonium Troupe', I think it is better for us to have a name that is completely opposite to theirs. So-…"

She trailed her words a little to make it a little mystifying before continuing. "How about 'Empyrean Talons'?"

"If they are the 'Troupe' which represents the underworld, chaos, and disorder – then we are going to be the 'Talons' of heaven that will repel them to restore the peace and order," she added with a proud tone.josei

"Aside from the meaning behind that name, the name itself sounds cool," commented Arthur while nodding his head.

"Empyrean Talons, I like it," muttered Leonard.

"Then 'Empyrean Talons' it is," said Shin smilingly.

And with that, the 'Empyrean Talon' Adventurer Team was finally created.


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